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Realistic or Modern The Dorm Room

Thalia walked around looking around as she took in the building. She was in complete awe and that rarely happened so she knew this building was amazing. She kept walking forward and ignored everything and everyone.

Tyler got up from his comfy spot on the ground and walked straight over to Damir. He tapped him on the shoulder before talking to him with a face that showed all too well how much he wanted to punch this guy in the face. "Look man, she's no interested. Back off."Tyler seemed to say it in a protective tone. He didn't even know this girl, why was he trying to protect her?


She just got up and started walking with the group, watching all the commotion. Kaylen wasn't really interested in these people. She just had to get through this week so her parents would stop trying to 'test' ever opportunity they got.
The school was amazing. Jackie decided that this is the right time to talk with someone her age for the first time in a year. She walked to a girl (Amethyst) that didn't look too scary. "Hi," she said.
"Arrgh," Damir growled, facing the guy. "That's exactly why I'd want her as a roommate: we'd pay mutual non-attention to each other. Trust me, I'm not looking for romance drama right now, I'm looking for a vacation." He dug around in his duffel bag. "And swim trunks." He stomped back outside to his car, "neatly" parked diagonally on the school lawn, because, well, Damir was terrible at driving. "Someone is going to pay for this," he muttered, leaning into his car and pulling out three suitcases. The first held girl necessities. "Ew, god, why? Sarah, why? Why? Why?" He moved it away and opened the next suitcase, filled with beef jerky, Playboy, and boxers. Guy necessities. "Guess I'm swimming in these," he muttered, grabbing a T-shirt from the side pocket and hauling butt back to the jacuzzi. "What's your name, by the way?" He asked the mildly threatening guy. "I'm Damir."

(I'll have Damir introduce himself to Kyle @Yewchung after this. Sorry you're being ignored currently; your character is great. Also, I promise, guys, the action will start soon.)
Thalia sat on a nearby bench, unsure of what to do. She pulled out a journal from her suitcase and a pen. After looking around once more, she started scribbling down words. She always loved writing songs and that never changed.

He just looked up at the guy with the same expression on his face. "Tyler." Is all he said before he turned aaa way from him and started walking in with the others.


Kaylen just quietly walked into the building, a regal air seemed to cling to her. When she heard the Amelia girl ask if any adults where here Kayen just rolled her eyes a little. "It doesn't look like there is anyone here. We should just find our rooms ourselves." It's not like Kaylen needed anyone's help. After all, she could pick any lock in the place.

She looked back at Amethyst with a friendly smile on her face. Being a good spy was also about making connections with people. And Kaylen was not a failure when it came to this either. "Okay, great. You wanna be roommates?" Kaylen said as she walked by one of the dooms that was designated for their stay. While Amethyst was looking in a different direction Kaylen quickly picked the lock and opened the door. "Oh look they left it unlocked for us."
A smile toyed at her mouth. It was obvious, what Kaylen had just done. She was exactly what a character of hers what like in her first novel. "Of course," Amethyst said, walking into the room. "I'd rather have you than be stuck with..." She glanced at Thalia before saying, "Never mind."

She just smirked back at her, a little suspicion hiding behind her eyes. "Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. That girl thinks she's so much tougher then she really is. It makes me sick." Kaylen decided that now was a good time to gossip and earn a little trust along the way. "...and laugh." Shejust had to add that last part. It was true after all.
Geez, thought Damir, staring at this Tyler character's back. I wonder if he'd be nicer if I were Alyx. He probably would. He decided to give it no more thought and instead went and introduced himself to the young man outside [Kyle]. "I'm Damir. You should tell me your name and also come inside because it is about to pour. You wouldn't want to get soaked, would you?" He smiled kindly. "Come on in." In the distance, it appeared that another student had arrived; dressed in a black cloak and exiting a black van. Creepy. Damir gave him a funny look. "Come on, let's go."
"Same," Amethyst laughed. She glanced outside, looking at the figure. "Um, guys? That doesn't look like a student," she whispered harshly.

Extending his hand as well, Kyle shook Damir's hand, returning the boy's warm smile. "Kyle, and thanks for the warning. I guess that's what I get for showing up this late, huh?" Taking his suitcase, Kyle followed Damir in.

"So, Damir's a pretty cool name. An uncommon one, too," said Kyle as they walked towards the building. "I hope you don't mind helping me out a bit. I've never been to a big college like this before, you see, and I'm not quite sure what to expect."
Amethyst glanced over at Kyle. "Another one?" Her eyes went back to the dark figure. "Hmm, someone else to easily outrun. Seriously, Kaylen, I don't like the look of that guy."

She looked out the window at the hooded man in all black. "Yah, you might be right. Something is off about him." Kaylen put her hand to her back and felt the gun hidden there. "Maybe I should go check it out." It was her job to protect these people. Just she also had to make sure she wasn't discovered as a spy-in-trsining. It would be best if she could get this guy alone and take care of him.
Damir laughed. "You're older than me," he said, "so you're probably already better off than I would be at a college like this. Plus, those girls are looking at you. I tried to be nice. I wasn't even flirting. And now they think I'm creepy. But they obviously like you, and that's the point of college, is it not?" He scowled. "Girls." He came to two empty rooms, side by side. "Which would you like?" he asked. "We can just settle in here and there until an R.A. shows up, I guess, and I can show you where the cafeteria is if you want a bite to eat, but I'm by no means a tour guide."
Damir went inside one of the rooms. The guy was at the door of the school, not coming inside. "Hey," he said. "That guy is weird. He looks like a- what is that? His shoulder. What is that? That wasn't there before. Come look, I think this guy is conceal-carrying."

She didn't know what to do. Hide with the others or try to protect them in order to hide her identity. She was at a complete loss. After all, this wasn't an actual mission. If she did try to protect them she could be revealed as a spy and destroy her career. She decided to protect her future, and hid with the others. "Ok guys, lets get inside this dorm. All of us!"


He had no idea what was going on. One minute he was walking inside, and the next he was being hurded inside a dorm with all the others. "Wait. What the hell is going on?"
The man had indeed been conceal carrying. He pulled out a pistol....

"Gun. Gun. Gun." Damir looked around and realized he was right in front of the window, then decided the hallway may be a better option. "Everyone stay away from the windows, and whatever you do, don't panic!" yelled a panicky Damir, grabbing his stuff and high-tailing it into the foyer. "Get upstairs now!"

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