The Demonic Disease

Leo made his way down the street. He wasn't sure what he was looking for but he hope it was coming up soon. He couldn't help but think about the man he killed. Was he a father or a husband. It was hurtful to think that a mother or a child would be waiting only to find the sad truth. He kept his eyes out till he seen something off to him. He saw the girl who sorta stopped as she glance back he felt a chilling vibe. He wasn't sure if she had saw him or not. But one thing was certain he felt something off. He decided to follow her and kept his distance. He made it to where she was living. And followed her down the hall. He tried to keep himself not from looking like a threat. But that ship sailed as he walked with a sword strapped to his back.
Before reaching her apartment, May spun around, her icy eyes meeting those of the hunter that had been following her. Inside she was calm, but outside, she backed away frightened. She pretended to barely manage a smile through her fright, clutching onto her shoes to make it believable.

"Oh, you scared me." she said to him. Her eyes scanned the sword on his back, but she continued to be polite. "Do you live around here? It's not every day you meet someone in this building."
Leo examined the girl. His head was saying it was nothing out of the ordinary but he felt chills run all through his body. "No actually I'm new in town. Just trying to decide where to live. I heard there is good money in being a performer in this city." He lied. He looked into the young woman's eyes the cold texture really gave Leo a jolt.
"Ah, I see." she responded. May moved her braid to rest on her shoulder, tugging at it lightly to express nervousness. "Uhm... If you don't live here, how did you get in?" she asked. "I mean, the front entrance to the apartment building needs a universal key to get in."

I didn't expect him to play along. she thought. Maybe he doesn't fully realize it yet? Even so, if I don't lose this guy there'll be a big chance of a fight.

"Also, if you don't mind me asking," she started, letting her hand fall back to her side. "What is your name?"
Val raised a brow, "Romania? How fascinating, have you lived here long? Must be a change, how do you like it here so far?" He played the usual get to know game that always went down around strangers. Luckily, it hadn't been too awkward, maybe a tad. Just a little. As she followed him upstairs and followed him to his door, it became clear that getting to know each other would probably be favorable. She lived directly next door. Valentine wasn't sure about it. . .but at least she didn't seem all that loud, and as long as she wasn't, he wouldn't have any qualms with the arrangements.

He debated her offer, coming to the conclusion that anything short of accepting her proposal would be rude and off-putting. "Sure, thanks," he replied, grimacing inwardly. All he really wanted to do was go home and sleep. To not have to sit through a few more hours of that orb in the sky glaring down at him menacingly. "Oh," he realized, "I haven't asked your name, I'm Valentine." He gave her a curt smile, trying his very best to put on a good face.
"No... I haven't been here long at all," she muttered, and sighed, "Its been fine, I guess. I miss my old place. It was a lot nicer than what I have here..." Seiva shook her head, and smiled at him again, "My name is Seiva, full name being Seiva Kerona Meldain." She noticed how uncomfortable he seemed, and glanced up at the moon, "Its nearly full isn't it?" She looked back down at him, and motioned to the door, "I don't have the key to open it, Valentine. Val, if I may call you that, does the moon bother you? Just a random question..."

She eyed him, uncertain still. He smelled like a werewolf, but didn't as well, so she decided to make a joke, "Hey! Who knows, maybe you are a werewolf in disguise!" She chuckled, and smiled at him. Once he opened the door, she smiled sweetly at him and stepped inside, "What do you like to eat anyways? Also, what do you have?"
"Ah, is that so?" He replied, smiling lightly, "are you from a rich family? Ah, is that a rude thing to ask?" He added the last part without gusto, not really believing he was being rude. Rather, it was more formalities in getting to know someone, the excuses when you wanted to know something out front. "That's quite the name," he laughed, "it suits you. . ."

He froze as she mentioned the moon, his heart suddenly rearing to go, pumping faster than it did a few seconds ago. And it was bothering him, it was a constant presence. Insistent and obnoxious. "Uh-, no, why?" He lied shakily. "I hadn't even noticed, but now that you mention it, the moon is almost full." He muttered lamely. Okay. I don't think this is a coincidence. Who is she. . .? Who is she really? And how does she know-?

"Who knows, maybe you're a werewolf in disguise."

Ok. Not a coincidence, something was definitely different about her, and Val second guessed letting her inside with sudden urgency. What if she was aiming to hunt him? If that was the case, he was a sitting duck here. "Wait," He started firmly, "what do you mean by that? I want you to answer me, no bull-" He blocked her from going any further into the room. It was unsettling, the thought that she had the upper hand. Even if he did gain strength unexpectedly, he still wasn't a strong fighter in any way. If I'm a werwolf, then what else exists out there? Are all those folktales true? The monsters? A cold shiver ran down his spine like a droplet of freezing water.
"What do you mean what do I mean?" Seiva asked, donning an innocent facade, "It is a full moon, aren't werewolf jokes normal?" She smiled sweetly, and touched his chest with light fingers, eyes locking onto his. She dropped her act and rolled her eyes, "Dear me, I truly have freaked you out haven't I? You must be new to this... Unless you want to be killed for your pelt, we should talk inside." She pushed past him, showing him a fraction of her strength should he try to hold her back.

She went right to his couch, and plopped down onto it, crossing one leg over the other, "You may want to close the door and take a seat." Seiva looked him over again for a moment, and continued speaking, regardless of whether he closed the door or not, "You are a newbie werewolf. I am certain of it now. Especially with that reaction you had. The moon is bothering you, you see better, you smell better, you hear better, and you probably want more meat, along with being stronger than you were before."

A breath huffed out, exasperated that she had to explain all of this, "I am well over a few thousand years old." Seiva watched him for his reaction, expecting him to laugh, and just to solidify what she had said, Seiva let her simple glamour drop a bit. Her horns now showing, along with her bright red eyes, she smiled at him, "Demoness, at your service."
Raphael finally accepted the fact that there was probably something better going on in the city rather than out here. So, he reached up in his favorite tree, grabbed his jacket, put it on, then set off towards the city, just hoping something actually interesting would happen.
Leo thought about how the door was now missing a knob. "Well the land lord was giving me a tour when i sorta wandered off." He looked at the girl with a fake smile. " This is nice though. Its very homely don't you think." He pressed his hand against his blade. Forcing it to bleed he let his blood drop down kn the carpet bit by bit. He watched to see if she would take the bait.NJ
May's smile, although fake, fell. She watched the blood fall to the carpet, frowning. "You know," she said, pointing a scolding finger at him, "If the land lord finds out about that, he won't be happy." She lowered her hand, resting it on her hip as she shook his head as she maintained her act. "Besides, I'm guessing you saw, but I already ate."

She turned on her heel, continuing her way down the hall. She knew what she just said would raise all kinds of alarms in his head, but that was the plan.
Leo paused for a moment. " So you were the one who left that man out in the alley." He was at the Disadvantage being new to the area. She had told him what he needed to hear which sparked even more concerns. He walked beside her. " Has anyone told you that you should clean up your mess. If that man changed we could have had a serious problem."
Taking notice of all of the...odors around him, Raphael was reminded why he didn't like the city. There was to much noise, suffocating stenches of burning gas, and all of the people staring at him. So what if he was taller than most people, it was still rude and kinda creepy too. None the less, he kept looking for something interesting to do. If he could find nothing...he might settle for picking a fight.
Hannah stood in front of the building letting the wind just blow her hair around.She looked around slowly not quite sure why she came out here again."I will just wander the streets,"She proclaims loudly and out loud.Then turns down the street running quickly,just for the heck of running and runs smack dab into a very tall man.
Rapahel looked down at the very small girl that had ran into him. More specifically, his legs. He raised an eyebrow at her. Well's something interesting.
"Oh,Sorry,"She mutters smiling brightly."Wow you tall aren't you,"looking up 4 feet just to see his face.She hopes her swords aren't peeking out from under her shirt.
He gave a sly, half smile. He recognized that smell...hunter smell. He was sure she'd figure him out soon enough, so he decided to...'play' for a while. "I guess I am." He quietly sniffed a little, picking up the scent of metal, though it was hard to make out through the smog. So she's armed is she? This could get fun.
Hannah knew he was a werewolf as soon as she backed away.She quirks an eyebrow then slowly inches away this was all part of the act,plus she really didn't want to hurt him.She was just so tired of being an hunter.I'll only fight in self defense.
She didn't appear to be all too interested in him so he just settled for asking one last thing before he went on his way. "You wouldn't happen to know if there's anything to do around here, would you?"
May glanced at him, her act destroyed and now showing her true self. "A problem for you and the hunters, but not for me." she said, very matter-of-fact. "It's not like I go around turning everyone I feed off of anyway. I suppose this drunk held on a little longer than the others. In case you didn't notice, I had already made it look like a random murder. Maybe even a random mugging gone wrong?" She sighed, not really in the mood to have to explain herself to this idiot. "Besides, aren't you supposed to try and kill me? Or are you too scared to rumble with a vampire?" she asked, then turned her head towards the hunter, looking up at him with her piercing eyes.

Eventually, however, she stopped in the middle of the hallway, silently taking note of the faint voices she could hear in the apartment a few doors down. In the meantime, May didn't give the hunter time to answer her already rhetorical questions, whether he was going to or not. "Either way, I don't suggest you try. You obviously weren't lying about being new to this area, while I know this state like the back of my hand. And, I don't think a lot of people would want you in this city after attacking a defenseless young woman in her own apartment building." she said quickly, jabbing him in the ribs with her finger. "I'm stronger, faster, and a whole lot wittier than you could be one hundred years from now, and you better remember that."
Leo looked at her and smile. He was pretty much beat in the area department. To even start confrontation would spark up stories right out the wood work. " Alright you win. " he backed away and put his hand in his pockets. " I guess i'll just be on my way. " He turned around and began to walk away. " But next time you go feasting. Don't make your self look so obvious. Or it could be your head. You should slit his throat so you don't Leave any teeth marks. " Leo made it downstairs and then to the door way he had cut through. He was hoping to meet this vampire again. But for now he just had to relax.
He stiffened in shock, his first instinct was to prepare for being attacked. Well, at least things were out in the open now, no more skirting about the issue.

"How- how do you know all this? He asked quietly as Sevia plopped on the couch, her answer becoming apparent after her next statement. Thousands of years old? How? That doesn't make any sense, is she still just messing with me? "That's impossible," he growled flatly. "And not funny, who do you think you ar-" Valentine choked on his words when he spotted her horns. Elegant and deadly. "Demoness?" He replied incredulously, furling his brow. "Demons don't exist, neither do werewolves," he muttered. "If you're not going to be serious, kindly get out-?" He demanded, throwing the door back open. Val would never admit it, but her presence intimidated him.
May watched the hunter go, a little confused by his advice. She was intrigued by his odd behavior only in the slightest, however, and decided that he was more a nuisance than a threat. Sadly, she knew that this little interaction would not be her last encounter with this particular hunter, whether she liked it or not.

She ran her fingers through her hair, slicking back her bangs for a few moments before they just fell back into place. May stood still a bit before turning back around, only having to walk a few doors down before arriving back at her apartment. She was just digging out her keys from her bag when a door a little ways down the hall swung open, noticing how it was the same room she heard the voices from earlier. Stopping, she looked in it's direction.

"If you're not going to be serious, kindly get out?" she heard some guy say.

May let out a sigh, resting her head on her door. This was going to be a long night.
"Do I need to hurt you to prove it?" Seiva said in a hushed tone, "Close the door. I don't want anyone else to hear. There are hunters you know." She sighed and stood smiling at him dramatically, "Here. Watch, since apparently horns aren't enough." The glamour on her wings fell, and she unfurled the black angel like wings, stretching them out for a moment before pulling them back in. "If that isn't enough," she said and held out a hand, conjuring up a ball of pure darkness, pitch black and dense looking. "Catch," she said and tossed it at him, knowing it would disperse the moment it touched him.
Leo sat on the end of the bridge he was dripping sweat and taking a break. He was surprised how many demons could live in one area. He knew it was going be a long time before they would get this problem solve. He looked down at the pile of demons he was sitting under. They were all rookies so it didn't take him to all to handle. He looked at the moon in the sky and wondered how his small town was doing.

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