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Fantasy The Dark Village

"Well I'm not sure how much you'll eat so I'll give you a medium sized piece," As he said this he cut off a medium piece and using the fork and knife put it on a wooden plate before going to hand it to her. "If ya want water or anything else just ask." He nodded towards her, getting a large piece for himself and a bit of bread. As well as an apple. He was a tad hungry today so he decided to eat small. 

"Sure." He nodded towards her, getting up and moving to some spare bags in the corner. He removed a waterskin from it and moved to hand it to her. "There you are!"

"No problem at all!" He sat down in the chair and began eating the food he had gotten, after swallowing he said, "Take an' eat what you wan'. Don' matter to me!" He smiled and continued to eat. 

Annabella smiled and decided it was time to ask questions about her kind host. 

"So, Bjorn. Where do you come from?"

"Not sure, mah parents raised me in a lil' house in the woods. Not sure why but I normally was stuck there. But whwn I became older I left. What about you? Where are ya from?" 

"Oh I'm from here. Same house ever since I can remember." She said with a nervous smile, but she had no idea why. "Why were you raised in a house in the woods? Kinda mysterious! What are you the brooding mysterious stranger the lady meets on the street? Was it fate that we ran into one another?" Annabella said with a chuckle as she stuck a piece of pork in her mouth.

"Because of your pa? Why because of him? Was he mean or something?" Annabella asked, a mellow and serious tone in her voice as she thought back to her childhood where she didn't really know her father.

"Nah. He had some enemies is all, he was a mercenary. And somehow I fell into the family business. So now I do stuff for money. Mainly pick stuff up, every now and the there's an occasional revenge job. Anyway, I moved her to finally find somethin' else to do. Anyway, did I do good on the pork of did I burn it again?" 

((I guess @Trombone Geek and I can do a timeskip.))

Ara sighed, watching the men fall asleep. As their eyes gently closed, she sat there, waiting to hear the snores of sleep. It took a while, but she was able to leave. She was a bit amazing at their sleeping abilities, she thought as she got up. Since they weren't aware of where the sun was, they could sleep at any time of the day. Once she heard the snores, she wandered off from them and headed for the exit. While the dirt trailed on her dress, she saw a small, unstable ladder that she always used to climb up. Once step after another, she opened up a wooden hatch that was beginning to rot. Suddenly, the man's words flashed in her mind. "Bring anyone willing." She lowered her head, watching her steps as she got out. 'I don't have anyone to tell..' she whispered under her breath. Everyone she knew that was of her kind- apparently- was burned alive. Herself, almost included. She closed her eyes, running. All she wanted was to end this. So that people could finally run free. But she knew, that deep within, that she just wanted to walk freely.

As she made it to the graveyard, she waited, worrying that she was in the wrong spot.
"Oh, well it was very well prepared" Annabella said with a smile. She finished up her meal and sat there silently, trying to find other things to ask and talk about that wouldn't lead back to her and her past.

Silas looked up from a book as soon as Ara stepped into the graveyard, head snapping up in alarm before he saw who it was. He smiled kindly and gestured for her to sit on one of the stone benches surrounding a tomb. "Good of you to come. I suppose you're a loner, then.. Alright. That's okay. All we have to do is seek out other witches and we should be able to get right on track! Just a minor setback, really. Are you able to walk throughout the town without drawing attention? My face is well-known by one of the Officials so I have some trouble doing so.." He hoped the darkness would disguise the change in his appearance from the day before, because he'd forgotten to mention it to Ara and really didn't need her to run off thinking she'd been baited or something. She might've sensed the magic then, but it wasn't a given.

"Oh, right, um.. Real fast, what's your name?" @BrokenLyrics
"Oh um. In the town? Well I was born here and my father has been gone for just about as long as I can remember. My mother and I lived in our small cottage until she... passed away. Guess I'm just kind of stuck here. Nowhere for me to go and nothing special that I can do." Annabella said with a small, sad, smile, giving a very brief and shorted version of why she was here.

"I'm so sorry to hear that... err, do you wanna meat Maximus?" He changed the topic quickly. He didn't want to make her sad or hurt her in anyway. After all, she was a nice person. So maybe Maximus could cheer her up. 

"Maximus! Here boy!" In came a beautiful and quite large Wolfhound. He seemed entranced by the pork, trying to get close to it before being roughly popped on the nose with a 'No!' by Björn. "This is Maximus."


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