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Fantasy The Dark Village


soy yo muy gay


In the world of Sarma, a conspiracy of trials have been happening. Many women have been claimed to have been witches. While some were and some weren't, those who were accused were burned at the stake. This has caused distress in the village and to some- most have lost it. People who have lost loved ones due to the conspiracies- they have gone insane. 


At this point, more and more people have been falsely accused of being witches. And with that, more and more people have been losing their minds, wanting righteousness. Now, with most of the village dead from their own precautions and paranoia. Those who remain are either insane or sane- or witches. 


The only hope for the future is that the remaining citizens can stand up to the officials. Only they can stop them. With the magics and normals, the higher-ups must be stopped at any cost if the village is to survive.



=Be nice, treat others how you want to be treated!=

=No godmodding or being too OP. Your character can be a badass. But that's as far as it can go.=

=Witch powers aren't very powerful. Don't go overboard.=

=Use proper grammar and such. Don't make emotes hard to read.=

=Have fun!=


--Character Sheets--

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Ara blinked in the darkness, sighing. She was hiding out with a few other people. She had known them fairly well. They had been sent to stay with her to keep her away from the Officials and to protect her- much like body guards. A dark-haired one handed her food and she snatched it, snacking on it. She smiled, her teeth full of food. She started to wonder what was going on above her. There were times she would go there. However, it wasn't very often. Most of the time she was stuck under ground. Speaking of which, one of the other figures held out his hand and grabbed Ara's wrist, pulling her to the surface. As they traveled through the dark tunnel, he let out a smile. "I know it's been a while. So let's go. We need more food, anyways. Just stay out of sight." Ara nodded and her stomach started burst with joy. As they reached the end of the tunnel, the man opened up a hatch, leading to a bright light that was the outside. Other villagers were doing their thing. Playing in their yards, going housework, and at their shops. It had been a long time since Ara had seen such a sight. A few months, probably.
An oceans rippling waters cascaded through the laden cloak which embraced the skeletal form of Reginald, his clothing like trickling water with the lacing wind. The vines and its brethren of greenery which hid in the interior of his overthrown jacket crinkled, sprinkling his motions with the sound of crumbling leaves. His eye lashes intertwined with one another as his narrowed gaze looked on in objection, the thin spindly hairs like a spider's legs. He had ventured into the village with the intent to recover a new canteen which would replace the one which he had broken during his latest tumble down a hillside which caused small twigs to tangle themselves within the fiery mop atop his head.

Reggie's fingers rung out nonexistent water from his obese hat as his blurred vision stirred the crowd and attacked any signs which his poor sight could attempt to decipher. It was for a moment that he occupied a more soft spoken part of town, basking in a certain shop's grown shadow to defend himself from the severe sun's wrath. In this moment the young red head heard a muffled click; his nose twitched at the alien sound and with a dubious arch of his brow Reginald spared a fleeting glance in the possible direction of the source. 

A tender looking, brunette woman and a young man retreated from a hole before Reginald, mystery hued the scene's air with its presence. A look of fascination trailed the young redhead's features as his pale, opal skin stretched to speak his light surprise to find the two beings. Then, a concerning thought graced his being, what if they were hiding underground because they're murderers? Now, Reginald hadn't met anyone else in his lifetime that crawled out from beneath the Earth's surface but he had met a mean mole before in his grandmother's garden. With such a thought along with the curdling suspicion that the two new souls within his vicinity were unpleasant vigilantes Reginald turned upon the heel of his boots with an intention to escape, though, just as he did so his knee slammed into the shop corner he had been resting beside. 

"Oh, sweet Garden of Eden," his quiet tone grumbled in a rush while his form hunched forward as though it would nullify the sparkling pain. 

Annabella was making her daily routine walk through the town. Her eyes were shifting this way and that while she walked just as they always did. Cautious of nearby officials and cautious of any person in general that was nearby. Who knows what anyone is these days, she thought to herself as she drew her black hooded shawl closer across her body and tucked her head deeper into the soft hood fabric. She passed by an unusual looking man with bright red hair and witch like clothing. She sped her walk up and always kept him in her vision as she stopped at a bench and took a seat. It may be safer to distance yourself from the danger, she thought, but it's better to know what is actually going on instead of rumours. And so she discreetly kept the red headed strange being in her vision, even after he clumsily bumped into a shop corner.

Reginald's gloved fingertips glided along the sore curve of his knee, mumbling remarks of discomfort as he attempted to lull the pain away with his mulling touch. His eyebrows knitted into each other and pinched the skin between his gaze while a mouth full of air trailed out along the cracks of his pink lips. The red head yielded from quickly leaving the premises which were near that of the possible murderers as he gradually allowed himself to return to his more formal and scholarly stature, his shoulders pressed back while his back curved straight as intended.

It was at this moment a young woman with hair that had the  purity of white interrupted his sight, her head tilted in his direction for a moment before she appeared to find solace in a bench set in front of a store. Her appearance, from what he could find, entailed that she may be a resident of this particular village and with the memory of his original reason for venturing into these parts he strolled to her position, knee still tender and forcing a clumsy limp to grace his walk. 

"Pardon me, but, you look like a strong young woman that could possibly help a person find a new canteen."

As she and the man made their way around a corner, they stopped at a rather dull- yet somewhat bright bakery. Ara could smell the breads and other goods. The blonde-haired man she was with reached into his pocket and pulled out some money. Still having her wrist locked in his hand, they walked into the shop. Inside, Ara could see show casings of small cakes and cupcakes. Breads and pies. Her mouth started to water at a cherry pie as her eyes instantly flashed to it. It was tempting to ask for it, but the brunette-haired girl knew that they only had so much money.

They stopped at a wooden counter and the man she was with handed some money to a man in a smock. "Seven loaves of bread and a cherry pie." The man smiled and flashed a glance at Ara. The baker took the money the man handed him and walked to the back room. When he came back, he returned with several loaves of bread and a cherry pie. Ara jumped in joy. 'Can he read my mind or something?' she thought with excitement.

When they walked out of the bakery, they stopped at a butcher and got some ham and meat. The smell made Ara unsure of whether she liked the place or not. The killing of life wasn't exactly her strong point anymore, as it almost happened to her. She pushed those thoughts back and was happy to leave the place.

Walking out, Ara and the man stopped at a very small fountain. "I know it's been a while," he told her in a steady voice, "so you can walk around the village and enjoy the view a bit more. I'll be getting some water, okay?" Ara nodded. This day was amazing in regards to her normal daily routine. To her, it was like living in a castle.

As the man walked away, Ara started to wander around the village mindlessly. People greeted her and she greeted them back. Some faces she couldn't recognize anymore. But she was still very happy that she was able to do this.
Annabella froze as the young man she had been keeping an eye on approached her and even spoke to her! She felt a bit stiff so to look at him she just cut her eyes upward in his direction as he asked her a question. It took her a minute to finally grasp the question he was asking. Just for a simple water canteen. Nothing about being a witch nor a good spot to hide from the officials. Just a simple question. Simple, right? But not for Annabella who has hardly spoken to anyone over the course of a few months. "U-um... there is a shop not to far from here. If you take a right down this street it should be just to your um left." Annabella said and then ducked her head back down.

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Jackal kept a vigilant and watchful eye over the villagers, not letting a single detail escape him. His green eyes pierced through any individual stupid enough to meet his gaze, which sent most scurrying away with their heads ducked down. They knew who he was, what he had done, and what he could do. Jackal took all this in with a savage grin, unsheathing his knife and fiddling with it.

The sight of a timid girl wrapped tightly in a black shawl who seemed almost nervous caught Jackal's interest. His expression faded into one of cool indifference as he studied the girl discreetly, pretending to scan the crowds but watching her through his peripheral vision. A strangely dressed redhead approached her. This only peaked Jackal's curiosity.

And another villager--also a girl--was standing near a fountain, looking somewhat detached and unusually happy. He wasn't sure if she wasn't used to crowds or if she was one of the witches in hiding, but he kept a watch on her as well. What was it with all these female witches? Jackal purposely kept his brother out of his mind. He refused to think of that weak child who'd betrayed humanity with his cursed powers. 

[Open for interaction with anyone]

Silas Merriwether was unable to enter the village. He sent a carefully disguised undead in to run any errands he needed--usually the same one, who had been recently dead at the time of its resurrection and could pass as a normal human except for his eyes--and never once left the shack he'd been hiding out in.

Today would be different. Silas had gathered all of the clothing and materials he would need and had even found a helpful witch skilled in illusions. He had paid her handsomely in return for a disguise that would last three hours. Now, the normally dark-eyed and raven-haired boy had plain brown hair and plain brown eyes to match, and wasn't dressed in rags or riches but somewhere in between. He had one mission: find all of the witches he could and draw them to the shack in hopes of forming a stronger sort of alliance. Overthrowing the tyrannic officials would come later.

He entered the village, doing his best to look confident--but not too confident, he was playing one of the common folk--and like he belonged. His eidetic memory helped him to remember his way through the streets from his childhood days, and not much had changed. He easily caught sight of one girl who matched the description of someone who had once been accused, and saw Ryan--or "Jackal" as he would rather be called--against a wall not too far off, scanning the crowd. His eyes landed on the girl for a moment before passing on.

"Hi! I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. I lost my notebook but I have a great memory, so--forgot to mention, I'm a reporter for a city newspaper who's conducting a survey on the survivors of the witch crisis here in Sarma," he said, babbling for a moment to drive Jackal's attention away from the fact that he was conversing with a potential witch.

With a small huff, Fletcher tucked his basket closer to his chest, fiddling with the cloth draped over the top, in order to ensure the goods hidden within would not fall to the touch of weathering. He'd spent his morning bartering, as usual. Bread for Herbs, a small portion of goats cheese for a handpicked selection from his stock of vegetables. His weekly trip into the heart of the village ended up rather well, and so the short brunette had no intent for the newly traded goods to be ruined or spoiled. 

He pulled his cloak's hood up further over his head, relishing in the small waves of warmth it acquired him. He was thankful for him having finished with his business, and that from there on he could slowly make his long trek back to his home, lodged on the outskirts of the village. Unfortunately luck wasn't on his side. In an attempt to avoid those around him, Fletcher didn't see the savage looking male leaning against the wall to his left, and so in a hurry, the unfortunate male bumped into the male known as Jackel, elbow catching on the other's, causing the basket to tumble of off his arm onto the ground.

Dropping to his knees in alarm, Fletcher hastened to scoop up the fallen products, glancing fingers over them to ensure no grit or grime managed to lace itself over anything. After a moment of inspecting, he sighed in relief, happy the food he'd traded was still entirely edible.

"I'm sorry about tha-" He started to murmer, voice soft and apologetic, yet he froze, both in his ascent up from his knees, and with his words, at the sight of the well known male above him. His eye's widened in fear, hands gripping his basket with vigor.

@Trombone Geek

Jackal looked down at the small boy who had bumped into him, an expression of distaste on his face. "If you weren't so weak and unworthy of my time I'd beat you to death," he growled, glaring down. When the redhead looked up and froze in fear, the official began to grin. "Well, look at that. You're aware of your place." In a strange show of almost-kindness, Jackal lifted the boy the rest of the way up by his arm. "Not bad. Since you know full well what you've done and almost pissed your pants about it, you can scurry away with a warning." A rough shove to Fletcher's back--not enough to topple him--was the clear dismissal. "Go before I decide being nice isn't my style." @rose4414

"Oh, we won't need very long at all!" Silas assured her with an animated wave of his hand. "Let's see... What's your opinion on the witches? Are they malevolent? Or would you help them rebel against what they see as a tyrannical rule here in Sarma?" He was watching her closely for even the smallest hints of reaction. "All information fed to the newspaper is completely anonymous and I don't particularly enjoy some of the fellows here myself, so feel free to tell me whatever you think." @BrokenLyrics
"They're alright. Especially since most people accused of being them really aren't. The officials are paranoid and delusional," Ara stated. Her thoughts were very sour, but she didn't want to say more. Her cheerful mood had died due to horrible memories.

@Trombone Geek
Annabella sat in awkward silence with the young man until she finally decided to get up from her place on the bench and slip away. She saw an official bullying a young man not to far off, but she was no hero enough to stand up for the young boy so she just tucked her head into her hood in attempt to avoid the officials piercing gaze. She was slipping through the stalls and shops hoping to go unnoticed. She had already had a far enough stray from her usual schedule of the guy coming up to her earlier.

((Open for any interaction))
Björn was walking down the stalls and shops, carrying an open bag of food, he had just bought some fruit, vegetables, and meat. As he was looking at the various stalls he bumped into a hooded lady on accident, spilling his food. 

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't see you!" He ducked down and began to collect the food he had dropped and putting it in his bag. 

Annabella was walking when she turned her head to ever so casually check behind her. By the time she turned her head all the way around to where she was looking forward, a man had bumped into her. "Not again..." She muttered under her breath. She squinched her eyes shut tight as she prepared herself for another probably to be social encounter and she knelt down to help him pick up his groceries.

"You don't need to help me, an' I'm sorry I bumped into you. I didn't see you." He apologized a bit more before continuing to pick up the groceries and put them in the bag. 

"Oh it's fine! No need to worry about it!" Annabella said flashing a quick, fake smile. "No one ever seems to notice me anyways." She mumbled under her breath, just barely audible for anyone with normal skilled ears. And yet even after the man said that she didn't need to help him with the groceries, she still felt like she should. Just to help him out.

"Hm? Who? Me? Oh it was nothing. Just the wind...." Annabella said as she quickly looked down. She had already spoken way past her usual amount in a day and she could finally feel the impact that her lack of socialization was having on her as she tried to carry out a conversation. By this time she was used to being in her small house and ready to spend the rest of her day in solitude. But for some reason she felt the urge to be out. Around people. Around this person. But this person was just a complete stranger. That couldn't be it. But what if he's a witch... and what if that is it... maybe he's casting some spell on me making me my unusual self... No. That can't be. I'm just going to finish helping this man and then go home and I will be perfectly back to normal. But as she pushed her long white hair out of her way as she went to go finish picking things up, she noticed there was nothing left to help with. She  began to wonder just how long she had just been standing there waiting to help when there was nothing left to do.

"I'm fine. Just a little out of my... as you say... comfort zone? Today." Annabella said as she got up from her knees on the ground and stood up. She bent down to wipe to dirt from her knees.

Annabella's eyes widened a little as he reached a hand out towards her. As long as she could remember the most recent purposeful human contact that she had was when she an official had strongly grasped her by the arm with suspicions of her being a witch because of her unnaturally brightly coloured hair, which she wasn't and still is not. Annabella slowly and cautiously took Bjorn's ((I can't figure out how to do that special O  :$ )) hand in hers and gently shook it. 

"Oh, no reason. Just a little off schedule is all. My name is um, Annabella." She said as she cautiously shook his hand.

Björn noticed her eyes, as a mercenary he spent a lot of time and could recognize some of the smallest details. He decided not to press on about it. "Nice to meet you Annabella!" He smiled brighter. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing pretty well, I suppose. Not really sure. Not used to just this, I guess." Annabella said as she let go of his hand and let her hand fall to her side as she twirled the edges of her skirt in between her fingers.


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