The Dark, Demented, and Twisted


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
((Make a character and get it approved here,

The men came and shoved Lolita Marci into the house, and into a bedroom, slamming the door behind her as she fell to the floor. They had caught her. She laid on the floor, a stiff feeling in her heart as she took it all in. Marci had no idea where she came from... she couldn't remember. She remembered being dragged, and trying to fight back. Then, she was here. This place. This asylum for the supernatural.

Marci sat up slowly, rubbing tears from her eyes and looked around. 'Two beds...' she thought with a sigh. 'I will have a roommate I guess...' Marci stood up shakily and looked down at herself, her clothes torn. "I doubt they even care if its a girl or a guy that rooms with me..." Marci mumbled to herself, looking at the two beds, then sitting on the left one from the door.

A quiet meow was heard from nearby in the room. "Kiki?" Marci said, startled, "Kiki, you are here too?" A small, white, cat-like animal with red eyes and a large poofy tail walked out from underneath the bed and nodded at Marci. Kiki stretched her appendages attached to her head, two fin-like arms with a golden ring halfway up each. In a way the appendages looked like loose ponytails.

With the appendages on either side, Kiki floated up and onto the bed, nuzzling her head against Marci's side. "Don't be afraid..." Kiki said quietly, "We will survive, we always have." Marci sighed, and nodded, not sure what they always have done. Or, for that matter, what they would do now. Marci laid down on the bed, and stared at the other bed across from her, ignoring all else.
From the bed rose a shadow, that eventually materialized into the form of a man. "Hello. You must be my roommate. I am Zaero." While speaking, he inclined his head in a small bow. "It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss...?" Zaero gestured with his hand to suggest she finish his statement. He intentionally kept his wings hidden. He had the cover story ready, but the less impact he had, the better. Once he had the report he needed, he was going to go directly back to Michael.
(([MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION], Yay! Roomy!))

"Lolita Marci," Marci said, slightly surprised someone just materialized in front of her, but she didn't let it show on her face. Kiki floated over to Zaero as Marci sat up. "You seem different," Kiki said in her high voice. She turned back to Marci after she had landed on Zaero's lap. "He feels different Marci... I don't get it." Marci sat up and looked Zaero over, she sighed then spoke, "I am pleased to meet you as well, Zaero. I prefer to be called Marci, if you would," Marci looked at Kiki and rolled her eyes, "Well yes, of course he is different. Think of where we are. This asylum is for supernaturals." She looked back at Zaero with an apologetic smile, "What are you anyways, if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to answer, but, if you do, don't lie. It will really piss off Kiki. She is a little high strung... If you want, I will tell you what I am too."
"I suppose we are all different. In fact, I am aware of what you are, witch. But, I understand that such knowledge should be reciprocated. I am a human-avian hybrid, created in a lab by scientists." said Zaero. All the while, he kept his face blank, devoid of any emotion. When the creature known as Kiki began to hiss, however, he gave it a sharp glance, and it quieted down. For a brief moment, the man's passive face became a mask of divine wrath. It happened too quickly for Marci to notice... hopefully.
In the corridor, a demon named Khalkaroth, or Khal for short, is walking along the shadows, having long become bored with his room. He mumbles to himself, "Why do I have to be one of the few people in here without a room mate?" On his shoulder, a familiar in the form of a dragon is making an unusual hissing sound in Khal's ear. "Yes Shade, I know this is a big place, but they have kept me locked in here for years," he answers in reply to the hissing.

Along his way back to his room, Khal passes a room where he hears two people talking. Instead of his usual prank of appearing inside the room from the shadows, he just continues on his way. Just before he is out of earshot, he picks up the names of the two people, but only the specie of one of them. "Hmm, so Marci and Zaero...and it is obvious which is the witch. Guess I will need to say hi sometime," he mumbles as he slips into his own room.
(([MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION], if you want me to stop doing the "@" thing, just tell me.))

"Right... avian hybrid... that's how you knew what I am. I told you that you didn't need to answer me, so why lie?" Marci said, scooting back and leaning against the wall as Kiki floated back to Marci's lap, glaring at Zaero, "If you are not trusting though, I understand. It is hard to be trusting of anyone in times like these..." Marci frowned, pulling her knees up to her chest, and resting her head on them. "Kiki, she is my familiar. In a way we are connected. I don't know all she knows, and she knows a lot, but I know when she gets upset. Or when she hisses at a man who is lying." Marci sighed heavily, looking down into her own lap. "Sorry... this isn't the best way to make friends I guess..."
(To be honest it doesn't matter. Usually, I don't do it because it seems like I'm solo RPing when this is supposed to be group. You know, so others can jump in the conversation and have their entertainment. I trust that they won't ruin a good conversation.)

"Lying is a relative term. It is best for everyone that you not know what I am. But, for the most part, a human-avian hybrid suffices to keep me safe. I want to make it clear: There is no trust issue on my part or danger to me. The danger is all to you." As an afterthought, he added, "The terms friends is relative as well. The parameters for a friendship can vary, and in this case, you have earned one friend in me." Although he didn't crack his formal composure, the inflection in his otherwise flat, monotonous voice indicated a change for the better in their relationship.
((Mmk, I will stop then :) And, other people can make their charries like dark did, or have them thrown into a room, we can all meet up at some point :3))

Marci half-smiled at him, "Good then. I have one thing to be happy about I suppose. Though, you don't need to worry about any danger to myself," Marci shifted herself to the edge of the bed, thinking. She made two balls, one in each of her hands, one a ball of bright pure light, the other a ball of pure darkness, "So, Zaero, which element do you like better? Light? Or dark?" She held the two balls in her hands and looked at Zaero, her eyes slightly glowing blue. Kiki purred and rubbed against Marci, she loved it when Marci used her magic, Kiki thought it was pretty.
Zaero snapped his fingers and the ball of light expanded to fill the room, while the ball of darkness shrank out of existence. "I have a propensity for all thing light, which I am sure was self-evident. Now, this room is quite cramped. Would you accompany me to central lounge?" he asked. He held out his hand, gracefully and with elegant poise. His eyebrows were slightly arched, indicating him waiting for an answer. His eyes, however, seemed indifferent, not caring about her answer. In summary, his emotions were extremely confusing to those trying to read him.
Marci blinked from the sudden brightness, "Umm... yes. I just wanted to see what you thought of what I can do. I don't mind going with you, is the door unlocked? I never checked..." Marci looked at the door and stood up, her familiar Kiki floated to the top of her head and sat there. Marci looked at Zaero's hand and placed her's in it. Her hand felt so frail against his. Marci looked into his eyes and immediately looked down, blushing a bright red. Kiki stuck her tongue out at Zaero, still miffed about him lying, then floated to the top of his head and sat there, as if to spite him.
"Well, yes. The doors are locked. However, a mere door shouldn't pose an obstacle for me." Zaero flourished his wing, manifesting only one. It was bright white with golden tint and trimming. He unfolded it slowly and majestically, but the force from even that movement was so great that it ripped the door off its hinges. In fact, half the wall fell to shambles. "Don't worry, this will all have been fixed by the time we return." he said without batting an eyelash. "Shall we?" He motioned out of the wreckage, lithely stepping over the debris with an unearthly grace and smoothness.
Marci stared at the half-broken wall and smiled, her crazed side coming out, "Oh, well isn't that fun! Your wings look so angelic, are you an angel? That would be so cool, so cool if you were an angel. Ah, but that is impossible... No it isn't, not with what we are.... but then... yes, it is. I don't know, what do you think?" Marci looked up at Zaero and gripped his hand tightly, a grin splayed across her face. Kiki looked down at Marci from the top of Zaero's head and growled, speaking quietly, "I hate it when she is like this..." Marci looked up at Kiki, then back to Zaero, "I like you, you know that? You have a charm to you, yes you do! I wouldn't say that normally, but what's stopping me now?" She giggled, gripping his hand tight enough that if he were normal, it would have crushed the hand.
"Well, nothing is stopping you know. In reality, nothing should ever stop you. Now, about this scene we are creating. As much as I would love to tell you exactly what I am - no, not an angel - I think the others are beginning to stare. It lends itself to reason that whatever could make the people in this place gawk would have to be pretty extraordinary." Zaero led Marci down the hall. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion that shook the corridor that they were in. The floor cracked, pieces falling away. Zaero instantly picked Marci up bridal style. "I suppose that we could take the stairs. However, the lounge is on the lower floor so..." Zaero jumped through a gap in the floor boards and landed on the bottom floor with enough force to to crack the concrete. He slowly unraveled his wings to their full wingspan of 12 feet, and the gust that was created swirled white and gold feathers all over the room. All the while, he continued to hold Marci near his chest, obviously out of necessity to protect her from the fall with his feather-soft wings. The others stopped whatever they were doing and stared. "We are here." Zaero stated simply, still holding onto Marci quite firmly and disregarding the other occupants of the room. Kiki jumped lithely down onto Zaero's head, and then onto the floor.

(I hope you don't mind me controlling Kiki. I just needed to get her down to the lounge somehow xD .)
(No, not at all. I can't reply to this tonight though, as it is 2:23am where I am. Perhaps it will give others a chance to reply. xD Oh, and whoever has to clean up Zaero's mess must have great job security.)
Khal appears in the room and begins to observe all the damage before his eyes come to rest on the two people right in the middle of it all. "That was quite an entrance you made there. Were you trying to show off to your friend in your arms there?," he asks with a smirk on his face. "Seeing as you have a familiar, I take it you are the witch I heard has joined us in our little...paradise," Kahl says, "And that means your name is Marci. Im Khal by the way."

After taking a seat across the room from the mess, he adresses the one holding Marci. "And you must be Zaero. You seem to have taken a liking to your new room mate there. And I can see why."
Amber had been poked and picked at. She was surprised that she kept her composure. The car ride to the asylum was no walk in the park. She could see the house now. She was huffed out of the car clumsily. She looked like a baby dear walking for the first time. The ironic thing was that she had antlers and stick thin legs. She collected her self and began for the house. She lost track of how many gaurds she saw. It was sad how racist and ignorant people could be. To put people into an asylum?

She entered the house which to her surprise was much like a house. She could hear other people in the house. At least she wouldn't be alone. She didn't know where her room was and hoped that someone would come and clear things up for her. For the time being she sat in a living room like area.
Rin was lying on his bed on his side facing the door out in his room asleep,or well was. He heard a lot of noise coming from next door and just couldn't sleep with it.He sighed as he sat up a bit and noticed Skit there lying with him.Skit usually falls asleep with Rin in his bunny form then shifts during the night as they slept,this time he was laying his head on Rin's side as his arms wrapped around his waist and his legs ran along with Rin's.He had groaned when Rin began moving and his grip around Rin's waist slightly tightened,Rin sighed once again as he looked down at Skit.He placed a hand on Skit's head and pushed him away,making the grip lost and Skit fall on the floor.

Rin now looked down past the bed and saw an irritated look shot right back."Why you little..."He growled at the pain still in the bed,Rin just laid back down where he was and said."Go look what's going on..."Skit got up and stared at him confused as he stretched."What?"He wasn't sure what Rin was talking about.Then Rin poked the wall,the side where his head was resting,"Over there..."he said in a quieter voice since he was still tired.Skit looked where he pointed and sighed."Fine."He said as he walked to the door,went out and slammed it behind him with a smile on his face after.
Kiki stared at the new people in the room, particularly the one who had addressed them. Marci, on the other hand, who was now back to normal, was blushing like crazy in Zaero's arms and not looking around. 'Crap! People are staring at us....' she thought before stealing a glance around. Kiki was already on her way across the room to Khal, not floating this time. A few feet from him she sat and stared, "You are a darkness creature, aren't you...." She looked back at Zaero, then to Khal again, "Oh... this should be fun."

Kiki padded back over to Marci and spoke to Zaero, "Would you please let her down now? She is safe." Marci blushed brighter at this statement, but stayed silent.
"Of course." Zaero proceeded to unceremoniously release his arms from Marci, causing her to drop to the ground like a stone. Turning to Khal, he said, "You are a creature of darkness, and yet the urge to smite you is not present. Therefore, you have either been absolved, not likely without my permission, or there is an even greater evil present here, most likely in the form of the human's government." Zaero was slightly irked that he had revealed the fact that to be absolved by God, one had to obtain Zaero's permission. That was not something that comes from being a human-avian hybrid. He didn't let this show on his face, and he resolved to deny it if asked about it.
Raven stumbled into a room. It seemed she had

appeared from thin air. She shrugged and glanced around.

Startled, she noticed two others. "er... hi. I'm Raven..."

She grinned wryly "and i have no idea why i am here."

The last thing she could remember was being cut by the

so called 'helpers' at this place. She focused her

bird-like eyes on the two, and did a small hop.
Catching that little slip of the tongue, Khal stashes that tid bit away for later use. "Yes little Kiki, I am a creature of darkness," he speaks to the familiar, watching her walk back to her witch. "Probably the regime is a greater evil, but I have not openly been a evil demon in the many years I have walked this Earth. I just decide to be a little playful occasionally, but I usually move and live to survive," Khal answers to Zaero, perhaps in a attempt to calm the hybrid's nerves about Khal's presence and Zaero's surprise at not wanting to destroy the demon in front of him.
"Well, you'd best be telling the truth about your nature. For if you aren't, you won't be "living to survive" for much longer." said Zaero in a chilling voice. There was no threat intended. What he had just spoken was a promise. "Since we are all her, why don't we do something, how do you say... fun?" he asked after an uncomfortable silence after his proclamation.
He acknowledges the promise to end his existance, but decides to let it go instead of confronting it. "I'm up for some entertainment, what do you have in mind?," Khal asks. Shade lands on Khal's shoulder and looks at Kiki who is near Marci. "Also my avian friend, I have no intention to lie about something this serious. I know when to behave...usually...and when to mess around. And around someone as powerful as you, it is best to stay on the good side," he says to Zaero.
"Yes, it is." Zaero affirmed. "With the pleasantries out of the way, I think a little "storytime" in order, what with all the newcomers. Why, Khal, why don't you go first?"

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