The Dark Society- Mafia (Let's just count this realistic...)


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Mafia! The Dark Society! Not only does it involve being the daughter of the mafia and gets lots of protectors, or about killing people around...It also has so much more behind that!

Start off with two sides, enemies to each other. Both sides each have their comrades, their boss, and stuffs. Besides the enemies part, mafia also has to deal with drugs, smuggling, money, the borrow-and-return money problems, betrayals, trades, loyal problems, member problems, comrades problems, etc, etc.

Which means, mafias involve anyone of any position. So you can be anyone, varying from killers to spies, to normal members. The mafias also have the same enemies, the police. It will be even more fun if there are polices trying to catch the mafia.

In this Mafia RP, there are levels. From the lowest normal members(lowest levels), to those who rule the normal members, who are usually those somehow famous members known for their killers, assassins, treasurers, spies etc (middle level), and then the highest level, the boss. The highest level than yet is divide into two, the boss himself is the highest of the high, and then the family members of him, especially the son/daughter.

With the fighting and each mafia problems, the characters develop relationship or hatred. Maybe it's forbidden love, or maybe it's love between comrades. Then maybe there will be betrayals, shattered friendship, etc.

The whole thing is surrounded with Mafia, sides, fights, and stuffs. But the inner story is for each rper to develop. With each characters' pasts, this Mafia Rp can actually be real fun.

Let's shape out a cool mafia society with our imaginative mind~!

Anyway, we are talking about two sides earlier. I can't really call one side an "enemy" cause to both sides the opposite side is enemy. Furthermore, I can't think of something cool to make up a name for each side.

Sorry, but let's just call this side #1 and side #2 for now. OTZ You guys can make up the name for each side in further discussion.

Rules are simple:

1. No Godmodding

2. Create as much characters as you like as long as you get to handle them all.

3. Let's just settle this RP out equally, and let everyone get a chance to participate and RP.






Side #1 or side #2:

Weapons of choice:

Position in Mafia:

Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details):

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Name: October Rain

Age: 17



Personality: October is very shy and timid when you first meet her. But if you take the time to get to know her you'll find that she is very friendly, clever and sarcastic. At times she can be hot headed but for the most of it she is calm. She is constantly listening to music or reading a new book. October has never been the one for violence and looks down on her father's choices in life. She has a very hard time trusting people.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 2

Weapons of Choice: None

Bio: October was opened up to her father's world at a young age. He would often take her to ' work ' with him, not that she knew what was happening. She found out everything when she was twelve after her mother was killed before her eyes one day while shopping. October thought it was just a drive by or something ( those are quite common here ) but was later told differently by her father when he explained everything. Since that day October has worked extra hard in school to make sure she could set herself a future, a chance of getting away from the gangs and fighting. She is very devoted to her music and one day dreams of becoming a famous song writer.


Extra: Is the daughter of the 'boss'

Is anything else needed?

And where is your character information? :P
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Name: Restain Veril

Age: 16






Personality: She's very quiet and reserved, she's the mafia's star, being in a rock band. She loves talking to people, and doesn't have an ego at all. She likes to make people feel wanted, and often tries to get along with the other side, even if they, or her side, doesn't approve of it. She's ranked as middle, a very skilled assassin, one of the best, in fact.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 1

Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details): Restain grew up with her mother, her father was an alcoholic and left when she was ten. She found the most comfort in writing songs and letting the music flow through her. Because her mother worked night shifts all the time, she had plenty of time to do what she wanted. She joined a band at the age of 15, and has loved it ever since. She's the lead vocals and the guitarist, which means major popularity for her. She dropped out of high school when she was 16 to pursue this career, and it makes for a great cover up for situations. She joined the mafia shortly after, and has been with them since. She spends most of her time either writing songs, sleeping, or hanging out with the other people in the mafia. She sometimes has concerts, but will hold them off if she is needed in her side for any reason.

Weapons of Choice: She uses sniper rifles and daggers when fighting, she prefers stealth.

Position in mafia: Middle

Extra: She loves chocolate, but doesn't get to eat it much because she's so busy.
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Kya. I wanna post last and see what u guys' positions are in the RP so I can choose my own position. Wait! I should add something. 
My apologies! I just add the weapon and the position in mafia thingies in the skelly. Please edit your post and I'm really sorryyyy 
Both Accepted!
I literally just saw this in the shoutbox and needed to click it. xD It's pretty interesting! :P

Name: Samantha Griffith

Age: 18

Looks: Sam has short black hair that brushes her shoulders. She has bright blue eyes that compliment her

pale skin and slight freckles. She has a curvy figure and weighs about 120 lbs, standing at a height of 5'7". Sam is normally seen wearing a grey pair of skinny jeans with a green v-neck top.

Personality: On the outside, Sam is a cold-hearted, emotionless girl. On the inside, she really does care about

those how are close to her. She's a bit of a hopeless romantic and gets heartbroken easily, which results in being cold-hearted.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 2 I guess.

Bio: Sam's parents both passed away in a car accident caused by Side 1, after that, Side 2 took her in and trained her to become an assassin. Sam became very good at parkour and murder in that time. Also, during that time, she had her first love. It was a boy named Damon. She'd fallen within months of knowing him. As soon as she told him her feelings, he seemed to push her away and ignored her. To this day, Sam still loves Damon and wishes he'd change his mind about her. Sam normally took her anger out on parkour runs around town, these normally resulted in her getting chased by police and the boss having to bail her out time after time. Although she was a screw-up, the group decided to keep the girl due to her heartless killing sprees and parkour runs. Damon had developed an affection for Sam after a while and unlike anybody else in the group, he thought Sam had the potential to be something more. He continuously gave her encouragement to finish high school and got so fed up with her refusal that he ended up pushing the girl back, shattering the window behind her and watching as the girl fell two stories and broke her dominant arm. After that, Damon never talked to Sam as she hated him for it.

Extra: Sam also will learn to use her left hand for throwing and killing at some point.


Name: Damon Schmidt

Age: 20

Looks: Damon has light brown hair that brushes his shoulders at the back and is cut in a shaggy way, his blue eyes nearly match Sam's. He has a thin, but muscular body shape and is normally seen in a basic black hoodie and grey sweats, although he ditches the hoodie and goes for a tanktop and shorts when it's hot in the group house.

Personality: Damon is usually a caring person, he does show a hint of rudeness towards Samantha though. Not even Damon knows why he has a grudge against the girl.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 2

Bio: Unlike Sam, Damon's parents are alive and well. Damon on the other hand, he wasn't when he joined. He joined a year before Sam and mastered stealth and gun-wielding. When Sam came into the group, Damon felt the immediate feeling of hatred towards her. The hatred grew when she told him her feelings. There's always one thing he'll remember saying to her that will haunt him forever, "I don't care, Samantha! Forget it! We don't have time for love now, idiot!" Not only that, he remembers her response, "Go to hell, Damon! I loved you! How could you.. Get the hell out of my sight." That night, Damon heard Sam crying in the room next to him, that was the day he started feeling an affection towards her. After that, he tried so many times to get her back into school to help her, obviously, she denied him. Damon's frustration led to the day he pushed her out of the window. He'd never felt so guilty in his life, there was nothing he regretted more. That night, he disappeared from the group and hid from Sam for her whole recovery.

Extra: Damon will come back. xD
Name: Olivia Rae Levitt

Age: 19


Personality: She's friendly and outspoken. She's definitely the type to pick a fight here and there and will definitely stand her ground. She's very sarcastic. To friends, she can be very kind. She can also be pushy.

Side #1 or side #2: 1

Weapons of choice: Her dad asks the she carries around a small hand gun he gave her and she also keeps a tiny can of mace on her.

Position in Mafia: Daughter of Boss #1

Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details): Olivia always grew up with nice things because of her father. She had always heard that he owned his own business as a child but was never given any specifics. As she grew older, she asked more and more questions but never really got any answers. He always called it "The Business." Once she hit her teenager years, she began to rebel due to the lack of answers and the fact that she never saw her father often. He was always somewhere. Finally, shortly after turning 18, he sat her down and told her exactly what his "business" was. She was shocked and although she had rebelled against him, she loved her father very much and didn't want anything to happen to him. After that information came out, she was always worrying about him.


Name: Brianne Marie Caldon

Age: 17


Personality: She's sweet and smart. She's always there for anyone who needs it, regardless of if she knows them or not. Some say that she cares a little too much and maybe that's why she gets hurt often. She sees the best in people.

Side #1 or side #2: Neither

Weapons of choice: Her father asks that she carries around mace.

Position in Mafia: None

Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details): Growing up with a dad in the police force was hard on Brianne, she was always worrying when he would be out late. Her mother always reassured her that he'd be fine, though. She was proud of her father and what he did, he was keeping people safe. She never really got out of hand, she was always kept her grades up in school and never acted out. She was always easy for her parents to handle, even now.

Extra: Daughter of a police officer.
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Interesting~! Alright~! All accepted~!! Nobody wanna be the boss? if nobody takes the position of the boss then I will.
I'll be the boss of side 1 too if you want~ o:
Oops, didn't notice that someone was the daughter of side 2's boss. Olivia will be the daughter of the boss on side 1, then.



Personality: Very Mysterious to most people, Dallas will not open up to anyone unless he feels like youre a trustworthy person and normally he doesnt think anyone is. Dallas is a sweet kid but does have an anger issue

Side #1 or side #2:oneWeapons of choice: Pocket knives, he has so many of them.Position in Mafia:Bosses Son (1)Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details):Dallas get in trouble at school almost everyday, he sticks to himself and he barley ever shows up to school, He adores his dad but barley gets to know much about what his dad is doing but all he wants is to grow up like his dad. He wants the power.
Reito you got another dude from side 1 :) )))

Okay of course sure lol

All Accepted btw :) )))
Name: Angelo Christo

Age: 16

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d462cbe3f325f4ad740b8d703d26517e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d462cbe3f325f4ad740b8d703d26517e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Angelo is a very serious person and is extremely dedicated to the family. He is willing to do whatever it takes to defend his comrades. He doesn't enjoy killing or violence, but he knows it has to be done for survival. He is a generally kind and selfless person. He is loved by all the family members and he loves them back. He considers each member as a biological family member. He doesn't get angry very easily, but he is a nightmare when you can break his calmness. He cares greatly for the poorer people and helps anybody when possible.

Side #1 or side #2:1

Weapons of choice: Two pistols, two swords, multiple knives, and a chain.

Position in Mafia: Adoptive son of the boss.

Bio: Angelo grew up in the slums an struggled to survive everyday. He had no clue who his parents were or even his own name. He always got into fights over food and he gave it away to the less fortunate children if he could obtain it. On an especially cruel winter night, he was starving and near death. Soon, men in suits were surrounding some nicely dressed man and kept referring to him as 'Boss'. In a nearby alley he caught sight of a gunman aiming at the man known as 'Boss.' He felt that since he was going to die anyway, he had nothing to lose. He charged at the gunman with a shiv he had made weeks ago for defending himself and he managed to kill the man. It was at that moment he fell into the cold winter snow, unable to last a moment longer. He hadn't even known when the men in suits approached him or when the man known as 'Boss' asked him for his name. He told the man he didn't have one and he was soon taken into the man's arms. It was on this day that he was adopted into the family and was finally granted with a name. On this day, Angelo Christo was born.

Extra: He is the only person known to use a sword in the mafia. He excels in studies and music. He enjoys nature and the arts.



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Name: Kevin Levitt

Age: 37 (he looks like he's 27)



Personality: Kevin is strict, straightforward, and isn't afraid to punish you for stepping out of line. He has strict laws and expects the people on his side to obey them, no matter what they say.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 1

Weapons of choice: He doesn't need one, but for emergencies he uses a handgun.

Position in Mafia: Boss

Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details): He created the mafia to get back at his brother, but ended up creating something bigger than just that. After a few years he met a woman, fell in love, married her, and had two kids. When they were at least 5 years old, Side 2 ransacked his their house while Kevin was away. When he came back, his kids were save, but his wife was murdered. He's spent the rest of his time trying to enact revenge on them. He decided to adopt a child, to fill the void of his missing wife.

Extra: He has a soft spot for children.
Alright! Hope I am not the only one of Side 2;)

Elana Michigan is 17 years, and looks like this pic (see below). She has a history of sorrows, including losing her entire familiy in a fire - the house burned to the ground, her family couldn't escape the flames - and having a strange sickness which causes her to collapse suddenly. Some people think she's still in shock of what happened to her, and that the shock is the cause of that. She herself isn't entirely sure, because she doesn't want to talk about her past anymore. One day she decided to take her own life, by jumping off a cliff. A boy stopped her, rescuing her out of the cold seawater she jumped in. The boy is the first son of the Mafia Boss (of side 2). They took her, welcomed in their family since they could make good use of her: Everyone who knew hear thought she committed suicide. The Boss gave her a new identity, as an adopted sister to his Son, and created a spy of her. She accepted, because she is very precise and well manipulating others who tell her what's going on at Side 1. She even befriends the other Mafia family! This is where her story begins, where she begins her new life as Spy. Her outer appearances you can see for yourself, she has a little secret; a scar at her back because she burnt herself while trying to find her family in the ashes of the house. (although she couldn't save anyone, ofcourse) Elena blames herself for their deaths, she tries very hard to get back on track and to live again, although she lost everything. Her characteristics are; serious girl, doesn't laugh that much, intelectual and strongwilled. She has a very tender spot in her heart, but because of what happened to her, she doesn't let anyone in, just in case she will lose them again. Her biggest fear is losing people she holds dear, ensuing in Elena backing off and trying to keep others at distance. Although she feels very lonely deep inside and secretely needs someone who understands her and truely loves her.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 2.

Weapons of choice: Because she's à spy, she almost never fights in case it would blew her cover. She has a taser under her skirt.

Position in Maffia: Spy and adoptive daughter of the Boss.

Extra: She secretely has a soft spot for the Son of the Boss.
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Side one is a side that's desperately need ppl actually lol i think? Eh? Where is her picture? ^^
There are more people on Side 1 right? Maybe I count wrong, but thought so;) Are you making your character later on?

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