The Deeds of the Turbatus Preparatory School [Inactive]

She smiled blushing timidly realizing how it must sound. "I'm sorry, I just hate seeing people in pain, no matter how much you hide it, that has to be painful. Plus, it gives me a chance to examine the machinery and help out if it gives any more problems in the future." She smiled brightly, pulling out her phone to text Gina, telling her about the boys arm.
Maeda would sneak himself into the classroom, putting up a small illusion of severe tiredness on any awake, and then sucking the nightmares from their heads.
Alex smiled as he turned back to face the teacher. "That's..... noble." He hoped it'd work out, his arm.... well she was cute.. He shook his head and focused again, blushing.
She hadn't really meant to fight him, just a instinctive thing really. She smiled in response to him and stuck a hand out.

"The name's Nova Kuwaninvaya, don't bother trying pronounce the last name. No one gets it right."
Charles nodded and shook her hand with a smile. "I'm sure most don't miss Kuwaninvaya, lucky me I spent some time around cultures like yours." he chuckled. "Anyway, what brings a skinwalker to this school?"
"Really? Which tribes have you visited?" She withdrew her hand and fiddled with her necklace, surprised at his almost flawless pronunciation of her last name. "I received a letter from my aunt, our tribe's wise woman. Though I am cut off, she instructed me to attend this school. I obeyed and I'm not sure what I'm doing here myself. What about you?"
Charles put a finger to his chin. "Old Blackfoot in America before the settlers came, a Mayan splinter group a few months before that." He shrugged. "I traveled for few years with an old skinwalker too, Although I can't remember his tribe." he lost himself in thought for a moment. "Anyway, I'm here to.... well essentially I'm here to fill time..... and try and keep everyone else from exposing themselves. "
Chris sat there listening to Alex and Lillian talk. As a Sidhe he was often with nature and little with technology so he had no idea what they were on about.

Chris signed and decided to try drawing again. He decided to draw a banshee, a female Sidhe cursed and expelled from the tribe for their maleficent motives. Their screams were that of anguish, of trauma, usually of a love lost and being abandoned. He attempted to draw this anguish with them. While never having experienced as much as they did, he did have those painful moments in life that came close.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. Much like me. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Paxton woke up in his dorm. "Oh crap, I overslept." He got up, then pulled his covers off in a frantic state. Then he thought about it... "Oh right, my classes dont start until tonight." he pulled the covers back over his head and continued to snore.

(Pax returns!!!)
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((Paxton, ima comin fer ya ^^))

Maeda would transfer back into human form and walk out, shaken from some of the nightmares he had eaten.
Smiling at her new friend, her attention focused on Chris's next drawing, smiling at the talent he possessed. She admired the woman and almost felt the anguish seeping out of her.

"That's a banshee, is it not?" She asked seemingly drawn in by the movement of the piece.
Chris was in the process of illustrating the regret the banshee felt for their sins, which they felt they could never atone for.

"Y-yes. Ive-" he wanted to say he knew them, but caught himself again, "Ive heard about them from other people."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. Much like me. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Maeda would wander into the dorms, sensing either a lot of dreamers or one very special one. He wasn't too hungry, but curiousity was drawing him in.
When Reyai raced into the library, she found no one was there. She asked one of the library ladies: "Have you seen Maeda?" The ladies replied that he went to the dorms. Reyai raced after him. When she arrived, she saw him walking away. He's probably hungry. I'll catch up. She shouted out to him that she was here. "Maeda! I have something for you!"
A hunter shot Reyai in the chest with a bolt made of Blessed Iron. The wound was fatal and death was instantaneous. "You are not a god." the hunter whispered, returning back to the shadows.

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Maeda would come upon Paxton's room after following the scent of delicious nightmares. After a quick check of the hall, he would slide a credit card between the door and the doorjam, disarming any cruddy school lock that would be in the way.
"You know, you're really talented" she kept on gushing out compliments on his work. It seemed earlier he had no idea what charcoal was. Now, it just seemed like he was a genius with it
"Oh..ummm thanks..."

He thought for while.

"We could...probably make better drawings outside if we want to draw it." He hoped his races seductive tones didn't have too much of an effect.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
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Paxton shot up from his sleep, scratching his head. "Man, that was weird. I thought I was dreaming..." he turned to get out of bed and came face to face with some sort of monster that exhaled deeply into his face. "uuu...uhh...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!" he yelled, running to the corner of the the room. He even went so far as to climb the wall, not to be touched by whatever it was.
Farra sighed. Nothing to do at all. Strolling around on the courtyards, she noticed a tiny purple lump laying on the concrete near the bushes. "Hm?" she grunted. On the ground at her feet was a neko; not just any neko. Reyai. She grinned. "Finally."

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