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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales

Anais Queen

"Everybody is pretty kind and bright and all that crappy stuff. Makes me sick." Anais shrugged at Wick before raising an eyebrow at him. "I see, you're still practicing your old hobby." she continued. And by old hobby she means pick-pocketing- actually the main reason she knows the guy was because she caught him in the act once. She kept quiet about it though and never mentioned it to anyone- okay maybe she did mention it on one of her classmates once.

"So how much you got today?" she smirked at the guy in amusement as he noticed him keeping the money inside his pocket. Truth is, she likes watching someone do a little crime and not getting caught.

"I'll definetely take the helmet." She said with a small laugh, smiling at him. "I don't want a cracked skull."

A small blush came to her cheeks at his small comment and she sent him a small smile, nodding her head. "My friends are very pretty." She commented as she led the way to the library. She glanced back at him in surprise. "Wait, you're not from Maleficent High? Wow..." She mumbled, thinking over it. "Isn't it something that you happen to be coming to the school the same time the others are. But yes, there is a big rivalry between both schools in pretty much everything. So you can imagine the joy of hearing both schools being merged together." She said with a sarcastic smile as they reached the library. She pushed through the doors and looked around, dark brown eyes flickering over every face. She saw Frostlyn with a few others and were those students from Maleficent High? She made a small noise and gestured for Zeph to follow her over to them.


A smirk came to Wick's face. "Kind? Puh-lease. The first one I talked to caught an attitude with me. Feisty little thing." He said, looking around before looking back at Anais. "Though I see what you mean. The people here make me sick as well. They're all so... Preppy. Disgusting." He said with a scowl.

The scowl was quickly replaced with a sheepish grin and he nodded slowly, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm trying to kick it- Really. Just something I tend to relapse back into." He pulled the small wad back out, eyes roaming it before he glanced up. "Not enough for my liking. I want at least thirty. Only have twenty three." A smirk appeared. "Care to donate?"

@TheOneAndOnly @Ravian
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Junjie looked at her when she asked what grade he was in. "I'm a senior...so this is my last year before I go off to college...and yeah class is important to me...I live in a semi-strict home and I need to make sure my grades are good...but since it's the first day of school I'm not really worried about it..." He saw when she took out the school map. It was a good thing he attended this school all four years.

He continued his speed on his board before hearing her say that he could stay and keep her company. "Sure I don't mind...and you don't need this..."He smiled slowly taking the school map out of her hand. "You got people here who can help you..."

Zephyr nodded. "Good to hear you value your brains. Also, you're cute when you blush." He gave her a wink. As they walked along, Zeph shrugged at her when she mentioned her friends. "I have a sneaking suspicion that all boys and girls here are lookers. I haven't seen a single deformed person yet." Zeph suddenly felt awful for what he just said, as he had an uncle who was physically disabled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm just saying that with a name like Fairy Heights High, it seems like a lot of people are going to be pretty goody-two-shoes." He shrugged again. "Yeah, I've mostly been homeschooled up to this point. My parents just decided to send me off here, so it kind of explains my weirdness." He looked at her. "Have you met any kids from the new school yet? Seems like they'll be a lot of mischief... lucky for them I like that..." He suddenly heard Eva make a noise and gesture towards a group of people, crowded around a book on a table. He followed her up to them, waiting for Eva to make the introductions.

@JujuBee @Ravian
Isabelle "Ellie" Waters

The book had caught her interest and until now Ellie had remained quiet with interest. A billion questions ran through her mind but for some reason she couldn't find the words to put them together. What does this mean? Could this be some joke? It's probably just a prank. Frost's mom always did have a weird sense of humor. When the whole soda mishap went down, Ellie was half expecting Rahul to bolt. He didn't exactly seem like the type to care that he had just spilled a sticky substance all over a library table. A disapproving look crossed her face as he left the room, until she noticed his backpack was still in his chair. Good. Hopefully he will clean that mess up. Her attention focused back onto the book as she sat down next to Ash. "I don't know how their faces are in here. Do you think this could be some kind of joke?" Her eyes turned to Frost. "Would your mom do something like this as a prank?" Although Ellie was a bit confused, her tone stayed light and positive.

The sudden screeching of a chair brought her eyes away from her friend and to Rahul, who thankfully had at least attempted to clean up his mess. She flicked her eyes from Rahul to the half-cleaned table and let out a sigh, but decided not to push the subject. "We're looking at a book. You had those back at your old school, right? You know, the things with words and pictures." She was a bit irritated with Rahul at the moment and although her words might have sounded harsh, her light tone made clear that she was just messing with him.

@FrankieLynn @Halcyon @Ravian
Evangeline couldn’t help but blush once more at his words and sent him a small smile.

“I don’t doubt that. I have yet to see a person who wouldn’t be considered pretty or hot here. It’s like we they were all conceived by gods and goddesses. It’s crazy.” She said with a laugh.

She glanced up at him, nodding her head. “You’re homeschooled? That honestly makes a lot of sense now. It makes a wonderful amount of sense. I haven’t met any new ones but I have a feeling I’m about to.” She said, walking over to the girls.

She smiled at them. “Hey you all!” She greeted, waving her hand.

She glanced back at Zeph before turning back to them.

“Zeph, I would like for you to meet some friends of mine. Isabelle, Frostlyn, Anaëlle, and others that I don’t know.” She said with a small laugh.

“You three and others, this is Zeph. He’s new but he’s not from Maleficent High. Ironic that he comes the same day they do huh?” She asked.

Eva then noticed the perplexed looks on their faces and furrowed her eyebrows.

“What’s going on?" She asked, looking a bit worried over them. Was something bad going on? Or was this just one of those moments where thy were all pondering over something that would be later seen as stupid. She didn't know and wasn't sure she wanted to but curiosity always got the best of her.

@TheOneAndOnly @Halcyon @ShatteredSoul @Fingertips @Ravian
Now Zeph flushed, just slightly embarrassed. "Uh, yeah. I'm a bit weirder than most because of that." As they entered the library, his eyes flickered to the people at the table as they approached. He gave a small wave of his hand to the table. "Hey, nice to meet you." His eyes flicked to the book, and he saw the familiar illustrations. "Hey, what is this? Some kind of graphic novel or whatever?"

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A light blush came over Ophelia's cheeks as the boy complimented her eyes, but she brushed it off as she disliked being flirted with, whether it be from anyone from Maleficent high or Fairy Heights. She turned her attention back to what the group was talking about, noticing that there was a few from her old high school. All Ophelia took from the conversation was that the book had some information about their parents that hit all too close to home.

Students left and came and as curious as Ophelia was about the book, she didn't like to poke her nose into someone else's business and went by the motto of curiosity killing the cat. Just poking in and introducing herself wasn't her forte, and she highly doubted her parents were even in that book. Feeling like she spent too long in the library observing and such, she turned and walked to down the aisle and to the exit of the library, slinking out of the door, hopefully unnoticed.
Morgan still hung around the group though there seemed to be more and more people streaming into the library and it was getting rather crowded for her tastes. She did wonder if this was common if all these "good" kids liked to hang out in the library as she had found the library a good place to stay as there were fewer people there normally meaning it was quiet and private. Still there was one idea that Morgan had that these people were playing a joke on the new students and she would not be fooled, as fairy tales were not something she had heard of and if they were then Morgan was sure she would have heard something of them especially given the age of the book.
Dmitri got up with a few minutes to spare and he threw on whatever was easiest to grab in his closet. That happened to be a gray t-shirt with a Deadpool emblem across it. Next he put on some jeans and his old leather jacket. As Dmitri got ready to leave his room and run to school, he grabbed black sunglasses and some loose change from his dresser. Dmitri pulled his book bag from the stair railing and said "Bye Dad" and walked out the door. Dmitri lived really close to Fairy Heights. A few minutes later, Dmitri made it to the library where everyone seemed to be congregating. "Sup,

guys, so, lemme guess, storybooks are the newest craze in Teen Weekly Magazine?"


Anais rolled her eyes. Same old Wick. "First girl I met here gave me a cupcake after I bumped into her. Thought it was weird. Anyways if you want more penny-" Anais pointed at Junjie who was right beside her with his skateboard and her map. "-ask this guy. His name is Junjie by the way." she continued as he introduced the Asian guy and smirked afterwards. Maybe he can pick pocket him too or something, surely this guy has enough money to reach Wick's quota or something.



Junjie chuckled scratching the back of his head before he looked at the map and crumbled it up clearly going to throw it away. He turned around walking over to the closets trash can he could find luckily it wasn't far. He stopped a few feet looking at the trash can then at the balled up map and smirked. He pretended to dribble the crumbled paper then did a 360 and took the shot. The "anticipation" was high and the "pressure" was on. Suddenly, the sweet sound of the crumbled up paper going inside the can was music to Jun's ears. He does a fist pump in the air before turning around, him not paying attention he bumps into a boy and almost falls ontop of him. Luckily he remains balanced and catches the young boy that he accidentally bumped into. "Dude I'm sorry I was caught in the moment and I didn't see you..." He told him looking down at yet another short kid. Well he wasn't short...majority of the people he has met are averaged height, he's just really tall. But he's gotten used to it, when he was younger he would always be bullied because he was tall and he didn't like it. But, once he got into middle school and the coaches saw his potential in basketball his height problem quickly became an advantage. Now, he hopes to get a full ride basketball scholarship to the university of his dreams and hopefully play in the NBA.

Chapter eight . . . Raymond thought to himself while putting a finger in between random pages of his book and trying to open it up to the right page. Chapter seven. Dang! Hm. Close, but not close enough! Bump. "Woah!" The teen lost balance for a moment and felt his book fly out of his hands before getting caught by Junjie. Raymond paused for a bit to register what had just happened, "It's all good bro! Besides, I'm pretty sure it was my fault. My apologies". Raymond got out of the taller teen's grip. "Anyway, how's it going? Ya meet any of the new people yet?" He questioned while picking up his book near some random person's shoes.

Junjie looked down at the young fellow and smiled. "You mean seen the same people since freshman year...yes and no...I don't think I've seen you around here before...are you new here?" He asked as he picked up his board slipping it under his right arm then shoved his hands in his pockets. "And yes I've met some...new people...both by accident to be honest and both girls...anyway names Junjie Li it's nice to meet a dude this time...I don't think I can handle anymore estrogen yelling and blaming me for stuff..." He laughed remembering the whole altercation with that Evangeline or whatever her name is. "And how but you? Haven't been accused of anything yet have ya?"

"Kinda? I came here in the middle of last school year" Raymond replied. The teen laughed a bit at Junjie's comment, "Not yet. Don't really want to speak too soon, you know?" The only thing Raymond's ever really been accused of is destruction. He didn't do it intentionally! It usually resulted from his pranks or parkour practice . . . mainly the pranks. The situation isn't as bad as it sounds. He knew that wasn't the type of accusation Junjie was referring to though. "Heard an announcement earlier. Something about not having classes today?" Raymond asked so he could get some verification while dusting the book off and tucking it back under his forearm.

"Wait...there's no classes today? Ó, gǎnxiè shàngdì, jīntiān bù huì yǒu rènhé lèi" He spoke in his native language. "I already missed my first class cause this girl accidentally got hit in the nose by my basketball...it wasn't pretty..." He laughed "What's your name dude? I already told you mine...and sorry about your book I hope I didn't damage it...that would be the third thing I've damaged before lunch..." He felt his phone vibrate and took it out before sending out a quick text. "Sorry bout that it was just a text from my mom..." Quickly putting his phone away he wanted to know more about Raymond. "So what do you like to do for fun? I know it sounds so cliche but it's like the first rule in a convo..."

"Well that's what I heard. I was hoping you would solidify my understanding" Raymond said then made an amazed facial expression once Junjie began to speak in another language. "Awesome! I wish I could do that. Oh...yeah that sounds like it hurts" He replied. "Raymond Fitzherbert. You can just call me Rayver if ya want" The teen added before moving a hand through his hair and shaking his head. "Don't worry you didn't damage it. It just flew to the ground. No big deal. It isn't even mine ha" Raymond laughed a bit then cut himself off. "Hm, going on adventures, reading, playing sports, making others laugh, joking around, pranking, doing some parkour, and racing. And you?" He asked.

"Oh cool you parkour that's awesome!" He was amazed at how cool Raymond was. "I like to play basketball obviously...skateboard guilty...and I do karate, different kinds of Jitzu's and kendo...that's pretty much it unless you want to count amazing dancer as an extra" He laughed before doing the Whip perfectly. He quickly stopped dancing when he heard a group of girls giggle at him. A blush quickly formed on his face as he looked down and kept his eyes straight on the ground. "Well...that was embarrassing...now I'll be known as the Asian Whipper...you know what that sounds really weird and inappropriate..." He sighed wishing it never happened and instead focused his mind on how Raymond was surprised that he knew how to speak a different language. "My parents taught my siblings and I when we were little...Chinese is a pretty hard language to master...but I can speak a lot of other languages too!"

“Cupcake? That sounds beautiful. I’m guessing it was that girl with Rahul I saw earlier today. I guess I should have gone over there to get one myself…” He said, thinking about the lost opportunity for a cupcake before shrugging it off. It’s not like he was going to eat it. Probably give it to Vinny. Wick’s eyes flickered over to Junjie and a smirk came to his face.

“Easy target.” He replied to Anais, watching as Junjie walked away. “Very easy target. But for another day at least. Don’t want to have too many of these goody kids donating to my cause for today. Have to keep up the good image.” He said, his last sentence slightly sarcastic. “Gotta be a good boy.”

He sat back on his bench, patting the seat beside him for Anais to sit down as he looked around at some of the students, his facial expression one of boredom. “How in the hell do they have fun here? Where’s the fights? The craziness?” He complained, frowning. “The only fight was with that one girl and she wasn’t even fighting. Just all prissy.” He said with a shrug. He glanced over at Anais, “What about you? Any other people you met besides that guy over there?” He asked, pointing at Junjie who was now in a conversation with someone else. “He seems okay.”


Evangeline smiled up at Zeph, giving him an encouraging smile before turning to see Dmitri. She sent him a smile as well, waving at the Junior.

“Hey Dmitri,” She greeted. She then pointed at Zeph, “Dmitri this is Zeph. Zeph- Dmitri. As for the book, I don’t know. I was actually asking them the same thing.” She said with a shrug.

@Ravian @Deadkool @TheOneAndOnly
Dmitri nodded to acknowledge his presence. "So, shall we find ou-? One moment." he said after noticing Junjie's display of a foreign language. Dmitri poked his head into the conversation for a moment to say "Он нетолько один" in a Russian tongue. Shortly thereafter he returned to his own conversation.
"Nah, but I did met Rahul and Morgan earlier with the cupcake girl who calls herself Frostlynn or something." Anais replied to Wick as he patted the seat next to him. She raised an eyebrow at him but sat beside him on the bench anyways. "If you're looking for fights here, why don't you just start one yourself. Problem solved." she continued. She frowned when she remembered that Junjie took her map and left her alone. 'Now I'm lost, thank you very much.' she thought to herself as she gave out a sigh.

"And good boy?" Anais chuckled lightly as she shook her head side wards in disbelief. "As if. Anyways once they realized you're from Maleficent High they will already think you're a criminal or something." she continued as she relaxed on the bench beside the man.

And then Wick said something about Junjie, "Oh him? I met him at the gym, his ball hit my face and my nose bled. Help me go to the nurse office." she shrugged. She don't know whether to agree that the Asian guy is okay or not.

She sighed once more as she realized that she's skipping her very first class here in this good for nothing school for nothing. "I'm so bored I might die." Anais frowned as she looked at Wick, boredom present in her face. She needs something interesting to happen today.

Wick made a small face. “…Frost…Lyn? What type of-“ Wick didn’t say anything else. What kind of name was that? It sounded… Weird.

‘But then again, I have a pretty weird name too. Who in the hell names their son Wick?’ He thought to himself with a small chuckle. He looked back over to Anais and smirked.

“Now since when was I ever the one to start fights? I simply am drug into the them and if not that then I cause fights between other people. I don’t do the fighting. I don’t dirty my hands unless it’s needed darling.” He said with a shrug.

Wick pondered for a moment. “Criminal? I wouldn’t mind that persona. They wouldn’t mess with me. That’s for sure. Plus I could probably get a few girls who want to see if they can ‘tame the bad boy in me’.” He said, putting quotation marks around it. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes darkened slightly.

“He hit you with a ball?” He asked, a slight growl in his words. He scowled, glaring at Junjie’s back. He glanced over at Anais. “…You know there’s no classes today right?” He asked her, a small smirk coming to his face. “We could certainly change that. Wanna cause some trouble? We might need some back up but two of us can do some damage."

Zeph nodded his head towards Dmitri. "Dasvedanya or whatever." He joked. He then glanced down at the book with Eva. "Looks cool." However, he swiftly got bored, and noticed the sun shining through the windows. He leaned over to Eva. "Story time is great and all, but it's a beautiful day outside. Wanna bounce?"

@JujuBee @Ravian @Deadkool
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Evangeline looked over at Zeph when he leaned towards her and gave a questioning look. Dark brown eyes glanced out the window before looking back at the teen. A smirk came to her face as she nodded.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." She said, taking his arm.

"Bye guys!" She said, pulling Zeph away from the group and back out the library. She could feel herself getting excited as they walked towards the exit. She'd never been on a motorcycle before. This would certainly cause her mother to have a heart attack.

"Come on, hurry up." She said, skipping ahead of him.

Anais laughed at Wick when he said he wants some girls to 'tame the bad boy in him', "You'll probably get some sort of preppy nerd good girls." she said afterwards. But opposite attracts so maybe a good girl and Wick might work after all.

"Plus he didn't hit me with a ball intentionally, more like the ball was attracted to my pretty face." she shrugged at Wick and pointed her own face using her thumb. Fortunately she can no longer feel the soreness of her nose and upper lip, the spot where the ball hit her.

She smirked at Wick's offer, "Are you asking me to be your partner in crime? Because I would love to make some mess in this perfect school." Anais accepted his offer. Although she doubt they will need back up, heck Wick was pick pocketing and nobody even noticed him. "Well, what's our first mission?" she asked Wick as she crossed her arms and smirked wider.


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