The difficulties of this parenthood (Sharliery & Me)


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Viola Brauer was finally returning home after a long business trip out of the country and she couldn't possibly hide the sheer delight that had been carved into her very face. Don't take her wrong, she had pretty much enjoyed the past month she had spent in Paris, not only in company of her boyfriend - who she guessed she should start calling him her fiancé by now - but also in one of the most beautiful cities on the world, it was just that . . . She missed the hacienda, the horses, the very people who worked there, the nature, their dogs and animals in general, but most of all she had missed her little Graham, her cherished 9-year-old boy boy.

Smile creeping over her lips once again, she felt herself growing exited as, gradually, the facade of the house came into view and her SUV finally entered the rocky path which led to the entrance. It was strange, it wasn't the first time she had been overseas and away from her family, but there was a special thing she had to communicate to everybody and perhaps that was the main reason for the unusual eagerness that had sprouted on her heart a couple of days back already.

Her gaze lowered to her hands placed on the steering wheel and by a wondrous coincidence the little and delicately carved piece of jewellery on her ringer finger reflected the sun and shone brightly in all its majesty. How would her family react? She'd guess they'd happy to hear the good news, well most of them. Her granddad didn't like Joachim much, perhaps because he was what he called a . . . 'Pampered and useless brat' but Viola knew her fiancé was good at heart, after all everyone had their flaws, surely she had hers and so did her grandfather. Well at least her mother and friends approved of him and so did her father when he was alive, and Graham himself didn't . . . dislike him, he did thought he was his real father after all . . .

She didn't really like to be reminded of that night at the city so many years ago. If only she could erase all of that, if only she could wipe out those memories from her mind. Back then she was a foolish girl, a stupid 20 year old girl that had done something so idiotic that she had so desperately tried to pass off as a mere nightmare for the past 9 years. To her own dismay she could still remember that man's face, and believe her she had tried really hard not to. The only thing that kept her from calling that fateful night a big mistake was that Graham had been born from that 9 months later.

Stopping her SUV in front of her beloved house, the auburn haired woman got off as she quickly pushed those thoughts out of her mind. It was not worth it. "Welcome back, Miss Viola" Lifting her head up as soon as her name was mentioned, her gaze met that one of one of the oldest workers of the hacienda. "Thanks, Marco. Can you please tell Stan to take these luggage to my room? I'd really like to see my son right now. Do you know where he is?" The older man gave her a nod as he moved to the side "He's at the stables, accompanying the new worker, I believe" Viola's brow raised in curiosity at Marco's words "The new worker? I didn't know my mother had hired one" She declared, arms crossing across her chest "It was Mister Simon, ma'am" Her granddad? That was even stranger " . . . I see. Well, thank you, Marco" With a bit of hesitant steps, she finally made her way to where her son and that mysterious man was.

(Here it is @Sharliery I hope it isn't much of a lousy introductory post xc)
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The heat of spring blazed like summer out in the farm land where the Louisiana sky was as clear as the ocean water and the sun sat high above the land beating on anything in its path. The wind blew around the barns and stables, sweeping hay, leaves and whatever other it could carry. The main house, a large ranch style building, took up the majority of the front view. Behind it the farm and land ventured farther then the eye could see, but just before that the stables lingered not too far. About half a mile away, wooden fences led up to a gated pasture where a few horses roamed free. Grazing at the green fresh grass that still glistened from the early time watering. To left on slightly elevated ground held the stables.

The brick house stable bustled with life. 3 remaining horses were in their pins, their heads sticking out from the cages awaiting their turns to be let out into the free open range. Some neighed, others pattered their feet loudly, their tails whipping against the wooden frames.

"Hey now ya'll calm that down!" A voice bellowed through the stables as a tall man entered. Augustus' tall frame took up most of the door way that wasn't completely opened. He pushed it open further, revealing the small boy who held a pitchfork and water bottle. "You alright there Graham?" He asked, a grin spread across his face as he ruffled the boys unruly hair. His large hands felt warm against him, but he flicked his hand away.

Graham was dressed in tattered, grass stained jeans, his white shirt a complete mess of dirt, sweat and other un namely things. He was heaving for air, sweat trickling down the side of his face, if his mother saw him now. He knew for sure she'd have a fit. But Graham was ecstatic that his grand-dad had let him work the farm when he was free from studies. He felt empowered, alive, and better yet, NOT BORED. Graham had always had a difficult time with that, when his mother was away on business trips and his grand father always away he felt he had nothing to do but kick a ball around a house full of help. But Augustus had changed that. Ever since the 6'2 man came to help the family Graham always had something to do and someone to talk to.

"Y-yeah...but when are we riding the horses? You said we would today." Graham couldn't help but pout, he was hot, sweaty and tired of cleaning up after the horses. All he wanted was to hop on his small mare and ride around, jump some barrels like Augustus had taught him and today maybe even learn to lasso a Bull like in the movies and clips Augustus had shown him last week. "I'm ready to jump two barrels today. We'll never be done before supper at this pace!"

"Work then play. Don't I always tell you that? We'll never be done with whining and you passing go on and take them horses to the pasture for grazing, I'll clean up the rest here..." Augustus chuckled, adjusting the hat on his head and pulling up his jeans that were slipping down due to the sweat. His white shirt had also become dirty and unruly, and his hair was slick back, a few strands sticking out. He knew his forehead was sweating and instinctively his forearm came to wipe it dry. He hated being messy. He'd change right before he took Graham riding. Though he was farm help, he hated his clothing being unkempt. Augustus took pride in his appearance and even if he was working for money and didn't have much, he at least wanted to look decent. Pulling the gloves from his back pocket, he slipped them on, his eyes immediately darting to Graham's defiant green eyes that met his. They seemed to be welling with tears and passion. Augustus couldn't help but grin, spoiled little rich boys always had that look when someone told them no. Graham was a good kid, he knew it, but he didn't know what hard work meant. He got winded by just sweeping hay. "What you gon' cry?" Augustus teased. Graham's tears couldn't help but fall.

"You said you'd teach me how to lasso a bull before supper!" Graham gritted his teeth, he was hiccuping from tears and lack of breathing, his hands gripping the pitchfork and water bottle, his anger and disappointment apparent. Many times it reminded Augustus of himself as a boy, and that hit a weak spot in his heart. He stood in front of him and took a knee. Facing Graham at eye level he placed a large gloved hand over his small dirty ones.

"Hey, I said I would take you, didn't I? That means I will. But these horses need to be let out to stretch their legs. What if someone kept you in a box all day?" Augustus pushed a finger sternly against his chest for emphasis, reminding Graham of the many times he'd spend his days cooped in a room. "You'd be real unhappy am I right?" Graham only nodded in reply. "So stop them tears. You get these last 3 stallions to the pasture with the mare's and I'll shovel out all this dun so we can go, how bout it, partner?" Augustus bit his bottom lip, and took the pitchfork from him. He brought up a gloved fist, Graham's small fist knocked with his and gave a small nod of approval. He was crying less now, his bright green eyes slightly red as he passed Augustus to take out the first stallion. Augustus stood and walked to the pin across from the first horse Graham chose, he watched as he carefully handled the horse, stepping on a stool to place the horses straps on to lead him out. Graham secured them quickly and patted the horse on the nose, jumping off the stool he opened the gate to lead the horse out.

"You stay clear from behind them you hear?!" Augustus called out in warning before he left the stable, caring in his voice.

"Yes..." Graham grumbled, sniffling the last of his tears.

"I don't need the young master dying on my watch..." Augustus grumbled, quickly getting into his work to shovel out all the dirty hay and replace it with new hay. He wanted to finish quickly and keep his promise. As much as he teased Graham he only did it because he believed he could push him. He felt a sense of care for the boy , without really knowing why. Probably because he looked and reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. The thought made him smile. One day he'd have a son of his own, for now, he was content with him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/agust.jpg.507020022f68ffbab0b0d3aff4a33d32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/agust.jpg.507020022f68ffbab0b0d3aff4a33d32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hiding her face from the sun with the help of her pitch black cowboy hat, Viola curiously started on her way to where the stables were. The young woman was wearing light clothes which were perfect for the scorching hot weather that had taken over the place and could get, sometimes, rather suffocating. Her attire consisted of a purple and red plaid button up shirt - with the sleeves rolled up at her elbows and the shirt tied in a knot at her waist, exposing her stomach -, a pair of cut off jean shorts, her dark cowboy hat and cowboy boots of the same colour. You simply couldn't go around wearing that sort of outfit at Paris, but screw that place as she honestly felt comfier in those kind of clothes.

Not even a few minutes later, the only child of the Brauer family, owner of one of the biggest estates of the country, was stepping inside the stables, her boots announcing her presence due to the faint noise that was produced each time she took a step forward. Ah . . . That smell, she had missed that smell, the smell of horses, a smell of wood chips, dust, hay, with the lingering scent of sweat. It was a scent she had grew up with, a scent that reminded her of so many good memories she had got to experience on that place, it was her secrets and childhood keeper. A content sigh escaped her lips at the same time she raised her hand to tuck a loose strand of auburn hair behind her ear.

It was not until she actually was brought back to her senses by a dim like sound, that she was reminded of the purpose of her visit. As such, turning on her heels Viola walked over to the nearest box stall, and even thought she knew it was impossible she would find Graham in there - well more like it should be impossible - there was someone there and that someone surely would be able to tell her where on earth her little boy was. Gripping the top of the stall door with her long and slender fingers, she found a man in there, his back facing her. Viola parted her lips to speak up, however, she realised she didn't recognise this worker and her brow raised at the same time her head tilted slightly to the side.

She should have said something, asked for her child because he was most likely the man who was in company of her son, but she simply watched the man mucking out the stall in silence. He was wearing a white shirt which could be easily seen through mainly because of the sweat that was bathing his body, that caused for her to notice just how well built that man was. Viola didn't mean to be acting as a sort of a peeping tom, nor should she be watching another man's body and much less that one of her house workers but that man he . . . Well one couldn't deny he was quite gorgeous. Strong and broad back that narrowed down as it went down to his hips, muscular arms, fluid and flawless movements, one wasn't a saint so as not to take a look of something like that.

"Mom?" Viola blinked once, twice and even a third time before she quickly turned around, hands hiding behind her back as if she had been caught red handed doing something bad which she was desperately trying to hide. Her momentary embarrassment didn't last long though, as her son's appearance was rather slowly being registered into her mind. "Oh my God, Graham!" He was just so . . . untidy! Not to mention dirty and sweaty and . . . and . . . well simply not clean at all. Even his relatively long hair was sticking to his forehead and cheeks because of the sweat and was that . . . hay on his hair? Graham took a step back as in shame, though Viola knew far too well that he was stepping back in fear of her so as to avoid her scolding.

"What on earth happened to you?" That worried mom immediately fell to her knees and grabbed her son by his arms, and though she was rather surprised and bewildered and frankly sort of furious, her grip was firm but not tight so as not to harm him. "You're so dirty and scruffy" Brows furrowed, she was already trying to clean his little face with the help of her own sleeve "Stop mom!" The little guy complained at the same time he tried to free himself from her "It's nothing" Viola's frown grew larger "It's not 'nothing' little man, I want an explanation" She demanded, her greyish blue eyes piercing right into his bright green pair of ones.

" . . . Augustus" He finally replied under his breath, though in such a low whisper that Viola could barely hear his voice. "Who?" She asked, tilting her head back a bit. "Augustus" Graham repeated just as lowly before lowering his stare to the floor. Getting a grip of his chin, Viola raised it with delicacy "I can't hear you. Speak louder, son" Two tiny tears rolled down his flushed cheeks as he parted his lips "Augustus" This time his voice was hoarse, but loud enough for her to hear. Nevertheless, Viola's eyes softened as soon as the little tears had streamed down Graham's cheeks and gently she used one of her hands to cup his face and wipe the tears with her thumb "Don't cry, Graham. Who is Augustus?" This time she tried to soften her tone of voice.
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The heat was making the stall smoldering. Augustus' back drenching in sweat,. he could feel it creep from the nape of his neck down the small of his back. The only relief he experienced was the frequent breeze the flew in through the openings and doorway. Every 2 minutes his fore arm smeared across his forehead, removing the sweat that pooled. It had been a month that he had came to this farm, that reminded him so much of his grand dad's old farm, the smell, the feel and the sounds. All making him feel at home, the family that had employed him had been extremely great to him.

For years he had been working free lance all through all of New Orleans. New employers every week, sometimes even working three farms in a day but nothing paid quite enough for his expenses. His mother had fallen extremely ill a few years back, in and out of hospitals for the past 7 years, Augustus worked wherever he could just to maintain her bills up to date. It was thanks to Mister Simon, that he now had a stable job, living and his mother was being well cared for in one of the city's best hospital's. Augustus couldn't thank the Old man enough. He would work to the bone for Mr. Simon along with having his end of day whiskey every night on his front porch. The Old Man had plenty of stories to tell and Augustus' had nothing to do but listen.

"Mom?" Graham's surprised voice caused Augustus to stop his shoveling. The second voice sent his head railing behind his shoulder. The mother's voice sounded, surprised, concerned, and happy all at the same time. It caused a grin to spread across his face, at least she seemed to miss her child and that's all anyone could ever ask for. Augustus figured he'd give them a moment to catch up, his hands adjusted again on the pitchfork ready to heave the last of hay into the barrel until the mention of his name caught his complete attention.

"Don't cry, Graham. Who is Augustus?" The woman sounded concerned and upset at the same time. A feeling Augustus wasn't sure he wanted to encounter but he was only the help, he had no right to refuse her and at this rate he'd meet her one way or another.

Standing up right completely, Augustus leaned the pitchfork against the stall side. He swiped his fore head free of sweat, and looked down at his messy shirt. His insides cringed. This was no way to present himself to the lady of the house, but she couldn't expect much from the farm help could she? He hoped not, and if she did, he would make up with personality.

"Boy what'd I say about them water works?" Augustus said with a chuckle of confidence as he swung open the stall door. He closed it quickly behind him, his boots making a thud the dirt floor. He began removing his gloves, jamming them securely into his back pocket.

"I-I-I-" Graham couldn't even say how he felt, the surprise of his mother's return had made him emotionally unstable. He was happy nervous and excited all at the same time.

This was the first time Augustus had seen the lady of the house in the flesh. Before he had gotten glimpse of her from photos of her childhood hanging in the living area, or Christmas photos from previous years but none of those could compare to the beauty he saw in front of him now. She was holding her son's chin delicately between porcelain fingers, concern pouring from every inch of her expression. Her Auburn hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders' like a waterfall of sunsets. Her freckles enhanced her flawless skin and her striking blue eyes held him at an icy halt... The Madam was a real Southern Bell.

"I'm Augustus Bradford, Ma'am...Real nice to finally meet your acquaintance..." Augustus bustled with confidence, by this time his farm boy instinct had taken full charge. Removing his hat in politeness, one hand held the brim and his right hand came out to shake hers. He flashed her his infamous professional smile. First impression's were always key.
Deep voice, that's the first silly thing that came to mind when she was almost startled by the man who had spoken just behind her. He spoke to her son with such familiarity and such informality - something that the other workers wouldn't dare to do - that Viola simply had to take a look at him, at the man whom, she supposed, had had her sort of enchanted with the sight of his mere back. Tilting her head to the back and looking up from her crouched position, her stare met that one of a really good-looking man.

Really, not only the man's face was attractive, he was obviously fit and well-built. When he introduced himself to her, she quietly stood up and in an almost automatic manner, she took a from hold of his hand when she saw it extended in from of him. "Right . . . Likewise, Viola Brauer" She didn't know if she was behaving like an idiot, surely she was, but she kept on staring at him in such a shameless way that she could almost swear her mother would fly off the handle if she caught her only daughter gazing over a man other than her boyfriend in such a way.

But . . . How could she not? His slightly tanned skin blended with his dark brown hair. Loose strands of hair stuck to his sweaty forehead of that oval shaped head of his. Wide green eyes brought out his natural beauty, and she couldn't help but stare. His thick dark eyebrows showed content, but friendly at the same time. And just when she was finally done with the staring, the penny dropped, and she pulled back her hand with such fervour that one could easily misunderstood that the man could have hurt her either by accident or purposefully.

She couldn't forget that face, not that one, much less that alluring smile that had crept over his lips and was now giving her the chills. For a moment, a brief one, there was dread on that confident woman's eyes and Viola couldn't help it but imagine the most horrible things as to why that man was in her house . . . Even more! As to why he was with her kid. It was like relieving that nightmare again, and to her own dismay she found herself being terribly hurt not by the fact that she had slept with him but by the fact that she had woken up the next day all alone and carrying his child.

She cringed ever so slightly, and was surprised at herself for the twirl of emotions seeing him . . . Augustus, after so many years could cause her to become so emotionally unstable. All of a sudden she felt sick and she had to take a step back when she felt as if the world beneath her was crumbling. She didn't even consider the idea of her being mistaken, because she knew his face far too well, that face that kept on haunting her for the past 9 years.

Did he know? Had he found out? No . . . But how could he? The only ones who knew her secret were solely her mother, Joachim and of course herself. Not her granddad, and not even her father when he was alive. "You okay, Mom?" Graham's gentle touch snapped her out of it, though it felt as if she had painfully been dragged back to reality. Eyes wide, she turned around to face him. For a moment there, she was left speechless before she even had to force herself to speak and move; do something.

"Graham, baby. Go inside the house and take a shower" She told him, though she sounded frail and she was pale "But Mom, Augustus was going to-" It was even worse to hear that name coming out from her son't lips "Go and take a shower, Graham. Grandma will get angry" The boy seemed extremely offended for a moment when her mother had not allowed him to finish up his sentence, truth was Viola did pamper him a lot, however, he was much more afraid of her mother's mom than of her own mother. "Fine" Sulking, the little boy threw a last glance at Augustus before he walked away, dragging his feet.

It was not until he had completely left the stables that Viola diverted her gaze from him to lay it on Augustus. "What are you doing here?" She asked, breathless, at the same time she held her stomach as if she really was about to pass out. Normally, things like that wouldn't happen to her, but one couldn't blame her. That was a real big shock for her.
Augustus was comoletely enchanted by her beauty and grace. The soft feeling of her palms felt like butter as they shook hands. He noticed how her hand quickly retracted.

"Viola Brauer..." Her name rolled off his tongue as if he had spoke it before. Repeating it for emphasis and memorization. He let her name Run through his memory bank but couldn't quite put it to where.

Augustus kept her gaze as it studied every inch if him. He chopped it out to being because he was new. She wanted to see who had been around her son and that was unferstandable. What took him a back was her sudden change in mood. All color draininhg from her face, his eyebrow arched when she told the boy to go inside.

"Well ma'am I promised him I woul-" Augustus started behind Grahams mutters, abruptly cut off by her shaky voice.

"Go and take a shower, Graham. Grandma will get angry."

Augustus watched as Grahams eyebrows forrowed in frustration as he searched his mother's fqce for an answer to her sudden mood. Augustus met his sulking glance causing a pained guilt in his heart.

"I'll fetch ya before supper if your mama lets, ya hear?!" Augustus bellowed after him without thinking. The smile Graham gave him made it all worth while. The boy kick up his heels into a run toward the house. Augustus grinned.

"What are you doing here?" Her breathless voice oozed in desperate need.

His grin quickly disappaited, green eyes dragging away from the running boy to meet peering blue ones, he felt the hairs on his nape stand on edge.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Augustus sounded completely baffled. Did she not know he'd been working the farm for a month? Did no one inform her of the new help? "I've been employed by mister Simon. I work the stables and crop mostly...but I watch your boy from time to time as well... Sort of like a nanny." Augustus tried to make a joke from it, shooting her another winner smile, but it didn't seem to work. Her eyes shot vengeance.

"Look if it's about his falling off the horse, he was completely covered and had a helmet on...He was running laps around the house in no time..."

Again nothing, Augustus was twirling the brim of his hat between his fingers, her eyes suggested that he had done something. ..but if it wasn't on the farm. ..then??

"I'm sorry to say but .... have we net before?" Augustus eyebrows were furrowed in complete confusion.

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It horrified her how close those two seemed to be . . . As if . . . As if . . . No, she didn't even want to think about it. Graham was a sweet little boy, but he was sort of pampered and kind of spoiled, which had an effect on him not having that much friends. He simply didn't open up to people, not easily. And there he was, smiling at someone who he had just met a month . . . a month! He had had a complete month with her kid! It felt as if she was panicking all over again.

It felt as if he heart had almost stopped when she practically blurted out her question, truly she needed to hear her answer, she desperately needed to make sure he hadn't come there to take away Graham from her. Not now, not after 9 years. Her posture, forever straight and proper, was weak as if a mere breeze would be enough to throw her to the ground and keep her there. Right there, though there was a boiling rage somewhere inside her, it had been overcame by uncertainty and dread.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" It was his voice, that very tone that showed his puzzled feelings and the explanation that followed the one that was really the last straw. She didn't know if he was playing games with her or if he was being sarcastic but her own gaze flared and she felt as if her energy had been renewed. She wouldn't play that stupid little game with him, how could he even think he'd believe in those words? If he was there, perhaps he wanted money or something . . . Anything but her son.

However, as the explanations kept on coming, doubt gradually pushed its way into her mind, and no one, believe it, no one, could pretend in the way he was doing it that he didn't really know what was going on. At first she watched him with suspicion, and when the last question was posed, she blinked a few times. He couldn't be that great of an actor, now could he?

If he really didn't know, and if that really turned out to be a horrible coincidence then there was no need for her to be as stupid as to say something that'd be unnecessary. Although, if that was one of his games . . . She had to risk it, because he left her no choice. The relief that she finally allowed to flood her heart was almost painful and she almost feel like fainting again.

Her lips quivered before her voice actually came out "No . . . " It was almost a whisper, but she couldn't help it "No, we haven't" Shaking her head, she breathed in. "Continue with you job" She declared and as she was about to turn around to leave she threw him one last glance "And please, stay away from my son" She couldn't allow for them to be near each other, she wouldn't. That being said, she finally walked out of the stables with one simple thing in mind; she had to get him fired.

"Marco, where's my grandfather?" Having crossed paths with the grey haired butler on the main entrance, she asked in a way she considered calmly. Of course, in reality it wasn't. "He's at the study, ma'am" He declared with his forever frail and soft voice "Thanks" It was enough information for her to storm into the room with an almost violent push of the wooden doors "What were ya thinking, granddad? I want that man, Augustus, out of this house" Viola was never the type to speak in such a way to her dear grandpa, but she had the right to.
Viola's mannerisms had him standing on edge. Twirling the brim of his hat between his hands, he kept it off to show respect. The guilt she made him feel sat horribly in his stomach like he did something wrong without saying it. Her defiant eyes bore deep into him and felt surprisingly familiar. The way she glared at him sent his hairs on edge, close to the feeling of being in front of a raging bull. His every explanation sent her expressions into almost a cringe. Augustus followed her eyes that seemed to be searching his every move and lips for any sort of mess up, his eyes narrowed in suspicion as her bright eyes suddenly changed with a new found realization.

"No . . . " Viola's voice sounded as if it was trying to convince herself. "No, we haven't" A deep breathe, caused him to give her a smug look, his hands coming to the waist of his pants.

"Ya' sure?" He asked again, his head tilted towards her and his eyebrows arched in question.

"Continue with your job" She quickly replied, turning on her heels quickly.

Augustus grinned, his first encounter with the lady of the house was an odd one but she wasn't too bad of a lady. Maybe his face looked familiar. He had been working in and out of different parts on New Orleans for the past 7 years and back in his youth, you couldn't keep the Louisiana boy out of the city. Around the time he had turned 21 with his hot shot friends, parties and drinks were what lined his schedule daily... He had his party life, but how long had it been? Years. He could barely remember the faces he'd met let alone the encounters. Sometimes subtle thing would bring him back, but yet again, he spent that times years ago drowned in whiskey. Now in his prime age of 30, he enjoyed his whiskey only with Mr. Simon. The thought of his uncontrollable drinking caused a scowl on his face, all along with ...

"And please, stay away from my son..." Viola's southern drawl spilled through, her final glance searing through his body hotter then the weather's pounding sun. His head cocked back as if he was struck, eyebrows furrowed in complete and utter confusion. What had he done? Sure, he worked the boy to exhaustion sometimes and granted, sometimes accidents did occur...the whole falling off the horse thing... but exercise is an important part of a growing boys life and... as for accidents... Augustus just had to pay more attention but no one died! Augustus adjusted the hat back on to his head, before his feet moved instinctively to follow after her.

"Now hold on, ma'am. I've been with your son for a month now and promised to teach him a few things... If it's anything I'd done, I'll be sure to fix it but I can't allow to break promises. To kids those are just as important as anything else in this world." August sounded concerned, the thought of Graham's disappointed face and those tears, Augustus knew for sure their would be tears. Plenty. But Viola kept walking. "Viola! I mean, Miss Brauer... If you could just listen a moment..." His words fell against deaf ears as she hurried her way down the dirt path. He hurried behind her before the loud neighing of the final two horses still in the stables pulled him back. "Damn..." Augustus cursed under his breath, turning on his heels he pulled the gloves from his pocket and slapped them against his palm, work had to be done before he could even leave this post to try and speak to her. His body disappeared back into the stable, his aggravation apparent as he swung both stalls open to free the horses...He didn't have to listen to her... He grabbed each stallion's mane with enough force to lead them out...His defiant attitude began....Rich people. They always had to be difficult with the help... Augustus walked the path to the pasture... she couldn't even give him the time of day, Augustus kicked the door open, letting the stallions loose into the field... and like the horses new found freedom, a realization dawned on him... she failed to understand she wasn't she wasn't his employer... Mister Simon was.


Simon L. Brauer stood in front of his mahogany bar that he had especially built in his study. For being an Old man as Augustus had put it so many times before, he stood at a proud 5'7, white hair brushed back neatly, blue eyes glittering at the marvelous case lining the walls with different Whiskey and Sherry from every year to shade of amber that anyone could possibly think of, a collection he prided himself in entirely and though over 100 bottles continued to grow.

"Hm...Perhaps I'll have Augustus change this order around by date instead of malt and texture. Or do I want to categorize by color?" Simon's body leaned into his wooden walking stick, holding the pure silver handle to keep him balance, through he was far from kicking in the bucket, a shattered bone in his leg never healed completely through. He actually planned to go in for surgery after the next crop was seeded after spring. His free hand rubbed his grey gote, shinking of after spring... maybe he'd consult with Augustus about starting a new patch of farm.. "Maybe tobacco... " His old Southern slur grumbled, his attention looked to the door as he heard heavy foot steps closing in...Augustus?... No.. He knew these long, rough strides anywhere.

"What were ya thinking, granddad? I want that man, Augustus, out of this house"

Simon turned completely to the door, smoothing out the pant leg of his pressed grey suit. " Honeybelle! I didn't know you arrived. How was your trip darling?" Simon smiled, completely ignoring her absurd outburst of wanting Augustus out. "I take it Paris was as lovely as ever. Have you seen Graham already? He grew 2 inches since you left and can ride better then a western cowboy themselves. Augustus is planning on getting him on a stallion real soon. Maybe even rustle up some bulls... ahh reminds me of my youth. I think I'll tussle too when he shows him how to reel them in. I've take it you met him already? Augustus. Handsome buck isn't he?" Simon gave her another toothy smile, her grandfather for the most part was a happy man. Stern. Assertive but fair. "He's hard working, doesn't mind to get dirty per say and he handles his whiskey! Speaking of whiskey... I have to pick a nice malt for tonight now let's see...." Simon turned back to his collection, his finger grazing against the labels he could reach.

"Oh yes..." His voice sounded disconnected... "How's that, what's that name again Jochinshimter? The one with the jeans, gator shoes and flared shirts with unseemly patterns? Did you leave him in Paris with the pigeons?"
Viola really did love her grandfather and respected him in a way she had only respected her father, he was an admirable man and always pampered when she was just a child but one of the few things that actually could get her mad at him was when he didn't hear her opinions and just dismissed them as unimportant so easily that it almost made her feel dumb for suggesting them. Almost, because even though it worked most of the times, that time was different. "His name is Joachim, Grandfather" With a tone filled with bitterness and irritation, the lady of the house declared as she decisively took a few steps nearer to her granddad.

The auburn haired woman had not even once gotten mad at her grandpa for disregarding her boyfriend, never. Truth was, most of the things her granddad had to say about Joachim were so true that Viola would usually laugh at his remarks and agree with them. But that time was not like the others, because she was losing her patience, her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour, and she felt sicker with every minute with that man on the house went by. How could it even be possible that her grandpa seemed to like this guy? Allow him to be near his grandson? What kind of mind games had that man played on her grandpa?

Simon Brauer could easily tell that something was going on with her granddaughter as soon as he could practically feel the poison that filled her voice and the exasperation that was irradiating from every inch of her body without the need of turning around to face him himself "That's exactly what I said darling, didn't I?" He replied with the same happy tone of his without even bothering to turn around and look her granddaughter in the eyes. Those silly short words were enough for her to understand that she had done wrong in snapping in that way before her grandfather.

Taking a deep breath inside, she tried once again "Grandpa, please, I beg of you, get him out of this house" This time she was pleading, begging for him to listen to her. She was desperate, she wouldn't feel . . . safe with that man so near Graham or her. It felt as if she was choking, as if she was being cornered by a ghost of nine years ago. There hadn't been enough time for Viola to get to hear her granddad's reply as the real lady of the house stepped inside the study with the same strong presence that had never gone away over the years.

Beige shawl that was being held by a pair of fine, slender fingers; dark ash brown hair neatly picked up into a prefect hair bun as everyday for the past 30 years; a pair of icy blue eyes that would have been able to froze anyone on the spot because of its coldness and ruthlessness; and a thin and so flawless porcelain face with narrow features like that one of a doll. Those were the words that described Emma Brauer, the one and only lady of the house as well as Viola's inflexible mother.

"Viola, I had to find out from the help you had returned home. As soon as a daughter is away for so long it is obvious she shall come and greet her mother first" That voice was still as hard and unyielding as ever. Viola, who couldn't go against her mother, turned on her heels automatically and hugged her mother gently "I'm sorry, mom. I won't be as careless next time" She said as she flashed her an apologetic smile "You seem well" She added "Of course I am, did you expect anything else? Where's Joachim? I'd love to see him" Her mother's voice always seemed to get softer when it came down to her daughter's boyfriend.

"He's still in Paris, mom. He'll come back next month"

"Then what are you doing here?" Emma's brows knitted together.

"Well I . . . I wanted to see Graham and I . . . "

"Nothing. A woman must stay with his partner. Never mind the boy, he's been taken care of here"

Viola was extremely weak against her mother sometimes, and though she was rough she was her mother, and she loved her. " . . . That may be, mom. But I still missed my son" She replied after a moment, in a way she was suggesting she didn't want to argue with her. "Nonsense, such thing can't be allowed when both of you get married" This time it was Viola's to frown "No wait here mom, I . . . "

"If they do get married. How can you be wishing for your own daughter such a tragedy, Emma?" Simon never thought twice before stating what he thought, that was a trait her very daughter disliked of him a lot.

"Again with that, Dad. You're just speaking nonsense" Emma herself showed her displeasure with her voice.

"Am I really, darling?" He said calmly.

"Anyway, it doesn't really matter. We'll carry on with our talk later grandpa" Viola was always the one stepping in between the both, but what could she do? It was horrible when the two of them started to fight. Her mother, nevertheless, seemed a bit reluctant to leave the room and she knew her grandfather still had a few things to discuss on the matter.
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Augustus had just heaved the last bushel of clean hay throughout the flooring of the last stall, he didn't think he'd be done in such a quick time but the rush of adrenaline caused by Miss Viola had his blood boiling hotter then the beating sun. He was completely drenched in sweat any way that he looked at it, sticky and dirty, hay sticking to his fore arms and shirt making it near impossible to wipe the sweat dripping from his eyebrows that seemed for the entire duration of his job furrowed. How dare she tell him to stay away from Graham? I mean she was his mother... he figured, but none the less the boy needed a role model and if truth be told he hadn't seen a father visit the boy not once for the month he had started. Wasn't she thinking at all about how her son would feel? Augustus grunted in frustration.

"Of course she wouldn't. .." He mumbled before exiting the stall. He quickly fetched the barrel of dirty hay and horse dun that was stinking up the entire place again. The pungent smell that after years of handling became second nature but in any sense was still the sench of shit. Hauling the wheel barrel up the muscles in his triceps buldged, one great thing he admired about physical labor was the effect on his physique. Even at 30, he always said it was his prime.

Pushing the barrel all the way outside, he felt like a waddling duck before he lowered it down right against the stable wall out had, letting out a sigh of completion. He knew he had to get rid of it by the end of tonight but as he looked up at the sun that had long passed its peak in the sky and teetered on the verge to set, he guess he had about 2 hours before supper was ready...and either he faced Viola now or at the table with an upset young master... he figured Viola will be upset as well...

Since she was gone he had spent his evenings joining the family for their supper. The prestigious Miss Emma wasn't always happy about it but recently she was able to hold her biting sarcasm until dessert, and that was more than Augustus could ask for.

As Augustus trotted down the dirt and stone path towards the main house, he began to remove his gloves and place them back into his pocket. Removing his hat, he brushed his hands through his wet locks which he figured by now he should have it cut, if only at least a few inches and his clothing. All of his jeans were stained from the months strenuous work, some even ripped from his free time handling the bulls for fun. As he walked down the road to the house he looked over to the pasture of horses, the farms and even to where the tractors snd trailers were held right before a red barn. This place looked completely different when he first arrived and in one month with the help of new and old staff he got this steam engine rolling, bringing in twice as much profit then the farm had in some years...which meant more money for him. Which also led to stability.

Augustus was ready. For a home to call his own, a family, kids...maybe like Graham. That brought a smile to his face, stubborn, prideful, spoiled. He wouldnt mind having a son like that. They way they've spent time, he already felt that connection to him and part of him felt guilty...but their was no harm in something he didn't say outloud...he just had to convince Viola he was a good man..

Entering from the back side of the main house, he could hear the hustle and bustle of the two cooks and maids scurrying about.

"Augustus if that's you boy take them shoes off before you enter this house!!" An soft but stern voice called out as soon as the screen door smacked behind him. Augustus chuckled, knowing only the kitchen staff called him 'boy' and old miss Mimi was the ring leader. Blessed be her little soul but that woman could scold her own grandfather if he let her.

"Yes ma'am you always know it's me!" Augustus chuckled some more before his feet kicked off the boots, placing then in the designated area for cleaning. Miss Mimi always had another pair for him right beside the door, along with Graham's that Augustus had took him shopping for.

"It's because you smell! Coming into this kitchen after you worked in all that mess. I'm locking it from now on!" Miss Mimi came from behind the refrigerator door, a playful smile on her round face. Her grey hair was neatly tied back, her skin a creamy light brown from her mixed heritage. She held a pot of veggies all chopped up.

"Well I don't smell nothing but that great dinner you're cooking..." Augustus found his way around the kitchen, picking at fruits, crackers anything that was in his path on the way to exiting the large kitchen. Some maids wacked his hand away from their their chopping. Augustus made his way to the gigantic pot that steamed at the front of the enormous stove. All of the hard labour was catching up to his stomach, the loss of calories churning in his stomach begging to be replenished, the smell infiltrating his nostrils was something he knew all to well.

"Gumbo..." Miss Mimi confirmed in his mind as she slapped the lid close from his hand. Augustus grinned and rubbed the new searing pain on his hand.

'Alright. Alright I'll get out ya kitchen..." Augustus smiled at all the ladies who were playfully shooting his threatening glances.

"Do you know where I can find Mister Marco?"

"Probably setting the dining hall..." A young maid called, everyone muttered in agreement.

"Thank you kindly ladies, I will see you all for dinner."

" Only if you take a shower!!" Another called out after he was taking his exit. Augustus smiled as he heard their small laughter. Everyone in this house brought a smile to his face.

Finding Marco exactly where the ladies had told him, a breif conversation was exchanged of the where abouts to Miss Viola was currently. The hesitant look on Marcos face was what worried him a bit, but none the less Marco informed Augustus about the study and he was well on his way.

Nearing the study Augustus stopped in his tracks. Disoutes thrown back and forth between familiar voices and Miss Viola's unfamiliar one. The talk of marriage, tragedy, disapproval and displeasure all pouring from the rooms wide open doors... this family obviously held back no secrets. It didn't seem like the best time to inurrupt, but as Augustus took a look at the sun past the window pane, he knew he didn't have much time if he wanted to keep his promise to Graham before supper.

Closing in on the open door, his boots made a small halting sound right before entering. Removing his hat he pressed it to his chest, and cleared his voice before he gave two knocks on the frame of the door. The knocks echoed past their voices.

"Good Evening Mister Simon, Miss Emma.." Augustus gave them his best Southern manners. "Pardon my intrusion... I was wondering if I could have a small word with you Miss Viola..." He looked directly at Viola. His eyes meeting with hers, something was going on and he wanted to know why she felt so threatened.

"Augustus my boy!" Mister Simon called out immediately, staggering over with his cane, whiskey bottle under onr armpit.

Miss Emma couldn't be more displeased. "Did they run out of pigs in the stye?"

Augustus bit back a smart reply, he'd learned many times before, feuding with her only caused more of a headsche then anything else worth his while. He flashed her his infamous smile. "Sorry ma'am, I intend to clean up right after I discuss an important matter with Miss Viola."

" If it's so important why not just say it right here? " Miss Emma arched an eyebrow suspiciously at the both of them.

Agustus continued to smile. "It's private. ."

"Private?! Nonsense you're the help, we're family, theirs nothing private between us!"


" Oh dad , stop let's hear it, What's this matter that needs be talked about?"

Agustus smile turned into an odd smug look, the corners of his lips twitching , trying to stop himself from getting uoset. Rich people. He couldn't stand them.

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Viola watched both her mother and her grandfather argue in silence with a hand on her hip and the other one pinching the bridge of her nose. Honestly, she couldn't stand the daily arguing between the both. Her mother was so very different from her granddad and though Viola sometimes tried to intervene in her favour so as to end the discussion, she was very much like Simon Brauer and just for the sake of ending a fight she couldn't possibly go against her own thoughts and ideas. Most of the times the young woman could simply try for the discussion not to break out to begin with, but when it did she'd just stay there, waiting for everything to gradually die out before she took either her granddad or her mother away.

Those were the type of situations in which she'd miss her father the most. Samael Brauer had been much better at handling the constant bickering of his father-in-law and his wife, which sometimes resembled a World War III more than a father and daughter argument. Her father would end them quickly and skilfully, so as to keep both parties relatively happy. Viola still remembered those very well, at morning or during night, as if neither of the both could keep on breathing if they didn't have a dispute at least once a day.

"The Kirsch are a repeatable family. Or would you rather have your granddaughter married to a nobody?" Emma Brauer would definitely not allow such an outrageous thing to happen. She approved of Joachim Kirsch not only because of that, but also because he was the only man who could have possibly agreed to give a little b*stard his surname.

"How about that? Viola, dear, I didn't know you were marrying a social background" Viola's stare turned pleading from that point on, he knew he'd make things worse by saying such poorly chosen words. Although that was her granddad's main purpose, and that she knew well.

"You're making a fool out of yourself, dad. What kind of world do you think you're living in?"

"Mom, I think that's eno-" Viola was really getting tired of this, she didn't like it at all how her private life was being discussed by not precisely her. Even worse, with the doors wide open for everyone on the house to hear.

"What is it that you want? Viola, a Brauer, marrying into . . . into the help or something like that?"

Gulping, Viola almost choked on her own. She knew it had definitely been a random remark which her mother had simply used to emphasise how foolish she believed her own father to be, but even that silly little coincidence could lead to something much worse; the truth.

"That'd a brilliant idea, Emma. Why not let your daughter marry a real man? Say that young man, Augustus Bradford, for instance"

"Stop it!" The mention of that very name would cause for her ears to ring furiously "Joachim is the father of my child and I don't want any more of my personal life being discussed by either of you as if I was a mere teenager" Truth was, Viola would have not interrupted until the very end, but it had been an automatic response. Her? Married to that man? Never!

The discussion had reached such a heated point that when Augustus Bradford himself knocked on the door, mother, daughter and grandfather all turned their heads towards the one who had dared to interrupt them, the first two with a certain deathly glare of their own. Eyes widening, Viola's mouth almost fell wide open when Augustus asked for a chat in private with her. Her mom was as ruthless and rude as always, but this Viola didn't argue with her for once.

The young auburn haired woman was the type to be gentle and grateful with the help, mainly because she respected them and their jobs. She was not their friend, as their employer she wasn't supposed to, both with personal and working life she preferred to drawn a line between the two. Nevertheless, she was always fair and respectful towards them and felt ashamed when her mother disregarded them as if they were nothing at all, it was actually one of her pet peeves. However, she didn't speak up this time, she couldn't be objective for once.

"Oh dad , stop let's hear it, What's this matter that needs be talked about?"

Oh dear, what if he was finally about to show his true colours now that she was back? What if he was about to reveal something that was supposed to remain hidden? "No!" She exclaimed with such vigour that she had received three curious stares at once. "I mean, surely it is about Dumas, my stallion. I can handle that on my own" Taking a few long strides towards the man standing on the door, she gestured for him to step outside "I'll go right after you"

"Now wait a minute Viola, I don't think that you should spend some time alone with this . . . this man" Obviously, her mother was not tactful at all when it came to her disdain.

"Mom, his name is Augustus, and he wants to speak with me in private, I believe I can handle my business on my own" As much as she preferred not to. As such, she wrapped both of her hands around his arm and pulled him out of the study with her, away from curious ears and eyes. She was becoming so unstable that she even went to the point of dragging him all the way to her room, where she knew no one would interrupt them nor get the chance to hear whatever they were about to discuss.

"What do you want with me?" Viola finally stated after closing her bedroom's wooden doors behind her back.
The debacle that was going on in front of him was enough to get anyone's head spinning, tension so thick he could almost cut it with a butter knife. And the shock of hearing his own name being called for a marriage proposal. He had to nip that in the bud. He didn't like spoiled girls.

"Now wait just a moment, I-"

Augustus wasn't use to these type of arguments, the three continued to argue over his voice as if he didn't even say a word. That caused an apparent scowl. How could people talk about someone else who was right in front of them?! It was one thing to walk into an argument but he wasn't planning to stay... He'd find Graham on his own and take the boy for a ride. No one in this room would notice his absence anyway.

Augustus prepared to turn on his heel before a voice cut through the commotion. "I mean, surely it is about Dumas, my stallion. I can handle that on my own." Augustus quickly met her piercing gaze. Her poise was as refined as ever as she motioned for him to go forward. "I'll go right aftet you."

"Yes ma'am. .." Augustus whispered as he placed the hat back onto his head and took the first few steps forward. Her mother's voice sent his head reeling backwards. The audacity she had to speak of him as if he was some dangerous beast. For a month he's been with tge family, interactive with everyone and spending almost every waking moment with her precious grandson. How dare she insinuate him to be anything other then a gentlemen. Sure he would speak his mind often but never with disrespectful intent. This time he couldn't hold back to her biting attitude almost letting a string of poisonous words spew until he felt two arms wrap around his upper arm, a cool feeling to his blazing skin and temper, his eyes quickly dragged down to see Viola standing tall by his side. Defending her character and his. He was breifly mesmerized by her beauty and power and somehow from this angle the way she gripped his arm looked so familiar... a small flashback of her smiling face appearing in his head...but he couldn't quite point out why.

Before he had realized what happened, he was abruptly pushed into a room, the door slamming behind him with. He took a minute to register where he was, a dark blush appearing on his face. This was like a bad romantic novel, the help locked in the mistress room...he removed his hat out of kindness and brushed back his hair.

"What do you want with me?" Her biting voice made his uneasiness go away.

"I don't think it's very appropriate to be in here ma'am..." Augustus started politely but searching on her face for any reaction was futile. She didn't seem to care, only impatient to get this over with. "Okay Uh, well you see it's about Graham..." Augustus voice sounded as sincere as possible. " You told me to stay away from your son but I don't see that happening. I don't know much about his father but I can tell he's lonely and well this month we spent together I think is a great experience for the young master to shape into a great man... I'm just asking you to let me show him some things and keep my promises. He deserves that much from me at least. " He was twirling his hat around nervously awaiting her answer, for a breif moment his eyes roamed the room, the color the scent and every photo oozed of Who Miss Viola was but one photo caught his attention from half way across the room.

"Excuse me..." He whispered to her extremely disconnected as he crossed the room to where the photo hung. It was a stone statute in the back round, people dressed in all kinds of crazy outfits, beads littering the floor people everyone in the photo was smiling wide 4 woman, one being a younger Viola and a man holding a beer bottle high in the air. He would recoginze that man anywhere, well he should since it was his childhood friend...."Tom Hilson..." He whispered and continued down to look at the row of people that looked familiar but vague all at the same time. He'd recognize this photo anywhere, as if he almost took the photo himself..

"This is Marti Gras in the city, 2004...I was there with Tom..." He looked at Viola with wide eyes. "Is this where you know me from? I'm sorry that day I was completely gone..we had been drinking since the morning... if I did anything reckless I'm sorry ma'am but I don't drink anymore, well the occasional Whiskey with your grandpap but you don't have to worry about me being a party animal with Graham, I'd never hurt that boy..."

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Viola couldn't care less about what he considered proper or not, truth was she just wanted to be done with everything. He didn't have to worry of her looking in him for something else than that, so there were really not hidden reasons for her to bring him into her room. They'd not be disturbed over there and she wanted for him to be gone as soon as he got what he wanted, as simple as that. So she shot him an impatient glare, as soon as he gave her that 'appropriate or not' nonsense.

"Okay Uh, well you see it's about Graham..." Those brief words sent a shiver running up and down her spine and she prepared herself for anything. Literally, anything. Worst case scenario he'd ask for the child's custody, never mind that though, she'd have her lawyers for that, the father had been absent during the first 9 years of his life, he couldn't possibly win the case. No . . . What she feared was for her secret to be revealed. Graham had grown up believing Joachim was his father, everyone except from her and her mother had believed so for the past couple of years, he couldn't just come there and try to bring everything down.

However, once again she was taken aback by his following words and though relieving those were also infuriating. Who did he think he was? He had been around Graham a month, a mere short month, he didn't have the right to say those words, much less to her. Gradually, her cheeks were coloured by a dark shade of red and her stare got locked on his in disbelief, as if she could hardly believe her ears. Frankly, she couldn't remember one time she'd been as angry as she was right now.

Nevertheless, before she got the chance to reply the man in front of her crossed the room and as he came to a stop in front of one particular photo all colour on Viola's face was drained again.

"This is Marti Gras in the city, 2004...I was there with Tom..." As soon as those words left his mouth she couldn't help it but feel so very tiny. It was a memory she had been wanting to erase from her head for years and he spoke of it so . . . freely, so shamelessly. Viola Brauer felt weak for the third time on years, all of the previous ones caused for the same man who was causing it so effortlessly once again.

"Is this where you know me from? I'm sorry that day I was completely gone.. we had been drinking since the morning..." The words took some time to sink in, but everything after that short sentence had been dismissed by the woman who couldn't hear anything beyond that point. And that was it. As easily as that, Augustus Bradford had shattered her world for a second time, turned it upside down mercilessly. "Ha . . . " She had spent so many years feeling nothing but resentment towards someone who didn't even remember her? Had she really been as foolish? Had she . . . Had she given herself for the first time to someone who wasn't even conscious enough to remember even one bit, not even her face? Yes, it seemed she had.

Head falling into her hand, and hair cascading over her face concealing it from view, Viola took a few wobbling steps back before blindly finding her way to her bed so as to take a seat, if not she feared her legs will fail her and she'd fall. 9 years, she had wasted 9 years of her life in fear of that moment. What for? The man didn't and wouldn't even know Graham was actually his. He'd never ask for his custody, he'd never need to get close to him again . . .

". . . Listen to me, Mister Bradford, do listen to me very carefully" Her voice was calm and steady, however she scorned him so very deeply that it was easily noticed with every word she said "Graham's dad has been away for over a month and will, unfortunately, be away for yet another one, but that doesn't mean my child needs someone else to . . . Which were the words that you used? Right, 'shape him into a great man', much less a complete stranger. So I'd appreciated it of you if you'd stay away from my son, I told you once, and I'll tell you again; stay away from him. You're no one on my child's life and it shall remain that way. He already has a dad, a real one. My granddad may favour you but don't push your luck, because if you keep at it, the last time you'd have seen Graham would have been this afternoon." Finally raising her head, her eyes pierced right into his like daggers "Did I make myself clear? Or would you want for me to repeat myself until you finally get it?"
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Viola's tone caused his blood to go comoletely cold, grinding his teeth at her complete 'i rule this' pattern. God damn his young years of drinking that he couldn't put his finger on, it had been 9 years! She couldn't possibly hold a grudge on something he didn't remember.

"But ma'am I'm not asking anything else then to be here for him. You want me to completely avoid your son while we live under this same roof? You must know yourself know that's a ridiculous request..."

Augustus took a final glance at the photo, burning every line into his skull for future analysis. He'd have to find out some way where he had met this woman...and that meant getting ahold of Tom as soon as possible. He hadn't talked to the man in the last 2 years with his recent wedding and booming as a lawyer and all, but maybe he'd take a trip into the city's law office and ask a few questions of him, surely Tom would remember. For now, he had to keep the lady of the house remotely happy with him but not to the expense of Graham's unhappiness. Augustus didn't understand why he had such feeling for the boy but his gut instinct wouldn't allow this to stand.

Searching Viola's face, he could almost feel a sense of disappointment, in her eyes she tried to mask a hurt glance, what had he done to this woman...or did she mistake him for someone else. None the less he couldn't help the guilt that tore at his heart. It brought him to his knees in front of her. Clearing his throat, he took her hand into his. Her fingers were cold...he rubbed her palm slightly to gey circulation moving.

"Miss Viola, I'm not sure what it is you're thinking of me, but.... I'm Sorry." His apology left his lips sincerely, he felt it was needed to be said for something he didn't quite know yet..but soon would find out. "Ma'am at least for today, let me keep my promise. Just an hour, I ll take him out back with the horses, he'll ring himself a bull then we're here to wash up for dinner. Tomorrow you won't hear a word from me about Graham...but for tonight... you're welcome to supervise..."

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Viola could be, after all, her mother's daughter. If needed she could be inflexible and no matter what that man had to argue, she was determined on not letting her son even an inch near him. She was angry, furious, but true, most of all she was hurt. Even it it seemed as if she was being unreasonable and was being extremely biased with her version of the story and her own feelings of animosity towards Augustus, she was truly believing she was doing what was best for Graham, and believe me, a mother would do anything for her son.

"You may leave now" Right now Viola's current mood was like a roller coaster, and once again she was feeling tired and vulnerable. Her boy, her little Graham. Oh, she'd been so very scared when she had found out he was already growing inside of her. Her poor little child, without a father by his side to support him, to teach him how to ride a bike, to be there along her to look over him and every step he was to take. She was only 20 years old, had broken up with her boyfriend recently and had been stupid enough to believe in the words of a strange man.

Truth to be told, she had even considered the unimaginable, she wasn't fit to be a mother back then, she wasn't ready. But there had been hope for the child, naïve and young Viola couldn't get herself to stop her pregnancy. So she moved on, even if she was to face it alone. Never would have she expected for her mother to force young Joachim Kirsch - her ex - to take responsibility for her son, to give him a father even if he had not conceived him to begin with. He supported her, the best he could, of course Joachim had never been the best of guys, he was far too immature, but at least tried.

Ah, she'd never forget the first time she held Graham in her arms. He was like a tiny boxer after a fight. His fragile body red as beets, along with the bruises from being squished and squashed down the birth canal. His little face made all kinds of really weird expressions and the reflexes that could rival a bobcat. So light and precious. And that scent of his . . . He smelled like a combination of fresh air, ivory soap, and lavender. After that . . . After that she promised to herself she'd always give him her everything, because he was hers and hers alone, she was lucky enough to raise such a beautiful small human being.

He brightened up her days, even with his spoiled attitude, he was such a nice young boy, if there was something she did very well was dotting on her son. Because she knew she'd have to let go some day, but wanted to make the most of the time she'd still be able to watch him grow. She had been so immersed on her thoughts about her son that she gave a startled jump when she felt a pair of hands wrapping around her own. Puzzled look settled on her face, she met a pair of green orbs, two pools filled with guilt and honesty and her own blue eyes softened, vulnerability pouring from within them.

There were simply so many . . . things to feel, so many things to think. She was not the type of woman who held grudges, hating someone was simply too tiring. But she was human, she had flaws, and she could not forgive as easily, there was simply so much damage that had been caused. Her gaze hardened and she pulled back her hands "Don't touch me" She sounded composed, and frankly weary. "Don't you ever touch me again" Standing up from her spot she walked over to the window, and was so surprised by the absolute coincidence that it was for her to find Graham down outside.

She knew, if Augustus had promised to take him out with the horses - something she was aware he had been asking of Joachim himself but to no avail - he'd throw a fit if he wasn't allowed to, he'd cry and be disappointed. She saw him trotting his way over to where the stables were and cursed herself from being such an idiot for what she was about to do "Just this once, take him out this once. But never get near to him again, don't keep promising him things, because you won't be fulfilling them anymore" She didn't even took the time to look back at him, and of course she'd be supervising them, no way she was leaving Graham alone with him.
The retreat of hand as if he was a diseased animal left him baffled, his own hands hanging limp in the air, he quickly placed them to his thighs for supoort. As her demanding voice ordered not to touch her, he was frozen in his crouching state, staring after her like an abandoned pup. A moment ago in her eyes he saw something more, a feeling he couldn't completely wrap his hands or mind around but it fell deep into his soul, and made his entire body cold. Her feelings that seem to change like the seasons had his mind rattling to put anything familiar together. What had he done? For goodness' sake if it wasnt for his promise to Graham and being almost time for supper he would be in Tom's home, office, bedroom, courtroom, anywhere to get some answers. But he'd definitely go tomorrow...that was a promise.

Augustus watched Viola stare out of the window, her expression that at first seemed angry and twisting in malice, softened with a silent sigh. His heart clenched in his chest, sending a wave of emotion that shocked his body. His heart? He felt as if he could barely breathe, where did he know this feeling? This entire time it had been beating like a wild stallion, something that for the most part lay dormant in his chest and was now swooning over a woman's sigh and longing look. Her calm gaze followed up the hill side, it brought him to his feet, walking up behind her, he was careful to keep his distance but directed his attention to what she was fixated on. Graham.

Augustus' heart began beating again. Graham was persistent, climbing the hill side with gusto, Augustus could see him stomping his feet against the dirt trail, causing the debry to form clouds around his boots. He pressed down his hat exactly how Augustus had taught him, one hand in front and one in the back, he looked real dashing... Augustus smile couldn't be hidden.

"Just this once, take him out this once. But never get near to him again, don't keep promising him things, because you won't be fulfilling them anymore."

Augustus smile quickly turned into a scowl, his attention darting to the back of her head. He felt his gaze could almost burn holes. Sure he was happy he was able to fulfill his promise. ..but for this woman to come in after being a way for so long and have the gull to demand something of him that was completely ridiculous without even a shred of explanation, he couldn't even think of what to say to her. And he didn't.

With a scoff and added grunt, he turned on his heels, simultaneously placing the hat back on his head, her rudeness caused him to loose his head and sense of manners, without even excusing himself he reached for her door knob and took his exit. Slamming the door behind him it echoed through out the entire hall way and maybe even part of the house.

Augustus took long strides through the house in haste, everyone's attention immediately turning to him every room he crossed, it wasn't like him to be bothered this much and he knew it was apoarent with his grinding teeth. In the back of his mind he cursed himself for getting so aggravated, but right now he could care less. How dare she have the audacity to talk to him like dirt?! Augustus had no problem at this home...but Viola Brauer was his least favorite person...and that was quickly apparent. Even as he passed the kitchen, the maids and cooks normal jokes couldn't snap him out of it...they all cleared the way shocked, and that caused him more frustration, Viola was also messing with his interactions...why is he allowing this...Who is she?!

As the kitchen door slammed behind him, the immediate hot breeze pushed against his face, the sudden heat made him take a deeo breath. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his Iphone. Thank God for modern technology. As he walked up the trail, he searched for Tom in his contacts, quickly giving him a ring.

"Tom! Evening, yeah it's Gus." Augustus couldnt help but crack a smile as Tom sounded estatic to hear from him. "Hey, I'm sorry for interrupting you during your supper but I have a favor to ask. Is it okay if I stop by your office tomorrow at dawn? You're just getting there at 6am right? Good." Just as Augustus reached the hilltop, he turned his body to look towards the window, he coukd hear Graham calling for him excitedly and he knew she'd still be there, even far away he could feel her icy blue eyes on his every move, and his passionate green eyes met hers with vigor. She was hiding something, and he just gave her a warning that he was up to find it.

"I have some questions about Mardi Gras 2004..." Augustus heard Tom mirror his statement jn confusion, but without much thought he agreed. Tom understood if it was something Augustus had to talk to him in person about it must have been important.

"We'll speak more tomorrow then. Tell the Mrs. I miss her benyays and that pretty smile." Augustus joked, hearing his friend laugh as well and dismiss him with 'yeah yeah ill tell her! Good night see you in the morning. '

"Good night." Augustus hung up and turned to meet Graham holding the reign to two sattled stallions. Concern washed over him.

"Graham that's a stallion, where's your mare?" Augustus went to grab a reign to the black horse, the stallions stomped their hooves impatiently, ready for a ride.

"I can do it. I'm stronger now." Grahams smile was wide as ever, his dimples making indents in his cheeks, that was something they had in common too...the smile that coukd kill, Augustus always thought, but he wouldn't let that take him from the topic at hand.

"No, get your mare."

"B-but I-"

"They're stronger, faster and haven't properly taken a ride on them and I won't have you attempt to round up bulls with them. You'll fall and get hurt and then we will both be in trouble. So c'mon go get your mare." Augustus went to grab his reign, Graham pulled back, his face reflected his mother's, anger, resentment... he couldn't deal with this right now. "Graham let's go...go fetch the other horse before it gets too late, we have less then an hour.."

"I want to ride this one, you're not my father you can't tell me what to do!" Graham shot back like the spoiled brat he was, words hitting Augustus like a sack of bricks... Graham was right...Augustus worked for him. Again without speaking he threw the reign at Graham, the surprised boy jumped at the sudden reaction, watching as Augustus walked into the stable.

"Augustus! I'm sorry I-" Again Graham was cut off abruptly as Augustus returned, a helmet and pads in hand.

"Put em on, young master..." Augustus said coldly. Maybe Viola was right...he shouldn't build an emotional connection to this boy... he's just the help.

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"Going somewhere, darling?" Stopping on her heels and throwing back a glance from over her shoulder, Viola was stopped momentarily by her grandpa on her way to the main entrance.

"Graham is outside" She explained with a small smile.

"Augustus is with him" It didn't seem to hold any special meaning, just a casual remark, but Viola's smile died out gradually before her expression turned into a sort of blank look.

"He's my son" Viola tried not to sound offended, because really there was no reason to be, but even the words were enough to show the displeasure that Simon's words caused.

Brow raised, a rather lopsided and amused smile crept over the older man's lips "Of course he is, my dear. I simply wanted to tell ya' to be careful of your mother. Her imagination can turn wild and since you took that young man with you so abruptly-"

"Well then she shouldn't be imagining anything between me and the help"

Once again, Simon noticed the disdain in his granddaughter's voice, he was starting to believe she really didn't like Augustus one bit and he wondered why? Honestly, he seemed like a fine young man. Also, he knew Viola did not regard the help as lowlifes, unlike his own daughter, in that Samael and himself had taught her well. Workers didn't mean slaves.

"Of course, of course. Go on then, I'll take care of the beast" Winking, he declared with his usual good-natured smile.

That was enough to draw a smile on Viola's own lips while her gaze, as it had done for so many years by now, filled with a knowing look. The young woman was well aware of the fact she'd have to deal with her mother sooner or later, though she didn't know if it'd have to be with her fury, because her mother reacted so differently that even Viola, who had lived with her for 29 years by now, was never entirely certain on how she'd show her distaste.

Stepping outside the house, Viola couldn't help it but smile with sheer delight, if only for a brief moment, when a cool breeze caressed her skin and blew her hair back gently. Even at night, there was an undeniable warmness on the air, and she appreciated that, the mild weather that made her feel at home. Never would she have guessed that she'd walk into a place with an atmosphere filled with tension and, frankly, a bit of awkwardness. Her son, who seemed so very small sitting on top of a white stallion, was making a face between guilty and kind of prideful.

Viola couldn't help her first reaction "Are you crazy!? You can't let my son ride Terrence, he's way too small for that" She declared, with a renewed fury and vigour, though instead of walking over to Augustus, she took long strides towards Graham "Come on, Graham. Get off" She reached for him, but his reaction left her wide eyed, when he swatted her hands away with an angry grumble. Call him whatever you want, but the little boy was rarely violent or aggressive. That was the first time he had actually 'hit' her.

"I said I'm ridding this one!" Augustus was mad at him, and as the little boy Graham was he couldn't help it but be angry himself at the adult's coldness. If he had gotten mad at him because he wanted to ride Terrence, he wouldn't be letting his mother stop him from doing it. That was what was going through his mind. Mainly, he had been hurt at Augustus words and he didn't measure the way he was behaving.

Viola was left speechless for a couple of seconds, and for once she didn't threw Augustus a glare but instead a questioning and surprised look. "But Graham, love, it's dangerous" She replied, concern pouring out.

"I'm ridding Terrence!" And he tried to wrap his arms around the stallion's neck, voice coming out spoiled and high-pitched with a threat of tears. Viola had to thank God, Terrence was relatively a calm creature at that moment.

"Graham!" Instead of getting him to pay attention to her, the little boy hugged himself to Terrence's neck even tighter. As such, Viola tried to take a different approach "Baby, it's dangerous, surely Augustus had told ya' so"

"I don't care" He sniffled, though it was obvious he tried to stop himself from crying. Truth was, he was a cry baby and he cried a lot a day, but it was also true that he tried to fix that the best he could "He's angry at me anyway" He added softly.

Those two fighting was the best thing that could happen to her, and she didn't hide it at the beginning, a bit of a smile teasing its way to her lips. But she noticed that it strangely affected her boy in a way she didn't expect it would and the smile dissolved into a frown.

"Well, you can wait for dad, and he'll teach you when he gets back"

Graham shook his head furiously "Dad doesn't even like horses"

Sighing Viola couldn't argue with him regarding that. Truly, Joachim didn't seem from around there, and she knew that when they got married he'd want to take her and her son far away from her home, because he couldn't handle that life so well. "Come on, Graham. Don't be so hard on dad, anyone other than Augustus can teach you. Sam for instance is a good choi-"

"I don't want him, I want Augustus!" Viola could practically hear the tears on his voice.

"Ok, ok, I get it" Truly, she failed as a mother in those kind of situations, she couldn't handle his tears and she knew it was her fault that he had turned out that way "I guess . . . that if you properly apologise to him to whatever you've told him, he'd forgive you"

There was a moment of silence before Graham raised the head he had been pressing against the horse's neck lightly " . . . Really?"

"Really" She stated, raising her arms towards him again.

The young boy nodded softly before he finally allowed for his mom to lift him up "I'm sorry, mom" He whispered under his breath as soon as she set him down back on the floor. Viola could simply not smile at that "I know" She replied gently at the same tim she took hold of his hand. As such, both mother and son walked together to where the man who had started it all was standing, surely not feeling that comfortable by how things had turned out.

"Go on" Viola encouraged the little boy, who looked up at Augustus rather tentatively.

"I'm sorry" He said as sincerely as he could be. And right there Viola realised that it'd be much more difficult to get Graham to be separated from his real dad than she had thought.
Augustus barely glanced over to the young master's face as he secure on the riding gloves he pulled from his black stallion's satchel. He could hear Graham's rustling in his own satchel to pull out his own gloves, mimicking Augustus' every move. He did admire that about the boy, he was eager to learn and a fast one at that but his spoiled everything is mine attitude could run anyone up a tree, it gnawed at the back of his mind how such a great boy who he had spent so much time with, will inevitably grow up to be a prick... well not if Augustus' had anything to do with it. At the moment he could care less, the boy's complete rudeness left a bad taste in his mouth. He wanted to hurry up and get this ride over and with one look at Graham versus Terrance, he knew this ride would be short. Augustus planned to keep a close distance between them, he knew they could manage a trot but once the horse took off in a sprint...Augustus was hoping he'd be fast enough to catch Graham falling wasn't a risk he WANTED to take...but he had no choice.

Augustus secured the straps against he Black stallion tightly, receiving a grunt of satisfaction from the stallion. His hooves kicking up the dirt as he trotted in place, grateful for the snug fit of the saddle. Dumas was one of the most prized horses on the land, the entire reason for Augustus being there was to improve his health and performance. Since he arrived, Augustus had also built a relationship with the horse, it was apparent in the impatient manner Dumas was pattering in place, knowing whenever Augustus was around it was either time to play or train and those to Dumas were one in the same. With Augustus training regime, Dumas had grown almost twice his size and ran twice his previous speed, his muscles budged against his silky black hair, another thing Augustus prided himself in. Terrence was almost the same, a bit smaller than Dumas due to his age but the horse was still a magnificent size and color.

Augustus foot secured on the saddle before he swung his leg over in one flawless movement to sit securely on the seat. The reigns were wrapped around his right hand, Dumas trotted backwards gracefully, small grunts signalling he was ready to go. Graham was having a much harder time. Augustus watched for a moment as the boy continued to struggle to get on the horse, Terrence height out weighed Graham by 10 folds, but Graham refused to give up, mumbling under his breath.

"That horse is too big..." Augustus' called out to him, part of him hoping he would heed his warning.

"I want to ride 'em!" Graham spat back rudely, Augustus' brows furrowed in frustration and his teeth clenched in anger. How dare he yell at him like that?! Oh yeah, you're not my father... were he words he chose. Trotting over to Graham he bent over and reached for the boys collar, in one quick yank he hauled Graham from the ground and plopped him on the saddle forcefully. Graham's scared expression caused Augustus heart to jump. He felt empty immediately. You're not my father, echoing and as if everything was drained from his body ever his frustrated expression fell...the words replaying in his head. He guessed since he was raising him like a son, maybe Graham felt the same way, but what did he expect? A family? Please, Graham had one of his own... and looking at him now made it even harder. Perched on a horse, clenching the reigns so tight his knuckles were turning white, but still Graham held his ground, willing his expression to change, to push forward and that's what Augustus wanted to build more of but He needed to separate himself from this emotion... it's too dangerous.

"Let's go..." Augustus quickly turned his back to him trotting away slowly, his voice held no emotion as he tried to sort them out within himself, maybe this run would do him some good to clear his mind, between the ranch, his mother, Viola and Graham.... he felt like he'd go mad. What happened to his quiet little job in the out doors?

" Are you crazy?! You can't let my son ride Terrence..." Oh yeah, she's what happened.

Augustus was already a ways away from the two, grumbling under his voice he did not feel like being dragged into an argument with Viola when he was on her side. He had already warned Graham of the dangers but their was no stopping him, part of him was grateful she showed up, maybe she could convince him other wise. From his distance he could only hear snippets of their conversation.

"Get off.... I'm riding this one! It's dangerous.... - m riding Terrence! Dangerous, Augustus told ya.. I don't care!" The last one sent Augustus head reeling over his shoulder. It was fine for Graham to yell and be a brat but talking back to his mother was something he wouldn't tolerate, father or not. He watched as the two talked for a bit more, Graham's head was down, Augustus' figured he was at the brink of tears now, but something suddenly change. He could see Viola's vague smile, and Graham's head shoot up as if a realization came to him. Graham gave a simple nod before his mother outreached her hands to remove him from the horse. Augustus let out a sigh of relief. Turning his head back to give them some privacy.

Moments had passed where Augustus only heard their voices softer in the distance, he was relieved they had came to a resolution but looking out to the sky, the deep oranges mixing with the bright yellow of the setting sun he knew they only had a little over and hour to either ride or tussle with a bull. He knew he promised Graham they would do both, but between his mother and unwillingness to cooperate it had taken up much more of the time than he had hoped. He knew he would have to quickly clean up before dinner, meaning he might actually show up late to dinner and Viola's mother wasn't one to take kindly to tardiness, but it was either tht or smelling like he'd rolled in cow dung all day. The patter of feet against the dusted trail took his attention from his thoughts. Looking over his shoulder again he saw the two fast approaching, hand in hand, Viola's face, as honest as ever, showed concern, almost begging she could just take her son and scurry into the house, but Graham's red cheeks and watery eyes could already tell Augustus he had won.

Augustus took the short time between them to dismount from Dumas, holding the reigns with one hand the other hand adjusted his hat on his head.

"I tried to tell 'em Miss Viola...." Augustus voiced sounded dry and unfeeling. He could care less what she thought about him, he knew he tried to stop Graham and wouldn't ever try to harm the boy..he just didn't understand why he just tried to defend himself..

"I'm Sorry.." Graham's whispering voice sounded shaky, his gaze glued to his small feet kicking up the dirt, Augustus could tell he was embarrassed, waiting for Augustus to reply.

Augustus large hand smacked on the boys helmet, leaving it there. The suddenness catching his attention Graham's eyes quickly shot up to meet Augustus gleaming grin.

"You're alright boy... but next time we tell ya it's cuz we don't want you getting no fussin' " Augustus felt too ashamed to mention the father thing..he'd talk to him in private but at the moment he knew it would cause an uproar with Viola. "It's getting late... Let's hurry up and ride before we have to show up for Supper..." Augustus could see the disappointment in Graham's eyes, he knew the boy was thinking he had to get a small mare now, his hopes of riding a stallion diminished. "...You want to ride a stallion?"

"Yes.." Graham's eyes were gleaming with hope. Augustus couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Alright...C'mon, you can hop up with me and ride Dumas..." Augustus eyes immediately shot to Viola's shocked face, her eyes pooling with concern, Augustus own begged for trust. His eyes locked with hers. "Your mama will ride Terrence.. She's been gone for sometime but I heard she a mighty horse rider... we should see how true that is right Hammy." Augustus gave her a wink before he looked back down to Graham who's cheeks were now a deep red from excitement.

"Really Mama! You'll come with us?! I've never seen you ride, only in pictures. Mama use to compete did you know?" Graham's body was darting back and forth between Augustus and Viola.

"I didn't know that... you'll have to show me the album sometime.." Augustus had a flirty tone, it was just in his nature, he wasn't sure who he directed that statement to, he said it with the intent to answer Graham but stared at Viola the entire time.

"Yeah, she was amazing, Dumas was a young wild one is what gramps said, but he always loved mama!"

"I'm sure, beauty recognizes beauty... but speaking of your mother.." Augustus cleared his throat and looked at Graham directly. "We will ride these stallions today, and Friday I will teach you how to take down a bull... but if I ever... Graham, ever, hear you speak to your mom how you did earlier... I'm afraid your mother won't let you come down to the ranch anymore... Do you understand? Your mother is the only one you'll have..she raised you so show some respect." Augustus felt in authority, Graham nodding in agreement, he could tell Graham wasn't accoustmed to being scolded. But he listened well. "And one more thing..." He tugged on the long hair coming from Graham's helmet. "Tomorrow I'll be driving into the city...if your mother allows it maybe you can come get your hair cut with me...We're like twins with these manes..." Augustus chuckled. In the back of his mind, this was the perfect excuse to give the family for his absense at the farm tomorrow morning... He'd be able to meet with Tom without a second thought of anyone.

"Can we get ice cream too!"

"If you sit still enough for a hair cut, I'll think about it..."

"Yes! Momma can I go can I?" Graham practically begged, he loved the city, it was a change of pace.

"Let her think about it on the ride, don't pester... " Augustus patted the boys head. "Grab Dumas, Graham. I'll help your Mama mount Terrance." Augustus handed the reigns to Graham, the held out a hand to Viola.. "Ma'am...." He suggested her to walk towards Terrance. He could feel her emotions flowing out of her because he was deliberate to make it known he had no intention of staying away from her son. "Don't blow a fuse just yet...Miss Viola...." He whispered with a fake smile and a cheerful voice, it was safest since they were still close to Graham.
"I didn't know that... you'll have to show me the album sometime.." Viola's eyes had been glued to her son when Augustus spoke, but when those words left his mouth, and with that very tone, she felt a chill running up her spine that spread through her entire body. Her gaze shot up to him immediately and to her surprise and confusion she found him staring right back at her as well. How could he even dare to use that tone with her? It was outrageous, and yet what had her furious was that she had felt it, she had felt the effect of that tone of voice - most likely his usual one - on her own body, a response she couldn't control.

Graham's voice diverted her attention, and it was then when she realised that her stare had been helplessly locked with Augustus' the entire time. She looked away before looking down at her son, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly into a faint smile when Dumas was mentioned. He was a young wild one indeed, she even still remembered that one time he had dropped Joachim on purpose years ago when they were both a bit younger. Needless to say, that her fiancé hasn't like that beautiful creature of hers ever since.

But she did like him, her marvellous stallion. She remembered she used to ride him everyday, and both of them enjoyed their little trips around the landscape. Dumas loved to be taken out, and Viola adored to do so. However, she gradually stopped as time went by, and she dropped by the stables rarely each week, even to the point of noticing the growing impatience on the black stallion when she decided to ride him, poor creature, his owner wouldn't take him out frequently anymore, no wonder he seemed much rejuvenated now, surely Augustus had something to do in that matter.

" . . . Your mother is the only one you'll have..she raised you so show some respect." Those very words had her paying attention to her son's and Augustus conversation again, and her brow raised in surprise when they were spoken. Not only because Augustus was telling her little boy to respect her, but because Graham was listening to him intently. It was to her dismay to find out that the little boy had bonded with that man already, to the point of agreeing - without replying anything back - with Augustus scolding. Even though she was not feeling comfortable at all with that realisation, she had to admit there was a bit of admiration that had sprouted from that, it demonstrated that he really did have a way to educate her son that nor Joachim or even her granddad had had.

Augustus suggestion, nevertheless, killed that hint of admiration, because it clearly showed her that he just wasn't going to listen to her.

"Yes! Momma can I go can I?"

"Now wait a moment young man, I don't believe that it is a good-"

"Let her think about it on the ride, don't pester... Grab Dumas, Graham. I'll help your Mama mount Terrance." Augustus turned to her and Viola's eyes narrowed, she understood that Graham was not expecting a 'no' for an answer and that he hadn't even listened to her.

"Don't blow a fuse just yet...Miss Viola...." It was not the safest thing to say to her, she was truly infuriated and felt offended, as if she had been slapped in the face.

"So is this your way to telling me that you're not gonna stay away from him?" Standing by Terrence already, Viola turned around to face him. 
(Btw I apologise for the lateness @Sharliery v.v')
"So is this your way to telling me that you're not gonna stay away from him?" Viola's voice was sharp and to the point, turning to the balls of her feet she faced him with a stance that stood prouder then the horse behind her, her scowl was honest in her displeasure. Augustus took a moment to look back at Graham who was occupied petting Dumas, his cheeks still red from earlier's debacle. The sudden feeling of eyes on him made him turn to Augustus, he smiled wide and gave a big wave. Augustus fiend a smile.

"It's only been a few hours but one thing you should be smart to remember, I don't give up on people easily...and Graham is someone who I don't intend to give up on...His father has yet to show up, and from what I hear, he's a real pompous type.afraid of a little dirt I hear... " The tone in his voice and the smile on his face completely contradicted themselves. He turned back to Viola after he gave a small wave to Graham, reassuring him they'd be right there. His smile quickly disappeared when he looked her in the eyes, he didn't forget their conversation in the room so quickly, the more she looked at him with grudging eyes the more he was reminded... "So why don't we get this show on the road, Maam...It's lookin' like tomorrow I have to be up mighty early to get things done before I depart into the city with Graham..."

Augustus said very as-a-matter-a-fact like as if telling her she had no choice but to let Graham go since he already mentioned it in front of him, he knew the boy wouldn't let his mother say no and Viola especially could tell her son needed a hair cut, it was long over do... More importantly Augustus just needed an excuse to get into this city...This had nothing to do with Graham. Augustus thought to himself as he adjusted Terrance's straps, tugging tightly to make sure everything was secure enough for her to ride and their wouln't be an accident. He patted the horses nape lovingly before reaching out a hand to assist Viola in mounting him.

"Let's go... Supper is promptly at 8:30 I don't care to be yelled at by your mother any more than you already have today...Let's end this night well with a smile on your son's face shall we? "
The young auburn haired woman couldn't stop a mocking sort of soft sound from coming out of her lips when Augustus mentioned the "I don't give up on people easily" part. "Please" That single word, which escaped her, was filled with a sharp, biting and disdainful tone of voice. Truth to be told, her very own gaze completed the sentence without her needing to speak it out loud. Don't make me laugh Her thoughts being displayed crystal clear on the look of her face.

When Joachim was mentioned, Viola's eyes narrowed once again "True, Joachim is like that. But he is much more of a man than someone like you can ever afford to be" She replied scathingly. However, it felt as if Augustus had simply dismissed her statement as soon as she spoke those words, because he paid them no mind, as if she had not even said them to begin with. Who did he think he was? He couldn't just walk into her life and decide things without minding what she had to say about them! He really was not listening to her! On the contrary, he was openly telling her that she'd have to live with whatever he chose to do without having a word to say on the matter.

Augustus made it very clear, he'd be taking Graham tomorrow either if she liked it or not. And in a way, she felt hopeless, because deep down she knew that her son would not hear her if she told him that he wasn't allowed to accompany that man. He wasn't going to walk all over her as he pleased! "I won't allow it" She said in an almost hiss like whisper that showed that she was losing her patience all over again. She was, overall, not that much of a hot-tempered woman, but that man was so very easily wrecking her nerves with just his presence and a couple of words.

She'd have said much more, but Augustus ended their argument so easily, because he had confidence - and Viola was sure - in the fact that he had supposedly won. It was most likely for him not to know, that Viola was not used to lose, but it didn't matter because she'd teach him. "You really do want a war?" In a quick manner, her fingers wrapped themselves in a tight grip around Augustus collar, and with the advantage of the surprise, she managed to pull him close to her.

Her deep blue eyes pierced right into his, and her own reflected she was not willing to go down without putting up a fight. Even if he did manage to take her son away from her the next day, he wouldn't have it that easy "That you will have" She replied before she released his collar at the same time she pushed him back and skilfully swung her leg over Terrence's back in a single movement in the process. She didn't even wait for what he had to say to her, if he had anything to say, as she was already squeezing the white stallion's sides gently so as to get him to move.
Augustus eyes were as wide as can be as the woman pulled him to her face, cursing a threat on his name, he could just see it in her eyes before she pushed him away and mounted the horse with grace and ease, the side of her boot nicking his lip, he barely had time to react before the horse came trampling his way, if he hadn't moved back quickly he was pretty sure he'd have a fractured foot.

"Watch it!" Augustus called after her with biting anger, he couldn't believe that woman had no regard for anyone else's well being... He knew she would do anything to make his life a living hell, anything for him to leave this job but he wouldn't have much as she hated him she had to understand he had priorities as a son and a man... His mother's health his debt... he even agreed with his mother to meet a women she had set up for blind dates... He isn't getting any younger.. he felt ready for a family.

With a quiet grunt, he began to walk back towards Graham who was waiting patiently smiling at his mother as he praised how well she was handling Terrence, his bright smile made Augustus heart grow soft.. this is what he wanted someday... this moment of joy of a boy admiring his mother...the look of joy and amazement mixed into one. Augustus hand came onto his head again.

"Let's go bud..." Augustus smile matched Graham's as he looked up to him, red cheeks eyes closed from his wide smile...Augustus couldn't help but feel full of joy... Maybe he'd bring Graham to see his mother one day..she loved kids...

Augustus quickly mounted the horse, reaching out an arm to Graham he hoisted the boy onto the saddle in front of him, Graham's small form fit snug in Augustus large frame, leaning back into him Graham sighed.

"I feel safer with you Augustus..." He whispered... Augustus smiled and smacked a hand on his helmet again, partly to make sure it was on correctly, Graham cocked his head back to look up at Augustus.

"Good... Now hold on tight...We'll beat your momma around the trail..." Augustus smirked at Graham who smiled and held on to the front of the horse.

"Ready Momma?" Graham asked his mother innocently, he knew she'd have no idea.

"Let the war begin!" Augustus gave Viola a serious playfulness behind his words. He cracked the reins against Dumas and dug his heel into his side... the horse took off in a sprint as fast as lightening, the brute force caused a grunt from Augustus and a yelp from Graham... Augustus had forgotten the strength of Dumas.
True, Viola was rather surprised when Dumas took off in a sprint in the blink of an eye, leaving her and Terrence behind quite quickly and easily as well. She had heard Augustus declaration of war, and understood he was serious. The white stallion attempted to follow Dumas, moving even before Viola commanded him to, but that was okay, if he really wanted to challenge her, she would face him with all she had got. Shifting in the saddle, the young woman dug her heel into her horse's side and as simple as that Terrence reacted in the way she had wanted for him to do, following behind Dumas at top speed.

It was quite a gratifying experience for Viola to realise, that even if she had not properly ridden a horse in what felt like ages, her body remembered well each and every of the competitions she had been in. So it came out naturally, posture leaning forward and a hand gripping tightly one rein as the other held onto the saddle itself, both her and Terrence felt as one, and with the wind blowing violently into her ears, she picked up Augusts speed. Her hat, of course, being blown off her hair when she pulled her hand away from it.

It was in a mix of anger and defiance that she was riding the horse, though she couldn't hide the excited feeling that was growing inside her chest at the promise of a race. Yes, she was supposed to be dead serious about it, but it didn't stop from a rather happy and delighted look to settle on her face as well as a wide grin. It was an extremely pleasant feeling! Also, rather surprising that Terrence was much faster than she remembered him to be, of course, she was used to ride Dumas after all, and hadn't taken the white stallion in a ride for years.

Soon, Terrence and Viola were nearing the black stallion, and the dirt that he caused floated in the air before her every time his hoofs clashed against the ground. It was like a rhythmic sound, both of the horses in unison and it made the perfect melody for a cowboy girl that had been living among them all her life. Was she really willing and ready to leave all of that? It made her doubt.

Sadly enough, they couldn't seem to completely catch up, much less take the lead. Perhaps because of the horse, or because of the fact that she was out of shape in that matter, or maybe both, who knows?
Dumas speed was picking up slightly as the other white stallion came in closing behind them, Graham was gripping the saddle tightly, his back pressed against Augustus in fear her would fall. Augustus was holding onto the stallion with his thighs forcefully, pulling the reigns slightly warning Dumas to slow down...the horse had a knack for running as fast as he wanted...something Augustus was having a hard time getting the horse to adjust to...

"Graham are you okay?" Augustus looked down to him, Graham nodded in response, unable to speak because of the excitement and fear mixing together. " hold on, their's a sharp..." Before he could say the word Dumas sprinted through a turn, causing Graham to yell and jolt to the side quickly, Augustus caught him with his arm causing a grunt from the brute force. Dumas was getting carried away... Augustus pulled his reigns back quickly, Dumas neighed loudly, cocking his head back and forth slightly as his run slowed down, he bucked his legs, pulling the reigns forward, Augustus looked back to Viola, a nervous look on her face as her son latched on to his waist.

"Dumas! Stop!!" Augustus voice cracked like a whip against the air, the horse falling back onto his hind legs, another yell from Graham before the horse came back on all fours, huffing loudly in a complete stop. Augustus breathing was also loud and his heart beat rang in his ear, not for himself but for the sake of Graham who was tightly coiled at his waist, Augustus own arm was wrapped around his shaking body.

"'s alright now... C'mon look we're almost back to the house..." Augustus rubbed on his back, whipping his head around to look a Viola... "Would you like to ride with your momma the rest of the way back?" Augustus almost beged him to say yes, today was turning out to be a whirl wind of trouble...he was ready for it to be over.
She shouldn't had been able to hear a thing apart from Terrence's and her own breathing, but as soon as there was a turn - that even she had trouble in managing as her body separated from the saddle a bit too much for it to be considered safe -, the high pitched yell of her own son pushed its way to her ears in a quite terrifying way. Viola's stomach gave a violent lurch and her heart skipped a beat in fear in a way that it was almost painful. Her grip around Terrence's reins tightened and her other hand immediately shot forwards so as to grasp the reins with both of them.

"Graham!" Her own desperate voice was overpowered by Augustus and she couldn't help it but look up at him, surprised and impressed, when he managed for the black stallion to come to a halt so quickly. Viola knew by experience that when Dumas was into it he'd refuse to stop in an immediate manner, that's why she'd be forced to slow down his speed gradually. Terrence, on the other hand, was much obedient in that matter and so, she commanded for him to stop and trotted all the way to where Dumas and therefore her child had stopped.

"Would you like to ride with your momma the rest of the way back?" Viola didn't even wait neither for Graham to reply or for Augustus to add something, as she was quick to hop down her horse and take long strides towards them before she took her little boy in her arms with a firm and rather strong grip enhanced by the adrenaline that was running in her veins.

She heard her son low complain but she didn't care as she was already wrapping her arms around him protectively as Graham himself held onto her with his own little arms. "There, there" Leaning her chin on top of his head, she whispered gently "It's okay, clam down baby" He was scared, she could see that, but she was doing her best in calming down herself as well. "You were amazing son, truly amazing, just like your father" Of course she didn't mean Joachim, and of course she didn't even think that sentence through before uttering it, but she didn't give it much though after it had been spoken.

Running her hands up and down Graham's back, so as to soothe him, Viola finally glanced up at Augustus and her brows knitted together before she turned on her heels. It was all his fault, if only he hadn't wanted to take her son on a ride . . .

"Momma . . . "

"Yes, sweetie?" She said gently.

" . . . I want to ride back with Augustus . . . " He said softly.

Viola's distaste showed on her features, though her kid couldn't see it as his head was buried into her chest.

"No, sweetie, you'll be riding back with me and Terrence" She said as gently and softly as she could.

"But I want to ride back with him" He repeated before he finally pulled his head back to look up at her. His eyes were watery, but there was a hint of pleading in them.

"Graham, you can't just . . . " Clicking her tongue she paused "Look, you'll be riding back with me, if you don't, I won't allow you to go into town with him tomorrow"

Graham lowered his head for a bit and looked up from her mother's shoulder towards Augustus, his hands balling up a bit and tugging on his mother's shirt "So can I, Momma? Can I go with Augustus tomorrow?"

Viola couldn't help it but get the feeling that she was being manipulated by a 9 year old boy, but if he asked it like that . . . Gosh, she was truly an awful mother.

"Mhm" It was everything she was willing to concede before she placed Graham safely on top of Terrence and mounted him herself.

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