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Realistic or Modern The Dorm Room

"Creepy jacket dude has gun!" Damir shouted, bursting up the stairs. "I have already had my near death experience of the day, I am fine on that, I assure you!" He looked down to check if Kyle was still there, but he couldn't tell.
"Get the heck away from him! Board the windows! I don't know!" He was panicking. "Why am I in charge suddenly? I don't know any of you even!"

She just rolled her eyes at everyone as they started freaking out. "Will you guys stop freaking out for one second and listen to me?" She pushed herself in front so everyone could see her. "All we need to do is stay calm and think with a clear head. First off, stay away from the windows and doors. If they can't see us, they can't aim at us."
Amethyst nodded. "Right, good idea." She glanced at the stairs that they had just run up. "What about everyone that's still down there?"

(could you possibly look at my character submission?) 
Ari tugs her suitcase higher up her shoulder, thankful of the side-entrance to the dorm building. Why deal with unnecessary people? She thinks to herself, trudging up the stairs. She stops when she sees everyone freaking. Listens. Someone has a gun. Her mind drifts to the sound of a gun from inside a wardrobe. With a quick shake of her head, those thought are gone. "Everyone calm down. There are still others down there. We need to get them to safety. Any ideas?"
"I can carry one at a time," Damir offered. "Force them up here." He yellled, "Hurry up! Gun!" and it rang through the house. The silence following felt awkward, which was when Damir realized he was using his lady voice. "Sorry," he apologized. "That happens when I'm scared."
Ari smirks. "There's a side door. That's where I came up from. I'm Ari, by the way." She nods to Damir and, after dropping her luggage, moves to look out the window. "Somebody is gonna need to distract the shooter...?"
Amethyst glanced at the others. "No, that isn't a good idea. We need to stay together. No one should try to be a distraction, got it?" the author snapped.
"I am NOT going back down there," Amethyst snapped again. Just who did this girl think she was, barging in and giving orders like she owned the place? She didn't like her either.
Amethyst crossed her arms. "Amethyst. Amethyst Fairchild." She flipped her blonde hair over one shoulder, looking the girl up and down.
"No idea. Three, maybe four upstairs, at least. Downstairs, there are more. I don't know how many, though." Amethyst shrugged. "They just distract from us, as far as I'm concerned. But we need to get them up here before that gunman decides to open fire."
Ari nods. "I'll be back." She slinks down bacck the side stairs, through the side door in which she came. Sneaking around the side, she pokes her head around the building. "Psst! This way!" She says to the others. They follow her back up.
Amethyst watched as Ari left, a bit guilty for not helping them and choosing to save her own skin instead. The feeling soon passed, however.

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