The Eight Kingdoms

Alright, I'll see what I can brush up tomorrow when I wake up after Breakfast. I'm a little tired right now. Looking forward to joining ^^ well, seeing that the Princess of Camelot is pregnant, I wonder how things will turn out since the throne is...Well, up for grabs.
I apologize for the long delay; I was practicing on Driving and doing Yard Work with my Dad. Will posting momentarily.

@Archangel Galdrael @steevenajj
@steevenajj That's not what I said to do. I said actually fight him. Just explaining how your character got the power does not change the fact that it's godmodding and that it's impossible to combat say if the King shows up and you choose to do the same thing. I hate godmodding. Please change it.
Accompanied by a bone priestess, gonna need more than mere elf magic to take him down. My priestesses and shaman are no joke xD
Well guess what you two? Socializing may suck, but you need social skills in 90% of work places. Customer service sucks worse than normal socializing and the people you talk to are usually more grouchy. Not to mention you need to be able to effectively communicate with your boss and/or coworkers. You'll thank me one day @OutofSight OutofMind.
Socializing being a work requirement doesn't mean people need to do it. It isn't a skill that needs improving unless your line of work requires good speaking.
@Archangel Galdrael: Unless you are the person who freaks out when they try to talk to anyone regardless, and needs to learn to not be scared to speak. *Cough*Sis*Cough*
@Archangel Galdrael, I don't need to improve on that unless it's necessary. And you know what line of work I plan on going into, so all I have to socialize through is my first job to support my college funds.
For the record it is in fact. You help customers find things and deal with cranky people who were mad because I couldn't blow up 40 balloons in under 10 minutes. Besides, I actually socialize more than you realize. Just because I'm not super close to them doesn't mean we don't talk. I talk to pretty much everyone in the class during breaks. You just don't see that because you're in a different class. I agree socializing sucks, but it is something you have to do @OutofSight OutofMind
Or. y'know. We could not be morons and talk about socializing on a roleplaying sight, which is anything but socializing, and what all current parties are currently doing. Unless you're roleplaying reality this topic is completely invalid.
Point taken, but you realize that it is somewhat different in real life than on a roleplaying site. I get nervous in real life, but not so much online. Anyway, let's just all stop arguing this isn't really helping anyone anyway. I think it's just making @OutofSight OutofMind more mad at me than usual.

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