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The Dark Of Winter

Dusk nodded. "Okay." She pulled away and stood up. "I'll be by the globe." She said and walked away quietly. Jack watched her go then looked at his son and raised an eyebrow.
"She's a lot like her mother." Jack said. "But no matter what, she won't be Noel. Don't forget that and pretend you can relive the past by being with her."
Jack sighed. He looked at North and the others. "What should we do? He cares about her but not in a good way. He thinks he can relive his time with Noel by being with her daughter. That girl deserves better than thinking he cares about her for her."
Tony got changed quietly, into a new black hoodie and black jeans, before limping off to find Dusk

Tooth sighed, "I know but.....you tried to stop him, and he didn't listen. He's been alone too long"
Tooth looked to him, "And what will we do with Tony? We can't keep him trapped North! He's been stuck for years with no one seeing him!"
"He can stay here. Go on runs with Jack and make snow days. Get people believing. It's time he started acting like a Guardian and not a love sick puppy." Bunny said.

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