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The Dark Of Winter

Noel sighed in defeat and followed him. They were in the lair but a part Noel had never seen so she didn't know. Laughter and music could be heard from where Rage's party was. "Tony, where are we?" Noel asked, slightly scared. Suddenly Pitch and Rage walked out of the shadows, both smirking evily. (Will you be Rage? I'm every character except for Tony. xD )
"Sorry kid" Tony said with a grin, walking up to his father and rage, holding both his staff and Noels arm. He nodded to Rage, who huffed, "What's this then Anthony?" He growled, to which Tony roll his eyes
Noel struggled in Tony's grip, glaring at him. "You lying little low life! I saved your life!" Pitch just smirked and pushed Noel towards Rage. "Happy birthday. She's all yours." Skylar glared at Rage. "I don't belong to anyone, especially not you."
Rage grinned, stalking closer to the girl, "well hello kiddo" he purred, gripping her chin tightly in his hand and forcing her to look at his amber eyes. Tony frowned, and looked to his father
Tony getting his anger grow at Rages hold on the girl, and he growled, shifting into his shadow wolf form and leaping into his cousin with a snarl
Noel fell backwards and watched wide eyed as Tony attacked Rage. Pitch growled and grabbed Tony by his neck and threw him against the wall. "I'll deal with you later."
Tony growled as he was grabbed, but as he was thrown at the wall his staff, which had been strapped across his wolffish back, snapped in two and his head hit the wall. Both of these things caused him to curl up in pain, and to close his eyes and go limp
Noel ran over to Tony. "Oh my gosh..." Noel breathed when she saw the broken staff. Pitch grabbed her roughly and threw her to Rage.
Rage grabbed the girl with a growl, "Anthony always was stupid" he chuckled, holding the girl with her back to his chest. He watched Tonys still form with an evil grin
Pitch glared down at Tony and walked away. Noel gave up struggling, his grip beginning to hurt and just watched as Tony lay motionless, fighting back tears. She wouldn't cry in front of Rage, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
Rage looked to Pitch and grinned. If he didn't care then he was free to do what he wanted. Dragging the girl along, he kicked Tony, who had turned into his human form in his unconscious state. Red pooled around his head
Rage ignored her, and kicked the younger cousin hard, cackling when he heard a crack. He'd of thought Pitch would of been more protective of his child, but apparently not. A weak cry came through the shadows from the boy at Rages feet
Rage turned to noël, "it's a surprise Pitch hasn't killed me yet,,,,but go on" he told her with a evil grin.

Tony, whilst unconscious, tried to communicate with his father using the shadows
"I'll do anything you want, just stop hurting him." Noel let a single tear slide down her cheek as she looked into Rage's Amber eyes. They were unfamiliar, frightening, not like Tony's.
Rage grinned, "go fetch Pitch. I want to show him his sons pitiful body before he dies" he chuckled, pushing the girl toward the door
Noel looked at Tony before she ran to find Pitch. She found him and brought him to where Rage and Tony were. Pitch saw Tony and glared slightly. "Just like his father, a huge disappointment." Noel blinked back tears and knelt beside Tony. Please be okay. Don't leave me. You have to live. You have to be okay.
Tonys eyes flickered open briefly, his icy eyes looking at his father before ice spread across the floor, creating spikes around both Rage and Pitch, was willing...to help you....needed...the girl....and me...to be possibly injured... So...they trusted...me
Pitch smirked at the plan and nodded slightly before waving his hand and Tony disappeared. "NO!" Noel screamed and glared at Pitch. "What did you do to him?" Pitch just smirked evily. "Rage, I'll tell the others you're preoccupied with your present." Pitch left the room. Noel looked up at Rage in fear.

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