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Fantasy The Elshien 13- OCC


Also I made this out of boredom, still a WIP, tho I think it looks authentic enough to the original in shape.
Thats amazing!!! I just freehanded the original on the back of Daily activity report. THAT is a map.
Also one interesting note…the shattered continent and its connecting seas are about 1/8th of the planet.

Based on the proportions given. (About 1000miles from west dagon coast to east Kirn coast.) plus about 200/400mi for seas. The entire thing is about 1300miles.x4 that for diameter . 5,200 miles is the planets diameter.

For comparison Mars is about 4,200mi, and Earth is about 7,900mi (rounding down on both.)
So far ive got 3 canon named cities.

Don Dorche (take a guess)

Imperitus (Corp)

Wrathful Mountain (Doiteain)

Ive just about got the locations for all the others.
Mmm relatable. Im at work currently creating an updated list of claimed characters…

Im also scanning for art looking for the other rulers of the other nations.

The Leaders of the respective nations are supposed to be interesting and some are scary powerful the King of Dagon for example survived the Superweapon explosion that killed malchor despite being only a dozen or so meters further from the blast’s epicenter,
Don't we just love Godlike tyrants in this archipelago.
We do, we do. Not all of them are so…ridiculous. Vox and Peching tend to just mind their own business and promptly joined the elsien empire for the sole purpose of gaining protected trade routes and international commerce. Peching in particular is like a Mediterranean island paradise. While Vox is fairly technologically advanced specifically in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. They have observatories. Oden has Giant Vikings but they mostly beef with each other over personal stuff, Rosh is constantly fending off advances from Kirin who ever couple of centuries gets all uppity and needs to get reminded of how everyone is sick of their crap.
I do not. Show me whatchu got.
A city centred around a House of Wisdom that is walled off, which doubles as both a center of learning and an administrative centre for the House Head of Aigne and the Council of Elders, forgoing a traditional palace. A place where scholars from all across the Empire would have come to get access to and study the vast archives of knowledge that House Aigne has hoarded over the centuries of their existence, albeit large sections of the archive remained closed to the public.

A massive scriptorium serves as the largest industry in the city with hundreds of scribes employed to write and copy all kinds of books and records for preservation within the walls of the Aigne Vaults as well as commercial reasons.

Aigne's reign as aloof suzerains over the denizes of their fiefdom, mostly confined to their spires atop the House of Wisdom, too absorbed delving into the mysteries of the past, or experimenting with the pushing the boundaries of their sorcery to care about the day to day affairs of the fiefdom, so day to day affairs are relegated to lesser house members, a diet made out of Lords of House Aigne.

Centuries back, the city used to house scholars from all the twelve noble houses and their subjects back in it's glory day but with the Aigne reputation damaged with the rise of Tormund. Fewer and fewer foreigners would make the journey over there to study, losing the city it's importance as a center of learning, while it would seem to somehwat improve during the tenure of the Aigne as an advisor to King Aslan, it would ultimately be a (relatively) short lived revival as after his dismisal the Aigne's went into a phase of "Splendid Isolation", providing scutage to the capital as demeed necessary by the vassal contract but refraining from getting involved in the realms politics and keeping to their own affairs.
A city centred around a House of Wisdom that is walled off, which doubles as both a center of learning and an administrative centre for the House Head of Aigne and the Council of Elders, forgoing a traditional palace. A place where scholars from all across the Empire would have come to get access to and study the vast archives of knowledge that House Aigne has hoarded over the centuries of their existence, albeit large sections of the archive remained closed to the public.

A massive scriptorium serves as the largest industry in the city with hundreds of scribes employed to write and copy all kinds of books and records for preservation within the walls of the Aigne Vaults as well as commercial reasons.

Aigne's reign as aloof suzerains over the denizes of their fiefdom, mostly confined to their spires atop the House of Wisdom, too absorbed delving into the mysteries of the past, or experimenting with the pushing the boundaries of their sorcery to care about the day to day affairs of the fiefdom, so day to day affairs are relegated to lesser house members, a diet made out of Lords of House Aigne.

Centuries back, the city used to house scholars from all the twelve noble houses and their subjects back in it's glory day but with the Aigne reputation damaged with the rise of Tormund. Fewer and fewer foreigners would make the journey over there to study, losing the city it's importance as a center of learning, while it would seem to somehwat improve during the tenure of the Aigne as an advisor to King Aslan, it would ultimately be a (relatively) short lived revival as after his dismisal the Aigne's went into a phase of "Splendid Isolation", providing scutage to the capital as demeed necessary by the vassal contract but refraining from getting involved in the realms politics and keeping to their own affairs.
Find yourself an image. Youve sold me.
Fantastic. Ill be opening a city section in the lore later on today after church.

Ive also been busy finding art and making up stuff for the other nations so expect that later today as well.

Tomorrow is looking like our startup.

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