The Echoes of Absence

The Unfortunate Update-

Okay, I have a grandmother who is gonna be 87 in about a week. Just before I left for the conference at the beginning of the month, she fell and hurt herself and had to spend a week at the hospital, and then we had to move her to a recovery center. Between then and now she's gone almost completly senile and has been throwing tantrums at everything and anything.

The facility that she's in has asked me to take her away from the facility because she is upseting the other clients/paitents/whatever they're called. She needs more care than she can get at the retirement home she used to live at, and so she can't live there anymore. The only option that shows any sign of working is to move her into my house and arrange for some kind of In Home Assistance for her.

So between my already heavy workload and Grandma moving in, I'm not going to have time for any gaming fun, which totally sucks because I like this community so very much. Until my circumstances change, I'm going to have to drop out of everything I'm in here. Or she might die tomorrow and everything will be comparitively fine, there's no way to know. Sorry everyone.
Be brave man, tough times ahead.

My dad and I went throughout exactly the same last year, saw her a month before she had a stupid stupid fall, 83 yo grandma was healthy and cranky as hell, but after the fall, she had to be amputated three times (twice a leg, then the other) and lost her head and health in less than 6 months. She died in january of this year, a month after I went to Peru.

It's managable as a situation, but hard for the morale.

I wish you well through all this and hope your elder will leave this world as peacefully painlessly as mine did. :)
Similar thing happened to my great-grandmother, who was over a hundred years old at the time.

I liked the old bat, but she was too senile to even realise she had great-grandchildren most of the time.
I will be in London from Friday to Sunday, so I won't be able to post between these dates (and most likely not before Monday, actually).

I still intend to post tomorrow, though.
I will be gone til sunday evening, going to the beach for the large week end. Thank you APEC 8)
Ugh, I hate doing this.

I need, like, 10 more days. Maybe 12. Then I'll have finished this fucking paper and those fucking finals and will either have graduated or failed, and either way I'll have time again.

Please just bear with me guys :(
Laundreu said:
Ugh, I hate doing this.
I need, like, 10 more days. Maybe 12. Then I'll have finished this fucking paper and those fucking finals and will either have graduated or failed, and either way I'll have time again.

Please just bear with me guys :(
Chill. It's fine, take as long as you need.

We can wait. :mrgreen:
As the end of the semester draws near, I'm getting incredibly busy. Preparations for studying abroad in the spring term makes it only worse. This is not a declaration of complete absence per say, but more of a notice of my increased flakiness for the next few weeks (how could it get any worse, right? :P ). I'll try to keep up with things, but unfortunately, with these circumstances I can't make any promises. Thanks all.
I, too, will not post very often from now on. I have a very important exam on Saturday, after which I'll be more or less free, but from the 18th on, I'll go on a holiday and will be virtually without internet access until February 4 of 2009.
From today until this Friday, I will be entirely MIA. My schedule is jam packed with one or more huge things each day, so I can't possibly afford to focus my attention on anything else. So, adios until then. If I survive. >_<
Due to a need to focus on coursework, I may also be a bit inattentive for the next two weeks.

Now if I can just resist the temptation to find a MtA PBP forum and focus on this bloody poster.

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