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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded with a chuckle. He wasn’t surprised that Jacob was running their relationship. He ran the three of them especially during family holidays. He organized everything so their mother didn’t have to. As they made it to the big building, Josh was surprised at what he saw. So many people although it seemed very ill prepared and not at all ready for this crisis. “So now we find someone who knows something hopefully.” Josh commented as they headed to the doors.

Jacob shrugged a little. “I never really thought about it. I’m usually working or sleeping, and when I’m not doing that, I was cooking with mom or beating Logan at video games.” Jacob said, shifting in place. “What about you? What did you used to do?”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

The busy building had soldiers and officers moving to prepare for what looked like a war. When he asked, most seemed to be preparing to secure various sections of Seattle. “We are slowly working on expanding this secure zone,” said one when they asked. Another officer told them that they were working on preparations for a more permanent solution on keeping the infected out of this area. “We don’t want them coming in and ruining everything that we’ve worked to save.” Soren turned to Josh. “Not sure exactly who is assigning all of these things, but maybe we can jump in on one of these? I’m sure no one would tell us no if we tell them we are doing this.”

Hayden looked down. He didn’t really have an answer to the question. “Study mostly,” he finally said before looking back at Jacob. “I worked, and when I didn’t, I was studying. Sometimes we watched movies or played games. Sometimes I would read, but mostly I studied.” He leaned his head on the door frame. “I was so close.” And that was gone now. Like everything else.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked around at the area, listening to the soldiers and then looking at Soren. “Sure. Maybe we can jump on the downtown spot?” Josh suggested, not knowing FEDRA’s plan for securing the downtown area. He could see the basic outline of a big secured area that they wanted to make, which included the Courthouse, The Synagogue, and the bank. “So what exactly are we making?” Josh asked as he looked at the thing.

Jacob frowned at that, sighing softly. “I’m sorry Hayden.” He said, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder. “You can teach me some of your stuff if you’d like? I’ve always wanted to know more about the ocean.” Jacob offered with a small smile.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren shrugged both because he wasn’t sure about the downtown area but that did seem like somewhere that would need more help securing and because he didn’t know what they were making. Another soldier nearby answered instead. “They’re trying to build what they’re calling the Quarantine Zones. FEDRA’s setting them up all over the country. We are securing large chunks of the cities so that we can setup housing and living for the survivors of this madness.” Another soldier also there added to it. “The problem is that Seattle had such a huge population before, which means there is a huge population of infected out there right now. Clearing them all out is becoming a hassle.” That was when a much higher level officer came over. “We are currently working on several different options. We are hoping that if the WHO can determine a cure, then we can find a way to distribute that first.” “And,” added the first soldier, “we have things like the other federal militaries that are frankly getting in the way. They aren’t doing anything to help this war.”

Hayden smiled softly, trying not to look like his world was shattered yesterday morning. He wanted this to be a good new beginning for Jacob. He wanted him to be happy to have found Soren and a way to continue after this disaster. He wanted to be happy too. “I don’t know if that really matters anymore,” he answered as he made his way towards the books that Josh brought from the apartment. “What good is knowing the ocean if we’re landlocked?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Quarantine Zone? Large chunks of the city secured. “So what can we do to help get this zone up and running? Where are we needed?” Josh asked as he stood there. “And.. has there been any more talks of Martial Law?” Josh added, looking at the soldiers who seemed to know more than he did at the moment.

Jacob looked at Hayden, saw the soft smile and sighed a little. “Well. Even if we’re landlocked, if reading about it and sharing it makes you happy, then that’s all that matters right?” Jacob asked, following Hayden to the books. “I think you would’ve made an excellent marine biologist by the way.” He added, sending a soft smile towards Hayden.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

That higher level officer looked at Josh curiously. “That depends. I have a feeling that these rumors you have heard about martial law may not be so far off the truth.” He peered around before moving in almost conspiratorially. “There’s talk that the research they found in the hospital wasn’t enough. They may not be able to make a cure.” One of the soldiers chimed in after. “And if the cure is tossed out, we’re going to invoke it. I heard that the Directors are discussing it back at the Central Headquarters.” The officer continued, “If the governments in charge cannot handle this, then we will.” Soren was not exactly sure what that meant, but he understood the sentiment. FEDRA was build for disaster relief, and if the rest of the governing bodies could not handle the disasters, then it would only make sense for them to take over. “So, what can we do to help?” That was the million-dollar question. The officer turned to the plans they were looking at. “This is the downtown area. It is swarming with infected. We don’t think we can send in teams without massive casualties, and even so, we doubt that any would be successful. We are currently weighing our options. If anyone has any ideas, we are all ears.”

Hayden saw on the floor of the barren apartment and pulled out one of the books. He opened it up and flipped through some of the pages. He had bookmarks and stick notes all in it. “I know I hadn’t started yet, but I was getting a head start. I looked up all the Seattle University course and the syllabi for the marine and conservation biology classes. I had a notebook full of notes on which books were going to be useful for which courses.” He laughed. “Does that make me sound crazy?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua looked at the higher level officer and when the man said that Martial Law was more likely to happen made him frown, but the words that made his heart sink? That was when he heard that they don’t think that the research he’d risked his life for was possibly not enough for a cure. And if no cure is found, they’ll invoke the Martial Law. He knew the basics of what FEDRA was designed for, so it would make sense for them to take care of it. He looked at the plans for downtown. “What about clearing civilians out and possibly using explosives? Controlled explosions to get rid of them?”

Jacob sat down beside Hayden looking at the book. He saw all the notes and bookmarks. He listened to the other man and shook his head with a laugh. “You were probably too young to remember but I used to do something similar before each semester when I was in nursing school.” Jacob said as he smiled. “So. No. That does not make you sound crazy. Just motivated.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Everyone looked at him. Some with awe. Some with confusion. “Controlled explosives,” the officer repeated. “Now that is an idea. Okay, new plan. Scrap what we were talking about before. There aren’t enough people in this world who could do what we needed. Let’s think about getting rid of the threat without anyone being down there.” Soren saw where Josh was heading with this line of thought and was intrigued. “If we can get the civilians out, what if we do a wave of carpet bombing? We have a plane fly over and drop gravity bombs so that it can hit the whole place. Fast, efficient, and wipes the whole thing out.” Another soldier spoke. “Sir, do we have enough bombs for that?” The officer considered it. “Not here in this moment, but we could get enough for that. If I make some calls, we can probably do that sooner rather than later. Hmm, that’s good. This could work. Fast and efficient.” He turned to Josh. “What’s your name?”

Hayden stared at all those notes he was ready to use. The connections he already made. “Maybe that just means you were crazy too,” he teased. “No one said you were normal. But you are one of the coolest, smartest people I know, so I guess being crazy isn’t so bad. At least you can still use all that knowledge. I bet all these soldier boys are going to need someone to put them back together.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at all the soldiers, seeing them looking at him both confused and in awe. He didn't know what he'd said but apparently it was a good idea. He looked at the officer who repeated what he'd said. He knew that they didn't have enough people for the amount of infected he was sure was downtown. Josh turned to look at Soren when he spoke, and nodded. Get the civilians clear then carpet bomb. That made a lot of sense. His attention was pulled back to look at the officer. "Joshua Smith sir."

Jacob rolled his eyes and chuckled. "While I admit that I'm probably crazy and far from normal, I highly doubt I'm that cool and smart." Jacob admitted as he looked away. Then he looked back and laughed. "Yeah, I'll just set up a medical tent just outside the apartments and fix them up on their way back home."
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

The officer nodded and turned to Soren. “And you? I believe I’ve seen you around before.” Soren nodded and answered, “Soren Truelson, sir.” The officer nodded. “Ah, yes. Hollis’ boy.” Well, that wasn’t exactly true, but it was also true. This was not the first person to make this comparison. “Right. Well, I think that was an excellent idea. Do you happen to also have a plan for how to get the civilians out?”

Hayden laughed. “You know, that really isn’t a terrible idea. I ever they could use more medically trained people to help all these soldiers. I don’t know what I could possibly do to help them.” He looked back at his books and then pointed to the rest. “My other interests are comic books and also board games. So unless I’m running some sort of game and entertainment night, I haven’t found a purpose yet.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked between the two men as they talked, before he looked at the higher level officer. A plan to get the civilians out. Hmm. "Maybe we could fly a plane over the area, low enough to let the ones not infected know to get out? But I'm not sure where to send them." Josh said, shifting in his spot. He wasn't sure if it was a great plan, but he couldn't think of any other plan.

Jacob looked at Hayden for a moment, rolling the idea over in his head. "I don't want to be a soldier though, so if they had civilian medical personnel them maybe." He said with a shrug as he looked at Hayden's other books. "We can have a game night every weekend, maybe invite some of the other significant others over? We can party while our men fight."
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

The officer considered this. “That’s not a terrible idea. When can have announcements tell them how long they have until the bombing potentially.” Soren added, “what if once we know, we go over several times to give them a count down. It won’t save everyone, but it will give them a chance to get out. And potentially if we have good pilots, we can have them pick up stragglers.” The officer also considered this. “That last part is risky but possible. I think we could do this. Let me talk to the directors. These are viable options. Continue brainstorming. And come find me if you think of something else.” Then he disappeared. Soren blinked and then laughed. “Well that would be easier if we knew his name.”

Hayden shook his head. “Me either. I don’t even like the military. It’s not their fault. Josh and Soren. Or really a bunch of the people like them. They just… they don’t always make decisions I agree with.” It was hard to explain. It didn’t want to sound like he was not grateful to the militaries that fought for them. “But you know what I do agree with? Shared bonding with all the rest of the partners. I bet there’s gonna be a lot of lonely people here who aren’t just us. “
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua listened to the officer and listened to them both. Nodding, it made sense really. He looked at the man who told them to keep brainstorming before he vanished. Josh looked at Soren and laughed himself. "It would definitely be a lot easier to find him if we did have his name. Though I'm not sure what we do now." He said, looking at Soren.

Jacob shrugged as he looked at Hayden, listening to him. "I'm not a super big fan of them myself but I know its the higher ups that make most of the decisions." HE said before he nodded. "Maybe we should start with making friends with the partners on this floor? And then we could maybe go from there?" Jacob asked, looking at Hayden with a smile.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren shrugged. “I could always just talk to Cap about him I guess.” The other soldiers laughed. This so often happened in military settings. “He’s General Fontaine. He’s been making a bunch of decisions. Him and a bunch of the generals along with the commanders are all talking to the directors. I think those are the fancy people are the Central Headquarters in DC. I think you guys made a good impression. If your idea works out, then it’ll probably all good things for you.” Soren nodded his thanks. “Well, that’s good then. We can always work with the units they’ve sent out to clear out sections. Thoughts?”

Hayden thought about that. “We could be like our own little support group.” He chuckled. “We could have game nights and potlucks and whatever else people do when they’re bonding over their shared fear of whether or not their loved ones are still alive.” He was certainly fine and not at all stressing.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh’s eyes widened when he heard the man’s name. General? He’d been talking to a general, and he seemed to like this ideas. Huh. That send a big flash of pride through him. He looked over at Soren and nodded. “We can definitely do that. Find somewhere to help. Any particular section you wanna help out?”

“Jacob and Hayden’s soldier partner support group.” Jacob said before he frowned. “Eh. Needs a better name than that but it’s definitely an idea.” He agreed with a smile. “It would certainly be entertaining and at least they wouldn’t be lonely either.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren had talked to his fair share of generals before, so this did not do so much for him. He had even talked to the directors once when they were dealing with a horrible care where two tornadoes went through and absolutely destroyed a huge strip of a state. The directors needed to stay informed, and who was more informed than the people they sent out to handle the messes? Part of him wondered if this new FEDRA would have room for directors in it. Soren looked to Josh and these other officers and soldiers. “What if we started trying to clear downtown out? I know it’s dangerous, but there’s no way that announcing via plane that people need to leave is going to save as many people as we want. Is it possible to do some sort of rescue mission?” One of the others shifted in their stance. “I don’t know how. It’s overrun in there. If we go in, we would probably be swarmed.” Soren didn’t like that answer. He didn’t like any of this. There had to be a better way. But if they couldn’t help downtown, there had to be something. Seattle was a big place.

“Charades. Real people do charades right? I’ve seen movies.” Hayden thought about this. “Maybe we don’t name it until we have more people join. So then that way if it’s just you and me, we don’t sound like we’re trying to do something that’s just the two of us hanging out all the time.” He really did like the idea of meeting other people too. That didn’t sound nearly as lonely as sitting in this sad little rooms. “Hey, Jacob. Thanks for coming over. I needed someone.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh was still new to this whole military thing, but he was learning fast. He looked over at Soren, hearing his words and then looked at the other soldiers there. It wouldn't make sense to send in men for a rescue mission. "If we go, it will be like the basement all over again. It wouldn't really make sense to do that." Josh said, trying to think of a solution. There wasn't much he could think of. "I think the best thing is to just try and do fly over announcements. But where do we send the ones that we can get saved? Is there a place for them to go?"

Jacob nodded as he heard that. "Charades are things real people do." He said as he chuckled hearing that. "Yeah, probably should hold off on naming it huh?" Jacob added as he looked at Hayden. He tilted his head a little and then smiled big. "You're welcome Hayden. I know exactly what you mean." He replied, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't want to be alone and I'm glad you don't mind me being over here."

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