The Dark Society- Mafia (Let's just count this realistic...)

Oh I didn't realize that XDDD Geez

Kya w-what do ya mean by I'm evil nya~ -hides- 
Alright, I will make 2 characters...One for side 2 one for side 1~
Name:"don" Frederick Frankcona

Age: 42



Personality: calm and cool most of the time, if his "business's" are hit and taken from him, he will sometimes get dirty and take it back. He tries to keep a straight face when he is dealing with the "family business". And all his "employees"

Side #1 or side #2: side 2

Weapons of choice: his fn fal, or his M1911

Position in Mafia: "Don"

Bio(this shapes out the story, so please fill it in with details): Frederick was born into the mafia business. His grandfather, who came from italy was the godfather, the don of the whole mafia family. Frederick would sometimes go with his "godfather's" house and stay with him. The don's name was Jerry Frankcona. As he got older he would start to work with the family. He worked with a simple crew. Doing simple protection at the families business, his father who ran with his grandfather would take it when Jerry died. Frederick can still remember the day well. It was a tuesday. he went to the job site and checked everything and waited. Half way through the day his father's car went flying by towards the hospital. Frederick knew something was up cause, his father would never do something like that when it wasn't an emergency. He got in his and floored it to the hospital where his grandfather was pronounced dead. The whole family attended the funeral. Then frederick would take it when his father died. he also remembers the day. He was out with his father when he was stung by a bee. which caused him to swell up and die on the way to the hospital. He gave the family to frederick . Frederick would run the family with his family, he would one day become the largest name in the whole business, he hoped. so that his daughters and sons and there daughters and sins would continue to run the family business.

Extra: none
Name: Sean Kelly

Age: 19


Personality: Sean is actually a very nice person, but he has to hide it in front of his boss. He's good at hiding it too. He's a brilliant guy and knows how to get himself out of harm's way - which is what makes him a good spy. He appears to most people as melancholy, depressed, or just plain boring but there is a deeper side to Sean than most people know. He just has to keep it hidden, otherwise he could be found out and killed by his own side.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 1

Weapons of choice: Sean prefers to fight only in cases of self-defense, and even then he has only ever wounded someone. He's never killed before - on purpose. However, he is very good at throwing knives and is able to easily aim for someone's leg or other spots that can hurt but not necessarily kill someone. So he chooses to carry two knives. He also carries one pistol - mainly just for show (to prove himself to his boss) - but he has never used it.

Position in Mafia: Spy

Bio: When Sean was just born his father was a member of the mafia. His father was a good man and never really wanted to be part of all of this, so he tried to get out of it. He also tried to do some good by reporting the wareabouts of the mafia to the police. But before his father could do so, he was caught by his own friend - also in the mafia - and was killed, along with his wife, at the boss's orders before he could give away their location. Sean was ordered to be killed as well, for no reason in particular, but they decided to take him in instead and teach him their ways. They told Sean that he was in debt to them for sparing his life, and so he is forced to stay and live by their rules of he will be killed as originally planned. So he has grown up and stayed with the mafia, though he has always hated them and secretly wants to get away from it all.

Extra: This isn't really relevant to the story, but it's something about him: his parents were Irish - born in Ireland - and moved here before Sean was born. So, Sean is Irish.
Name: Koujaku

Age: 25


  • Koujaku.full.1345567.jpg

Personality: Koujaku is a calm, lazy, lighthearted guy. He takes everything easy, and is rarely serious. Hhe doesn't like to argue or fight as well and just go along with everything. Because of his joking manners, he is count as a rather jerky guy who goes teasing and drinking when a serious problem is going on. But of course he can be serious at times, and can be nice, and can be a good big-bro, those kind of big-bro who u wanna punch all day. He likes to twist around with his words, using hints. Koujaku also follows everything he's interested in and don't care what the others think.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 2

Weapons of choice: Daggers~

Position in Mafia: Spy

Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details): Koujaku was born on the poorest region of the town. He grew up in bars, streets, and many other dirty places. At an age of 9, he met a girl who became his only friend. When she was kidnapped one time, Koujaku killed the kidnappers, becoming a young criminal chased by the police. While escaping, he met all kinds of greedy people who wanted to capture him to earn the money. Scared with the fact that people are scarier than he already think they are, he grew stronger through each fight for self-defense. Soon enough he was taken interest by the mafia, and since he got nothing to do with his life, he became part of it. Because of his easiness with talking to people and using hints, he became an efficient spy of the mafia.

Extra: He smoke. He loves red birds, he loves the color red, and hate white stuff. 
Aye, will make another one later
I would love to join! I love the storyline. I'll make a character for side 2 soon. Currently at a birthday party.
Name: Clear Pure

Age: 20



Personality: Clear is not a pure guy even though his name is clear and pure. He is a serious, quiet guy who doesn't take jokes often. He is indeed loyal to his own mafia, and doesn't take interest in a lot of things. He appears cold, and doesn't smile often. Yet, he's a tsundere who can blush quite easily once you get to him. Clear, though appears very mature and distant, is actually still a young teenage boy inside who's heart has yet to grow.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 1

Weapons of choice: Varies from knives to guns

Position in Mafia: Assassin

Bio(this shapes out the story, so plz fill it in with details): Clear once had the happiest family in his life. He was a rich, young boy loved by 5 other brothers and he was the youngest among them. His parents were awesome too, and he embraced those days really much. At that time, he didn't know anything about the world and the community around him. When the second oldest brother betrayed the family, he killed them all, took away the house's money and treasures, secrets and everything, and burned the house down. The oldest brother sacrificed himself to protect Clear. Because of that, Clear's heart shattered. Suddenly, all of his family disappeared into bones and ashes, and the second oldest brother disappeared. That's when he heard about the mafia, the dark society under the every day laughter of the town. Hearing there were 2 sides, he started to train himself into someone who could fight and gain information all around about it. When a new villager chief came, though, his rude and strict rules made him impossible to do the research. Since the chief caused pain and inconvenience to not only him and the villagers as well, he assassinated him, so swiftly and successfully that he realized his true potential as an assassin. Along with his faint existence and hard training, he took it as an advantage and joined one side of the mafia, seeking both revenge and both the reason why the second brother betrayed.

Extra: Likes lollipop, loves coffee. Hate chocolate milk though. Love snow, love the way blood appears on snow. It's a piece of art to him. 
Alright :)
Yep. :)

I will close it once the actual RP starts, and when each side of the mafia's name is decided. :)
Name: Ariana Nikole Williams (call her Ari)

Age: 21



Personality: Ariana is a very hard working girl. She never gives up and never lets a friend down. She like to joke around. She acts tough, which she is, but she does have a soft spot. She never wants to see a loved one die again. She can be like a little sister, like one of those you honestly love yet are annoyed by at the same time. She doesn't want anyone to leave her again, that is her biggest fear.

Side: Side 2

Weapons of choice: She carries a handgun, a katana, and daggers

Position in Mafia: Middle/Assassin

Bio: When Ariana's parents abandoned her, Ariana was left alone. She grew up in foster care her whole life, moving from one family to another family. Ariana was always involved in underground fights, she won big bucks for winning and bought her own apartment. At age 16, she ended up killing a man in one of her underground fights. Turns out he was wanted by the mafia. After that Ariana was brought into the mafia by the boss himself and Ariana has tried her hardest not to disappoint the boss. She has only messed up on 4 assassinations, and she felt really terrible about it. Ariana did fall in love with the perfect guy, they spent two whole years together, but he was ended up being killed by another mafia. So now she has given up on anything with love. She still gets that warm and fuzzy feeling sometimes, but she ignores it because it is a distraction.

Extra: She loves to fight, its like her hobby.

(Bleh.. not my best work but writers blocks kill ya.)

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Guys~Start thinking about a name for ur side...Or should we just call it Side 1 side 2 all throughout the RP?
Something along the lines of White Rose and Red Thorn. It's just a random though, but maybe it will create more ideas.
Name- Raven Balice

Age- 18

Personality- Serious and funny but has a dark side to him.

Side #1 or side #2

Weapon- duel wield pistols, and katana

Position in mafia- Assasin

Bio- Raven was abandoned by his parents left with no where to go he lived on the streets. Soon after he was going to die from starvation until a man wondering around saw him. He took Raven by the hand and threw him over his back he then blacked out. When he woke up he was surrounded by a bunch of people that man gave him food until he was stuffed it turned out that man was part of the Mafia. After than he took Raven into his care Raven grew up to be a strong assassin in the Mafia but also known for his practical humor.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374458560.255438.jpg.bbf1eac1db7486a69138bf1ef851380a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374458560.255438.jpg.bbf1eac1db7486a69138bf1ef851380a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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