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Sevora led the way to the bakery, stopping to wait for the two, "Perhaps we can buy you asterian style clothes for while you're here. It'll be much cooler than the leather and wool you're use to. Typically we wear cotton or linen. Its thin and better for our warmer climate."
She turned, going into the bakery. As the three entered the baker and his two daughter gasped, "Your highness!"
The three gave bows and curtsies, earning a small laugh from the Princess as she bowed her head, "It is an honor to have you in today. What can we do for you?"
"I have important company," Sevora said and gestured to the Prince and his guard, "I was hoping you could sell us your freshest bread, or maybe make us something?"
The baker glanced at the prince, bowing again, "Yes, of course. It will be about an hour. Is this His royal highness from Ruvio?"
"It is. Prince Rhonin, Ruvan's chosen," She nodded, smiling at the prince. The baker grabbed something wrapped in cloth and went to the prince, "It is an honor to have someone of such high nobility here from another country. Have this."
When the prince took the cloth and opened it, it revealed a batch of fresh sugar cookies, still warm from the oven, "Just made. I know you will get many looks here, but I am one of few that hold no grudges. My father fought in the last war, died to your father, but that is no reason to blame you. Why... you must have been so little then. I know my girls were."
She turned, going into the bakery. As the three entered the baker and his two daughter gasped, "Your highness!"
The three gave bows and curtsies, earning a small laugh from the Princess as she bowed her head, "It is an honor to have you in today. What can we do for you?"
"I have important company," Sevora said and gestured to the Prince and his guard, "I was hoping you could sell us your freshest bread, or maybe make us something?"
The baker glanced at the prince, bowing again, "Yes, of course. It will be about an hour. Is this His royal highness from Ruvio?"
"It is. Prince Rhonin, Ruvan's chosen," She nodded, smiling at the prince. The baker grabbed something wrapped in cloth and went to the prince, "It is an honor to have someone of such high nobility here from another country. Have this."
When the prince took the cloth and opened it, it revealed a batch of fresh sugar cookies, still warm from the oven, "Just made. I know you will get many looks here, but I am one of few that hold no grudges. My father fought in the last war, died to your father, but that is no reason to blame you. Why... you must have been so little then. I know my girls were."