The Echoes of Absence

So yeah, I've moved. Unfortunately, there are a few problems with the connection here, but hopefully I'll get that sorted out within the next few days.
I will take a plane to England tomorrow, so I won't be able to post until at least thursday. I'll also be living with someone I don't know and in conditions of which I know almost nothing, so I don't know how/when/how often/if I'll be able to use the Internet, but I'll still probably have at least one hour a day, so it should be ok.
So yeah, it ended up taking a little longer than expected to get everything sorted out with the service provider.

But it's done, and I'm back.
I, uh, hmm.... good question. Only you know the answer, young Padawan...

*goes off to add lightsabers to his futuristic Exalted setting he's been working on, thanks to that word...*
Been real busy lately and worn out after work.... not sure when I'll be able to next post....
To everyone who's games I am in.

I am incredibly sorry for the two week absence.

Real life has been chewing me up and spitting me out.

I love all of your respective games.

I think I may be able to post sometime in the next week as soon as I can read up on everything that has happened.
I am sorry about the absence of sorts. Work has been keeping me busy and I have not been sleeping well at all and been going to bed verrrrrry early because of it. I am still figuring out this sleep apnea thing I have. And the only reason I have any energy in the morning is because of the ADHD. Complimentary and yet not. LOL
Hullo! As I said, I would be gone for four days. I'm back and I'll do my best to catch up with everything today :) Thanks for the patience.
Going to limerick until thursday, probably won't have internet access while i'm down there... see you guys then.
The hand-in date for my first unit is on friday. Thus, I'll be concentrating on my work until then.

If you see me on here before friday afternoon, yell at me, will ya'?
I am going to be tied up for at least the next week, possibly longer. I just found out that the house my family is renting is up for forclosure, and has been since FEBURARY! We were planning on moving out to a new place at the end of January, but now we are out by the end of the week before we get a 24 hour eviction notice from the city.

Fucking landlord. :evil:
What the devil?!?!?

Wait, if it's up for foreclosure... how can your landlord still be renting it to you?
Damn, get a lawyer and sue the man !

If it's for foreclosure, the guy had to know since 8 months and might have not said a single word to screw your family with the rent.

If you can prove that he knew about that (considering your family just found out about it and recieved no documents prior to now) you can get at least the rents for the last 8 months, plus any expenses you'll have to relocate your family (keep the bills), plus some other damages...
We found out some more details about the house. OUr landlord had at one time 70 some odd houses here in town that he's renting out. He's dumping a bunch of them and declaring bankrupcy, and is keeping 18 of them. Ours is on that list, so, we're still going to have a roof over our heads (supposedly). But, since the fucktard pulled this shit without giving us at least a phone call, we're moving out. OUr roommate, Stephanie, has a house that she's fixing up and trying to sell. The place is a dump, but it will give us a place to stay until the house we were planning on moving into is available at the end of the year.

Thanks for the moral support, and the various suggestions of how to handle it. To my players, I hope to be back on the horse next week.
Sherwood said:
We found out some more details about the house. OUr landlord had at one time 70 some odd houses here in town that he's renting out. He's dumping a bunch of them and declaring bankrupcy, and is keeping 18 of them. Ours is on that list, so, we're still going to have a roof over our heads (supposedly). But, since the fucktard pulled this shit without giving us at least a phone call, we're moving out. OUr roommate, Stephanie, has a house that she's fixing up and trying to sell. The place is a dump, but it will give us a place to stay until the house we were planning on moving into is available at the end of the year.
Thanks for the moral support, and the various suggestions of how to handle it. To my players, I hope to be back on the horse next week.
Take your time. That's a really awful situation. Take care of yourself and your family.

If it takes 'til you're moved into the place you were going to move to anyway that's cool with me.
I'll be away for a week starting tomorrow. I may be able to find various internet cafes and the like.

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