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The large ballroom was awash with the nobility of Asteria, with the wedding this is a rare occasion that all the nobility of Asteria is assembled here. There were lots of whispers and rumors regarding the wedding and the Princess and Prince. There was a prevailing rumor that the Prince and Princess were having an intimate moment in public, holding hands and kissing even. The rumors were met by a variety of reactions: some were shocked at their sudden attraction and did not like such a display, others did not like the obvious effect of the very charming Ruvian Prince on the seemingly vulnerable Princess, others still, the younger ones found it very romantic and a welcome change to the staid traditions of the Asteria, and others envious of such a new found love. Many were uneasy about this situation but with the Ruvians clearly outnumbered here felt that there would not be any issues or problems.
All stared and pointed at the large unlit brazier set in the middle of the ballroom. It had been placed there at the request of the Ruvians. There was a lot of talk and whispering when the majordomo's three taps echoed through the hall, causing all to rise.
"Your Majesties, your Royal Highness, gathered Lords and Ladies, I have the pleasure to introduce the Herald and Honored Speaker of Ruvio, Priest of Ruvan, The Elder Pallas Inkenderon, and his Majesty, King Einri Joash Aodhan, King of Ruvio, Protector of the Obsidian Mountains, First Sword of the Mighty God Ruvan of the Earth and Fire. And the rest of the entourage of Ruvio"
The King of Ruvio and Elder Pallas approached the King, Queen, and Sevora on a raised table. l Behind them where the rest of the Ruvians assembled at the door with their long hooded black cloaks on, with the hood up. Two of the hooded ones stood at the front of the assembled group, all looked down and no one could tell who was who. The King nodded per his station, Pallas bowed and then spoke.
"Your Majesties, your Royal Highness. For this evening's festivities, we would present something rather special that has not been seen by non-Ruvian eyes before. Since we are bonding with our families and our people, we feel it is important to show you who the Elves of Ruvio are. This is going to be an abridged presentation of the Exodus, the time when the then wandering Clans of Ruvio were unified and then Lead by the God Ruvan lead through the Great Storm to the Obsidian Mountains.”
Pallas voice echoes clearly through the massive hall. The King moves and stands on the raised part with the Asterian King, Queen, and Princess.
“In Ruvio sacred gatherings are overseen by a representative of Ruvan and the eldest presiding. His Majesty, King Einri is here as the eldest, myself as the representative. Normally, we would have our Chosen of Rovan, Prince Rhonin, here as the representative, but he has a very important and special part in this presentation, so I am the next best choice, I will also narrate the dance. We are going to lower the lights here in the ballroom. Do not be alarmed. Remember that everything had come from darkness."
The room's lights faded into a dim light.
"All had come from darkness, then the gods came and brought light into the universe. The light is shared, between the God Rovan, whose light is of fire, of passion and emotion, and of the earth, and the Goddess Asteria whose light is the sun, the stars, and the skies above, who brings illumination and revelation. Far to the north beyond the mountains in the lands of snow and tundra most of the year is dark and does not see the light of the sun. It was here where Ruvio came to be."
In the dim light, it almost felt cold. There was movement around the still unlit brazier as the black-garbed ones took various positions. And then there was a light in the room as the brazier was lit on fire and standing before it, his hood down, his tattoos glowing a bright orange in the dim room was Rhonin holding his hands up and out.
"The ancient clans that became Ruvio were fey who had left the feywilde through a portal in the snows of the far, far north, had settled in the mountains at the top of the world. They were lost, confused about this new world, and cold. Ruvan took them in and guided them with his gifts of fire, nature, and earth.."
The brazier glowed brighter as Rhonin seemed to welcome them, the black hooded garbed Ruvians all circled about Rhonin. A drumbeat started as they paced in a circle around him.
"They settled in the regions of the tundra, learning and adapting , they became nomadic, following the herds of raindeer across the seasons."
The group circling spread into a square with about three feet between each of the black-garbed dancers, they all then proceeded to individually walk in a line, each dancer in a different direction, painting the picture of a changing mosiac around the brazier and Rhonin, who stood with his hands across his chest observing them all.
"For a time those tribes persisted in their ways, until the wrath of the Great Storm gripped them all."
The Drum Beat stopped, as did all the dancers, and the sounds of the winter winds could be heard as the dancers swirled about, and disappeared back into the shadows, the brazier dimmed but did not go out. Rhonin stood and looked around alarmed.
"Rovan, worried for the people he had taken care of and helped in this work sought out the clan that would be able to with his help, unify the elves so they may survive the mighty storm. He sought out the Jorash clan. The Clan of the Wolf."
One of the black garbed Ruvians appeared and lowered his hood to reveal a glowing wolf mask. Rhonin and this male dancer, circled each other as to converse and then Rhonin would turn and spin and dance a move, and the wolf dancer would emulate him, they did this for a few moves until they were dancing in unison. The Wolf Clan dancer then howled and there was a howl in response from the rest of the dancers.
"Ruvan then went through the storm to find a clan who was strong and enduring in the ways of battle, and who could bring strength to the Ruvian people as a whole. He found the Inish Clan, the Clan of the Bear.
The Wolf Dancer walked and took his place in front of Pallas as Rhonin walked in a circle around the Brazier, which brightened to reveal a scene, a bunch of black-garbed dancers circled a single masked dancer, all moving in a martial action, the masked dancer had the mask of the Bear, Sevora recognized the tall regal form of the Queen of Ruvio herself as the Bear, as she danced in a slow graceful manner, "felling" her foes to stand before Rhonin, of where they circled each other as if almost to fight for them to come together and dance a beautiful dance. There was a lot of sweetness to it, as Rhonin and his mother could not contain the joy they had in dancing together. The Bear stood beside the Wolf. Rhonin continued with the beat around the brazier.
"While having leadership and strength in battle was important, in order to survive they needed the best hunters and cleverest minds, and also a good laugh, so Ruvan sought out the Duna clan, the Clan of the Fox."
As Rhonin walked around the brazier, a slim dark form with a fox mask would emerge silently out of the shadows and sneak up behind Rhonin and tickle him, and then fade back into the Shadows. The first time Rhonin as Ruvan stopped and turned around, amused, and proceeded to walk some more. The Fox then reappeared and began to humorously emulate Rhonin and the way he walked, the crowd laughed, the Fox turned and put her finger up to the mask. Sevora realized the Fox was none other than Nevri. The Fox then held up two hands behind Rhonin's head and made "fox's ears", when Rhonin stopped, and the Fox stopped behind him, and Rhonin turned and the Fox turned to stay behind him without Rhonin seeing her. The crowd laughed more. And Rhonin turned again and the Fox faded into the shadows. But Rhonin gave a knowing grin, and turned to continue to walk around the brazier to the beat. And when the Fox appeared behind him, Rhonin turned and caught her and held her high in a ballet carry, spinning her around. He lowered her to the ground and both turned on pointed toe in a graceful circle to where they faced each other and the Fox curtseyed before Rovan, while he bowed. The Fox joined the Wolf and the Bear.
"But leaders, hunters, and warriors are just one piece of the puzzle to survival, they needed a practical touch, common sense, and work ethic. Rovan sought out the clan of the Reindeer, the Bren clan.
Rhonin paced around the brazier to catch up with a tall plodding elf in a reindeer mask. Rhonin slapped the Reindeered masked elf in a friendly manner. The Reindeer produced an apple and offered it to Rhonin. Rhonin grin and took it and went to pocket the apple and the Reindeer put his hand on Rhonin's arm for him to eat it and gave him an almost motherly waving of the finger. There were some giggles, including Rhonin's own mother. Rhonin took a step away from the Raindeer and caused the brazier's flames to flare up, his tattoos to glow brightly in the room, he turned and flipped and threw three rocks up in the area and caused them to fly and for them to land in front of them. The Reindeer watched in awe of the display and bowed in respect. Rhonin smiled and bowed in return and then gently waved the Reindeer towards the others and the Reindeer nodded and then reached forward and grabbed Rhonin's arm pulled the apple out of his pocket and pointed at Rhonin to eat it to the laughter of all before joining the others. Rhonin took a thoughtful bite of the apple and nodded.
"Rovan continued in his search for the clans, knowing that they would need a little more than work ethic, leadership, and bravery in battle, they needed a bit of luck, competitiveness, and quickness. The Shani clan found him, the clan of the Hare challenged Rovan himself ."
Rhonin was walking in the beat and all of the sudden blurred form of an Ruvian man in the Mask of a Hare ran by Rhonin doing a complex tumbling run, causing the crowd to ooh and ahhh. The Rabbit landed and laughed at him and gestured as to have Rhonin top that. Rhonin grinned. His tattoos glowed bright orange in the enshadowed room. He began to run around the fire, the brazer glowed bright and did an impressive tumbling run on his own, but with a streak of fire behind him, creating a ring of orange for just an instant. He ended up at the Hare's side. The Hare clapped excitedly and then began to do this incredible acrobatic dance in tandem. They danced and caused more oohs and awws from the crowd. They finished, the Hare bowed and then tumbled to the rest of the clans.
"Having obtained the favor of the Shani, Rovan continued and traveled on until he met the Inkenderon, the Clan of the Ram. The observers and those that provide a record of their journies and history."
A Ram Masked Ruvian walked up to Rhonin and in his hand offered a crystal. Rhonin caused the brazier to flare up and a variety of rainbow colors shown from the crystal. The Ram joined the others.
"Finally Rovan approached the final clan. This clan was known for questioning everything. Rovan thought well of this trait, it was good to question everything, to be sure, to really find the truth. But sadly this clan declined Rovan's request to join them, who out of respect for their wishes, requested that they go unnamed. We always honor and respect their request and their manner. We pray for them to return to our fold."
Rhonin walked up to a white garbed Ruvian. He extended his hands out. And the white garbed bowed and then turned away disappearing into the shadows. Rhonin fell to his knees. The brazier faded and went out.
"Rovan was saddened by the rejection. The Storm had reached its peak and even threatened to break the spirit of the God of Fire, Earth, and Nature. And yet the now unified clans of Rovia all came to him and reminded him of what he had done for them and that they did not wish to leave him behind either."
The other masked Clans all came to Rhonin and lifted him up, and carried him high, spinning him in joy and adoration. Their masks glowed with light which reignited the brazier and its flame raised high into the air. They lowered him to the ground and the ballroom brightened again. Rhonin and the six all approached Asteria's Queen, King, and Princess and bowed.
Pallas and the King turned to Asteria's Royal Family.
"That was when Rovan arose and lead them on to their home through the Storm to the Obsidian Mountains. But that is another story for another time. What you have witnessed here with Rovan's Guidance, how the clans of the Wolf, the Bear, the Fox, the Hare, and the Ram became Rovia."
All stared and pointed at the large unlit brazier set in the middle of the ballroom. It had been placed there at the request of the Ruvians. There was a lot of talk and whispering when the majordomo's three taps echoed through the hall, causing all to rise.
"Your Majesties, your Royal Highness, gathered Lords and Ladies, I have the pleasure to introduce the Herald and Honored Speaker of Ruvio, Priest of Ruvan, The Elder Pallas Inkenderon, and his Majesty, King Einri Joash Aodhan, King of Ruvio, Protector of the Obsidian Mountains, First Sword of the Mighty God Ruvan of the Earth and Fire. And the rest of the entourage of Ruvio"
The King of Ruvio and Elder Pallas approached the King, Queen, and Sevora on a raised table. l Behind them where the rest of the Ruvians assembled at the door with their long hooded black cloaks on, with the hood up. Two of the hooded ones stood at the front of the assembled group, all looked down and no one could tell who was who. The King nodded per his station, Pallas bowed and then spoke.
"Your Majesties, your Royal Highness. For this evening's festivities, we would present something rather special that has not been seen by non-Ruvian eyes before. Since we are bonding with our families and our people, we feel it is important to show you who the Elves of Ruvio are. This is going to be an abridged presentation of the Exodus, the time when the then wandering Clans of Ruvio were unified and then Lead by the God Ruvan lead through the Great Storm to the Obsidian Mountains.”
Pallas voice echoes clearly through the massive hall. The King moves and stands on the raised part with the Asterian King, Queen, and Princess.
“In Ruvio sacred gatherings are overseen by a representative of Ruvan and the eldest presiding. His Majesty, King Einri is here as the eldest, myself as the representative. Normally, we would have our Chosen of Rovan, Prince Rhonin, here as the representative, but he has a very important and special part in this presentation, so I am the next best choice, I will also narrate the dance. We are going to lower the lights here in the ballroom. Do not be alarmed. Remember that everything had come from darkness."
The room's lights faded into a dim light.
"All had come from darkness, then the gods came and brought light into the universe. The light is shared, between the God Rovan, whose light is of fire, of passion and emotion, and of the earth, and the Goddess Asteria whose light is the sun, the stars, and the skies above, who brings illumination and revelation. Far to the north beyond the mountains in the lands of snow and tundra most of the year is dark and does not see the light of the sun. It was here where Ruvio came to be."
In the dim light, it almost felt cold. There was movement around the still unlit brazier as the black-garbed ones took various positions. And then there was a light in the room as the brazier was lit on fire and standing before it, his hood down, his tattoos glowing a bright orange in the dim room was Rhonin holding his hands up and out.
"The ancient clans that became Ruvio were fey who had left the feywilde through a portal in the snows of the far, far north, had settled in the mountains at the top of the world. They were lost, confused about this new world, and cold. Ruvan took them in and guided them with his gifts of fire, nature, and earth.."
The brazier glowed brighter as Rhonin seemed to welcome them, the black hooded garbed Ruvians all circled about Rhonin. A drumbeat started as they paced in a circle around him.
"They settled in the regions of the tundra, learning and adapting , they became nomadic, following the herds of raindeer across the seasons."
The group circling spread into a square with about three feet between each of the black-garbed dancers, they all then proceeded to individually walk in a line, each dancer in a different direction, painting the picture of a changing mosiac around the brazier and Rhonin, who stood with his hands across his chest observing them all.
"For a time those tribes persisted in their ways, until the wrath of the Great Storm gripped them all."
The Drum Beat stopped, as did all the dancers, and the sounds of the winter winds could be heard as the dancers swirled about, and disappeared back into the shadows, the brazier dimmed but did not go out. Rhonin stood and looked around alarmed.
"Rovan, worried for the people he had taken care of and helped in this work sought out the clan that would be able to with his help, unify the elves so they may survive the mighty storm. He sought out the Jorash clan. The Clan of the Wolf."
One of the black garbed Ruvians appeared and lowered his hood to reveal a glowing wolf mask. Rhonin and this male dancer, circled each other as to converse and then Rhonin would turn and spin and dance a move, and the wolf dancer would emulate him, they did this for a few moves until they were dancing in unison. The Wolf Clan dancer then howled and there was a howl in response from the rest of the dancers.
"Ruvan then went through the storm to find a clan who was strong and enduring in the ways of battle, and who could bring strength to the Ruvian people as a whole. He found the Inish Clan, the Clan of the Bear.
The Wolf Dancer walked and took his place in front of Pallas as Rhonin walked in a circle around the Brazier, which brightened to reveal a scene, a bunch of black-garbed dancers circled a single masked dancer, all moving in a martial action, the masked dancer had the mask of the Bear, Sevora recognized the tall regal form of the Queen of Ruvio herself as the Bear, as she danced in a slow graceful manner, "felling" her foes to stand before Rhonin, of where they circled each other as if almost to fight for them to come together and dance a beautiful dance. There was a lot of sweetness to it, as Rhonin and his mother could not contain the joy they had in dancing together. The Bear stood beside the Wolf. Rhonin continued with the beat around the brazier.
"While having leadership and strength in battle was important, in order to survive they needed the best hunters and cleverest minds, and also a good laugh, so Ruvan sought out the Duna clan, the Clan of the Fox."
As Rhonin walked around the brazier, a slim dark form with a fox mask would emerge silently out of the shadows and sneak up behind Rhonin and tickle him, and then fade back into the Shadows. The first time Rhonin as Ruvan stopped and turned around, amused, and proceeded to walk some more. The Fox then reappeared and began to humorously emulate Rhonin and the way he walked, the crowd laughed, the Fox turned and put her finger up to the mask. Sevora realized the Fox was none other than Nevri. The Fox then held up two hands behind Rhonin's head and made "fox's ears", when Rhonin stopped, and the Fox stopped behind him, and Rhonin turned and the Fox turned to stay behind him without Rhonin seeing her. The crowd laughed more. And Rhonin turned again and the Fox faded into the shadows. But Rhonin gave a knowing grin, and turned to continue to walk around the brazier to the beat. And when the Fox appeared behind him, Rhonin turned and caught her and held her high in a ballet carry, spinning her around. He lowered her to the ground and both turned on pointed toe in a graceful circle to where they faced each other and the Fox curtseyed before Rovan, while he bowed. The Fox joined the Wolf and the Bear.
"But leaders, hunters, and warriors are just one piece of the puzzle to survival, they needed a practical touch, common sense, and work ethic. Rovan sought out the clan of the Reindeer, the Bren clan.
Rhonin paced around the brazier to catch up with a tall plodding elf in a reindeer mask. Rhonin slapped the Reindeered masked elf in a friendly manner. The Reindeer produced an apple and offered it to Rhonin. Rhonin grin and took it and went to pocket the apple and the Reindeer put his hand on Rhonin's arm for him to eat it and gave him an almost motherly waving of the finger. There were some giggles, including Rhonin's own mother. Rhonin took a step away from the Raindeer and caused the brazier's flames to flare up, his tattoos to glow brightly in the room, he turned and flipped and threw three rocks up in the area and caused them to fly and for them to land in front of them. The Reindeer watched in awe of the display and bowed in respect. Rhonin smiled and bowed in return and then gently waved the Reindeer towards the others and the Reindeer nodded and then reached forward and grabbed Rhonin's arm pulled the apple out of his pocket and pointed at Rhonin to eat it to the laughter of all before joining the others. Rhonin took a thoughtful bite of the apple and nodded.
"Rovan continued in his search for the clans, knowing that they would need a little more than work ethic, leadership, and bravery in battle, they needed a bit of luck, competitiveness, and quickness. The Shani clan found him, the clan of the Hare challenged Rovan himself ."
Rhonin was walking in the beat and all of the sudden blurred form of an Ruvian man in the Mask of a Hare ran by Rhonin doing a complex tumbling run, causing the crowd to ooh and ahhh. The Rabbit landed and laughed at him and gestured as to have Rhonin top that. Rhonin grinned. His tattoos glowed bright orange in the enshadowed room. He began to run around the fire, the brazer glowed bright and did an impressive tumbling run on his own, but with a streak of fire behind him, creating a ring of orange for just an instant. He ended up at the Hare's side. The Hare clapped excitedly and then began to do this incredible acrobatic dance in tandem. They danced and caused more oohs and awws from the crowd. They finished, the Hare bowed and then tumbled to the rest of the clans.
"Having obtained the favor of the Shani, Rovan continued and traveled on until he met the Inkenderon, the Clan of the Ram. The observers and those that provide a record of their journies and history."
A Ram Masked Ruvian walked up to Rhonin and in his hand offered a crystal. Rhonin caused the brazier to flare up and a variety of rainbow colors shown from the crystal. The Ram joined the others.
"Finally Rovan approached the final clan. This clan was known for questioning everything. Rovan thought well of this trait, it was good to question everything, to be sure, to really find the truth. But sadly this clan declined Rovan's request to join them, who out of respect for their wishes, requested that they go unnamed. We always honor and respect their request and their manner. We pray for them to return to our fold."
Rhonin walked up to a white garbed Ruvian. He extended his hands out. And the white garbed bowed and then turned away disappearing into the shadows. Rhonin fell to his knees. The brazier faded and went out.
"Rovan was saddened by the rejection. The Storm had reached its peak and even threatened to break the spirit of the God of Fire, Earth, and Nature. And yet the now unified clans of Rovia all came to him and reminded him of what he had done for them and that they did not wish to leave him behind either."
The other masked Clans all came to Rhonin and lifted him up, and carried him high, spinning him in joy and adoration. Their masks glowed with light which reignited the brazier and its flame raised high into the air. They lowered him to the ground and the ballroom brightened again. Rhonin and the six all approached Asteria's Queen, King, and Princess and bowed.
Pallas and the King turned to Asteria's Royal Family.
"That was when Rovan arose and lead them on to their home through the Storm to the Obsidian Mountains. But that is another story for another time. What you have witnessed here with Rovan's Guidance, how the clans of the Wolf, the Bear, the Fox, the Hare, and the Ram became Rovia."
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