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Realistic or Modern The Dorm Room


Lord Legendary
Role Play Rating:

  • T- Teen (13 and up)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

A group of up to 12 high-schoolers of Bechdel Prep, any year, were offered the chance to live on and take in the beauty and the classes of the world's fanciest and most educational Ivy-League school, Brampmont. It seemed like a dream come true, until a crazy gun man forces the school into locking the high schoolers in their dorm rooms for the whole week, without food, water, or entertainment.

Oh, did I mention they can't stand each other? This should be fun.
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She just got out of her parents car when she looked around at the beautiful Bechdel Prep. But she kept an emotionless face then entire time. She wasn't here to have fun, to be honest she didn't even really know why she was here. Her parents told her it would be a perfect chance to practice her skills in a new setting. After all, if she was going to be a spy she still needed to get through college.

Kaylen when towards the trunk of the car and pulled out two suitcases. One filled with her essentials, and another filled with weapons. Her parents told her it would be best if she didn't bring them, but she insisted. After all, why would she go anywhere unarmed? She got all of her things with a bored look on her face. "Just another test." she mumbled under her breath. Kaylen was sick of all these tests. It didn't matter if she was still in high school, she was ready for the line of duty. She is better then most of the kids who already out there and working. So why couldn't she do it herself? Being a minor is really a stupid reason for keeping her skills in a cage.

She walked over to the gate with her bags in her hands. And sat down on the ground with a sigh, making sure not to land straight on the gun wedged behind her back. This is where she was told to wait, more kids should be coming and she should be taken care of soon. She started occupying her time by scouting the area, looking for any suspicious behavior. So far everything seemed normal.


He was so excited for this chance. In fact, words just couldn't describe it. Tyler was practically jumping up and down his entire car ride up. And that excitement just seemed to double when he finally saw the school. It was beautiful, gourgous really; everything Tyler ever dreamed of. His eyes seemed to double in size when he was driving through the campus. This was like a shrine to him. He always wanted to go to Bechdel Prep, his entire life really. Her worked night and day to maintain his grades, even if there weren't the best they were decent. And just being here was like a dream.

When the car rolled in front of the gate where he was supposed to wait, he practically jumped out before the care even stopped. He couldn't wait for this day to officially begin. He ran to the trunk of the car and pulled out his suitcase, he only brought one, he only needed one really. When he got all his things the walked over to the gate and saw a girl a little older then him already sitting here. He smiled and waved before sitting down himself. The girl just gave him a friendly smile and went back to looking around the school. "Ok, not the friendliest of people," Tyler thought to himself before doing the same.
Amethyst walk up to the large building, her suitcase rolling to a stop besides her. She traced the handle with her fingertips absentmindedly; this was her home for the next week. She spotted a boy and a girl already wandering around, but didn't bother saying hello to either of them. Instead, she started playing her music, putting both headphones in and sliding down against a wall, eyes closed. She sat like that for a while before she pulled a notebook out of her bag. She had always preferred writing out her stories by hand. She had a feeling that she'd be recognized almost immediately; a pretty face like hers was hard to forget, especially when it was as famous as she.
When he climbed out of the car, he was imagining something much smaller than what he saw. "Wow," said Damir, currently dressed in that stupid hipster Caroysel White's clothes. "Much bigger here than I expected." He didn't expect anyone to think he (well, technically, biologically, Damir was a she) was Caroysel White; Damir wasn't trying. But the rules said that once someone was inside the college, the competition's people could not kick them out. And once the first five had arrived, they would be allowed in. Damir looked around; he was the fourth.

God, he loved guidebooks.

He plunked down next to a girl with headphones in; there was less chance that he had to talk that way. "Hello," he said anyway, for the sake of being polite. "I'm Damir."
Amethyst glanced over at him. Inwardly, she scowled; people could be so rude. Didn't they know not to disturb someone who obviously didn't want to talk to anyone? But outwardly, she smiled. "Hey, I'm Amethyst." She glanced back down at her notebook and continued the sketch she was drawing of the school. The setting would be perfect - all she had to do was make it a bit more rundown.
Damir nodded and laid down. "I'm taking a nap, so I won't bother you," said Damir. "I don't snore. Wake me when the fifth person arrives, if you would be so kind." He proceeded to curl up into a little ball and drop off into his dreams. And he was right- he didn't snore.
Thalia climbed out of the car and adjusted her black shirt and purple beanie. She went to the truck and pulled out a red and black suitcase then sat it on the ground. She hit the car twice and watched it drive off. She turned towards the building and her jaw dropped. It was a lot more than she expected, but that wasn't a bad thing. She made her way to it, pulling her suitcase behind her, and noticed a few other people. She couldn't help but hope that she wasn't forced to talk to anyone.
From the instant Amethyst laid eyes on Thalia, she knew something was off about the girl. "Wake up," she said, shaking Damir. Her eyes never left the newcomer. "Fifth person's here."
"Oh, good." said Damir. "I have to hurry inside; I'm not supposed to be here. See you later, Amethyst." he said and scurried inside. As soon as the door closed, he sighed in relief. Home sweet home for the next week.
Thalia gave a simple nod but stayed silent. She pulled her phone and headphones out, putting them in, and turned the music on full blast. She sat her suitcase upright and sat against the wall singing along softly to Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace.
Thalia watched the stranger and shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly. She couldn't hear anything due to the volume and she didn't plan on changing that any time soon.
"Oh, I didn't win this competition," said Damir, stretching out. "I found a technicality that says I'm in, though." He smiled cheekily. "My dad is a defense lawyer who's never lost a case. I'm a natural at getting whatever I want." He smiled, then looked over at the girl blasting music. "So I'm going to go talk to her now. You're a witness that I was in here." He had left his luggage on the grassy area outside, so he grabbed it before anyone found Alyx's dresses and whatnot and decided to ask questions.

"Hello," he shouted cheerily at the girl. "I'm Damir. Who are you?"
Thalia kept nodding her head to the beat of the music, not hearing anyone. She was completely unaware of the boy outside with her. She sang along softly and tapped along on her knee.
"Okay. New plan." Damir went and stood four inches from her face, right in her line of view and waited. Eventually, this should startle her, if she was really as into her music as she seemed. And Damir could wait all day if necessary, but in truth, a song is only three to five minutes long, usually. While he waited, he began making silly faces.
Thalia opened her eyes when the song ended, unphased, and sighed taking her headphones out. "Did you say something?"
Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Boys." She looked around for some sort of authority figure, anyone who could tell her what was going on.
"I said hello, and my name is Damir," said Damir. "I'm trying to get to know everyone so I can pick the best roommate, if we're allowed to choose. Now, who are you?" He smiled wryly. "Let me guess...your name is something exotic and gorgeous like...Rosemary...?"
She sighed internally, her face showing no emotion. In all honesty, she wanted everyone to leave her alone, but it was obvious this guy, flirting with her and most likely everyone else, this Tiger Woods wannabe wasn't going to let that happen. "Thalia. Now would you mind? I was kinda busy."
"Mmm, okay." Damir said. "Have fun chilling by yourself outside in the cold when it's probably going to rain soon- yes, it's sunny, but I bet it rains today- when you could come inside and relax in the warm Jacuzzi." And with that he sauntered off, but not before yelling back, "By the way, my MP78 is waterproof."
The bus stopped, and Jackie went down. She looked at the school- there were a few kids already there. This time, she will stop being quiet and will try to talk to them. But first- she will spy on them. She dragged her suitcase with her, listening. Meh, nothing interesting. "I guess I can talk to them," Jackie thought
Thalia thought for a while then got up. She grabbed her suitcase and rolled it inside. She looked around in amazement. "Oh my god," she said more to herself than anything.
The girl Amethyst had decided she didn't like walked in. "Great," she muttered to herself. She wanted to like her, she really did... But she had always been an excellent judge of character. Something about this girl just rubbed her the wrong way. Damir didn't seem to be that bad, though.
"...and you'd better treat them nice in there Kyle. I swear, I don't know why any competition would let you within twelve miles of this place, if anything..."

Kyle stepped out of the car, grinning at the new scene before him. "Love you too, mom," he said as he walked away from the car, suitcase trailing behind him.

As the car pulled away, Kyle looked around the area. Some faces vaguely familiar, some less so. Turning and rapping on the side of his suitcase, Kyle whispered. "You alright in there, Eve?"

"I am functioning normally, Kyle," responded a synthesized voice from the suitcase, a faint computer whining emitting from within.

"Great," said Kyle. "I'm going to need some IDs on the guys around here. Could you get that for me?"

"Easy," spoke the voice, an almost cocky quality to the digital voice. "Give me a couple minutes and I can get you anything and everything the internet has to offer."

"That's my girl," said Kyle, sitting on top of the suitcase and looking around as he waited for Eve to finish her task.
"This is seriously incredible," Amethyst breathed. She bit her lip, gazing up at the high ceilings and the fancy interior. She felt out of place here, in her normal clothes. She felt like she should be wearing a ball gown.

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