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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms


There's a certain beauty to broken people...
In the land of The Eight Kingdoms, magical creatures exist alongside humans. Some are peaceful and some are not. Each Kingdom has a King, Queen, Heirs(Prince/Princess), an ambassador, and an adviser. There are also blacksmiths, bakers, servants, thieves, etc. The Kingdoms are divided among the Elves, Dwarves, Faeries, Orcs, Humans, Dragons, Wolves, and Vampires.
//Okay guys! This is it! Post starters! I'll post mine in a bit, but I'm working on Neutral Characters. Until I finish, please don't mention characters in unfilled positions please! So no confusion starts. But feel free to have a servant or a baker mentioned! Hope this goes well~//

@Archangel Galdrael @Nenma Takashi @Noyeh @Hexter
Noyeh was roaming the castle, being an adviser was boring, but he had to advise the King. He was tired so he just kinda went to his room, laid on the bed and rested. Until the headache hit him, he punched himself in the head, hoping the pain would subdue. It took awhile for it to disappear, but he was relieved either way. Still laying on the bed, he looked up, trying to image what war would look like if the Dwarves and the Dragons started fighting, stealing each others' riches. It was not like Noyeh wanted that to happen, but it he still wondered what war would be like.

Punching himself in the head again, trying to push the thought out of his head, he stood up and walked out of his room, he walked over to the chef and grabbed some bread. He walked out of the Castle, sitting down on a small mountain, biting and chewing on the bread. It was delicious, so he kept eating, too tired, and bored to go back in. He rested his head on a tree that was close by, closing his eyes and sleeping calmly.
Shin sat on his throne and let out a deep sigh. He was happy king of dragons was a nice role for him he felt like he was achieving something. "A beautiful day."
Ogden strolled down the grand hallways towards the throne room at a leisurely pace. Thoughts of the kingdom and the needs of his people where floating in and out of his tired mind. It had been some time since he had last slept, and the weight of his busy days were begin to make his days more and more strenuous. But he had to continue, had had to persevere, and he had to get to the throne room to look over some reports. He stopped at the large throne room doors and sighed heavily. He did not despise being king in the slightest, it was the greatest honor and he would bear the mantle til the end of his days. But that didn't mean he could stop a moment and take a breather. He gave the doors a push and entered the throne room expecting to see the room filled with kinsmen that had reports and announcements for him to review. The empty room was a shocker to him. He continued his stroll over to his table and found his mug had been filled with his favorite ale from his private stash. He smiled, and greedily took several swigs of the cup as he continued his stroll to the throne and relaxed into it with a smile.
Laeretes slid the thick black curtains of his bedroom window to the side with his silver studded cane, looking out into the streets below him. His lip curled. The people there, all sheep under the rest of his family's rule. "Don't worry," he whispered through the glass, his eyes eager and hungry. "Have no fear. One day, I will set you free." He let the curtains fall back in place, smiling to himself. With that, he gingerly placed the top hat on his head, exiting the large and dark tower of the victorian house he called home.
The day for Renauk was one filled with turmoil, as he had multiple tasks in order to complete yet the day seemed to hurry along past him without his own consent. "Where had time gone?!" He said to himself in an annoyed tone of voice as he continued to walk towards the Throne Room of the royal's sector of the city. As a boy Renauk had never imagined being able to set foot into the royal sector let alone the Throne Room, however that seemed to be a dream of the past. It was dreams such as these that gave him the drive and motivation to do the impossible and rise through the caste like system of nobility of the dwarven hierarchy without having to wed a woman whom he had disinterest in. To bring the Grimdul name to it's height of glory, to surpass that of his own father and father before him. As his own family was no more than tenders of The Great Forge, which in its own right was a honor with no benefits. His family was considered peasant-like, and very much forgettable. That was going to change,quite quickly. With a shake of his head and a faint grunt from his throat Renauk pushed the thoughts quickly away from his mind. This morning he had set out to prepare the diplomatic sitting with the King along with a meeting with his family, and the forge as it was a daily tradition to pray to the gods every morning for safety and protection to the forge and for those who work on it. It was beginning to come to that time of the year when Renauk knew it was time for him to make diplomatic trips to the other nations in order to continue a time a peace of prosperity. While the dwarven kingdom had normally done extremely well finically from times of war, as their forge was constantly smelting the weapons of both war and invasion, however war did like to rear it's ugly face even in the most peaceful of times.

Making his way through the royal family sector his eyes came to the King's domain, one of long lore and much respect. Even to this day Renauk always got such a fuzzy feeling of pride when entering the domain without having to be searched or barred from entrance, due to class and family. With making a prideful grin on his face Renauk made his way past the surrounding entrance of guards and quickly making his way to the Throne Room. With the door already open Renauk knew this was a problem. The King had beaten him him here, something he didn't like to see at one bit. He prided himself on being early to this meetings, and not the late dwarf to the meeting. That was simply just bad taste, and ill advised unless you wanted to face the wrath of King Ogden. " Shit… May the Gods have mercy form the King's Wrath.." Renauk said under his breath as he entered the Throne Room with his head held high and his bag and Terragrouder close by on his back. To Renauk's surprise it was simply just the king in this domain no one else. Had someone not told him that the meeting was postponed? As he entered the room Renauk made certain to kneel and bow his head to the king. " Please forgive me my Graceous king.. I must apologize for my tardiness!" As he finished speaking he looked up to him king, and waiting for his permission to rise, as is tradition.
Elidyr walked out of the throne room. He had just finished talking to the King and Queen about export of the wine. It was a boring business but should be concluded. He pushed his dark hair back, even though the act was unnecessary as it was always pinned back. He was now going down to see the Captain of the guards to discuss the reports he was getting. He thought that they might be getting drunk while on duty. Again.
Ogden brought his mug to his beard once again as the doors to his throne room opened. He turns to see his ambassador Renauk, head held high with a proud march about him. He knelt to the ground and bowed as was the customary tradition when greeting royalty in the dwarven kingdom and spoke. As he spoke Ogden admired Renauk momentarily as he had done several times before. Someone who defied his own father to pursue his own dreams of serving a higher purpose. Ogden had heard of Renauk's tale before, and was one of many reasons why he had decided to give the position of Ambassador to him. He admired his determination and honor. He brought himself back to his senses and blinked a few times. "AH, Renauk, come, stand." He motioned for his ambassador to stand and join him at the throne. "I was begin'n ta wonder where all of my trusted members of my court had hidden themselves." He says these with a smile as he raised his mug to his kinsmen, a gesture for him to join in his relaxed state the ale has provided him.
Thomas stood infront of the mirror, his face looked uncomfortable as he adjusted the red sash across his chest, then the white belt. "Blasted ball, I hate these things." Thomas was wearing a completely black outfit, with a golden trim, and white belt. On the right side of his chest were various medals he had earned during his time as an officer in his fathers army, his left shoulder wore the house insignia. "Cassius, why are we doing this?"

"Why, sir? Because, you have too."

"Have too?" Thomas frowned, "and what did I say about calling me sir? Its Thomas."

"How long have I been calling you sir?"

"Almost 450 years."

"Give me 450 more then, Sir."

Thomas sighed and continued to adjust his uniform
Katla walked quietly into the throne room. She saw the King sitting on the throne and bowed her head respectfully as she went about her work. She was cleaning the room silently with her long red hair braided behind her. King Shin seemed in a good mood.
Shin began to get ready for a ball in the vampire kingdom he respected the power of the vampires. He wore his best suit which was his normal outfit with a tie he bowed to Katla. "Katla send word that I will be flying to the ball instead of horse thank you."
Katla nodded, "Of course, Your Highness. The Queen and I will be there shortly, Highness." The red headed servant curtsied to her King.
Laeretes slipped out into the carriage awaiting outside, looking at the note he carried in his pocket. You are cordially invited to the official vampiric ball of Orfeo. He raised his eyebrows as he read the message a couple of times over. "Well brother," he whispered as the carriage began to move. "It seems you have found a way to get me into the palace yourself."
Rhoswen arrived at the Ball with her parents. They were having another feud and she was sick of it. The innocent Faerie girl walked away from them and wondered around the castle. She had only been to the Vampire kingdom once and barely remembered it.
After only a short ride, the carriage stopped. Laeretes raised his eyebrows, making sure it was indeed the Ball they were at before he exited the vehicle, tipping the driver, and walking towards the entrance. He kept a keen eye on the rest of the attends, his eyes flashing. Few would know he was the prince of Orfeo, but they would know soon enough. He walked with his cane, just because he liked the way it improved his stride and posture.
"Sir, some of the guest have already arrived, shall we go down?" Cassius watched Thomas continue to mess with his uniform. Thomas finally sighed and turned around.

"Do I look fine Cas?"

"Wonderful, Sir."

"Fine, Fine." The only part of the uniform Thomas refused to wear was the sword. He felt it sent the wrong message since he was trying to make a picture of peace the new image of the Orfeo Kingdom. Thomas looked at Cassius, "Cas, do not follow me around the whole night. Go home to your wife."

Cassius smiled, "Yes sir." Cassius left quietly as Thomas made his way toward the grand room, where the ball was being held. He made sure to take a back way so he could slip in silently, he wasn't expecting to run into anyone, so when he saw a Faerie he was surprised, "Oh! Excuse me, are you lost Miss?"

Rhoswen looked startled at seeing a vampire in front of her suddenly. She had rarely left Avalon so she did not recognize him as being the prince even in the uniform. She smiled sweetly, "Yes, I didn't realize that I had wondered so far from the entrance and the ball." She glanced back, "So I've Been wandering around hoping either, I'll get lucky or find someone to help me." She seemed very naive and innocent.

"Ah, well, it seems you've found someone to help you then." He smiled, and bowed slightly, "My name is Tommy, I can get you to the ball, but if you dont mind, I'd like to go through the servants entrance, in order to avoid the main doors." He looked her over quickly, but kept his smile on his face, "If you dont mind me asking, what is your name?"
With a momentary silence sweeping over the throne room, following Renauk's query to ask forgiveness, he simply kept his head bowed to his king as he waited for his judgement. Renauk knew many of the time royal families knew plenty of his background surrounding his own family and his rise from peasanthood to psedu-royality. However contrary to popular rumor, he did not enjoy having that story looming over his head, like that of a title. It was already understood to him that he still had much to prove to the people of Orocarni, and King Ogden himself. It was for this very reason why currently Renauk was biting his lip. For what felt like an eternity of silence and stillness, Renauk felt the heated stare of his noble King places itself onto him. It was with the statement of " "AH, Renauk, come, stand." " that, he knew the King was in a very gracious mood this evening. This helped calm Renauk, as he paused for a moment before returning to a standing position. Standing not only gave Renauk the physical feeling of taking the bulk of weight off of his right knee, but also a mental feeling of relief. Staring into the King Ogden's eyes gave him a sense of vigor, and pride; that such a man would give him a chance to prove, that he was more than a smelter. With the King's statement completed, it was followed by a gesture towards the solid wood table near the throne it's self. This gesture and motion nearly startled him, as normally several other discussions were made, before this. One would normally assume that he was accustomed to these clichéd meetings, in his nearly eight year tenure as Ambassador, but that was far from the truth. Not to mention normally the Throne area was reserved for the King and Queen alone, along with one council member who was speaking, and or advising the king while the others stayed at the councilmen's table. Renauk had come to know that table by heart, The Chief advisor Loni sat at it's head facing the king, while his attendants sat readily by,it was then followed by a member of each royal family, and finally the Ambassador. Taking a moment to correct his attire, before approaching King Odgen, Renauk let out a sigh, and began to walk foreword towards the king. As he did so the king graced the air with his words yet again, which rang throughout the Throne Hall, like that of a gothic church. He was speaking on the grounds of his entire council seeming to be missing from the current meeting. " Well… Your Highness I was beginning to wonder the same me-self. I have not caught sight of Loni, today nor, anyone else. Though I haven't taken the time to check the Iron Horse Stouthouse. While it is rapidly approaching the anniversary of the times of peace, very much soon. I can not think of any other reason why the remaining members of the royal council would not be in attendance." As he spoke Renauk gently stroked his beard and begin to ponder to himself as he spoke. Maybe he should have checked the Stout house to try and find the others, but it most likely too late. Pushing the thought aside Renauk continued to speak, watched the king fix himself a tankard of ale. However it seemed his eyes had betrayed him, as the king made a gesture for him to drink with him. Drinking in dwarven society was very much seen as a very large factor in social life. And drinking with the King himself was of the up most highest honor anyone mouth breathing creature could be given. It was very rare that the King ever openly drank with those outside of his council, family, or simply kingdom social events. Just the idea of drinking with the king was monumental, but greater than that is drinking the King's grog, and ale. It was said to be the nectar of the gods and that it could any dwarf the courage to go into war without any hesitation! In all honesty Renauk would have been ok drinking peasant ale with the king, but the situation continued to get better. How could he simply tell the king no? That was just in bad taste! With a simply nod of his head, and the words " Of course, my Lord." Retrieving his tankard from the side pouch on his pack, without a moment of hesitation. Along with his tankard, he also pulled out his smoking pipe, along with a small amount of tobacco in which to pack into the pipe. As he slipped his pipe into the upper left chest pocket of his dark blue tunic, Renauk made his way over to the King's table where he pour his tankard three quarters full with the king's ale. Placing the large stein from which the ale was in, back onto the gold table, he placed his right hand onto the tankard and raised it to the king as a returning gesture of gratitude. " Gretule Furedim (Many thanks), My Lord." He said as he took a drink from his tankard.

The ale was like honey, smooth, palate cleansing, and went down without any horrid after tastes that ale of the lower qualities left after each drink. Renauk had always prided himself on trying any ale, even the worst of them all but nothing nothing compared to the quality of the King's ale. As he let the euphoric feeling cascade past him he set his mind back to the matter at him. " If I may speak your Highness, I feel now is a better time than any other to discuss your plans for the celebration, and touring of the other seven kingdoms in order to celebrate the anniversary of the declaration of peace." As he spoke his eyes never once left the king's as to try and find any form of emotion aside from pride into those eyes. For him the king was a tough biscuit to read, and figure, while he was no magi, Renauk knew had to read emotions through people's eyes. Taking another drink from his steel tankard, he began to wonder what the king did have in store for this time or merry celebration, and time of festivities. " As you know sir the… Bloo…Vampires are having a ball in the coming time, do you wish to attend? Diplomatically speaking sir, it would be a very good move, however If you do wish to attend, I can simply go in your stead"
She smiles and curtsies in response, "Rhoswen. And I don't mind at all, I don't want my parents to see me come in, so that's actually perfect." She brushed her sliver-white hair out of her eyes. Her mother had put it up but she took it out as soon as she could.
"Rhoswen? I had no clue I was honored to be with the Princess of Avalon." Thomas bowed slightly, he had made sure to go over the list carefully, to memorize the names and ranks of the honored guests, especially those from the other kingdoms, "You do not act like most nobles I know, that is a rare and admirable trait." Thomas smiled and walked beside her, with his hands clasped behind his back as he lead her to the servants entrance. The servants they passed bowed slightly to the duo, and each time, Thomas bowed slightly back.
Ogden took another swig of his Ale as Renauk reached for his tankard and poured his own. The ale of the king was something the Ogden's grandfather had begun making many years ago. It took 20 years for the concoction to ferment properly and even then it still had to undergo processes to bring it to such a rich and delicate flavor, but with enough potency to bring down a mountain boar given enough. Ogden's father had not been quite as liberal with his ale, keeping large portions of it for himself and living most of his days during the wars with his beard covered in the brew. But when Ogden took the throne he realized that his father had not take to what his grandfather had always tried to tell him about the importance of family and kinsmen. Ogden had the brewery begin making a similar drink for the taverns of the called Twinpeaks. Made much in the same way as The Kings Brew, Ogden wanted to share his grandfather generosity and brilliance with all of the dwarven kingdom. The Kings Brew was still a special brew and followed his grandfathers recipe to the letter, but Ogden served it to his kinsmen in his council willingly unlike his father. It made him feel like the bonds of trust as their kinsmen and king strengthened 10 fold to share in such a special beverage.

The king listened closely to Renauk's words as he always did. He was the ambassador, and the person he trusted most in keeping him up to date on the goings on in the other kingdoms. The celebration had been waning on his mind heavily for some time. As the time each year got closer and closer Ogden would begin to think of it more and more. it had been 10 years since the treaty between the Dragons and the Dwarves had been signed and peace was once again restored to the lands. Still to this day Ogden hard recurring night terrors of the battles against the Dragons. Terrible battles, flames, the sounds of screaming; all keeping Ogden from receiving enough sleep during this time of the year. It was the burden of a soldier and a kings that he bore every day. But this year was the decade anniversary, the longest time of peace they had ever had. Ogden drew his thoughts back a moment as he seated himself on the throne and stroked his beard. "This years celebration is very special Renauk. The bond we hold with the Dragons is something we cannot have severed. We are still recovering from the bloodshed my father brought on us. I think something very special is in order to celebrate this time of piece." Ogden turned and reached for a wrapped package that had been sitting waiting his arrival. Carefully he un wrapped the top of the package and bent it towards Renauk, Inside was a magnificently gem studded gold torch handle. Measuring approximately 3' in length, a beautifully sculpted dragon wrapped the handle, becoming the head the torch with its maw agape. In the middle of the torch sat the crest of Orocarni, lined with beautiful sapphires and rubies. "I had the master forgers working on it for months. I wish to present it to the dragon king Shin on the day of peace. The sorcerers worked the spells into the gems and gold so that the dragon fire which lights it will burn as long as peace persists." Ogden wrapped the torch back with its cloth and motioned for one of the servants to retrieve it. "Take this to the vault, ill send for it when the time comes." the servant padded of holding the package as a newborn babe. Ogden returned to his conversation with Renauk. "As for the tour, i will leave that in your capable hands to set up Renauk. After all, you spend more time in the 7 other kingdoms than anyone in Orocarni and i know you will put together something worthy of the kingdom." Ogden drained the last of his tankard and placed it on the table besides the throne. "Well, that's enough of the good stuff for now, specially if im to be presentable in public!" At this Ogden chuckled.
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Glandur sits on his throne with The Dark Crown, a circlet of outstanding magic, resting upon his head

and his black staff, The Moon Staff, by his side. "Elydir! Mira! Enter my court!" He called to them.

He sighed to himself adjusting his posture.

@SweetCat2319 @Fluffandstuff
Shin got to the ball and entered the beautiful scene was alittle much for him and he felt like he stood out thanks to the fact his suit was just a tie on his usual outfit. But never was one to be fancy in fact people from other kingdoms would sometimes mistake him for a simple servent or a commoner. But he wasn't bothered by it. "Hmm the vampires have quite a strange way of having a party." Dragons were more for explosions and sparing this was a bit out of Shin's thought process.

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