The Deeds of the Turbatus Preparatory School [Inactive]


He frowned.

"I guess everyone will have to remain misinformed for a while longer,"

he muttered.


"Oh, is the kwitty kat challenging me? That's awfully brave of you,"

she snarled. She slammed her hands on Reyai's desk.

"Might I talk to you outside?"

She said, regaining her calm to some degree.



Farra turned to the new boy who'd just yelled at her. Her pupils dilated.

"I see; a dragon boy. What do you have to do about this? You couldn't possibly be able to know anything about us!"

She chuckled.

"Just sit down and let the adults talk."

Maeda would walk into the library,pull a cot from under a bookshelf, and flop down on it.


Marcell watched as a pink haired boy flopped down on a cot. He began to wonder what Farra was doing in class.

"Hey, um, you happen to know who Farra Rei is?"

" all I need to know is that your a bully! Now just leave people alone and we won't have a problem." Mizu said tariffed on the inside.
Alex stared at the other students who were standing. "Really?" He sighed.


Charles sensed the commotion in the class room and stood, his encompassing aura following his movements. "Excuse me, I think someone might be getting in a fight." With that he made his way to the room and opened the door, narrowing his eyes he glared at both girls. "If you're going to fight be 'quiet' about it" his voice carrying a subtle undertone.


She giggled.

"We kinda have a thing going on here, didn't you hear me before?"

Farra placed her hands on Reyai, putting on a fake smile.

"We're just settling a chick fight. You wouldn't understand."

" I don't care what I do or don't under stand. I've heard the stories, so don't play me for a dummy." Mizu said, getting less scared by the second.
Maeda would reply "A subtle demon, brought from the bowels of hell to punish minor wrongs."
"Oh look. So brave." Reyai shrugged, feeling calmer as she counted to ten and sighed. Just walk away... "I'm not fighting you." She sat back down and continued drawing.


She grinned.

"You've heard of my work? Well, I must be quite famous."

Reyai's comment filled Farra's ears. She shrugged.

"Alright. Doesn't matter to me. See ya, Rey."


A look of confusion crossed his face.


Charles cocked an eyebrow towards the new man. "Well, nice for another person to stop the class. I'll leave it to you new boy... wait..." he sniffed a few times. And whispered as he passed "werewolf. "
(Bah I was gonna wait for Cierra but I'll just wait later to respond to that)

Chris remained quiet sitting next to Lillian. He didn't want to have a part in this as he was no advocate of violence.
"I can explain.. and not really. I don't mean to fight anyone." She glared at Farra. "Not unless I need to." She then continued to sit down and relax.
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"She punishes those that wrong her in the smallest way. She does not dream, at least not like how regulars do."


Farra's head perked up at the arrival of the new boy.

"Hm. Werewolf, eh?"

she whispered in his direction. She sensed that Reyai knew him.

"Here's your boyfriend!"


Marcell narrowed his eyes.

"Please explain, I ask you."

Chris shrugged and said quietly "I don't know, but I don't want to be a part of it. I'd rather be drawing with my new friend here [gesturing at Lillian] than arguing..."
As the chatter raged on around her, Reyai continued to draw. She could hear her name in some of the conversations, but she focused on her picture. She completed it, and jumped up. Noticing the teacher's glare, she asked if she could use the restroom. Without waiting for and answer, Reyai grabbed her drawing and raced to the library to show Maeda. It was a drawing of him. In manga form, of course.
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Marcell clenched his fists, but his face remained expressionless.

"She's not insane. I would know. But..mind telling a bit more?"

His curiosity was evident.

"You would not understand my methods, and I wouldn't tell you anyway. I don't trust you, and you haven't caught me in the act.

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