The Echoes of Absence

Right, I'm off in the morning tomorrow; I'll be away until Thursday, but then I'll be off on another trip for just a day or so. If I can find a computer I may be able to make some check-ins but nothing's guaranteed.
Heh, both are way too expensive for my tastses. And clearly Apple is an abomination, the beast of the nine hells, ruled with an iron fist by the antichrist himself. :lol:

(just messing with all you Apple lovers out there :P ).
I'm taking a train to northern Italy in a couple of hours, but I will be back by Friday.
I would love to take a European vacation with my family. So much of my history comes from England and Scotland; it would be awesome to see some of the places in person that I've read about. Perhaps someday I'll get to.
Arthur said:
I'm taking a train to northern Italy in a couple of hours, but I will be back by Friday.
In fact, Italian train system sucks so much, but so much, that I'm not going anymore and I probably wasted €90,00.

Sharewood said:
I would love to take a European vacation with my family. So much of my history comes from England and Scotland; it would be awesome to see some of the places in person that I've read about. Perhaps someday I'll get to.
Yeah, I did that with Portugal. It was awesome. I met family I didn't even know I had. They live in a village with stone houses with only 40 families or so living in it. They produce their wine, their olive oil, their meat, their milk, their cheeses... It was really cool.
If you come to the UK there's only one country you should go to Wales.. wales i tell you its the most beautiful place in the world ;)

and it has the best campsite in the world, aledgedly

Top 25 Campsites in the World

disclaimer: the above statement is only true when its not raining, and it rains 99.99% of the time....
I'm going to the UK next Wednesday, and I'll be there until 2009.

I do intend to go to Wales (I'll be living in Southampton), and I love rain.
Nobble said:
If you come to the UK there's only one country you should go to Wales.. wales i tell you its the most beautiful place in the world ;)
and it has the best campsite in the world, aledgedly

Top 25 Campsites in the World

disclaimer: the above statement is only true when its not raining, and it rains 99.99% of the time....
If you don't object to languages that sound like you have a throat disease and contain far too many vowels... oh, and sheep.

Now Ireland, that's the place to be.
Chaka said:
Nobble said:
If you come to the UK there's only one country you should go to Wales.. wales i tell you its the most beautiful place in the world ;)
and it has the best campsite in the world, aledgedly

Top 25 Campsites in the World

disclaimer: the above statement is only true when its not raining, and it rains 99.99% of the time....
If you don't object to languages that sound like you have a throat disease and contain far too many vowels... oh, and sheep.

Now Ireland, that's the place to be.
Leave our sheep alone!!! their ours and we love them!!!! ;)

and i'm disappointed in you chaka a good irish boy and your dissing a celtic language.. gaelic and cymraeg are from the same root tongue.. and some think cymraeg is the purest of the celtic tongues and the oldest language in europe... but thats just might be my Welsh Nationalistic indoctrination rearing its head ;)
Haku said:
I worry at people loving sheep just a wee bit too much, y'ken?
its a national sport over here ;)

disclaimer: the above quote is in accordance with the Welsh stereotype of we are all farmers who get shall we say a little loney with their sheep
You should be feeling sheepish after a pun like that.
Nobble said:
Chaka said:
Nobble said:
If you come to the UK there's only one country you should go to Wales.. wales i tell you its the most beautiful place in the world ;)
and it has the best campsite in the world, aledgedly

Top 25 Campsites in the World

disclaimer: the above statement is only true when its not raining, and it rains 99.99% of the time....
If you don't object to languages that sound like you have a throat disease and contain far too many vowels... oh, and sheep.

Now Ireland, that's the place to be.
Leave our sheep alone!!! their ours and we love them!!!! ;)

and i'm disappointed in you chaka a good irish boy and your dissing a celtic language.. gaelic and cymraeg are from the same root tongue.. and some think cymraeg is the purest of the celtic tongues and the oldest language in europe... but thats just might be my Welsh Nationalistic indoctrination rearing its head ;)
I'm well aware of Cymraeg's roots. I can also pronounce Cymraeg. I was doing a degree in that kind of thing (including studying welsh) before i dropped out, when I realised i really hated celtic studies.

And don't worry, i'll bitch about Irish plenty as well. At least the Welsh grammar structure is kind of sane, it's just the rest of it that's mental. Irish doesn't even have a 'to have' verb, for christ's sake.

Seriously though. 7 vowels?!? Who needs that many? And w needs to pick. It can be either consonant or vowel, but not both. Fucking w. It wants to have its cake and eat it too.
yup and mutations... why its just plain lazy speaking ;)

but talking about vowel/consonant what about Y in english?
Chaka said:
Nobble said:
Chaka said:
Nobble said:
If you come to the UK there's only one country you should go to Wales.. wales i tell you its the most beautiful place in the world ;)
and it has the best campsite in the world, aledgedly

Top 25 Campsites in the World

disclaimer: the above statement is only true when its not raining, and it rains 99.99% of the time....
If you don't object to languages that sound like you have a throat disease and contain far too many vowels... oh, and sheep.

Now Ireland, that's the place to be.
Leave our sheep alone!!! their ours and we love them!!!! ;)

and i'm disappointed in you chaka a good irish boy and your dissing a celtic language.. gaelic and cymraeg are from the same root tongue.. and some think cymraeg is the purest of the celtic tongues and the oldest language in europe... but thats just might be my Welsh Nationalistic indoctrination rearing its head ;)
I'm well aware of Cymraeg's roots. I can also pronounce Cymraeg. I was doing a degree in that kind of thing (including studying welsh) before i dropped out, when I realised i really hated celtic studies.

And don't worry, i'll bitch about Irish plenty as well. At least the Welsh grammar structure is kind of sane, it's just the rest of it that's mental. Irish doesn't even have a 'to have' verb, for christ's sake.

Seriously though. 7 vowels?!? Who needs that many? And w needs to pick. It can be either consonant or vowel, but not both. Fucking w. It wants to have its cake and eat it too.
I be all about the Celtic Studies...but then, my time period of choice is pre-Roman, so not so much in the politics and linguistics.
Well, English is the most ridiculous, cumbersome, strange language ever, but at least I'm not trying to learn it.
Chaka said:
Well, English is the most ridiculous, cumbersome, strange language ever, but at least I'm not trying to learn it.
I think it's beautiful, and it has some of the most useful verbs out there. Plus, it's a great language for irony.
Oh, it's beautiful, and it's ironic potential is fantastic.

The grammar is still pants-on-head retarded though. Good thing for me I'm a native english speaker really, I'd never have the patience otherwise.
Essayez donc la grammaire française, et vous en ferez des cauchemars même dans vos prochaines réincarnations ! :twisted:

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