Dragon's Dream
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[class name=SEName]color:transparent;border-bottom-color:#7b33af;text-shadow: -4px 4px rgba(179,179,179,.4), -3px 3px rgba(153,153,153,.2), -2px 2px rgba(179,179,179,.2), -1px 1px rgba(179,179,179,.2), 0px 0px rgba(128,128,128,.5), 1px -1px rgba(77,77,77,.6), 2px -2px rgba(77,77,77,.7), 3px -3px rgba(82,82,82,.8), 4px -4px rgba(77,77,77,.9), 5px -5px rgba(77,77,77,1);border-bottom-color:#7b33af;font-size:30px;line-height:43px;[/class][div class=SEBox][div class=SEName]Isabella Montenari[/div][div class=SETri][div class=SETri2][div class=SEAvi][div class=SEAvi2][/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=Credit]Created by @IdyllicDreamer[/div]
Surprise would be the first emotion Isabella felt when he grabbed her so suddenly, he was upset that much was easily clear. It swept over her faster than his grip on her arms did, faster than she found herself up against the door. A small wince, a little gasp, as she looked back at him. He was upset about the ring, but why she had been sure to keep it safe for him, just as she said she would.
"Orion..." She said quietly, trying to guage why he was so afraid, no, panicked over it not being visible on her person. It was impossible to tell just from a glance, a word, her feeling though. "What's wrong..? The ring is fine..."
She couldn't very well get it from where she was though, not against the door, with him between her and the rest of her room.
Surprise would be the first emotion Isabella felt when he grabbed her so suddenly, he was upset that much was easily clear. It swept over her faster than his grip on her arms did, faster than she found herself up against the door. A small wince, a little gasp, as she looked back at him. He was upset about the ring, but why she had been sure to keep it safe for him, just as she said she would.
"Orion..." She said quietly, trying to guage why he was so afraid, no, panicked over it not being visible on her person. It was impossible to tell just from a glance, a word, her feeling though. "What's wrong..? The ring is fine..."
She couldn't very well get it from where she was though, not against the door, with him between her and the rest of her room.