The Coming Darkness

Bella turned from the young boy to Vaughn, eying him curiously for a moment a wide smile beginning to form. With a natural ease and grace formed through years of practice she hopped easily onto the frozen arena. The surface of the arena was cold, but it wasn't unbearable. She held her balance on the frozen surface easily.

She slid in the direction of the young man gliding across the surface, spinning before bringing herself to a stop right before him, bowing low. "You may call me Bella." She raised herself to a standing position, shifting her weight to the left sliding to his left side.

Bella looked down at the young man before she turned her vision towards Vaughn, "So we have to make you kneel? One knee?" She giggled softly nudging the young man. "I'm sure we can manage that."

Off to the side of the arena stood a young many with a talking fox. She noticed the familiar was volunteering it's master as a third opponent. He stood looking confused, bags in hands. His familiar seemed feisty,although it's master didn't seem to enjoy it's plan. There's no way this guy is that powerful that he can take on three of us at once. He has no idea of our strengths and weaknesses. She thought to herself as she turned back towards Vaughn, watching his reaction.
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Zack looked at bella, still a little afaid of hurting her. "H-Hi name is-" Before he could finish, a little fox familiar came up and announced another apponet. Zack's eyes widened a little. He knew full well that the chances of him hurting someone would increase if he had to fight with more people. It was here that Zack decided to play an all out offensive. His number one goal would be to make sure that Voughan couldn't lay a finger on his team. Yeah...that's a good idea, then i might not end up hurting someone.
Vaughan nodded at both the girl and the boy as they made it into the arena. He looked towards the fox familiar that was attempting to grab his attention. The young man closely inspected the boy and his familiar. “The stakes? No stakes. Just but I wager the three of you can't get me on one knee forcefully.” Vaughan chuckled at the fox familiar. Things were beginning to get interesting. “Come up here boy, you too fox. This should be fun..” Vaughan let his voice as he went back to eyeing the two people already in the arena. Vaughan looked at the ice beneath him. His eyes began to sparkle, changing into an ocean blue. The surrounding vicinity’s temperature dropped tremendously, the Sun had no affect on Vaughan's domain. He knew exactly how he would test the three students. He quickly slammed his two hands together, and slowly moved them apart from each other. A fast moving sphere appeared in between the palms of his hands. Slowly from the sphere, three medieval knights made of blue ice began to form in front of Vaughan. Each stood about seven feet tall, equipped with thick armor, a sword, and a shield.
Jacen walked through the courtyard on the way back to the dorms, figuring that he would walk around the campus to get acclimated once the dorm was set up. He stopped to set his bag down so he could put his vest back on, not thinking that such a thin material would be an issue.

Enzo probably beat me back to the dorm...most likely using the computer already.What he saw next completely took that out of the equation...a ring made of ice, with a crowd of people around it. What the hell is going that Enz-Enzo was standing at the side of the arena, still holding the bags and looked like a deer caught in headlights as his little friend from earlier looked to be the one talking things out. Enzo, a ring made of ice, a fox...don't tell me these assholes are going to have a fight on the first day...just because I can replace that laptop doesn't mean I want to. Jacen ran towards the arena, suitcase in hand and vest flourishing against the wind. "Excuse me." He said gruffly as made his way to the ring. Being somewhat large was a good thing...even though it had made making new friends a pain in the ass back home. "Yo, Enzo! What's going on here...and if this is what I think slide me the bags before you throw any punches!" He yelled from ringside, motioning to the bags that he was holding. Probably should have asked if he needed help...he doesn't look like much of a fighter...
Seeing Vaughan's ice knights appear at the same time was the cue. Kenji looked back to Enzo, who was still clueless as to what was going on. "Don't lose this. I expect you to beat 'V' with no trouble." As he spoke, he neared Enzo. A capsule with a glowing object made of pure magic appeared between Kenji's two sets of teeth. "B-but, how am I going to fight with.. the sun..?" Enzo studdered as he spoke. "Leave that to me, just concentrate on not getting wrecked, okay?" Kenji tossed up the capsule with zero care, which forced Enzo to grab it with both hands.

His familiar kept moving, giving a curt nod to Jacen as he reentered the dorm and it's cool air. He made his way back to their dorm and quickly greeted Voli. "G'day, Voli. Don't mind me." He said. Suddenly, he snatched the sheets off of all the beds, and starting tying them together in a way that would make them longer.

The sound of Jacen's voice caught Enzo's attention. He wanted his bags before anything got real serious. Understanding his feel, Enzo quickly pointed to the bags at his feet.
"They're not going anywhere." He assured him. His more worrying matter, was the fact that Kenji would have to contain Enzo after he had taken this pill and won the fight. If he won, that was. The knights' swords were intimidating. The boy couldn't help but imagine himself getting split in half by it. Shivers went down his spine and his legs shook.
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Zack sighed, a little too glad to be seperate from his partners. He shivered a little, it had gooten a lot colder. No fair, I thought this was a friendly fight, friends shouldn't make friends so uncomfortable...right? He nodded to himself and looked to the ice knight across from him. He knew what he was going to do, this part wuld go quite well, hopefully. For now, he waited for a good shot. But, before he got into a fight, he always wanted to let his best friend know how he felt, just really quick.

Zack lifted his sword so that the hilt was a little bit infront of the right side of his face. Calmly and confidently did he whisper, "Thank you for always being there for me. I'll try my very best."
Everyone finally made it on the ring. Good, now I can start immediately, see how good their instinct are. Vaughan extended his arms away from himself. Suddenly large pillars of ice surrounded the arena, keeping a wall away from the combatants and the spectators. Vaughan quickly went over the rules with his opponents. “There are only a couple rules. First, you have two minutes to get me on me on one knee. Second, don't die.” Vaughan quickly put on a serious face. With a swift motion of his arm, all three of his ice knights dove towards the combatants, swords swinging. The ice mage quickly took a jump back, this time focusing his attention on the ground. He made the surface of the ice much more slick that it once was. “Good luck!” Vaughan let out a chuckle.
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"DON'T DIE?!" Zack begn to slip on the ice. "Since when is there a risk of dying in 'friendly duels'?!" Zack knew full well he wouldn't do well on the slippery ice, so he did something highly unexpected. He grew black dragon wings and flew about a foot above the ice's surface. Much better... His first attack was simple. He sent darkness into his blade; causing it to pitch black except for the whispy violet color that shifted over the surface. He gave one arcing slash and a five foot long air slasher formed from this same darkness was sent hurtling towards the knight, another unexpected move indeed.
Second, don't die. Second, don't die. Second, don't die. Vaughan's words replayed in Enzo's head like a broken record player, with each time he echoed it in his mind, his heart would skip a beat. Don't die?! He screamed internally. Suddenly, one of the ice knights moved his way, swinging it's large ice sword down vertically. Enzo's legs refused to budge, they were like anchors in the smooth concrete. Just at that moment, a large, flag like material came floating out of the dormitory by the third floor. They worked to block out the sunlight, and with a closer look, it would be seen that they were actually sheets, with their ends tied together. Kenji would stand from the windowsill, waving proudly by his new creation. "Go get em, Enzo!"

Kenji's voice sounded like a cry of advice to Enzo, like 'Watch out, Enzo!' It was enough for Enzo to look back at the building, only to be crushed completely under the might of the ice knight's sword. The force created a large crack in the ground, and the only thing visible of Enzo was his hand, tightly gripping the capsule in his palm, then gently releasing it, making it roll onto the floor.

A closer look would reveal that the capsule was empty.
"Half-British half-Asian. That`s unique." Looking at the barren walls, it was clear a bit redecorating would have to take place. As she started to imagine the room in a soft blue hue she answered Belle in her soft voice. "I`m English on both my mother and father`s side. I think, maybe, one of my grandmas were half Irish? I`m not exactly sure about that."

Reaching into her smallest pocket, Aria pulled out her miniaturized spell-book, a gift from her mother. Waving her finger over the delicate designs engraved on the cover, the entire book started to glow, settling down to a book larger than both of her hands. She flipped through the pages before pressing down on a particular page.

"What colors do you like?" She asked kindly.
Bella held very still through it all watching, waiting, preparing. She felt the icy surface beneath her feet grow colder becoming slicker than it was before. So he's trying to throw us off balance, clever boy, she thought as the ice knights charged forward. She had several seconds before the knight would reach her, it's massive sword cleaving the air.

She stamped her foot and the surface beside her foot began to concave as a four and a half foot cylindrical staff formed rising into her right hand. She gripped it tightly pulling it forth from the ground as she spun a circuit on the ball of her foot, she slid back a few feet as the knight neared. A moment later his sword had descended and she was prepared deftly parrying it out to the right.

The surface was slick and even though she had parried it's first attack it caused her to slide backwards, towards the crowd. The knight came on again swing it's large sword horizontally trying to cleave her in two, but she ducked low rolling off to the knights left, sliding further than she had wanted to. The icy surface was exaggerating her movements, she would have to work around this.

She caught out of the corner of her eyes the young man now in flight with black wings, he seemed alright. The other boy though had already been caught under the weight of the knights first blow, though she expected the other young man had a few tricks in his bag. All the while the knight adjusted coming towards her again, sword raised to strike.

The knight came on fiercely, only to be met by a smirking Bella. The ice several feet before the knight formed four tiny spike and as it neared Bella unleashed her barrage. Bursting forth with immense speed from the icy ground were four large spikes, they were still connected to the ice as they grew attempting to impale the icy knight.
Silver watched patiently from the sidelines as the other students began their battle. She paid close attention to each of their abilities, noting them for future reference. As she watched, the voice in her head wasn't giving her chills, but warm feelings instead, which was a nice change. It meant he was approving of her current actions. But of course he was, observing others fight made it easier to find their weaknesses, which is exactly what Silver was told to do. However, at this point, Silver wasn't even thinking of that. She was too eager for it to be her turn, so she could get some training in, too. The antsy girl was sitting on the edge of her seat in anticipation. Nothing riled her up more quite like fighting did.
A smile grew across Vaughan's face. Apparently appearance didn't equate to magical ability. He was mostly intrigued by the small boy, who had grown dark wings and had good control over his black sword. The ice mage carefully studied the boy. At such a young age he had such defined combat prowess. I think I found a spot for you, boy. Vaughan let out a laugh and next moved his eyes towards the pink-haired girl. She had set some sort of trap for the ice knight to set-off. Interesting, that's a very useful skill as well indeed. Suddenly, a huge crash set off from one of the ice knights. Vaughan squinted his eyes as he saw only an arm of one of the combatants, the rest of his body was unseen in the ice. Sh1t, did he die? These Knights aren't even that strong! Vaughan quickly snapped his fingers, dismantling the ice knight that attacked that young boy. "Oy! you alright kid!?!" Vaughan shouted over to the hole in the arena.
Current Time: 1:00PM

Enzo quickly rose to his feet once the weight of the ice giant was lifted. The dismantling of the knight had created some smoke on collapse. It provided viewers with a rough guess of what Enzo's form really was. When the smoke had cleared, Enzo was suddenly wearing a suit, black and red. On his head were demonic, curved horns, and behind him wagged a tail just as demonic looking. He opened his eyes. The ring-like shape in his eyes were red this time, and his overall aura had changed completely.

He shifted his gaze to the capsule on the ground, then picked it up for a closer look. "The seal's been broken again.." He muttered under his sigh. His voice no longer had the light-hearted tone people were used to. It was mature, and more serious. "..There must be a reason why."Suddenly, Enzo's eyes locked dead on with Vaughan's.

"An ice mage. I hate ice magic." He stated as he brushed a strand of black hair from his face.
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The music kept Volitaire in a ignorant sort of bliss, not noticing that Kenji had reentered the room and grabbed a bunch of sheets for an unexplained reason. His song was played on loop; the song was one of his favorites. Once the corner sight of blankets and sheets being pulled into the air by a short entity caught the reminiscing males eye he quickly shut his photo album. A slight shock of embarrassment had struck him in the gut. He thought that others would think of him as "uncool" if one were to catch him skimming through memories of home and not enjoying the freedom of being away from it and the authority of their legal guardian. He quickly turned in his seat to follow Kenji out the door with his glare. An eyebrow had risen curiously about what the fox familiar was doing. It would've been beyond him that it would have been used for the duel taking place outside in the courtyard which would turn out to be much more intensive than he would have imagined if he cared to sneak a peek out his window. A confused and low groan escaped his lips as he got up to close the dorm room behind Kenji. He felt a breach of privacy if he left the door open even if he was sharing the room. It all didn't matter to him. He shrugged, banishing all curiosity and confusion from his mind. He walked over to the "de-blanketed" bed and took a seat. The suns rays had batted down on the young adults pale face, slightly irritating him and impairing his vision to an annoying degree. He stretched his arm to reach for the roller cord for the shades and pulled them down shutting out the unwelcomed light. Relaxing his posture back on the bare mattress he took a pillow and propped it up on the wall and behind his back. He scrunched his face as he scavenged his thoughts for something else to pass the time. ...! The young male had an idea. He remembered it has been a while since he last drew something so he figured why not do that to pass time till his roommates returned. He stood up to grab his journal and flipped to a clean page. He took a soon after free hand and black text in a illegible language atomized around Volitaire's hand in a circle, spinning in slow revolutions and a inky black aura fumed off the edges of the text. Another ring of text, just the same as the one around his hand appeared over the floor behind him with a black and blood-red vortex within the ring and a black entity with the composition of a skeleton rose form it. It wore what looked to be heavy armor; a cuirass with thick pauldrons, thigh plating, and thick armored boots. The skeletal warrior was armed with but a single longsword. It stood there with it's red orbs for eyes staring blankly forward awaiting a command, but would not be given one. Volitaire sat back down on the mattress with the pillow at his back and began sketching the undead warrior.
((Hey guys, sorry to pop in with an OOC post, but I just had to say something reallllyyyy quick. I'm as sick as a dog and have a headache from hell itself (dear Lord, it hurts to just think about a computer screen). Right now, while you guys are battling, Dawn is just on the sidelines waiting for her turn. I'm just going to post again when she's up to fight, being that I really do not have the brain-power to write something up for her view this moment. Again, sorry))
The ice spikes hit the knight with full force and had it not blocked with it's shield it would have surely been skewered. The blow had staggered it though and Bella waisted no time unleashing a secondary attack. The ice around the knight shimmered, before it dropped down into a pool of water, she had reverted the ice into liquid that now came up to the knights chest. It froze again before the knight could begin to escape, holding it's large form as well as it's shield arm in place.

She grinned as she started forward, with each step a bit of steam fluttered from around her foot, the ice cracking, allowing her more traction on the slick surface. A trail of foot prints behind her as she darted forward, the short staff locked underneath her armpit, her right arm bent slightly allowing her to grip the staff in its midsection.

Bounding off of her newly formed ice spikes she launched herself high above the knight, as it made a feeble attempt at an overhead swing. She gracefully batted the sword away landing firmly on its shoulders. Down came her left hand gripping the knights frozen helmet, at first nothing happened but suddenly the knights entire upper half burst into a cloud of steam that clouded the immediate vicinity. It quickly disappated and there stood Bella staff in hand, a smile on her face, her eyes trained upon Vaughn.
A smile grew across Vaughan's face. He didn't expect to see such talent, but his announcement must have brought the best of the best of the upcoming class. He watched as the girl dismantled his ice knight with ease. The boy who was in the rubble now "rose from the ashes" and let out his true combat form. He looked somewhat of a demon. The much younger boy was very crafty with his sword. All of their abilites are useful, and they seem to have good control over them, but I have yet to see the demon-boy's power. I'll ask him about those later. Vaughan remembered the time limit his proposed before the match. He looked at the his watch as his watch ticked past the two-minute mark.

The ice mage snapped his fingers, dismantling the last ice knight. "You have all impressed me with your skills, I invite you back to my home for your....rewards." Vaughan spoke with a friendly tone, he was glad no one got hurt during the small skirmish.
Zack suddeny felt slightly guilty. Sure, he had managed to slice the ice knight before him into two peices with one blow, but he never managed to get Vaughan on one knee. He didn't feel like he deserved any reward, he hadn't met the standards completely. He sighed and landed back onto the ice. His large wings retracted back into his body without a scrap of evidence they had been there (besides the memory of seeing them of course). He just kinda stood there, looking aimlessly and sadly at the ice before him. I shouldn't recieve an award if I don't deserve it, that's that. Zack forgot to even think about what the reward could possibly be.
Enzo paid no mind to the ice knights, so when Vaughan despawned them, Enzo kept his hostile gaze on Vaughan, for his own personal reasons. He starting walking towards Vaughn. The ice around him began to crack and push up steam. Kenji was surprised the fight was over so soon, he was to caught up in the excitement of seeing people actually fight for once. "Time to wind it down, Enzo..." The familiar spoke to nobody in particular, as he started to retract the homemade flag of sheets from the window. The sunlight came back down on Enzo's back, which made his demonic additions burn and sizzle until they retracted back into the boy's body.

With the absence of Enzo's demonic side, came the hopelessness. Almost instantly, Enzo fell to his knees just do to the fact that his power was suddenly turned off. The magic seal was broken, which meant his side could come out at night, but that was the least of his worries. The sun felt like the devil, and he felt like a snowman, slowly melting on the cracking ice. That was, until Kenji had neared him and quickly injected Enzo with a small syringe. (Where he was getting these items were unknown even to Enzo) It seemed to have done the trick. Enzo opened his eyes, which were their normal black, and stood up, looking confused.

"It's over? I-is anyone hurt?" Enzo asked, clearly concerned for his peers. "No, you failed." Kenji delivered a swift kick to Enzo's shin. "Eeee!" The boy yelped in pain as he gripped his shin and hopped around.
Zack turned his attention towards Enzo and the fox familiar. He noticed the little creature kicked the boy's shin and this pretty much upset Zack. "You know, that really is shouldn't kick your friend like he's vermin..." Zack had made a very good point in his head. To him, there was no reason why the familiar had to dominate his own friend. In a cruel way as well. So what if we all failed? Nothing was on the line really...nothing important anyway. Why does that little guy have to act like it was so significant...?
Kenji's head turned on a dime towards Zack. Slowly, a sickening smirk formed on the familiar's face. "You're just like him, aren't you? A lot of potential, yet you soil it with a weak exterior." Kenji scoffed at the fact that Zack had the nerve to speak up to him. "And i'm not his friend, i'm his bodyguard and personal trainer, get your facts straight." He ended it with a 'hmph', and turned back to Enzo. "Kenji, really-"

"-Shut it." The fox retorted. His eyes now lay on Vaughan, the one who had set up this battle. "Now what's this 'reward' you were talking about? Why fight here, now?"
And just like that, the fight was over. Silver hopped up, disappointed that she didn't get to fight. She glanced around at the spectators, at least those who remained, and the small group that had fought each other. The girl let out a huff, blowing her bangs up a little, and pulled out a map she had of the school. She was too riled up now, and she needed to find a training room of some sort to get rid of the restless feeling she had inside her. But to her disappointment, she didn't see anything of the sort on the map. She'd probably have to ask someone. Silver glanced around, trying to find anyone who might know a bit more about the school than she did, but the only one she could see or really cared to talk to at the moment was the group she had just seen fight. Mostly Vaughan. But should she say something to them right now? They seemed to be busy...
Vaughan couldn't help laughing out loud as he watched the two boys and the fox familiar get into a verbal altercation. They both had tremendous power, yet they also have not hones their skills all they way. The ice mage knew exactly how he'd use them on his team. Still, their lack in self-awareness might become troublesome, I'll help them with that, Vaughan thought to himself as he heard the familiar ask a question.

"The reward? Ah yes. Well you're going to have to trust me on this one. Meet me at my house at 5 pm sharp, I'll explain to you then." Vaughan reached out with his left hand and made a quick sweeping motion in front of himself. A small,thin ice block appeared in front of all three combatants, it was inscribed with Vaughan's house address. "Now please, can you leave the arena? Others have been waiting their turn."

Vaughan carefully watched the pretty girl that he gave the flower(Silver) and the green-haired girl from the stands. "Are you two interested in competing?" Vaughan asked with open arms.
The entire fight, she had remained silent. It was a daunting quiet which excreted from Dawn which casted an odd feeling around her. Every move, motion, remark, or move made by those in the arena, had been noted by the girl. In those few minutes, she had learned more about those fighters then most would discover in several weeks of intense speculation. Silence. Observation. Distinguishment.

Then the man refereed to as Vaughan offered those very words in which she had been anticipating since her arrival at the ice arena.

"I thought you'd never ask." Her green eyes flashed with a brief glow of exhilaration. The female pulled down the pilot-goggles on the top of her hair, covering her optics with the red-tinted glass. "Do the terms remain the same?"

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