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Fantasy The Cruelest Animal

All clear! *woof*

I'll finish up tomorrow because I really need to get some sleep while I still can. Thanks for the assist.
I didn't even think to ask those questions. And yet, reading the answers gives me a better idea of what the hell I was doing when I was just making assumptions. :P
I like your character, Aurora *woof* :)

And I think my character would definitely know of her, even if she didn't know him, on account of her early rise to fame and him being a guardsman as well.

@Grey I've been mulling over the Talents ideas and I am sooo blank. By the way, I get a feeling that everyone else intentionally skipped on it because they are just as clueless (pls prove me wrong). What could I possibly tie to Close Combat? I'm probably going with that. I was thinking maybe something like my character being skilled in fighting Thropes as result of having fought the beasts for a while, but then I'm kinda specialized against them only, which might be a bad idea... But I cannot think of anything else. Would a special combat move be allowed, like one for general use against any enemy? Or what else?
@Wolf Rawrrr Maybe you should take this to PM?

I am new to this style and this game was brought to my attention by Grey. I did what I felt would work for me being new. I assume that as the GM Grey will let me know if there is an issue with my character. I don't appericiate the tone in that last message.
I don't believe Wolf meant any disrespect, Muse. If anything, any barbs there are directed my way - if people are, in fact, avoiding a mechanic then that is an indictment of my communicative skills rather than a criticism of other players struggling to understand.

But likewise I assume anyone who is struggling will bring it to me. If you are content with your character, I see no issues with them.

I'll answer the question here, as I think this is beneficial for the group as a whole.

Close Combat Talents might be Dirty Fighting, Backstabbing, Defensive Fighter, Brawler, Swordsman, and so on. Brawler or Dirty Fighter might wor for your purpose.

Also, everyone please remember that at this time, Traits do not go higher than 5. I may rebalance that in future, but for now that is a hard cap.
@Manic Muse - I neither said nor implied in any way that there was anything wrong with your character. As for the tone of the message (which was not directed at you, either), you must have perceived the wrong tone because there's nothing that couldn't be appreciated about it *woof*

Grey, but you said we need to describe them. Aside from Backstabbing, I don't know what these do, even.
Dirty Fighting would be going for the eyes, using unexpected or improvised weapons, throwing sand in faces, and generally keeping fights as unfair as possible.

Brawler would be for especial skill in very close combat, unarmed or with improvised weapons, very aggressive with grappling, smashing into walls or furniture.

I guess the distinction there is that the brawler beats you up pretty badly, but the dirty fighter pulls a poisoned shiv in the first thirty seconds. You'd use Dirty Fighter when you don't care much if the target lives or dies, and you might use Brawler to overwhelm without killing.

Defensive Fighter would be about staying up and resisting your opponent. Maybe you don't overpower them, but you limit how much you get hurt and try to tire them out.

Swordsman, well, just means you're especially skillful with a blade, formally trained maybe.

And since Guardsmen are effectively police, there's no reason you couldn't have something like Subdue or Arrest - something to disarm and control an opponent. No reason unlucky coppers can't have fallen in the Thames and woken up in Umbra.
So... throwing sand in someone's face requires talent? :/ I'd have thought half the stuff you listed just now were... Well, normal actions done through expending Vigor.
Yes, you could do them anyway, the Talent simply enables a bonus in those situations. Or if it's more comfortable for you, the Talent might be for a specific weapon or fighting style.
Alright, thanks. Sorry if I made this too complicated. I went ahead and finished my character *woof*

If everything checks out, I guess I'm ready to go.
If I'm understanding the point system correctly, I'm perfectly fine spending the additional 10 points in the manner I did. lol
Right then, let's work on inter-character connections and then we can start.
All I got so far is that my character likely knows Aurora's. They're both somewhat distinguished guardsmen (how do you call a guardsgirl btw?) so it makes sense that they're at least acquaintances, if not more. What do you think, @Aur0ra?

As for the others, I am open to ideas *woof*
Given the rough timeperiod, Guardsman is a catch-all, but some people would call them Watchwomen.
I am considering that my character very recently arrived/escaped. She is still a bit out of sorts and adjusting to the extreme differences there in the city. That being said, she's got to eat some how, so she's going to immediately get to work with her antics. Which is bound to draw attention from people. Grifting in the streets and creating some upset customers with her poor skills.

I am planning to use throw away NPC's as dissatisfied customers. Assuming that is allowed.

(Yay for typing through my iphone #auto-corrects for the win)
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TheDaftStudent said:
Nightingale fancies himself a detective, so I'm sure he'd end up running into the Guardsmen often.
True that *woof*

So Rowan, Josephine, and Nightingale are acquaintances at least. Any one of you want to take that farther?

If Ashie's a recent arrival then does she know the other characters at all?

And what about Avery? Might be tricky to fit a 13 year old into a group consisting of guardsmen, a detective, and a courtesan (lol)
Actually, Nightingale is an official Lamplighter, so it's most likely that the three of them have even worked together or been assigned patrols.

Hell, actually, let's go with this - official Guild practice to have two Guardsmen and one Lamplighter in standard patrols, and permanent groups woild probably form around shift-patterns and work records.
Would it be reasonable to expect that they might have had a report passed down to keep a lookout for somebody of Ashie's description?

Perhaps because of reports of grifters swindling people in the streets with obnoxious antics?

Or because of her running after being brought there for slave trade?

I'm not sure if the slave trade is something that's considered illegal in their eyes, or more of an underground thing that they tend to over look. Or business as usual.
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[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr] Rowan, Josephine, and Nightingale are acquaintances at least. Any one of you want to take that farther?

Grey said:
Actually, Nightingale is an official Lamplighter, so it's most likely that the three of them have even worked together or been assigned patrols.
Hell, actually, let's go with this - official Guild practice to have two Guardsmen and one Lamplighter in standard patrols, and permanent groups woild probably form around shift-patterns and work records.
We're work buddies! Yey!
As for the others, I am open to ideas *woof*
sounds good to me(^.^)

Grey said:
Actually, Nightingale is an official Lamplighter, so it's most likely that the three of them have even worked together or been assigned patrols.
Hell, actually, let's go with this - official Guild practice to have two Guardsmen and one Lamplighter in standard patrols, and permanent groups woild probably form around shift-patterns and work records.
So two guardsmen and a lamplighter make a team, i like that. Also when are we starting?

TheDaftStudent said:
We're work buddies! Yey!
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