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Fantasy The Dark Village - Character Sheets


soy yo muy gay

--Character Sheets--

=Race (witch/human)=












=Be nice, treat others how you want to be treated!=

=No godmodding or being too OP. Your character can be a badass. But that's as far as it can go.=

=Witch powers aren't very powerful. Don't go overboard.=

=Use proper grammar and such. Don't make emotes hard to read.=

=Have fun!=

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Ara Migra












Ara was a simple girl in a simple village until the rumors of witches came around. She was never sure of how her powers came, but they did. But not before discovering them through a trial. They cut her, releasing her true power. The men who tried her had bandaged her up and put her in prison. But she was one of the last to be released on the stake. The villagers had planned an ambush and she was freed once a few of the many had freed her. Now, she's in hiding. While doing so, she helps plot against those who tried to kill her.



She had learned to control her powers and even took lessons on the art of dark arts.


Dakota Whilm


=Race (witch/human)=






Dakota has been supportive of witches ever since they came around. However, she did not have the guts to be a witch, yet still continues to support them in private. She is talented in the use of a crossbow.




Annabella McAllister

=Race (witch/human)=








Annabella's mother was tried for being falsely accused of being a witch. Annabella is now strongly against the officials and some may even say she's a bit mad in the head from fighting for her mother's life and pleading that her mother is not a witch, but not being believed. She is now believed to be a witch herself, as it "passed down the family bloodline" and is fighting for her own life.


She has mixed feelings towards witches although she is not sure if they even actually exist or not. 

Ryan "Jackal" Merriwether








Ryan was raised as one of the richer kids in the village, and was a right ass about it, too. He had a tendency to go around intimidating people and beating them up, even discovered later to have committed murder and several counts of arson (that had been blamed on witches, of course). His father, one of the more scholarly and law-abiding types than most, was outraged, and sent Silas off to a military correction camp of sorts. He fit right in, somehow, and while he was still an ass he was more disciplined and quiet about it, so nobody remarked on it. When he returned, the witch craze had already begun, and Ryan was plopped right into a position of power: manhandling the wretches known as witches. 


Very skilled with all sorts of weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, but bad at subterfuge.

Often wearing his military uniform for intimidation factor and always carrying a large knife

[SIZE= 14px]Nicknamed "Jackal" because of his savagery in battle and torture, and the satisfaction he takes from it. [/SIZE]


Silas Merriwether 








Silas was born exactly a month after his brother's departure for correction camp, and was a brilliant mind even at a young age. His childhood was much more quiet and normal than Ryan's chaotic and violent tendencies. He spent most of his time reading and writing and was somewhat ostracized from other children by his formal posture and manner of speaking. Silas's father was one of the first casualties when the witch craze started, and so until Ryan returned Silas had no family (his mother had died in childbirth and any other relatives lived far away) left in the village. He tried to bond with Ryan, but was rejected because of his polite nature; but even so, he was horrified when his own brother came knocking on his door to accuse him of being a witch! It wasn't until his desperate escape from prison and subsequent escape into the woods when Silas realized just how true this was.


Uncomfortable in crowds and startled by loud noises

Understands and wields magic easily, especially necromancy

Still unnerved by the weird puppy-like attitude zombies have towards their masters

Maybe just a little bit malevolent when pushed too far

Oh well. 




Orion Dúnedain










Standing at the reasonable height of 6’2, with honed figure, the peak of its very fitness, Lazarus is somewhat intimidating with mysterious persona and appearance. Grim in life, appearance, and dress, choosing to wear rusty green and brown. Weathered, tanned features lay beneath the dark exterior, cupped and accentuated by ebony brown locks of hair that reaches the top of his shoulders. From this, peers two incredibly blue irises, glacier in shade; managing to strip even the bravest man down to the bone with a glare. A sturdy, stubble covered jaw bordering on a light beard, underlies two sharp cheekbones adding structure and shape to his already striking character. Broad-shouldered and strong, with large calloused hands, from years of weapons and laborious life of which has been lived. Strengthened calves, made outstanding by close fitting and worn leather boots. Tunic, trimmed by golden illustrations of bygone days. Alas, upon his back, arms and chest are scars hidden under layers of runic tattoos and inked protection from some spells and hexes. About his neck, hanging various amulets and charms proven to ward off certain spirits and tracking seers.


Born into the powerful bloodlines of ancient magics, Dúnedain was conceived beneath the constellation Orion thus earning his name. The story behind the stars, tells about a great Hunter, the son of Poseidon. A meaning, which would impact his life in unlikely ways when he reached a mature age. His father was a grand Lord of his own lands, with a heritage that could be traced back far enough to the first magical settlers. Orion's mother, another witch from long lines, but a mere apothecary. Meeting in the most unlikeliest of manners, the young village girl became the wife to a powerful husband bearing him one son. 
The family lived in relative peace, till rumours began to fly of a growing hate that enveloped the public. Blaming every turn of bad luck and death upon the Witches. The title of Dúnedain could only protect them so far, till both Lord and Lady were sentenced to burn. Their son, supposedly smothered by his parents to make sure he didn't suffer their fate. At the age of eight, he watched the country manor burn to the ground, whilst his nursery maid clutched his arm and wrenched him away. Holding his father's ring, said to be lost in the flames. Two dragons encircling one ruby - the family coat of arms.

Orion, would be the last surviving bloodline.

The rest of his life, would be studying. Exploring and fighting, leaving his home to return and reclaim the title that was his. He would hunt the wrongdoers, in his twisted vengeful ways, bent on getting back what was his; for he so fondly remembered the mob chanting 'an eye for an eye'.

But they'd forgotten a tooth for a tooth.



Incredibly skilled at incognito

Excels in hand-to-hand, swordsmanship, and marksmanship

Known for favouring a quick but messy approach to fighting/vengence killings

Excellent at hexing and some forms of voodoo (Ritual based magics)



"Reginald makes me sound way more serious than I am, just call me Reggie please."

Reginald Mariegold


"I'm sort of a big fan of witches but alas..."



"Reggie the Official. It just doesn't sound right!"





"First I fell from the sky..."

Yes, indeed, Reginald had fallen a lot as a child due to his clumsiness but no matter what he says, he didn't fall from the sky. The redhead was raised primarily by a kind, elderly woman who had stumbled upon him at a young age after he was left by kin. The woman raised him upon a basis of education but as well, fantasy. He was a quizzical child in his youth and would often question whether the woman he entitled his grandmother knew who his mother was or of any member of his family. She would simply respond by telling him that the stork which had been flying with him had dropped him from the sky into her garden before it had made it to his other family. Thus, creating the absurd tale which he sometimes still finds himself contemplating the reality of. Reggie was raised in the lands greenery and often participated with his grandmother in the practices which he would later know to be entitled the magic of a witch.

With Reggie's grandmother he learned many things about herbs and witchcraft, lessons which he thought all youth knew of until he had his first interaction with a villager child. An interaction which would trigger the disappearance of his grandmother from his life with a throttled cottage to speak the happenings. 

Reginald since then has become a wandering soul intrigued with the lifestyle of a witch as it is all he knows even dressing alike to witches as they are described in childrens books which some could consider a mockery. The attention his clothing earns him is generally negative and with such it is rare for him to stroll into villages unless necessary.


"You want to know more?"

-Sews anything he wears

-Burns easily and thus hides when the sun is out

-Deteriorating Vision 

-Loves Sweets

Fletcher Harroway







Fletcher is short, standing at the mere height of 5'4, unusual for a male, especially one of his lineage. He bears pale creamy skin, marred by small scars littering his entire body,yet centering around his hands and arms. His eyes are a simple chestnut color, the same as his medium length hair. A small constellation of freckles are spattered across his cheeks. Physically, he is rather thin, and not very muscular. 


Raised by his Mother, due to his fathers untimely death, the shy male spent most of his childhood surrounded by the wonders that is witchcraft. Although his mother stuck well to the craft, the young wonder filled child never could fully grasp the many intricacy's. For many years, away from the public eye, the lonesome child would spend his days trying to grasp that which his mother excelled at so easily.

At the age of seventeen, the brunette, who had long given up on the secretive art he had once thought part of him, lost his mother to one of the many harsh winters that ravaged the lands. Young, and alone, the boy turned to his mother's books once again, looking not at the more mystical side to the arts she favored, but instead to the more natural side. 

At this point, on the brink of his twenty-first birthday, Fletcher makes his dues by selling the herbs, fruits and vegetables laden in the small garden outside of his house. Behind closed doors, on the other hand, he puts the knowledge of his mother's books into use, constantly trying to pull up the potential he knows possesses,without getting caught.


Skilled with a bow and arrow, yet nothing else.

Shy by nature, and has no love for fighting, yet if he comes across anyone injured he will help them to the best of his abilities.

The Magic he is proficient in is not known yet, not even to himself.

Ryan "Jackal" Merriwether








Ryan was raised as one of the richer kids in the village, and was a right ass about it, too. He had a tendency to go around intimidating people and beating them up, even discovered later to have committed murder and several counts of arson (that had been blamed on witches, of course). His father, one of the more scholarly and law-abiding types than most, was outraged, and sent Silas off to a military correction camp of sorts. He fit right in, somehow, and while he was still an ass he was more disciplined and quiet about it, so nobody remarked on it. When he returned, the witch craze had already begun, and Ryan was plopped right into a position of power: manhandling the wretches known as witches. 


Very skilled with all sorts of weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, but bad at subterfuge.

Often wearing his military uniform for intimidation factor and always carrying a large knife

[SIZE= 14px]Nicknamed "Jackal" because of his savagery in battle and torture, and the satisfaction he takes from it. [/SIZE]


Silas Merriwether 








Silas was born exactly a month after his brother's departure for correction camp, and was a brilliant mind even at a young age. His childhood was much more quiet and normal than Ryan's chaotic and violent tendencies. He spent most of his time reading and writing and was somewhat ostracized from other children by his formal posture and manner of speaking. Silas's father was one of the first casualties when the witch craze started, and so until Ryan returned Silas had no family (his mother had died in childbirth and any other relatives lived far away) left in the village. He tried to bond with Ryan, but was rejected because of his polite nature; but even so, he was horrified when his own brother came knocking on his door to accuse him of being a witch! It wasn't until his desperate escape from prison and subsequent escape into the woods when Silas realized just how true this was.


Uncomfortable in crowds and startled by loud noises

Understands and wields magic easily, especially necromancy

Still unnerved by the weird puppy-like attitude zombies have towards their masters

Maybe just a little bit malevolent when pushed too far

Oh well. 

I am intrigued!  ^_^

@Trombone Geek



Björn 'Ironhide' Frostbear












As a child Björn was isolated from others because of his race, his parents afraid of what would happen to him kept him at home and almost never let him outside. At the age of 16 he made his 'escape', he ran away from what had been his home. 6 years later he had heard that his mother had been burnt for being thought a witch, his father killed himself due to depression. Left alone and with nothing else to do Björn became a mercenary, using his magic to help him out with his newfound job. Now he sits at a bar, awaiting something new to happen. 



Björn stands at 6'5 with a large burly frame, he carries on him a hatchet and a seax knife, and a hunting bow. 

Isabel Aubrey Woods







Isabel is around the height of 5'9'', taking after her father who is 6'6''.  Her has long, wavy brown hair that drapes down to her mid-back.  Her eyes are a brown color with a hint of caramel in them, giving them a lighter shade of brown.  Her face is polluted with light and dark freckles, which gives her a unique look.  This makes it harder for her to stay under the radar so she often wears a hoodie.  She weights about 160lbs, giving her a slightly chubbier appearance, but she still is a healthy weight.  Her voice is husky, especially when she's using a quieter tone.


Isabel has always wanted to wear that fact of her being a witch on her sleeve.  She was proud of being one and thought of herself as special, but her family had to constantly remind her to not speak of the matter.  Neither of her parents were witches, so they weren't educated on the matter and live in fear of Isabel being taken away.  In result of this fear a majority of Isabel's childhood included her hiding her face from others to lessen suspicion.  Her family and her laid low, often only speaking out loud in their home.  Isabel wishes she could speak up and be as powerful as she knows she can be, but circumstances prove otherwise.  Everyday she learns something new about her powers, so she's still unsure about her potential.  In recent years, her father was sent off into a job a sea to help provide for his family.  Isabel and her mother stayed at home, struggling to get by when one day her mother becomes extremely ill.  Desperate, Isabel has been looking around for any sort of way to gain money or medicine for her mother, even if that means using her powers.


Even if Isabel seems quite, her mind is always shouting and is always active.  She's not really an introvert, in fact she's the opposite, but it's been such a long time since she was allowed to be herself that she's not sure who she is anymore.  Isabel is clever and curious, excited about her make-believe future.  She cares for her family greatly but at the same time, wants to go off on her own.  She wants a simpler life, and often wonders what her life would be if it weren't for her powers.


Liri Ashwater


=Race (witch/human)=












Coming from a long line of witches it was no surprise to Liri when her powers finally came through. Growing up her family taught her how to hone her powers while still keeping them secret from the rest of  the village. Unlike the rest of the Ashwater family Liri is adept in Telekinesis and felt somewhat isolated from the rest of her siblings but found great comfort in her Aunt. Unfortunately  when the witch hunting started Liri lost touch with her Aunt and so began her troublemaking. Causing mischief wherever she goes Liri's family have started to worry about their secret being exposed. While they still hold the trust of the village the same cannot be said of the wandering witch hunters. 



Liri is trained in throwing knives and spends most of her time out of the village.

girl ginger.jpg
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Björn 'Ironhide' Frostbear












As a child Björn was isolated from others because of his race, his parents afraid of what would happen to him kept him at home and almost never let him outside. At the age of 16 he made his 'escape', he ran away from what had been his home. 6 years later he had heard that his mother had been burnt for being thought a witch, his father killed himself due to depression. Left alone and with nothing else to do Björn became a mercenary, using his magic to help him out with his newfound job. Now he sits at a bar, awaiting something new to happen. 



Björn stands at 6'5 with a large burly frame, he carries on him a hatchet and a seax knife, and a hunting bow. 

Holy mother of God you're Ichabod Crane


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