The Deeds of the Turbatus Preparatory School [Inactive]

World geography she sighed as the teacher rattled on about the countries in Africa that were neck deep in poverty. Why must the world be so sucky...? She thought to herself, looking out the window. She noted a robin perched on a tree limb and smiled to herself. That was definitely going into the possibility box later on tonight when she gets back to her cousin's house.
Charles sighed and shut the book. "Well that one was crappy too." He knew it wasn't the historians fault the history was a little off in the sense of how things were done or people's personalities, but it still made him happy when someone got it right.
He was sad seeing all the pain there was in the world, as the lesson went on. He wanted to distract himself.

Chris quietly looked at where Lillian was looking, seeing the robin.

"That's...that's a a very beautiful bird you found there..." He said quietly.

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Maeda, not exactly a student, would wander past the world history class, singing in his Siren voice.
Farra ran down the hall, pulling Marcell along with her. They swiftly passed a pink haired boy who happened to be singing.

<(•~•)> {S-Senpai, you don't like Tapatalk?]
Maeda would glance at Farra, recognize her face from Anton's nightmare, and try to call out "Hey Farra!" But She'd already be gone.
Snapped out of focus, she looked around to see who exactly the guy was talking to, she noticed with a start it was her.

"Oh! Well.. umm.. yea!" She blushed and breathed in the attractive human's scent. Or not.. smells like the earth. Must be a supernatural I don't know about yet.

Opening her notebook and grabbing charcoal from her bag, she glanced once again at the robin, but it had already flew away.
"...charcoal? I'm not quite sure I understand..." Chris said quietly.

He probably was exuding the classic Sidhe pheromones, though were different to female ones as they attracted only females while female Sirens attracted males.
She smiled and giggled her usual laugh "haven't you ever seen someone draw with Charcoal?" She asked quietly but sweetly. He must not get out much. Grabbing her sketchpad and an extra piece of charcoal she places them in front of the boy.

"Here try, it's extremely easy to shade as well." She swiped a piece of her hair behind her ear and tore off a piece of paper for him, beginning to sketch the outline of a tree outside.
"Oh. No, I'm-" he caught his mouth, he might raise suspicion of himself, "Mostly out in the forest. I usually prefer being with nature than these kind of things.

He began sketching an attempt. The task itself was not too difficult, though the level of detailing was high for him. He had felt the trees, their past, how they grew and as such attempted to draw the tree's life. Probably would look really odd though.
Finally finishing the textures of the the trunk of the tree, she looked at the guys paper. It was a lovely abstract piece, it was similar to her piece yet different.

"Thats lovely.. if there is an art club at this school, we should join it, especially you!.." She said excitedly and then awkwardly extended her hand. "My name is Lillian. Lilly to my friends... and you are?"
"...Chris. Chris Sanderson." His tone was quiet. He thought to himself, had he ever given out his true name before? No that he could casually give it out anyway, a true name to the Sidhe was everything.

He slowly took the hand and shook it, soft to the touch. While he usually only felt the memories and past bound by things in nature such as plants, he felt flash of it sometimes with people, though only supernatural.

His mind flashed a wolf. A wolf? Hmmm.

"..I...I hope we get on well together." he smiled awkwardly.
Alex slowly came out of his stupor and walked out of the bathroom. Leaning on the wall of the hallway as he slowly made his way back to his class. Before he opened the door he shook his head and composed himself. With a sigh he opened the door and made his way to his seat, noticing the late girl behind him. "Huh." He mumbled as he noticed the drawing "s'pretty good, both of you." He said as he sat down in his seat
She smiled gently through the red hair that had fallen "S-Same" she said realizing how his eyes lightened when she touched him, seeing how it looked as if he was seeing something else behind his eyes.

I wonder if just that touch could show him that much about me? She thought inwardly. Looking to the window, she noticed now that a bluejay had appeared. She rushed to begin a new page, quickly capturing the detail in the wings and head before it decided to fly off.

Seeing a shadow creep upon the paper, she looked up to see the boy she passed with the mechanical arm. Hearing his words, she thanked him kindly for approving of her artwork and then searched outside the window for another subject.


Farra separated from Marcell.

"I guess I should head on down to class. Bye!"

She pecked Marcell on both cheeks and went into the classroom. Inside, she noticed an abundant amount of inhuman energy surrounding a group of kids speaking together. One had a mechanical arm; he seemed to be the only human there. She decided to pay them a short visit.

"Hi guys! What's up? I'm Farra Rei, nice to meet you!"


After Farra left, Marcell headed to the library. His old styled clothes caught the attention of some students, but he continued on. He entered the library quietly.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

"...You ever thought about the stories of the nature out there? A tree lives long and observes with inaction the world, how it changes in maybe even 1000's of years. Some may watch the leaves blossom and fall though, for some say it is the impermanence of things that make them truly beautiful."

He thought back of past times when he felt the lives of nature. Mammals may feel great lives and place high value on themselves, but nothing is lost either in the life of the simple plant.
(LILLIAN AND CHRIS OTP) Reyai rushed into the classroom, about 15 minutes late. "Ahahaha...." She noticed everyone was looking at her. "I um... had a talk with Maeda..." She sat down at her seat and began to draw manga, blocking the teacher's information. Seeing Farra, she quickly avoided her gaze, even though she acted friendly. "Add a curve here, draw a little sparkle-" Her pencil snapped. As she walked to the mechanic pencil sharpener, she glanced at a drawing of a bluejay's head and wings. "Beautiful..."She returned to her seat just as she made eye contact with Farra.
Charles perked up from his book as a new guy walked into the library. "Yeah, need something?" His light blue eyes pierced towards the new being as he caught his scent.


Farra stopped talking as Reyai made eye contact with her. She narrowed her eyes.

"Hello, Reyai."

The coldness in her tone was evident.

"What might you be doing here?"


"I-I'm just here to kill some time..."

He stuttered. Marcell was not enrolled in the school, but the school administration seemed not to care. Marcell ran a hand through his blue and purple hair, looking around.

"Got any history books I could read?"

Charles leaned back in his chair. 'No problem, you want one that's completly right, or one that's generally considered right?"


Marcell raised his eyebrow.

"One that's considered correct. I'm a bit of a history....junkie."

He flickered for a moment.

" you have a black Sharpie on hand?"

Charles slid a thick, old binded book and patted himself down. "doesn't look like it kiddo.... try the librarian's desk."
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Mizu strolled into class, very late, as usual. As he walked through the door he took note of a few students. " some red head over there, she's kinda cute. An overly pretty pretty boy, must be gay. A blue haired girl, that must be Farra. Note stay away from her." He thought. He finally saw a girl drawing" I'll sit by her" and he took his seer behind the girl who was drawing.
"I'm enrolled, unlike your boyfriend. Just what are you doing here? Oh, I know. Tormenting helpless children." She stood up, a glare in her eye. She could change into a full cat and escape, but she chose not to. It was best to let the enemy go first. "Go on. Say something." Later, she might have not wanted to make that move. But now, she had no choice.

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