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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales

"Recipe book, eh? That's some important info right there." He laughed when she told him about how she threw the book. "I'm sure he deserved it, you look like someone who doesn't fly off the handle to often. What exactly did he do to invoke your pretty wrath?" He pulled her by the hand down the hall. "Come on, let's get a head start. We wouldn't want that falling into the wrong hands!" He let go and danced ahead in the hallway, spinning around and singing off-tunely "We don't know where we're going but we're halfway there!" He grinned at her. "So what did this scoundrel look like, anyway? I suppose it'd be too hopeful to guess that he was wearing a striped shirt and a balaclava."
Evangeline looked at him. "He made me drop my mama's beignet. Now that may sound childish but trust me- You haven't lived until you've had one of her beignets." She said, nodding her head.

When he let go, Evangeline watched him sing and dance as they made their way down the hall. She glanced around in slightly embarrassment as some students watched them but she wasn't going to stop him. He seemed to be having too much fun. Was he really from the other high school? He seemed way too happy... Too preppy to be over there.

She thought about his question. "Um... He's a senior here- I know that. Black spiky hair, really tall. His name is Junjie. I've seen him around before."
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Junjie rolled his eyes at the short girls comment about how she's not short. He didn't really care what did catch him off guard was when she skipped four and went straight to five. "Did you just skip four when counting?" He asked her as he put his skateboard down hopping on then slowly cruised through the halls while next to Anais. "And that's a very interesting name you got Anais...just like you..." He smiled then slowly realized what he said and cleared his throat scratching the back of his head. "Sorry didn't mean to say that..."

Zephyr chuckled at this. "Remind me to try one of her beignets, and I'll decide from there whether he deserved to get book-slapped." He walked around the hall with Eva, taking in every inch of the school. "Oh, so you've been going here for awhile eh? Got any tips and tricks for surviving this place? If you haven't already noticed, I'm uh, new here." He grinned lopsidedly. "Must be obvious, huh?"
Evangeline nodded. "Most definitely. I'll even bring you one if need be." She said, completely serious though there was a small smile on her face.

"I've been here since freshmen year." She said with a shrug. "Any advice? Be nice. Act preppy. Don't let anyone step all over you." She said, tilting her head a bit at him. "It's very obvious. I don't usually see someone singing and dancing down the halls."
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"Sounds delicious. I look forward to it." Zeph bit his lip. "Hmm. Being nice I can do, and trust me, I won't take anyone's shit." He blushed suddenly. This girl seemed way too proper to curse around. "Uh, scuse my french. Anyway, it's probably the preppy part that might be a bit difficult. I'm not exactly Prince Charming, you know." He laughed. "Sorry about that. At home me and my mum just dance around the house like it's nothing. She's a great dancer, taught me everything I know. I guess I'll have to tone it down a bit, eh?" He glanced ahead and suddenly saw someone gliding forward at the end of a hall, on a skateboard, walking next to another girl. He nudged Eva's shoulder. "Skateboard, twelve o'clock. I'm guessing that's our guy?"
"It's alright." Eva said, waving off his cursing. "It doesn't bother me. No Prince Charming? You're going to ave a hard time fitting in." She teased him.

She thought about the fact that he danced and nodded thoughtfully. "My family doesn't do the dancing thing. Well- my dad does. He's all about parties and my mama's all about cooking. Odd combination." She said, giggling. She then shook her head, looking at him. "No way, be yourself. Don't tone anything down unless it's harmful to others." She said with a small grin before looking forward.

"Yeah, that is him!" She said, her eyes narrowing on him and the girl beside him. "He's the one with my recipe book!"
"Well, I guess I'll just have to be content with sticking out like a sore thumb, won't I?" Zeph gave her a devilish wink. "An odd combination, huh? My parents are the same. He's in the military and pretty strict, but she's kind of crazy and lets me do whatever." His eyes locked onto her at that last comment, and a big grin spread across his face. He liked this girl. "Thanks, Eva. I'll be sure to do just that. Let me know if being myself annoys you, though." He looked back over at the guy on the skateboard. "Well, let's go!" He marched up to the pair. "Scuse me! My lady friend here says you may be in possession of a certain cookbook? Which she may or may not have thrown at you?"

"The joys of polar opposite parents." Evangeline said laughing lightly. "But you know what they say- opposites attract. " She glanced at him, nodding her head. "I'll be sure to let you know if you annoy me. I let everyone know if they do." She said with a shrug and grin before quickly following Zeph. She glared at the guy from before though slightly embarrassed. She didn't want to seem weak and look like she needed someone to fight her battles. She was perfectly capable of doing it herself.

"Give me my book." She said, frowning.
Morgan just sat back and watched Rahul make a fool of himself, really she didn't see how him throwing an tantrum over such minor things as cigarettes would make any kind of good impression on these people. Though Morgan doubted that anything would make a good impression on some of the locals who had no doubt already decided that they were the bad kids and they were the good kids such black and white thinking annoyed her. Still what the two girls with the fairy tale book were saying was interesting their parents in an ancient book, that was a weird coincidence.

" I would call it chance and live with it what does it matter if your parents match an old book, neither one should have much of an impact on you " Morgan said not really seeing why such a thing would be a big deal if her parents lied to her about a book what did it matter.

Junjie stopped his slow cruising on his skateboard when he saw a boy and that girl from earlier walk over to him and Anais. He shoved his hands in his pockets when she demanded her give the book she threw at him back. He then thought that the boy who was standing next to the angry was suppose to be their backup but he really didn't care. "...Oh you mean the book that you purposely threw at me because you couldn't hold your food correctly...hmmmmm...I think I have it...but I would like an apology...you threw something at me that could have damaged my face...and I don't think you would want to spend your first day at school in the principals office..." He spoke at the dark-skinned chick who thought being tough was going to scare him. "Also shorty...I don't know if you brought your friend here as back-up or not but all you had to do was ask..." He unzipped his backpack looking through it before finding the book the girl was asking for. "A cook book...maybe you can whip up something good for me to eat...anyway here ya go shorty..." He gave Eva her book but still kept his grip on it. "I'm still waiting on that apology..." He looked down at Anais wondering if her nose is feeling better now.



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Anais Queen

Anais flushed red with embarrassment when she realized she skipped four during her count. "I intentionally skipped it because I hate number four." she lied and bit her lip. Yet, she smiled when the guy said she's interesting. "I know I'm interesting." she proudly said and gave Junjie a quick thumbs up, "You don't have to apologize. Compliments are what keeps me alive." Anais continued as she shrugged afterwards.

And then some strangers- a boy and girl to be specific approached Junjie.
Does this guy calls every girl 'shorty'? she thought to herself before rolling her eyes. "Greetings, strangers." Anais rose an eyebrow at the pair who approached them. And then the girl and Junjie started bickering about a cookbook or something that she don't understand.

@JujuBee @TheOneAndOnly

Al Weiss Ash Leaf

Ash narrowed his eyes at the book upon hearing Frostlynn's reply. "Oh what? You mean bookwor- er Anaëlle's mother is also there? Must be some sort of coincidence." he knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. What kind of witchery or something is going on in here? Are both of these girl's mother are mascots of a fairy-tale story or something. "Don't tell me your fathers are also there too." Ash Leif asked them just to check, cause if their father is also there- this is no longer a mere coincidence.

And Frostlynn's mother was hiding this? This is all messed up and mind blowing. His thoughts were interrupted when he realized something, his eyes widened at his realization and his jaw almost dropped on the floor. "Wait... If that book is written a hundred years ago and maybe more. Then that means your mothers are a hundred years old and more too!?" Ash Leaf shook his head in disbelief. This situation is confusing yet interesting at the same time.

@Halcyon @Fingertips
Zephyr rolled his eyes at the teasing of this other guy. "Come on kiddies, play nice. Don't want to get a spanking on the first day, now do we?" However, he held back, waiting for Eva to make the next move. It was her book, after all. He looked over and smiled at the other girl. "Greetings to you as well, fair lady. Didn't mean to intrude upon your company with your skateboarding stud over here."

“I admit that. I did purposely throw it at you but that’s only because you almost ran me over!” She hissed at him. “Maybe if your face got damaged then there’d be something worth looking at.” She then turned to look at Zephyr, “I am playing nice.”

She grabbed onto the book and tugged at it, huffing when he didn’t let go. “The day you get an apology from me is the day you apologize for being so careless and almost running people over with that skateboard of yours such as myself.” She said, pulling it out of his hands. She took a step back, eyes flickering over every page he turned before relief came to her face. So he hadn’t ruined it. Good.

“Thank you.” She said to him before turning to the girl that had greeted them. Another new kid. She smiled at the girl. “Hey there yourself.” She said. “You’re from Maleficent right? Nice to meet you. I’m Evangeline."

Junjie sighed shaking his head at how ignorant Eva really is. It was just a book for crying out loud and she's overreacting to it. And it's her fault she wasn't paying attention. He's seen her around the school and vise versa if she doesnt know by now how he is then thats her problem not his. He needs to make sure to stay away from this crazy stubborn girl. He can tell already that she's going to blow her top over little things. "Anyway...you have your book back and since you are a brat I'll be avoiding you from now on...Ive seen you around the school ans visw versa not my problem you dont pay attention to what goes on in the halls...here's a tip...eat at home...now if you'll excuse me...Anais and I need to try and make the rest of our first period..." He carefully grabbed Anais by her hand and walked right through the two on his way to at least check an see if the class was still in session. He was already mad and scared he missed his first class and getting a call from school saying your son was absent for his first period on the first day of school didn't sit so well with him. He wasn't scared about his parents more like his grandparents. He hopped back on his board then looked down at Anais "I just want to know...is your nose feeling better...if not then...I could get lunch my treat..." He rode next to her at a slow speed.

@JujuBee @Ravian @TheOneAndOnly
Frost let out a little squeak as the soda was poured onto the table. She quickly stood, avoiding the liquid as it slowly rolled off the table. 'drip... drip... drip' She stared in utter shock, the mess getting to her. She then quick pulled out her handkerchief from her leather jacket and laid it on the mess. However, she didn't bother picking it up just yet. She had other matters to deal with.

"You jerk." Frost hissed, moving out from behind her chair and making her way over to Rahul's chair. The girl glared at him, placing a hand on t his chair to keep him from moving away from her as she leaned in towards his face. "Listen here kid. That was rude of you. We didn't complain about your stuff or anything. We just simply organized it. You obviously don't know but we have OCD and that mess you just created-" she pointed towards the table "is getting me really angry. Now i suggest you apologize to not me, but Anaëlle for being rude." Frost leaned away from him, looking down at him, being slightly taller than him since he was slouching in the chair. She then reached out and pulled the cigarette from his mouth. She held it up to his face, as if wanting him to get a good look at it. She then brought it to her own lips, inhaling the tobacco before leaning in so she was inches from his face. She then let out a long exhale, letting the smoke gather in front of him. "And don't smoke in the library. I don't want you to burn down our school too." She rolled her eyes, smashing the cigarette into the sleeve of her leather jacket to put it out before walking over and disposing it into the trash can.

Frost walked back over to the group, listening to Ash talk. Once again she rolled her eyes, slightly tapping him in the back of the head. "No, smart one." She spoke sarcastically. "It means it was written before our parents were born... I think." She added the last part, not exactly sure if that was true or not.

@Ravian @FrankieLynn @Fingertips
“Me, a brat?” Evangeline snorted, rolling her eyes in annoyance. “It’s whatever. A wonderful tip for you would to be to watch where you're going and not skateboard around the school like you own it. You don't. Nor are you that important to believe you do.”

She watched the two go with a small huff before glancing at Zephyr. “I can’t stand him. My first time ever talking to the guy and he’s already been put on my enemy list. I swear, I’ll go to Mama Odie and see if she has something I can get him with… But then again Mama Dee doesn’t play that… Yeah Eva, not a good idea…” Evangeline mumbled to herself with a small frown before sighing. “Oh well.”

She turned, her attention now completely on Zeph and she sent him a smile as she held the book tightly in her arms. “He’s right though. Do you know where your class is? I’ll take you to it if you need for me to.” She said with a small shrug.

Morgan it seemed was out of the conversation, well that really shouldn't bug her to much this didn't concern her so she had no reason to stick around. There was also the fact she was in a library so she was surrounded with books and while she had spent some time with what amounted to a waste of time for her she still had plenty to read. Also there was the mention of OCD and really Morgan felt that was one hell of an exaggeration as she doubted even the best OCD sufferer could simply stare at the mess instead of freaking out and having to clean it.

" Well if you need me find me " She said in a flat tone sounding more bored than anything as she walked to the nearest shelf and started looking at the school's selection of books.
Zephyr laughed. "You stuck up for yourself, that's all that matters. Don't let him bother you." He bit hit lip and rummaged through his bag. "Hang on, I have my schedule here somewhere." As he rummaged, the paper bag containing the croissant his mum gave him tumbled out, along with two pens, and his crumpled up schedule. "Ah, there it is." He picked everything up and stuffed it back into his bag, smoothing out the schedule. "Uh let's see here... I'm supposed to be in English, apparently." He looked up at her. "I don't want to be a nuisance to you if you've got other stuff to do. Technically we're both missing class, but neither of us seem to really be bothered by that." He grinned at her. "I'm certainly not."

After receiving the attention he was yearning for, Rahul shoots Frostlyn his typical, goofy grin and nods continuously for a few seconds. He is actually surprised the girl does not start having a coughing fit from the smoke, and, when she blows the dirty air into his face, the male breathes it in without a second thought. It may just be his last inhale of the school day, depending on how long he hangs around this group. After the female turns to go to the trashcan, Rahul swiftly turns his chair towards Anaëlle and grabs her hand before she has time to snatch it away.

"I am sincerely sorry for the trouble my filth has caused, my dear," he announces while staring her right in the eyes, possessing a somewhat-brooding look.

First the male starts leaning in to kiss her hand, but he decides against this and abruptly drops it back onto the table, still smiling like a fool. He can't help but find himself amusing. However, he does know actions speak more than words, so he gets up to retrieve some towels from the bathroom. He leaves his backpack as a sign of his quick return, although he is sure some of the students are probably expecting him to run off, purposely leaving his puddle for them to mop up. Right before he leaves, however, Morgan also parts from the group, so the male sends a frown her way, quickly following this facial expression with a wink. Looks like poor Rahul is alone with the good kids. That sucks for them.

After a brief visit to the men's room, Rahul returns with an armload of paper towels. It is pretty obvious he had taken all the bathroom had in stock. He silently tosses it onto the liquid and halfheartedly tries to mop up all the stickiness, but, since he is Rahul, the male does as terrible job at doing so. Even though this is the case, the male feels he has done his duty for causing a rampant attack of OCD, and he lays Frost's wet handkerchief onto her lap like a peace treaty.

Following this series of awkward, quiet actions, Rahul sits at the table, dragging his chair closer in a noisy haste. He lays his head in his hands and props his elbows on the table, pretending to show intense interest in the book before him.

"Alright so...what are we doing, loves?"

@Karcen @Halcyon @Fingertips
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"No, no." Evangeline said, shaking her head. "I would love to show you the way. Though it's not like we're skipping school. They gave all the students the day off for all of you new kids. I guess they thought it'd be a great way for everyone to get acquainted with one another. I wonder how well that truly worked out..." She mumbled, pondering over the question for a bit before looking at him.

"So don't worry about being late. Though if you want to be ready for when classes do start then we can certainly still go. If not we could do something else?" She asked, turning and beginning to walk in the opposite direction of where the other two had went. She stopped, waiting for him to catch up with her- a small smile on her face. "It's all your choice Zeph."


A small groan escaped Wick's mouth as he sat down on one of the many benches this forsaken school seemed to have. He'd spent the whole time just walking around and letting his eyes memorize. Now he was just bored. Which was never good.

"Idle hands are the devil's play things..." He mumbled to himself, staring down at them. He looked back up, his right hand going into his pocket and grabbing the small wad of cash in it. He'd been going around and pickpocketing many of the teenagers here who attended.

Humming to himself, the sound man began to count his profits.

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Anais Queen

Anais nodded at Junjie, "Yeah. I guess it feels much better now." she said afterwards. Although it still does feel sore and all. By the way, she clearly forgot about her class- not that she mind though. She's used on skipping and ditching class when she still attends Maleficent High. In fact almost everyone ditch their class there. "Hey, what's your grade though? Is class not important for you?" Anais asked the tall man as she tilted her head to the left in curiousity. She rummaged through her bag to take a look at the map of the school. She wondered where she should go next as she tapped her left cheek.

"Well, guess I gotta go and do some exploring, huh?" she told Junjie, "Bye..or if you wanna come along that's fine." she waved her hand at him before turning around and walking away. She then found herself...nowhere. Her school map is totally no help because she didn't even bother to check on it. That was until she spotted a familiar looking man, she rolled her eyes. "Yo, Wick!" Anais called out to the said man who was currently counting his money.

@Stoked911 @JujuBee

Ash Leaf Beauty

Ash rolled his eyes playfully at Frostlynn. "I know I'm not that smart." He said as he rubbed the spot at the back of his head where she just tapped a moment ago. And then the guy called Rahul dragged his seat near the table noisily. Ash covered his ears in annoyance as the chair made a screeching sound as it was dragged by the guy. He put away his hands from his ears, "It would be quite lovely to avoid creating noises inside the library." Ash told the guy as his brows knitted together.

"Plus I was just wondering Frostlynn, if this book were made before our parents were born then why is their faces in there?" Ash looked at the said girl as confusion mixed in with his voice. "Don't tell me their grandomthers or ancestors looks exactly like them." he continued.

@Halcyon @FrankieLynn
"The day off, huh?" Zeph pondered this. "Well, that opens so many possibilities up, doesn't it?" He tapped his chin. "Well, you could give me the grand tour, or maybe we could find some of your friends. I'm sure that guy left a bad taste in your mouth and you could use some good company. Or if none of that interests you, you could come along for a ride on my bike." He grinned. "I'm willing for anything, Eva. You make the call, since you've been so patiently helping me out."

Wick had been sitting down counting the money he'd pocketed from the victims. Twenty three dollars and fifty-three cents. That would get him lunch and some snacks for the day.

Hearing his name being called, steel eyes flickered up unto the young woman walking his way. A smirk came to his face as he sat up and pocketed his money.

"What's up Anais." He greeted, raising a hand at her. If Junjie had decided to follow the girl then his eyes would flicker towards the young man but no words would be said to acknowledge him. "How are you liking this place?"


Evangeline looked at him, her eyes narrowing towards at him. He was giving her the choice here? That was a surprise. Pondering over the suggestions, she wondered which would be best.

Touring would certainly help him out but it wouldn't be as much fun.

"We could find some of my friends," She said with a shrug. "But I have no idea where they are. Probably in the library. We could always stop by so you could meet them but honestly the sound of riding your bike sounds even better."

Eva knew her mother would never allow for her to just leave school let alone ride on a bike. But her father's risk taker traits were certainly getting the best of her. The excitement of doing something new sounded wonderful.

"Here, maybe I can find Frost or Ana... Somebody. Then after we could possibly take that ride?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him as she smirked.

@TheOneAndOnly @Ravian
Zeph grinned and nodded his head. "It is a pretty nice bike, not to brag. And I've got an extra helmet too, so you won't mess up your hair... or crack your skull, take your pick as to what's more important." He cocked his head a little. "Well, if they're half as pretty as you are, it'd be great to meet them." He gestured in front of them. "To the library." As they walked along, he asked "So tell me-I heard that a bunch of new students are coming to here from Maleficent High. You guys have some big rivalry going on, right?"


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