The Demonic Disease


New Member

Imuralis Fallire Morbus. Translated into English as Immunity Failure Disease. This was the title given to a terrible virus that infected hundreds of demons a few hundred years after they fell from God's grace with Lucifer. As fallen angels, demons were basically immortal; but IFD changed that.

The disease made demons weak to certain substances. Silver, certain kinds of wood, certain plants, even water could weaken those infected. Depending on the demon, he was affected by at least two and up to all of these substances. Because IFD was so contagious, and specific to demons, those found out to be infected were immediately exiled from Hell, doomed to wander Earth's surface (where all of these substances existed mind you).

The infected demons reacted to their disease in different ways. Some understood why, some vowed revenge on their unfair treatment, and some took their feelings and turned them to the human race. Some found joy in killing, torturing, and committing all sorts of heinous acts against the human race. Others blended in with them, even so far as to falling in love. Its from these relationships that a new breed of monster was created.

These half demons were infected with the virus their demon parent had, making them a new breed of monster; vampires. When IFD was faced with the human DNA, it mutated into a specific strain, gave these vampires a very specific set of weaknesses and strengths. Weak to water, fire, garlic, and wood, vampires could only be killed by fire and wooden weapons piercing their heart unless first weakened by garlic or water, then they could be killed by conventional means.

But for all their weaknesses, being half demon also gave them distinct advantages. They were faster, stronger, had better reflexes and senses, and lived much longer, even centuries. They also had a healing factor so they couldn't really be killed unless attacked with their specific weaknesses. They also were immune to all other diseases and were genetically beautiful. They were perfectly human in appearance (if not extremely pale) except for two things; their eyes were odd colored and had slits for pupils and possessed fangs.

Unfortunately for vampires, the only way they could live was off of blood. There is nothing more delicious to them than human blood, and they also spread the disease through biting humans and sucking their blood, unless they sucked enough to kill them. Because of this vampires are feared by humans almost as much as demons were.

Along with these two banes to human existence, there was yet another. The origin of this strain was not born through life, but through death. A demon, infected and exiled, was weak from coming into contact with a jeweler who sold silver items. Fleeing into the forest in his weakened state he fell prey to a pack of wolves. He managed to kill all but one, who feasted on the demon.

With eating the demon though, the wolf contracted the disease; creating a new strain and driving the wolf crazy. It no longer thought it needed a pack and abandoned its natural caution, charging into the nearby village and biting everyone he came into contact with. It was finally put down, but not without several newly infected monsters.

With the rapidly mutating virus spreading with these bites, these people soon became werewolves. IFD was specific to these creatures as well, making them weak to fire, silver, and a type of plant that became to be known as Wolf's Bane. These werewolves were cursed in a special way. In human form they were faster, stronger, possessed better reflexes and senses than their normal human counterparts. But it's when they lost control of themselves that they became monsters. Relying only on primal rage they become monsters that attack anything and everything in their sight. This only happens when they get too angry or on nights that the moon was full. Of course with these killing sprees humans came to fear these creatures as well.

In those first years the monsters flourished. werewolves and vampires were everywhere, not to mention the demons that kept attacking people. The death of humans was widespread, as was the fear.

Humans didn't lay down and take this abuse from the monsters of course. Humans, and especially hunters soon discovered their weaknesses and set up precautions. Silver weapons were almost as common as iron. People kept torches always at the ready and farms of garlic and wolfsbane were everywhere. Those who could use magic learned how to use fire first of all. People were dying to be sure, but even more so were the monsters.

This war went on and dwindled the monsters down ton near extinction, and so they fled or hid. Eventually people began to forget about the monsters, and as the years went by they became nothing more than myths to the humans. The only ones that stayed vigilant were an order of hunters, dedicated to the complete destruction of werewolves, vampires, and all the demons they could get their hands on.

Now its the twenty-first century, and the Order of Hunters and Exorcists (OHE) New York branch is struggling. The monsters have infiltrated every business and school, and the deaths are adding up. Do you have what it takes to hunt the monsters? Or maybe you want to become one yourself? Or maybe you're a part of the ignorant masses and want to stay that way. Your destiny is your own.

(Sign up here:


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2. Play nice. Don't be a jackass.

3. Please be literate. We're human, we are going to make mistakes, but try to employ proper grammar.

4. Under no circumstances do you get to control another role-player's character. This includes they're reactions or feelings in response to your character's actions.

5. I have no problem with cursing. Go crazy. Just keep within the site's rules.

6. You do not get to say if you severely wound or kill another person's character.

7. To go along with rule 6, your character is not invulnerable; nor will they win every fight. If you get in a fight with another character and neither of you give at all just go your separate ways without either of you being hurt.

8. No spam.

9. Romance is fine, but absolutely NO sex.

10. I understand writer's block, but try to get at least three sentences per post.

11. I reserve the right to make any other rules as I see fit.

12. All RpNation rules apply.

This isn't a rule, just a strong suggestion; have fun.



May [Keizerin]


Valentine (Val) Kristof [Plume]

Raphael Secholm [Murfemra]

Aidan Brown [sock]


Seiva [Kinadra]


Crispin Davis [shoushi]

Leon (Leo) [Young Chaos]

Hannah [Xynia1998]


Alice; Ex-hunter [Jade162]

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Crispin sighed. Here we was again, in the smoky office of his superior on a boring Wednesday morning. The assignments were piling up quickly. Those new recruits should be arriving today though... God knew he needed some help. The past three years had been exhausting. Their numbers had dwindled as of late as well... He looked up at Keith.

Keith Johnson. Commander of the New York Branch of the OHE. A huge, burly man with a stern eye and full beard, he had the bearing of "I'll kick your ass if you so much as breathe wrong." The rumor was he used to be quite the hunter, but now he rarely got out because of all the paperwork. Crispin bet he could still kick some major ass though...

Crispin listened as his burly voice rumbled, "Take the recruits out on patrol tonight. With the full moon this weekend, we'll have our hands full. Go meet the recruits."

Crispin sighed again. "Fine... I wish you would get someone else to do this... You owe me." he said and shambled out the door. He heard Keith grunt after him as he closed the door behind him. Oh well... new faces were fun though, right? Maybe they would be interesting... He went to the front door to meet them. Only four hours to sunset... he had some ground to cover, and quickly. They better get here soon.
Alice sat on her couch in the small house where she lived alone. She held a rather thick book in her hand from which she read, leaning back and stretched out on the couch. With nothing to do, she had been reading this book all day. It usually didn't take her long to finish a book, although this one was rather thick, and happened to be so boring that she read it slowly because it was so boring. She closed the book, unable to force herself to read it any longer, and she sat up from the position she was in where she was laying down. Almost immediately she realized how hungry she was. Alice sighed quietly and got up, heading to the small kitchen where she grabbed something small to eat, leaning back against one of the counters in the kitchen as she ate. She couldn't help but think of her previous years when she had been a well known and great hunter, but then all of the bad things with being a hunter came to mind and she quickly pushed the thoughts out of her head.
Aidan sat on his bed, his shirt was somewhere across his helplessly messy bedroom. He traveled his fingers along the large bite on the right side of his abdomen, a frown across his face. "Well, shit." He said flatly, he rubbed his side and gazed up at his ceiling, a frown masking his face. He leaned back on his bed, his brown hair falling over his lighter brown eyes. He turned onto his side, closing his eyes and just hoping that nothing serious happened to him. He shivered at the thought of the black creature lunging at him, before he knew it his body was trembling and he made a dog like whimper, wait..what? Humans don't..whimper. He lifted himself from his grey bed, running a tan hand through his hair he knitted his eyebrows together. Werewolf? No. Ha, of course not. Very funny Aidan.
Raphael sat in his portion of the forest, his back against the tree. He was still thinking about the incident the other day when he lost it again. It doesn't happen that often, so why's it have to happen then? He sighed and examined the bandages around his wrists. Can't believe I still resort to cutting myself whenever it happens... he thought. seams to work ok. After all, I haven't felt any urges ever since. He wondered exactly who it was that he lost it on. It didn't matter that much, whoever it might've been, they were still alive. Or at least they should've been. None the less, he started getting hungry. He huffed as he got up and walked. He was shifting on purpose this time, he could usually control it then. Besides, it's what he did whenever he went hunting.
Leo wiped his blade as he waited in the lobby of this building. He wasn't sure why he had to come here. But he wasn't the one to argue if he was going to get answers. He pulled his Lion's Tear part way looking at the red blade glisten on the light. It had got him out of trouble many times before. It was his favorite weapon of choice.
Crispin sauntered into the lobby. Much less stuffy than the commander's office. He nodded in acknowledgement to the secretary as she pointed to a guy about his age he had never seen before. Well, this must be my new recruit. Only one though..? Damn. Crispin noticed that the man was caring to a red sword. So according to the files he had had to read that would make this... Lenny? Louis? Leo! That was it.

Crispin walked up to him. "Sup? I'm Crispin and I'll be your guide as we tour our wonderful facilities here at OHENYC. That was sarcasm by the way." He held out his hand and watched for Leo's reaction.
May's eyes fluttered open and glanced around the room. She laid on her bed, sheets and blankets kicked to the floor. It seems like she managed to position herself upside-down again, something that seemed to be happening a lot lately. She groaned, rolling onto her stomach and letting her arms hang off the foot of the bed. She really wished she could just sleep all day, but it didn't look like she would be able to. Eventually she had crawled out of bed and went for her bathroom to get washed up and ready to head out.
Leo cocked an eye brow his way as he put this sword back in the sheath. He took Crispin's hand and made it into a fist. Then fist bumped him. " Alright then." He strapped his blade to his back. " I'm Leo." He looked around. " This is quite a fancy place. Way nicer then the cabin i'm use to."
Valentine furled his eyebrows in concentration. Ever since he'd moved here the music system intergraded into the cozy apartment failed in sporadic intervals. It irritated him more than it should, only brought to light by the fact that he'd chosen the place based on this feature. He sighed, calming himself and trying the connection one last time. A grin snuck across his sleepy face as Loreena McKennitt's haunting vocals crackled through the dusty speakers. The melody fit with the tone of the morning, the melodramatic hymn doubling the sentimentality that was normally the place for the vexation of waking for the day. This area of the city seemed engulfed in a immutable fog, the tops of the resident complexes squashed together between the lanes of lazy traffic.

He threw on his dark woolen coat as he double checked the lock on his door, you could never be too careful. He slid his keys in the pocket of his casual yet expensive looking olive green pants, pleased that he was finally getting out to explore the city. His neighbors were typically closed off, so it didn't come as a surprise that he didn't see a single soul on the journey down the stairs. Once on the street, he picked a random direction and let his booted feet take him wherever they pleased, he had a good six hours to kill until his shift at a mildly popular internet cafe and bakery.

Standing towards the back of an underground tube car, he could make out the conversations on the far end. Idle chatter, not something he particularly wanted to listen in on, but he had no choice since he'd. . .changed. The cloying odor of a woman's perfume motivated him to make an escape at the next stop. He filled his lungs with street air, grateful to out of the claustrophobic underground.
Crispin looked from Leo to his hand. Fist bump. Ok then. He wriggled his fingers than dropped his hand back into the pocket of his jacket. He then returned his attention to Leo, "Wellll, this is just the lobby. We have to make it look good for appearances. I mean technically we're supposed to be a tech company. Yay for secret identities and whatnot..." He rolled his eyes at this. "Anyway, follow me to the back and you can get settled in." He then turned and made his way to the elevator. He punched the button and turned to Leo. "So, Leo, where ya' from?"
Leo looked at Crispin. "The Mountains up in Washington. Not many demons but what they lack in numbers they make up for in ferocity. I lived there with my mentor since i was twenty and after his death been following in his foot steps ever since. What about you ?"
"Good ole' Shropshire," Crispin said as the elevator doors slid open and he stepped in. "City near the border of Wales and England. Although I'm pretty sure I've got my American accent down, right?" he asked Leo and grinned. "Oh, pay attention to this," Crispin continued as he pressed a sequence of buttons on the elevator, causing the panel to slide away and reveal a number of floors prefixed with "B." He pressed the one marked "B4."
Crispin watched the panels change. " Something tells me this is way bigger then what i'm use to back in Washington. " He looked at the B4 button. " Exactly what floor is B4?"
Raphael wiped his mouth once he had come back from hunting, now in his human shape again. He always enjoyed deer. Nobody really knew, but there were actually quite a few around here. Good thing for him too, there wasn't any competition. Still, it's not like he's never encountered a hunter before. But he knew how to get away from them without having to kill them. 'Bite 'em once, then get outta there' was pretty much his motto. It was a good strategy too, the more hunters he turned that way, the fewer hunters there were. But he's had such close calls with some of the better ones that he couldn't. He was at least glad he was able to heal so quickly, usually anyway.
Yawning, May shut her medicine cabinet after putting back her toothpaste, white fangs flashing in the mirror. Even after getting ready, she was still exhausted. Wandering around the streets at night are really killing her in the sleep department, but she was hungry and she didn't have anyone to sneak her blood packs from the hospital anymore. She let out a sigh, walking back into her bedroom to get changed.

Soon after, May walked out the front door of her apartment, not really remembering to make sure she locked it on her way out. It's not like she had many things to take. Anyway, she walked out of her apartment building, finally feeling awake as she headed down the street. As she passed she could hear the normal people's normal conversations about normal things. She could hear people talking about new bands, movies, work, new internet cafes... So normal.
Crispin grinned as the elevator jolted downward quickly. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. And B4 is the floor that houses the barracks. Even though we call it that, it's not quite that bad. You'll have your own room," he paused as the elevator finished it's one hundred forty foot drop in about ten seconds. The doors slid open. "Anyway, there's a weight room, a training room, a small library. Feel free to decorate your room however you want. The mess hall is a floor up. You need to stash your weapons a floor down; the armory . They'll maintain your weapons and provide new ones if yours break." Here he paused and glanced at Leo's red katana. "Of course, if you're like me, you'll want to do your own weapon maintenance, which is fine. Just make sure you register all of your weapons with them. Any questions?" He asked with a smile. 
(I apologize, but I've got to go for the night. Good night everyone.)
Seiva looked around the dingy town, no one even around, and sighed inwardly. She had been cast out of Hell not that long ago, but really she didn't mind. Silver wasn't too abundant on Earth anymore, and people were slowly losing faith in all things holy, so she tried not to worry too much. She walked instead, a long black trenchcoat nearly skirting the floor, her black hair to match. She wore these contacts of bright blue eyes to hide her red colored eyes, and used a primitive glamour to hide both her horns and her black angelic looking wings.

She hummed a soft tune under her breath as she walked, unsure really where to go. She didn't know the human world well at all... well... really she didn't know the human world period. Seiva just sort of hoped someone would see a pretty looking girl, and wish to help her. If they had other things in mind, then she would simply kill the pigs.
After a long few minutes of thinking of her past, Alice grabbed a small bag that looked like a laptop bag though it didn't have one in it, and stepped outside of her house near the forest, fumbling to find the right key among her many keys to lock the door. When she found the right key she locked the door and dropped the keys into her bag that hung down to her knees. She then started heading towards the city, living some what far away and out in the woods, where she liked to enjoy peace, but she needed new books from the library. She did this often, so walking wasn't something new to her, and she was used to walking for long distances from being a previous hunter anyways. With her daggers in the bag, she headed towards the city with a rather bored expression, enjoying the sound of birds and insects in the forest while they lasted, knowing that she would be greeted with the sound of the city and all of its noisiness and havoc when she got close to the city and past the forest.
Val could taste the person standing next to him. And that sounded bizarre, as if he were licking the stressed out business woman's face, but he didn't need to. With the full moon only days away, he senses were heightened even more than usual, and the sweat glistening off her forehead through the heavily packed face powder made for an. . .unwelcome experience. Turning away before he made a blatantly rude face and offended her, he meandered down the dimly lit street. A few shops operated lazily, but as he had ended up towards the outskirts of the town rather than the inner area as he intended, there wasn't much going on.

From his position on an sloping road perched on a hill, he could see the outskirts of a forest perhaps a mile away. He didn't like the forest, it reminded him of the last few full moons, when he awoke bathed in blood that wasn't his own. Val strolled down a back street, remembering what his mother used to tell him as a child.

"Stop crying, or the candle will go out," Val's mother, many years ago, admonished in German.

"Why, mother? There's no candle here." Young Val complained in return.

"If you're a bad child, the Morbach monster will get you," she scolded, a finger raised to show how serious she was. "The candle in the woods will go out, and the Morbach will hunt you down. He'll bare his fangs and turn you into one of his own. It's true. Legend says guards stationed at an old air forced base did the same thing. And guess what? They were found dead in the morning, bits of fur stuck on nearby pine branches the only evidence they ever existed." She whispered in a hushed tone.

Way to cause scars mom, but ironically that's exactly what happened. Or did it? I'm still not sure, it's probably just something like a disease I got from moving to a new place. Isn't there specific illnesses that circulate? I'll go see a doctor later and get it sorted out. No reason to get worked up, I'm not a child.
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As Alice headed for the city, she was thinking to herself in silence, kicking little pebbles on the ground without really paying attention to where she was going anymore. She was thinking about the past again. It always seemed, as if werewolves, vampires and demons, where always drawn to her. Maybe that was why she was so successful being a hunter. They always came to her, in the strangest of times usually. Which is why she still carried her weapons with her, though she could easily use magic on the monsters as well. Once in a long while, she'd see someone about to get killed or bitten by a werewolf or a vampire, and out of reflex, she would kill them, as she was taught when she was a hunter. It was natural, although she no longer worked for the actual group of hunters, she still killed demons, but only the ones she knew where doing wrong. She couldn't stand the thought of killing a demon that did nothing wrong, and didn't ask for whatever happened to them to happen. She knew she needed to go to the library, but she wasn't in a rush. In the bag she carried on one shoulder, was as many books as she could fit, that she had borrowed from the library. Looking down as she walked, she passed a few people, which was rather rare, but she continued walking anyways.
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Raphael had just sat down when he smelt something rather familiar... A hunter. Sheesh, it's not even the full moon yet. Unless...oh yeah! Raphael decided to get up and go investigate who had the hunter smell. As he got closer, the smell became less and less hostile. He didn't understand why it wouldn't be a hostile, which caused him to close his eyes and sniff the air as he walked closer to the hunter. Soon enough, he had found her. Ironically, by bumping into her. "Oh, sorry" is the first thing he said after looking down at her. Wow, she barely even looks hostile. I wonder...why haven't I smelt her before? Raphael made no notion of hostility though he could clearly smell the metal of the weapons in her bag. Not that they mattered, he was sure he could take her on anyway, even in human form.
Jumping when someone bumped into her, she turned to face who it was. She blinked a little as she looked up at him, tilting her head slightly as she thought in her head; Werewolf? She nodded slightly to him, saying in a quiet and surprisingly soothing voice that seemed too gentle for a hunter, "It's alright."
Raphael took notice of this and decided to give her a gentle warning, just so she should know. "Y'know, I might not be the only person with territory in this forest and something else could be a lot more dangerous." He knew full well that she knew he was a werewolf, but he was nearly certain she didn't know the details. "Just be careful out here, a couple of things in this forest don't belong here in any way. I'll let you go through my territory if you promise to only use it as a bridge to the city, ok?" He had remembered the time when he encountered that...thing out in the forest. It hadn't even used silver or anything and he still almost died. Demons, vampires, werewolves...we aren't the only supernatural things out there...
She listened to him speak politely, then after he finished, she couldn't help but let a small smile play across her lips, "Thank you, but I don't need a warning. I can very well take care of myself, though it may not seem like it." She nodded slightly to him again, though having to look up at him the whole time, doing her best not to be rude, but she hated to be seen as weak just because of how small and fragile she looked, for she had been one of the most known hunters years ago before she made herself disappear from the group of hunters.

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