The Demonic Disease

"That's...not entirely what I mean...I mean there's something out here that shouldn't exist out of anyone's nightmares. Heck, it almost killed me and it didn't even exploit any of my weaknesses. What I'm saying is that there's something out here that refuses to die and refuses to let anything live. Other than that..." Raphael's tone was serious, plus he was right. The thing wasn't easy at all to stumble upon and it was even harder to find. But, under no circumstances should anything try to fight it. He just wondered why it never followed him into his territory...maybe it's one of those things that's cursed and can't move into an area owned by anything else specifically? Whatever the case, he hoped he'd never see it again.
Like a child, she stuck her tongue out at him, then smiled again and turned, walking away, and as she did, she waved back at him slightly without turning to look back at him.
Raphael watched as she walked away without a care in the world. He sighed and rubbed his forehead, still trying to get the memory out of his head. He walked back to his favorite tree and sat underneath it. He decided to change the subject in his mind and wondered if he would be able to control himself this full moon. So long as no hunters found him, he should've been able to make it through the night without hurting anyone he shouldn't have.
She continued to the city, then Alice went to the library, setting the books from her bag on a front counter, then walking around and filling her bag with books again. After what seemed like an eternity to her, she grabbed enough to fill her bag, then she walked out and headed back to the long way to her house in the forest. While heading back the way she had came, she stopped at a small shop and bought a small cup of coffee, then she continued on her way, walking rather slowly, occasionally taking sips of coffee as she walked towards the forest, where instead of seeing dangers, she saw only the good things, for she hated to see the bad in things, which in some ways made her seem like a child but she didn't care.
May had been wondering what she would do until night. You would think a semi-immortal being would have better ideas on how to spend her time, but she's already done all there is to do in New York ten times already. She had started to think that it was about time she moved on to a different area, wondering why she's stayed in this state for so long anyway. Sentimental value, perhaps?

She stopped at a cross walk, looking over the light crowd. Since she lived more towards the outskirts of the city, it wasn't as packed full of people like she preferred. So, she would walk to where it was most busy, even during the night. Soon, the cross light turned green and the group of about five people when in separate directions, May crossing the street in front of her and began her ascent of the hill the roads were perched on.
When entering the forest, she sighed quietly in relief despite all the demons that you could usually find in the forest, as she continued walking towards her house, slowly finishing the coffee as she goes.
Hannah walked out of her room her hair spiked up every which way,She moved slowly as if she just woken up.Why do I have to wake up so early.She thought as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.It was one in the afternoon and she was annoyed.Damn policies.Most people don't mess with Hannah when she has just woken up,because of the bad temper that comes with the sleepiness that shrouds her in utter darkness.She slowly made her way toward the armory to get her twin blades.
After what seemed like forever she knew she was nearing her house, for others they would probably be lost in the deep forest, but she knew it well enough not to be.
The light switched green, from across the street, a young looking woman caught his eye. Or rather, she caught his senses. As strikingly pale as she was, there was something about her that seemed. . .off. Valentine wasn't able to put a finger on what is was, especially since he wasn't sure what was going on with him lately. So he shrugged it off, shaking his head as he passed the blue-eyed woman, her long brown hair flowing about her elegantly. Despite looking to be in her twenties, she was intimidating for someone who could only be a few years older than him. And he got all that in a matter of seconds. This whole werewolf thing was weird. Or whatever was happening. Werewolves don't exist, stop being silly.

A few hours later, he was finishing his shift, cranking out the last few coffees for the night owls that required caffeine this late. Couldn't be healthy, but it was his job. Only small, quiet conversations filled the cosily lit place, small groups of college kids clustered around low tables, lounging on cushions and bean bags. It was practically a hipster magnet, with the artsy vibe and frequent visits from indie bands that played almost every night for tips. It would be nice as always, if the moon wasn't staring at him from the far window. He frowned back at it, cranking the espresso machine thoughtfully.

On the walk home, he couldn't shake off an unsettled feeling. What should I do? Surely. . .magic doesn't exist. Yet. . .should I tie myself down at night on the weekends? That seems a bit extreme for my tastes, I'm sure it'll be fine this time.
Once finally reaching her house, she stopped at the door and fumbled to find her keys in the bag she had. Once finding them, she pulled out the key ring that seemed to have far too many keys then what she would need. Taking a little long to finally find the right key then, she opened the door and closed it behind her, locking it as well. She throws her bag on the couch as she walks past, and sets the keys down on the small table.
Hannah exits the armory her twin blades at hand she quickly straps them to her back under long tee-shirt.She let of an air of adorableness as she walks down the hallway.She was a spouse to be meeting some person named Crisp for patrol.
As May crossed, she passed a rather peculiar guy. Or rather, he must have thought she was the peculiar one. She ignored him when he passed, but looked over her shoulder after. She didn't know there was a dog in the city. Maybe he was new? She honestly didn't care enough, as long as he didn't threaten her safety.

Soon enough, she was in the city. For some reason today's walk felt like it took longer than usual, but maybe that's only because she had a lot on her mind. For now, none of that stuff mattered. All she needed to do now was to catch a bite to eat.
Leo looked at Crispin as he twirled his blade. "No i'm all good. He looked back at the elevator. " How about i register later. I'm gonna check out the town." He pressed the bottom on the elevator and made a peace sign as the door closed. He felt his stomach turn again while elevator made it's ascend. This place was amazing he just knew he could do some good here. He walked down the street with his blade strapped to his back. He watched the people stare but he didn't mind. He kept his mind clear as he observed the people around him.
Raphael sighed as he ate some berries. He at least hoped something interesting would happen this full moon. Sure, he didn't want to hurt anybody, but he didn't like to be bored either. That's just how he was. He was the kinda guy that hoped for excitement in serious situations. Fun. Always fun.
She sits for a long few minutes, then she sighs loudly and heads out side for a walk through the forest though forgetting her blades.
May had dived into an alleyway between two apartment buildings once she saw an unwelcome face. Across the street she could see a hunter-- flashing around his weapon-- patrolling the city. There's no way she could find someone to eat with him wandering around. She held her head, frustrated. She hadn't been able to feed decently in over a week, and the hunger was really getting to her.

She peeked over, hiding behind the building. It didn't look like she would be able to get passed him unless she blended in with the crowd, but... She knows far too well that she shouldn't underestimate a hunter's observational skills. She sighed, sliding down the wall and running a hand through her hair.

"What am I going to do?"
Leo walked down street the people weren't really interested in talking as he tried to get some information. He frowned. " Man talk about unfriendly." he said to himself as he kept walking. He didn't see much out the ordinary. He walked towards a flower shop that had just closed. He looked at the white lilies in the window and smiled. Till he watched them turn red like they were drenched in blood. He shook his head and they were white again. He decided to continue walking trying not feel to discourage.
Seiva hummed as she walked to her "home". It was a light tune that she hummed, but one way or another, she wasn't happy about her current living situation. She would have a neighbor, from what she understood, and she hoped that he or she was a hermit or something. Seiva could be such a misanthrope sometimes, it tended to drive others crazy, but that's something she did well. 'An apartment complex, yes... that's what the humans kept calling it,' She thought. She had set herself up with it, and now would have to deal with people, 'Oh well.'

She was nearly there, and saw someone walking the same direction, and unfortunately she found herself right next to the boy. Seiva looked him over, wondering about his smell. He smelled like a Were, but didn't look it. "A newbie..?" she muttered aloud on accident, and cupped her hand over her mouth afterwords, a slight blush touching her cheeks, "Erm. Sorry. I hadn't meant to say a thing aloud."

Seiva's mind ran over things, 'What is normal... What's okay for talking?' She chose something, and dropped her hand, putting a small smile on, "Do you live near to here? I do. My... apartment... is really quite close. I just moved here. Is it a nice area?" She cursed in her mind, knowing he would hear the odd accent coating her voice, and there was no way she could explain it.
Val was deep in thought, his eyes focused on the dull shine of shoes as they pushed against the cracks on the pavement. So much so, he hadn’t noticed Seiva until she spoke to him, making him jump. That was a bit embarrassing, but he’d been so on edge as of late. . . The flush on her face told him she was likely equally abashed. A newbie? What does that mean? The girl looked to be around his age, with long, raven black hair that swirled about her face as she spoke.

“Ah, yes, I’m pretty new here,” he explained. “From Germany, but you probably got that much from my accent,” he smiled, missing the point of her comment. “It’s fine, don’t sweat it, you’re new here as well, right? Your accent. . .I can’t place it, where are you from?” He asked, glad that he found a conversation topic they could both relate to, seeing as they were both foreigners.

“It’s a nice neighborhood, as long as you get used to the traffic, which isn’t as bad as it could be. . .” He explained, unlocking the front of the apartment complex with the universal key each attendant received upon moving in. “Do you live in here? We must be neighbors,” he stated, a bit happy to finally meet someone from the building, but a bit skeptical at having to be in contact at the same time. He enjoyed the peacefulness of being at home without having to worry about being social and inviting his apartment mates over.
May watched the hunter wander further down the street, but she just couldn't get up. There was no way she could make it all the way back to her apartment without...

In wanders a drunkard, stumbling into the alley before tripping over May's feet. "Watch it!" he slurred, trying to stand. Well, this could be worse. she thought, forcing herself to her feet. By then the man was already halfway down the alleyway, but it took only a second for her to catch up. She grabbed him by his shirt, slamming him in a wall behind a dumpster, and bared her fangs.


After changing her clothes and fixing up the body, she headed back into the crowd, fixing her hair up in a loose braid. There was nothing else she needed to now, so she decided to make her way back home as quickly as she could, mostly to get away from the scene of the crime.
Hannah being upset that she couldn't find Crispin just walks into the elevator.The motion of it moving upward making her slightly sick."God I hate elevators,"She mumbles as she exits it as fast as she can.Her face was pale green,but was slowly gaining its colors back as she walks outside.The wind blows her hair back while it mess with the bottom of her tee-shirt that is obviously to big for her small frame.To pretty muck anyone who saw her they would see a small girl young and inocent.
Raphael found today to be a rather quiet day. And not relaxing quiet, BORING quiet. Even the birdsong was pretty bland. It almost made him want to just go into the city and see what he could find there. Maybe there'd be something interesting to do there...but even so, the city was so obscenely noisy all day that he was at the risk of going into a boring and noisy place. Between boring and noisy or boring and quiet, Raphael would rather go with quiet and boring.

(lol, I has no idea what to do currently @3@)
Leo headed back to the spot he was before. He could hear the faintest moan from the alley way. He slowly walked down the alley way as he saw the drunk man moaning and grabbing his neck. He got on his knees and inspected the man as he pulled his hand away from the neck and saw the bite mark on his neck.

" Oh man, when did this happen ?" He looked at the man. As he watched him panic. He unsheathe his blade as he pointed at the man. " I'm sorry but it's for your own good." Leo replied as he stabbed the man in the head. He watched his body go limp before it turned to ash. " He was already half-merged?!?" Leo thought to himself. This was a lot worse then he could imagine. He walked out the alleyway as tried to follow the trace.
"Oh? Germany?" Seiva ran over countries in her head, smiling when she figured out which one Germany was, "One with such a speckled past. History class must have been interesting. I come from..." Her pause was obvious, but she flicked through countries in her mind fast, settling on one he probably wouldn't know, "Romania. It's a Romanian accent." Her eyes darted up and looked at the apartment complex with distain, wondering how humans even lived in such squalor. Seiva used to live in her own mansion, so this change really was massive.

With a sigh, she looked at him, and ended up following him all the way to his door, hers right next to it. "Fates.. I swear to Hades once I get this all figured out..." She muttered, too quiet for a human to hear. She put on a smile though, "We should... Erm... Hang out for a bit. I can cook very well, and it isn't like my walk home is very far." Seiva smiled sweetly, though really she was pissed off at life for putting her here.
She had felt a lot more rejuvenated after feeding; however, May still had a strange feeling. Usually she wouldn't think twice about such things, but for some reason she couldn't remember if she had killed the guy before leaving. She slowed to a stop, contemplating whether or not she should go back and check. After a quick glance backwards, she quickly shrugged it off. Who cares if there's a newblood running around? It'll give the hunters something to chase.

May made it back to the apartment complex quickly. After opening the front doors with her key, she walked up the stairs to her own floor, taking off the heels she had switched into about halfway up. She swung her heels in her hand as she walked down the hall, towards her room.

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