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The Dark Of Winter

Eclipse walked beside him.

Pitch smirked evily. "I always thought you'd be the greatest weapon, I was wrong. Eclipse and Rage are a much better team. You know, she forgot about you only an hour after she thought you'd died."
Eclipse smiled and walked in.

"It's true. Honestly, it's a little annoying how much they kiss. But they're inseparable. She even admitted she loves him more than she ever did you." Pitch said nonchalantly.
"Oh really? It's been what, three months since she came here? Did you no notice she looked a little bigger when you saw her?" Pitch smirked evily at his convincing lie.

Eclipse sat down on the couch, beside a smaller version of the globe in the main lair. "More people are believing in us, see the black lights? I did a spell not long ago so that the black lights show how many people believe in Pitch, you, and I."
Tonys eyes widened, "You're lying!" He yelled at Pitch, his angry voice travelling throughout the lair, "you're lying" He repeated quietly

Rage grinned, "Like little black holes" He chuckled
"And how she refused to believe you're alive? It's because she doesn't want you to be. She's scared you'll go after her child because of your hate for Rage." Pitch continued.

Eclipse smiled. "Exactly."
Pitch smirked evily.

Eclipse sighed sadly. "Tony. I really don't want to deal with this now. I'm gonna head to bed." She kissed his cheek and stood up.
Tony's eyes seemed to glow as his powers seemed to get stronger as he got angrier, ice freezing over the room and the lair, shadows merged within it
Pitch smirked and snapped his fingers, making the room prevent Tony from using his powers.

Eclipse smiled. "Night, love." She said to Rage before heading to her room.
As Tony was cut off he howled in pain, thrashing. Being so suddenly cut off was like snapping his staff into small pieces, which hadn't yet happened

Rage smiled, "Night beautiful" he purred, before going to watch Pitch
"Ahh, Rage. Glad to see you decided to join us. How is Eclipse and the baby doing?" Pitch asked, knowing Rage would see what he was doing.

Eclipse fell asleep peacefully in her bed.
Rage grinned, "Perfectly. We felt em kicking this morning" He replied, enjoying the look from Tony that would kill him if looks could kill
Pitch smirked. "I'm glad. Give this to her, would you? It should help." Pitch handed him a vile of potion and a look that said, 'I'll explain later.'
Pitch smirked. "Now do you see the truth?" He smirked and vanished, leaving Tony to suffer at the thought of Rage and Eclipse having a child and being in love. Pitch appeared in front of Rage.
Tony cried out, trying to reach out with his shadows to his real father, succeeding in a weak connection

Rage stopped, and looked at Pitch
"The potion will make her have a three month old baby when she wakes up. Just put a lock of your hair or something in it and give it to her. But don't let her know unless you're sure she'll still take it." Pitch explained to Rage and disappeared again.

Jack didn't sense the connection as he threw snowballs at unsuspecting kids.
Rage blinked, but nodded, and moved to Eclipses room, placing a lock of his hair into the potion before entering

Tony screamed through the weak connection

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