The Deeds of the Turbatus Preparatory School [Inactive]

Alex watched as a Reyai ran out with Hinata. "Well I'm glad I actually came to class today, interesting as it was I'm glad it didn't come to blows." He could feel the mechanical arm winding up, it wouldn't hurt for awhile but he could always feel it as it got closer.


Marcell frowned and narrowed his eyes further.

"I don't know what you are, but you definitely aren't human. What do you do, anyways, that I won't catch you in the act doing? Drugs? Some kind of ritual?"

Marcell's voice became increasingly angry.



Marcell calmed down, running a hand through his hair once again. He then smiled brightly.

"Oh, I see. That's sarcasm, right?"

"Nope. I have odd taste in food." Maeda would roll over, now lying on his back."
She smiled glancing at Chris out of the corner of her eye. I wonder what was up between those two... She thought, turning the page and nodding to the others who complimented her work silently with a small blush.

"So where are you two from?" She tilted her head to Alex and Chris. "I'm Lillian by the way.. Lilly to close friends." She said in a soft, nearly musical voice.
"I'm...from the UK. I have travelled a lot in my past you could say."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. Much like me. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Alex half turned his head. "Round these parts, lived here half my life. Names Alex By the way."
She nodded to the two. "I've lived in Maine all of my life. I just want to see everything out there... you know?" She asked curiously, wondering what each would say.

She then took the time and examined Alex's mechanical arm, hopefully she was subtly about it and he wouldn't notice. It was a magnificent contraption and her sharp eyes could see where each of his arms nerves connected. She then noticed two or three strands of nerve endings in he arm that were frayed. I obviously can't ask right now.. I'll have to get in the science lab and... She broke off. You haven't even been here for an hour and you're already trying to fix things.. She scolded herself inwardly, focusing on the conversation again.
Alex did notice, he had become acutely aware of when anyone took to looking at the arm. He didn't blame them as he didn't think it was their fault but she was probably interested in how he got it, like the rest. With a mental sigh he smiled to her the metallic hand opening and closing on its own, like some sort of unconscious, ingrained, physical action.
Nova had never seen such a strange school, not even the memories of her ancestors informed her of such a place. She had seen vampires, bean sidhe, shape-shifter that were not skinwalkers and ghosts, all in the same place and very little conflict seemed to be apparent. That being said, she was lost. Totally and utterly lost.

She felt wary of this place and wondered why she was here, why she had accepted the letter of acceptance. She wandered the halls and corridors, hoping to bump into someone, be it teacher or student.
She noticed Alex looking at her and noticing how he saw her studying his arm. "There are some few damaged nerve endings you know" she said quietly inspecting the movement and how it affected them. "There are around 5 that I can see right now..." She said and realized what she must sound like, and blushed softly.

"I'm sorry... mechanics fascinate me, and I've never seen something like it. I used to fix motorcycles at our old ranch, and I helped develop a few advanced... tools." She said almost blowing her cover.
Seeing as how the current topic he was talking about was exhausted, Maeda decided to take a walk. Grabbing the late book notices off the desk, he startedhis rounds.
Charles raised an eyebrow at the woman he noticed walking the halls. "Tribal? What were they called... skinwalkers? Shifters is more common but I suppose to each culture their names differ." He smiled and walked up to her. "Is there something I can help you with miss?" he could feel his aura expanding and pressing down around him without his control. "Shit!" he thought as he knew she would feel it.


Alex shook his head. "Don't worry about staring most people do, and I'm surprised a pretty girl like you was able to notice the way the nerve connections fray or be interested in mechanics. It's always nice to be pleasantly surprised." He smiled, he was genuinely surprised but he knew what she might suggest and decided best to nip it in the butt. "There are seven frayed nerve connections in all..." he started. "But those aren't the real issue, the problem is a feedback loop that's sending those frayed wires the wrong signal. Sounds easy to fix right?" He laughed. "Only problem is the the nerves themselves are damaged too. That and without the proper equipment that originally attached the arm.... well I'd lose all motor functions with it." he shrugged "Besides that I don't wanna sound conceited but.... I kind of consider myself an expert on mechanics, and I haven't the faintest idea how the thing was even attached."
She smiled brightly at his knowledge as well, "it's a good thing I do. It's a similar concept to metal plates, and believe it or not, those there are power panels, there is a form of electricity in your arm" she said, her confidence gaining the more she talked. "I could easily replace and repair the frayed wires and loop, the damaged nerves however could be fixed in a lab, or naturally, after the loop is fixed of course, that way it knows to go into regenerative mode..." She rambles on and starts talking in what seems like a foreign language to some students.
Alex bobbed his head back and forth thinking. "I get the plates, I knew that already. But how would you solve the issue of the servo motor going wack inside the chassis? When the wires are replaced the arm would go mad, and there isn't an -off- switch it's powered biologically. This thing doesn't come apart, and the seventh nerve connection goes throughout the arm itself." he nodded and hmm'd to her ramblings. "That makes sense yeah. But the frayed wires need to be completely replaced, this stuff obviously isn't your normal wire, and the biggest issue even if we solved all of that would be the re-connection and calibration of the arm to the wires to the nerve. Each of those components would have to be re-calibrated, and frankly I don't know where to find the high security tech machine they used to attach the thing." he sighed. "Still, I do appreciate the thoughts and it's nice to talk shop with someone for once." He couldn't help but smile at the girl, still he blushed slightly it wasn't a common thing for him to even talk normally to a girl. Much less a pretty one who knew mechanics.
She thought for a minute "I think I might know a place..." She thought of Gina, the vampire doctor that was Alistar's sister back at home. She had tons of lab equipment and the machines he was talking about. "How about next weekend we take a trip there and I can see what I can do about getting it fixed. Free of cost of course" she smiled feeling comfortable with the human boy.
As she wandered down a corridor, danger sparked in her senses. She had many memories of her clan and this aura meant only one thing. Vampires.

A nightwalker, if the aura was anything to go on.

She turned on her heel, limbs auto-locking into a pre-pre battle stance as she locked eyes with a silver haired young man. His eyes were old and she remembered the eyes of her grandmother at that moment. Tired eyes.

Shaking off her sense of unease, she laughed self-deprecatingly. "Yeah, I can't find my way around here. I'm very new here. You, however, are not new are you, night-walker?"

((a night walker is a navajo legend similar to vampires...))
Alex cocked his head. "I just met her today! There's no way!" raced and screamed inside his head. He gave her an uncertain smile "I... well I... I'd be grateful that's for sure, but well. We've just met today and you want to fix my arm? Seems a little good to be true." he shrugged, I won't turn you down but.... Y'know what fuck it I'll take you up on your offer." he said with a grin, not like he had much to lose.



He chuckled a bit to himself. "You intended to fight me?" he shrugged more to himself than her. "In life yes, here only a few weeks. What is it you're looking for darlin?"
Maeda would walk past a classroom that was in the middle of a movie. Naturally, most of the class was asleep, including the teacher.

"I'm not hungry, not at all." He would whisper to himself. But, all those sleeping bodies... "What the heck, only a couple."

He would transform into the weird form of a Baku.

((Anyone in that stretch of hallway might see it.))
Charles would look past the woman he was talking to and call down the hallway. "Maeda!" he made his way over to him calling behind him "Just wait there a moment Miss." he got close to the Baku. "Just don't let yourself be seen eating.... or get murderous while doing so alright?"
"But look at all of em! Some of them are probably dreamin something tasty!" He would point at the class with his trunk, where among the few awake, one was staring wide-eyed at the mismatched creature.
He sighed. "Well great now you -have- to go." he sighed. "Just don't let any of them die, I don't want to have anyone crack down on us." Turnign back towards the new girl he smiled. "Sorry about that, my name's Charles, what's yours?"

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