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The Dark Of Winter

Tony was laying in the snow, too warm to heal. Beneath his head the white snow tinted red quickly, his broken staff to his right, one hand reaching out for it weakly
North was looking around when he saw him. "Phil! Send for the others!" North ordered as her helped Tony inside.

Noel shut her eyes tight, terrified as Rage kissed her roughly. She had tried struggling but it hadn't worked, she was stuck. Tony, where are you?
Tony had enough strength to summon a portal beneath Noel's feet, pulling both her and rage in and throwing them into the snow beside North. The boy went well and truly limp at that moment, hardly breathing
Noel fell through the portal and onto the snow. To her left she saw Tony and her father, to her right she saw Rage. She stood up and ran over to Tony and helped her father take him inside.
Rage blinked, face down in the snow, "ILL GET YOU ANTHONY! YOU AND THAT GIRL!" He yelled, before disappearing. Tony meanwhile whimpered softly, his staff clutched in two pieces in his hands
Noel tensed at Rage's threat but continued to help Tony and led him to the guest room, helping him sit on the bed. "Jack can fix your staff. It happened to him before." Noel said quietly.
Tony looked up at her with glassy eyes, " 'm sorry" he slurred, before his eyes slid shut, and he went limp, falling.aginst the bed
Noel looked around to make sure no one was around before she put one hand on Tony's head and one on his chest. She closed her eyes and focused, a gold light came from her hands and healed Tony.
Tonys eyes flickered open, and h blinked at her, pushing h away slightly before she could fully heal him. He whimpered, not wanting to weaken her too much
Noel shook her head. "It's okay. I'll be fine." Noel put her hand on him again and finished healing him before walking to the sink in the bathroom and washing the blood off her hands.
Tony slowly pushed himself up. He shakily took his staff pieces, a sharp pain in his chest from the break. He whimpered, desperately trying to put the two back together. Concentrating, a ice blue and black frost twisted about the break, and somehow fixed it
Tony shook his head and again pushed himself up, limping along and leaning on his staff as he walked as quickly as he could out of the room and down the halls
" 'Ey!" Bunny called when he saw Tony. "Thanks for savin' Noel. She told us how ye protected her when you two where cornered by Pitch."

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