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Fantasy The City of Myths OOC

I keep wanting to call Victor Mortimer for some weird reason, if that happens mid post, please forgive me. I’m probably not referring to Mortimer.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf if you want we can work it to already being at the workshop and sorry for suddenly picking your char up and walking with her on his shoulders it's since your char is almost completely out of it and the height difference it would be hard to carry you any other way.
Hmm hi guys is it ok If i join.
hmm Leo im sorry for all the stuff i said to you.
i guess i was being dumb . i hope we can be friends bro.
Hmm hi guys is it ok If i join.
hmm Leo im sorry for all the stuff i said to you.
i guess i was being dumb . i hope we can be friends bro.
Sighs there's a lot of stuff going round with a lot of the people i rp with i just hope that this rp is different and we get to make it into something special and not have it die like so many rps do, i'll also do my best to work with people and be fair because i know it takes two to tango.
Sighs there's a lot of stuff going round with a lot of the people i rp with i just hope that this rp is different and we get to make it into something special and not have it die like so many rps do, i'll also do my best to work with people and be fair because i know it takes two to tango.

It would suck it this rp died, it’s so good. That happened to myself at some point. My buds and I tried to revive it so many times, but eventually it just didn’t become as fun as it used to. We wound up creating a new rp with the story reset (like an au) so we could change some things, pretend some characters never existed and just not have to deal with as many pages.
It turned out well, but it still doesn’t feel 100% the same
You should also see if Human is ok with that. Though Rosaria has an appointment that she has to get to

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