The Dark Society- Mafia (Let's just count this realistic...)

ah dont worry but what side are you. I might have read that fast but I didn't see it.
October - side 2 (daughter of boss)

Semantha - side 2

Restain - Side 1

Damon - side 2

Olivia - Side 1 (daughter of boss)

Brianne - Daughter of police

Dallas - Side 1 (son of boss)

Angelo - side 1

Kevin - side 1 (boss)

Elana - side 2

Frederick - side 2 (boss)

Sean - side 1

Koujaku - side 2

Clear - side 1

Ariana - side 2

Raven has not decide which side he's on yet. =w=

Hopefully I didn't miss anything..
Name: Aidan Frankcona

Age: 20


Personality: Aidan has a I don't give a f*ck attitude and a deadly temper. He follows his father's orders when he needs someone killed. He has a dark sense of humor and enjoys what he does. He is dark and loves to hear the last breath and cries of his enemy. With family he is a loyal and loving son and a overprotective brother.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 2

Weapons of choice: Semi-Automatic and Sniper Rifle

Position in Mafia: The Boss's son and assassin

Bio: Aidan was born into the mafia life his own father the boss of a mafia family. He was dragged into the mafia life at 12 when he his father would take him to work and teach him their 'ways', since he was the only son and heir of the Frankcona family. He was soon taught in the ways of an assassin and he found he enjoyed it. When Aidan was a teenager he saw his mother murdered by the other 'side' he from that moment on vowed he would kill every last one of those on the other 'side'.

Extra: He is bisexual but, leans more toward guys. He also has a habit of smoking when upset, pissed or nervous.
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Here's my character:

Name: Seifer Pandemonium

Age: 19


Personality: There are many different sides to Seifer's personality. He usually acts as a careless idiot on the outside, always being happy, even when not appropriate. He acts tough and cool, when truly scared. He is considerably good at getting over things due to experience. People with different personalities, not ones who are similar, attract his attention and yes, he would make sure that his comrades or someone he cares for is safe and sound. He does have a kind side, though it's usually not shown.

Side #1 or side #2: Side 1

Weapons of choice: He does have a collection of knives, guns and other stuff.

Position in Mafia: On the higher level.

Biography: There was this guy in Seifer's class. They both didn't really know each other. But one day, this boy came up to Seifer and asked for him help. It was nothing hard to do. He just had to pick up a luggage from a shop and deliver it to the guy. He went to the shop and did as he was told to. He was curious what was in the luggage, but, alas, the luggage was locked. After then day he had delivered the luggage to his classmate, there was a murder in the city. Coincidence, right? And people died everyday. He let it go. ...But later in the day, he was attacked by mysterious people who wanted to know if Seifer had a part in the murder. Seifer said that he knew nothing. Then they asked about is classmate. Seifer was surprised about how these random people knew about that guy, but he told them everything he knew about him. And then he somehow got involved... and here he is.
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Alright. :)

Oh yeah side 1

meh. go go go~! 
Alright, the names are pretty good then xD
So side 1 is White Rose and side 2 is Red Thorn. Is there anything else we need to discuss?

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