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Fantasy The Cruelest Animal

I believe the bulk of the cast are exploring this temple-like stucture and the rest are lurking nearby, watching.
I seem to recall I was waiting on someone, but either way I'll update us in a few hours. Have some things to do in town first.
If I had to guess, I'd say we're a bit stuck because we're faced with actually having to use the game mechanics for the first time. So for the sake of the community, I shall prod thee, @Grey one!

Grey said:
Following the creature is an Acrobatics 10 Challenge
Searching for clues is an Investigation 6 Challenge

Following the howl is a Navigation 8 Challenge OR Sorcery 4.

You spend Vigor to meet these challenges, if a Trait + Skill amount meets the Challenge. If you don't meet it, remember an ally can add points to your effort. For example, someone can add their Strength to Acrobatics to give someone a boost up.
So say my character wanted to search for clues, for example. In order to even start expending Vigor he needs to meet the Challenge (6). Rowan has Investigation 1, to which he adds the relevant trait... Would that be his Intellect (4) or Wit (5)? In case it's Wit, that amounts to 6 points and he meets the challenge so he can spend some Vigor here. That is, he gets to spend 6 Vigor in order to succeed - and if he didn't meet the challenge (in case it's Intellect, not Wit), he'd be 1 short which one of the others could assist with.

That about right?

But if challenges are going to consume 40-90% of our total Vigor, won't our characters run out after two challenges (at best)? And it only refreshes on scene change... So either those scenes are going to be very short or I am overlooking something else? I'd also like to know if each enemy we face is going to pose a Challenge in this manner *woof*
Yes, you are correct there. I'd allow Wit over Intellect in this case.

Not all challenges will - these ones are simply especially difficult. More commonly you shouldn't be spending much more than 3.

I may tweak refresh rates to faster than per-scene, based on core Traits.

I think it's also fair to have Equipment reduce the Challenge by 1 - like a grappling hook for that Acrobatics Challenge.

And of course, Talents, Spells, etc. should allow ways to play around Vigor limits. I'll look into a soft revision soon but for now do play on, let's see how this works out.
Alright, so I have been stumped on where to go with my post, given the high requirements to complete any of the tasks. *Grumbles under breath about the struggles of being a penniless sitar player not a super hero* @Grey

However, I think I finally have a proposal. Can I expend Grace and Acrobatics? That would bring me to 6. Assuming I can, then my plan would be, have @Aur0ra find a way to expend the additional 4 points required to rise to the challenge of chasing the creature. Like suggested, if our two characters tackle and attempt to chase after the creature, we might be able to pull something off.
@Aur0ra[/URL] find a way to expend the additional 4 points required to rise to the challenge of chasing the creature. Like suggested, if our two characters tackle and attempt to chase after the creature, we might be able to pull something off.
i was kind of lost as well, i like that idea, @Grey so i was thinking, i can do this two different ways, I can either do like @Manic Muse and expend Grace (or brutality) and acrobatics which would bring me to 4 , knowing that Manic's vigor is six our two vigors combined bring us to 10 thus meeting the challenge. Or I can expend Poise and Acrobatics bringing me to 6 points, combined with Manic's we make 12 points. would that be considered as wasting two points on nothing?
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Hmmm... you know, I hadn't yet decided if overflow would do anything.

Still, you don't have to spend all twelve. Use either option as you like (it should affect your description, of course), and ten should be all you need.
Sounds good. I am not sure I am going to have access to my computer until tonight. I might give it a go on my phone though.

@Aur0ra I am thinking I will send you a rough draft of my idea for a post in a PM and we can work out the details from there. Considering my character does not have a weapon, it makes sense in my mind that she will be the step stool.
You were waiting. Sorry for the delays - my mental health has been quite poor so far this year.
Grey said:
You were waiting. Sorry for the delays - my mental health has been quite poor so far this year.
If you need to take some time off or something, just let us know. I don't want to be adding to any stressers.
Sorry, this slipped my mind completely for a time. I posted now *woof*

So right now Josephine is up on the roof, out of sight of the rest of us who are all in the main chamber of the cathedral? Is that correct?
As long as we can find an organic way to introduce the character you're welcome to apply.

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