The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]


Aki of Hearts ♡
Akihito submitted a new role play:

The Cards of the Gods - The evil goddess of snow, has sealed the gods away. Can we stop her?

In year 2015 Nuanen, the goddess of Lies, Deceit, Revenge, and Snow was cheated by all the other gods of the world, and humiliated. Nuanen was furious with the gods and being the goddess of revenge, her anger and revenge gave her unimaginable strength and power. In her rage, she called upon her power and sealed the other gods away forever. Or so she believed. Nuanen sealed them into cards. Cards of ancient binding and she scattered them around the Earth.
After the goddess scattered the cards....
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@LannaRae @PurpleManiacSquirrel @Emperor Shadow IV @UnholyRedemption @Demure~Star @Nyx @shsl-dreamer @Rai-ndeer @Pandanonymous @Nico @CrackerPower @KayleighBee @Flabbysaurus @AngelSariel @Chava

Far into the north, the Ice Queen, Goddess Nuanen surveys the world as she does everyday.

What's this? Humans have found the Cards... How delicious. It's been such a long time since anything has happened. Nuanen said to herself, out loud.

A small, timid, worshiping voice asked Nuanen a question.

Nuanen laughed harshly.

No. I don't think I will stop them. Humans amuse me. Just as you amuse me my son. My little boy. I've made my decision. Let them do their little quest. They'll wish they never left their homes. Oh this will be so much fun! However. I don't want them having any chance of defeating me. Better to be safe than sorry right my son? Keep an eye on them for me. Do this for mama alright? There's a good boy. My lovely boy.

The small voice said something again before departing.

Nuanen sat down on her icy throne, smiling faintly.

Come one my fellow gods. Try and stop me. My revenge is not complete yet.


Aki Kurosawa was trudging through the snow, heading toward the designated meeting spot. He was supposed to meet his fellow partnered humans. He could see the spot in sight. The Empire State Building.

We're nearly there Aki. I will be able to see my brothers and sisters once again.

"Don't you worry Zeoxere. We will defeat Nuanen. I swear it." Aki said confidently. He continued to push through the snow, his cloak tightly wrapped around him.

Don't confuse confidence with power Aki. We have been practicing hard together but we still have not been fully tested yet.

Aki nodded. "Yes Zeoxere. You're right but it helps to stay positive."

Zeoxere chuckled and agreed. After a few more hours of walking, he made it to the completely frozen building. He quickly went to what he assumed used to be the entrance and waited.
Alex looked at the card for quite possibly the hundreth time during this journey to the Empire State Bulding. He still had a hard time believing that held within such a fragile thing could be the entire essence of a god. He also had a hard time believing that a god would chose him to channel his powers through.

Believe it, child of fire. You are special, and vitally important to this, otherwise you would not have found me.

"I know Ignir. You've told me so every time I've doubted myself. But this still seems so surreal"

I understand Alexander. It's difficult to go from believing one thing to having a whole reality shoved in your face. But do not worry, for your purpose will reveal itself in time.

Alright. We're almost there."

Finally, reunited with my kin. It seems Zeoxere and his partner are almost here as well.
Alynna pulled her jacket tighter herself, as snow swirled around her and a gust of icy air kissed her skin. It was pretty much how the weather was since the start of the Ice Age, but some days she thought, felt much worse than the others. Up ahead, she could see the silhouette of the once grand Empire State Building against the pale white blizzard, looming across the barren icy lands like a defeated warrior.

" We're almost there Ybellus, we're almost there..." she managed to say through gritted teeth.

" Yes, my child. And so are some of the others."

The card she held within the pocket of her coat hummed slightly as the Goddess inside replied, her powers reverberating through the chilly air as if she were trying to calm Alynna down.

Alynna looked up as she trudged through the snow, they were steadily approaching the building, and she could see a few figures in sight. She felt her heart starting to race, I can't believe it, this is it. This is where it'll all happen. " Steady, we've been through all the training, I know you have the power within you. Remember all your lessons, and believe in your abilities. Then we might have a chance."

She laughed at the last part of the sentence, " I hope so... what other choice do we have?"

She felt Ybellus chuckle in agreement, " True, true. Ah, we're here. Heh, reunited at last..."

Looking up once again, she realized that they had already reached the entrance, and was aware of two other individuals standing outside as well. Approaching them timidly, she gave them a nervous smile, " Hi... I'm Alynna. And this is Ybellus."
Come on, Wendy, the voice of Asusone said in Wendy's mind. Her voice was soft, melodic even, which was kind of expected from the goddess of music, but all Wendy wanted was to sleep. Sleep sounded very good to her - anything that involved not moving would be nice, actually. She just wanted to stop, stop and never move again. Move it, Wendy. You're almost there.

Wendy lifted her head from the snow covered path to the Empire State building in her hazy vision. Today was a bad day, and her mom told her to stay home. She didn't - couldn't actually - do what she wanted, which was a first for her. She always did what her mom wanted so disobeying her really put a dagger in her heart. "I - I can't see," she choked out, fighting against the snow blasting against her face. Why of all people did a card have to choose her? She was damaged, weak. Heck, she was probably going to die in the next couple of months if the hospital didn't get their priorities in check. Her condition was bad, and she needed help. But, of course, there were people who needed her help even more.

Just follow your instincts, Asusone assured her. Wendy nodded her head, trying to pull her jacket closer to her body. She didn't have time to zip it up. There was only a slim hole in time for her able to leave without her mother noticing, and she just didn't have time. It was that simple.

She started to mumble to herself under her breath, trying to keep herself calm. She was heading to meet people that had no clue about her condition, people who were probably going to think she was this weak thing that didn't deserve to have a card. She was going to be nothing more than a charity case, a wimp that couldn't hold her own. Because that's exactly what she was. She was a little girl - a stupid, unworthy little girl. Tears started falling. As soon as they fell, they seem to almost freeze against her skin, making it even harder for her to see. Why? Why did it have to be her? Of all people, what did she do to deserve the pain she had to go through?

"I'm done," she whispered. "I'm sorry, Asusone, but I just," she took a deep breath, "can't." She sat down in the freezing snow that rose to about her shoulders, leaving only the top of her visible. She brought her knees to her chest, ignoring the voice of the goddess telling her to go just a few more inches. She just sat there, her dark hair being the only thing really visible against the white snow, only a foot away from her fellow partnered humans conversing.
Alex looked and saw, sticking up from the snow, a bit of black hair. Someone was sitting in the snow, and was quite possibly freezing. He rushed over, concentrating on warming his body a bit to warm the person up. When he got there he dug some space out and saw it was a girl.

It's Asusone's partner Ignir said in his head

"Hey, don't give up, you're so close to us"

He wrapped an arm around her and tried to warm her up as much as he could, his naturally high body temp transfering to her.
Wendy flinched, not used to someone touching her, especially not a male. Males have been foreign to her since her brother left for college not long ago. But even when he did live with her mom, her sister, and her, he was never around. He was always off with his friends, rarely ever home. That's why boys were so odd to her. For the past view years, she's been living in a world surrounded by woman.

Calm your nerves down, Wendy, Asusone said, her voice slightly irritated. Wendy knew it was because she wasn't interacting with them. She wasn't letting Asusone communicate with her brother and sisters, which was wrong of her. She would give anything to talk to some of her siblings that were gone, but trying to correspond with dead people was a long shot even for her. I just want to be left alone, she thought.

A car cashing boomed in the distance, causing Wendy's head to whip in that direction. Too bad she didn't even realize she just used her own ability, manipulating the sounds around her.
Jansen walked along in the expanse of perfect white snow. The icy air welcomed the crystal swirls as they landed on the ground. Jansen bent down, and scooped up some snow into his gloved hands. He leaned close and blew the snow, so that it floated and shimmered in the air like glitter.


The voice was smooth and quiet, but Jansen could detect some annoyance in Talesyr’s voice. He chose to ignore it, and instead bent down once again to collect snow into the palm of his hand.


Talesyr’s voice had turned silky, in a way that sent chills down a spine. He was urging Jansen to move on, to reach the Empire State Building, the place he was supposed to go to meet the others who had also been partnered.

So Jansen stopped walking all together and promptly collapsed down onto the mattress of white.

Jansen, you’re an insolent idiot, you understand?

Jansen laughed, and got up, brushing the snow off his clothes. He continued to walk.

“Aw, cheer up Talesyr, we’re almost there, I can see all the others already.”

It is beyond me how I got partnered with such an idiot.

He laughed again, as he reached the entrance.
Elissa trudged along the pavement, her boots making a muted scraping noise with every step. You could tell the young fourteen year old was pretty tired by her flushed cheeks and drooping eyes.

Only a bit further, Elissa...! You can do it!

If Nesa, the Goddess of Life, hadn't been with Elissa, she surely wouldn't have made it as far as she had. Heck, without Nesa, Elissa wouldn't have made it five miles. The distance from the harbor to the meeting place wasn't a mere walk. It was a trek. Why didn't Elissa take a bus, you ask? Perhaps a taxi?

Social awkwardness.

Money was never an issue, but the idea of having to interact socially with another human...a STRANGER, for that was too much for Elissa to process.

"I never said I couldn't." Elissa smiled gently as she walked. She had been walking for what seemed like hours.

She carefully undid the bun that sat neatly at the back of her head, letting her silver locks fall freely over her shoulders and down her back.

"But I must much further?" Elissa asked quietly.

Only a few more steps.
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Josh walked along the stretch of snow. He kept his head down in an attempt to keep it protected from the ice cold air blasting against it. Only on the odd occasion would Josh look up too make sure he was still walking towards the meeting spot. The Empire State Building.

"I think we picked the worst day to meet. Seriously it's freezing!" Josh complained as he wrapped his jacket around himself. I understand Josh but I can sense my brothers and sisters, they are close. We must press onwards

"Okay I just regret not taking a bus although you can never trust these roads anymore they are

practically snow and ice after all".

Icy roads are the least of our troubles now Josh. Anyway you have become stronger since we first met I doubt this bad weather will stop you now.

"Yeah I guess so although I did cut out the lights of my house one too many times" Josh said with a chuckle. Josh looked up again, he was about 10 metres from the entrance. Although there was a blizzard going on around him he could make out some people in front of him, all of them teenagers. Why these gods were beyond Josh but he just accepted it, he was just happy he was working people of the same age group.
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Elissa gasped as she skid slightly on the ice. She could feel a sort of force help her regain her balance as she helplessly swung her arms around to steady herself. She sighed, watching her breath as it bloomed from her mouth in a misty puff.

Careful, now! You're too clumsy for your own good.

"Hey, there's ice everywhere in case you couldn't tell. I'm only human." she said as she continued trudging. She squinted her eyes, and she saw the group of other card holders.

Aha! My brothers! My sisters!

Elissa couldn't help but crack a smile at the happiness in Nesa's delicate voice which almost mimicked the sound of wind chimes in the breeze. She continued walking, feeling a pit form in her stomach for some reason.

Sensing Elissa's sudden discomfort, Nesa attempted soothing her young partner with her words.

It seems I'm not the only one who's going to be with my siblings, yes?

Elissa felt a sharp pang of sadness in her chest, then muttered, "Nesa, you talk to much."

I'm sorry.

Elissa managed to make her way to the group. Ah, people. Just what she needed.

"You can do this. They're only people. I mean, it's not like any of them are going to be rude...just slip in nonchalantly...besides, it's not like they are going to attack you-OUUU!!!"

Elissa yelped out, suddenly breaking the sentence to her self as she awkwardly skid on some more ice, and falling flat on her back.

You really are too clumsy for your own good.
[QUOTE="Rai-ndeer]Elissa gasped as she skid slightly on the ice. She could feel a sort of force help her regain her balance as she helplessly swung her arms around to steady herself. She sighed, watching her breath as it bloomed from her mouth in a misty puff.
Careful, now! You're too clumsy for your own good.

"Hey, there's ice everywhere in case you couldn't tell. I'm only human." she said as she continued trudging. She squinted her eyes, and she saw the group of other card holders.

Aha! My brothers! My sisters!

Elissa couldn't help but crack a smile at the happiness in Nesa's delicate voice which almost mimicked the sound of wind chimes in the breeze. She continued walking, feeling a pit form in her stomach for some reason.

Sensing Elissa's sudden discomfort, Nesa attempted soothing her young partner with her words.

It seems I'm not the only one who's going to be with my siblings, yes?

Elissa felt a sharp pang of sadness in her chest, then muttered, "Nesa, you talk to much."

I'm sorry.

Elissa managed to make her way to the group. Ah, people. Just what she needed.

"You can do this. They're only people. I mean, it's not like any of them are going to be rude...just slip in nonchalantly...besides, it's not like they are going to attack you-OUUU!!!"

Elissa yelped out, suddenly breaking the sentence to her self as she awkwardly skid on some more ice, and falling flat on her back.

You really are too clumsy for your own good.

Aki quickly walked to a girl who slid on the ice and landed flat on her back. He grabbed her hand and pulled the girl up, holding her up and making sure she didn't fall down again.

"Are you alright?" He asked, smiling at her. "The ice is slippery. You have to be careful. I'm sure you don't need me telling you this though."

... She is one of us. Sister Nesa. Zeoxere greeted.

Aki bowed to Nesa and Elissa.

"Nice to meet you goddess Nesa. It is an honor to meet you."
Sister Zeoxere, Nesa replied happily as Elissa frantically gave a robotic bend at the waist, attempting a respectful greeting to the God and his partner.

...wait, bowing was for boys.

She blinked for a second, and then gave an awkward curtsy and said, "It's a pleasure, goddess Zeoxere."

Nesa gave a short sigh at her partner, but acknowledged the attempt as...okay. Nesa was simply content with the fact that Elissa remembered to be respectful.

Elissa turned to the boy and held out her hand for a shake.

"A-and it's nice to meet you. My name is Elissa Alden." she managed. This was a good start! She was able to remember her own name! Her voice was quivering, due to some nervousness but mostly to the cold. "Thank you for helping me up, it's much o-obliged."
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((Zeorexe is a goddess xD ))

It has been too long sister.

Aki stuck out his hand and smiled.

"Aki Kurosawa. Pleasure to meet you Elissa. The others are already arriving. Shall we go meet them now?" Aki said.
((Oops x3 Sorrry I fixed it :D ))

Elissa gripped his hand with shocking force, and shook it as if she wanted to rip him arm out of the socket. She gasped, then bit the inside of her cheek.

Uh oh. Too much.

She eased up on the pressure, and then dropped her hand. She looked at the ground and mumbled, "Forgive me, I'm not good at greetings. I hope your arm is still intact."

Nesa gave an internal groan at Elissa's thoughtlessness, and then replied to her sister, Too long, indeed. It seems you have a quite enviable partner, yes?

Elissa's eyebrow twitched at Nesa's words, who of course quickly added, But of course, so is mine.

"Yeah, alright. Let's go, then." she agreed. This was going swimmingly. She hadn't forgotten the English language far so good. Maybe because this guy was so friendly...not everyone was, though.
"Hullo," said Jansen cheerfully, stepping into the entrance, he raised his hand in mock salute to the other individuals standing by the entrance. The snow continued to swirl in, the wind whistling in the air.

"It's a bit chilly today, isn't it?"

It's bit chilly every day.

He chuckled at Talesyr's response. "Well, I guess that's the reason why we're all here, koekje."

Don't call me cupcake, child. Don't.

Jansen ignored Talesyr, "I'm Jansen. This is Talesyr," he said, pulling his card from his pocket.
It was cold.

Fingers clutched at the thick coat adorning the small girl as she shut her one visible eye, the other remained still behind the black patch shielding the vulgar sight from view. A shudder ran across her skin as a small pout played upon her lips as she leaned closer towards the only other person with her at the current moment. Then, those two voices pierced through her head, soothing her to a point she felt a small smile upon her lips.

Esisc and Esol.

'Maya, dear you should really calm down. I understand that you might run into...her later on but you are thinking to much about it.' The calm voice of Esisc echoed as she could only nod, gaining the attention of the person accompanying her. 'I know that Esisc but she hates me! I hurt her so much...' Was her only reply before the loud and perky voice Esol appeared to join the conversation. 'Damnit Maya! Stop being so down! It's no fun if you are like this.' After a moment or two she sighed, nodding her head.

"Got it."

Running a hand through the short white hair that nestled upon her neck she yawned before she reached into her sleeve, dragging out the thin, delicate and intricately made card that represented the two entities that spoke within her mind. "Gods of Twins and Replication." She murmured before turning to the large building that all card holders were meeting within. "Christopher...are you sure we should be here...Elissa will be here..." She whispered, a frown upon her lips.


Christopher was lost in his own thoughts, yellow tinted eyes staring intently at the building that loomed ahead, the cold winds brushing against his cheek as he hummed. 'Its quite tricky...we will be stuck with others.' He could only mentally groan at the thought that nearly provoked him into leaving all together with his cousin Maya to return to England. 'Christopher, I'd suggest that you should leave but you know the current situation with this world. If that woman is not stopped then everyone will suffer.' Chris rolled his eyes, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 'Xsokat, I know but this will be so troublesome. There might be a bunch of morons that will cause me to play that annoying facade one more.'

He received no reply from the ever quiet God.

Glancing over towards Maya, the smaller girl walking beside him with a small frown on her lips. "It is highly probable that Elissa is there but do not worry, I know you fear hurting that girl once again and so I will keep you two separate." He replied quickly before he grinned slightly. "Let us go in then, shall we?" He couldn't help the smirk upon his lips, mostly since he was curious to see how this would end. The two headed inside, Maya perched quietly behind Christopher as they went to take place at one of the sides.
Weiss nodded his head at his mother's words "Of course mother." He said. The wind of the storm lashing at his white hair. This was his mother's handiwork and he grinned before walking through the storm, the cold not bothering him one bit. He spotted the other chosen ones and his grin dropped. He put on a convincing smile and he heard his 'partner' in his head "Weiss, darling I feel my brother's and sisters ahead" said a honey sweet voice. The ice boy rolled his eyes, he knew that much. He stepped out of the wind and snow to the entrance. He saw the others gathered and shook his head throwing off snow out of his hair. "Well hello there." he said with a smirk "I'm Weiss and this.." he trailed off and pulled out a card "is Kaku." he said a gleam in his ice blue eyes.
"Heeeeello," Jansen said, drawing out the "e," and making the word sound almost musical. He greeted Weiss and Kaku with an easy smile.

Ignore this one, Talesyr said, he has no respect. None. However, in spite of his words, Jansen could feel Talesyr grow in contentment in having been reunited with his brothers and sisters.

Jansen extended his hand towards Weiss, and despite his smile, he titled his head slightly in order to meet Weiss' eyes, and held the gaze. The way he offered his hand, was an invitation, but it was also almost a challenge.

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Virtues felt the soft crunch of snow under her feet as she walked towards the building they were meeting at. Her long blonde hair swished against her back, a few wispy strands falling in the front, over her shoulders, framing her pretty face. With a shudder she sneezed, coving her mouth with her elbow, the sneeze sounding just how she looked, soft and delicate.

Bless you... Tihathaua mumbled softly with a small smile

Is the cold getting to you? You know you've never been the healthiest child. The goddess added her voice hinting her concern but was for the most part calm.

"I'm Fine. It's only a cold." The blonde hair girl responded. Opening up her map she groaned, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of her nose as she peered down at it.

Even though the empire state building is very tall, you still managed to get yourself lost three times! Tihathua stated a soft chuckle rolling smoothly from her lips like water over stone.

"Oh be quiet," Virtues sniffed,

"I'm pretty sure this is the right way, sheesh new york is nothing like my small town in England." She sniffed looking up from her map with her wide blue eyes that were hidden behind her big glasses. The corners of her pale pink lips tugged into a wide grin.

"I made it-" She exclaimed before getting cut off as a girl skid past her and with a shriek they both feel to the ground with a thud. Virtues fell onto her stomach feeling the wind get knocked out of her from a brief second, both girls falls were extremely, ungraceful. Sitting up quickly feeling the heat rise to her cheeks as she blushed, her vision blurry, running her hand along the ice, blindly trying to find her glasses, she let out a gasp of excitement when she felt her fingers brush the familiar shape of them and she picked them up and placed them back over her eyes, sight restored.

In all the commotion she totally forgot about the girl she tripped over. Turning quickly over to Elissa she blushed a rosy color taking over her pale cheeks.

"Oh my gosh, how clumsy of me, are you okay?" Her thick english accent revealing itself as she spoke. She put a hand against the back of her head an awkward laugh spilling from her mouth and she pushed herself unsteadily to her feet and brushed off her light blue leggings with white snowflakes, lacy cream shirt and dark blue jacket that had white fur on the inside. Then she politely reached a small hand down towards Elissa.

"I'm so sorry about that, I don't even know how it happened, I'm Virtues, I suppose you're here for the partner meeting?" She asked half stating the question, half asking.

Hey don't forget about your dear Tihathua The goddess reminded Virtues,

"Oh yes! and this is Tihathua, goddess of Nature."
One second, Elissa was standing up and talking to the boy...the next, she was face planted into the snow with a big pain in her side.

"Urrrrghhhh..." she groaned into the snow as she heard Nesa's horrified gasp. She rolled over to see a girl reaching down towards her with a quite apologetic look on her face.

"W-what? Am I bleeding? What happened?" she said, confused. She reached up toward's the girl's hand and muttered, "I'm okay, I'm okay..."

Nesa blinked in shock for a moment, then greeted her sister warmly.

"I'm Elissa Alden." she said. "This is Nesa, Goddess of Life."
His boots crunched on the snow and ice of New York. The cold wind seemed to try and blow him away as if it was telling him to turn back at once. The cold chill that came into the wind proved more potent than the jacket he had worn and thus began shivering. Nothing but a small heat pack in his hands kept him even remotely warm and even that was losing its touch. It seemed to Raphael that the closer he got the Empire State, the colder everything became. This was a hassle and he wanted a way around it but chill seems to blur his mind whenever he thought so hard. You could even say that the resident in his head was the manifestation of his thoughts.

Did it have to take us this long to arrive, Raphael? Couldn't you moved faster, maybe actually have a sense of urgency? I cannot wait to meet my siblings!

This would possibly the "he didn't even care anymore" time Usere had been whispering in his mind. Ever since he found that magic card in Kyushu, the voice that kept pestering him to go to the Empire State. Day after day, the voice would tell him to do so, day after day, he'd deny the voice because of his siblings. That exchange kept on until he finally cracked and submitted to the voice in his head. The voice that kept calling itself Usere. He told his parents exactly what has been happening to him the past few days and there was something that kept nudging him to go to the US across miles and miles of ice. Surprisingly, they didn't argue and allowed him to go, of course they didn't exactly sound like themselves.

"I don't even know who you are. For all I know this is just a fabrication of my imagination, nothing's in the Empire State and then I'll go back to my icy cold home in Japan. Course, I'd have to hitch several rides again to get home and you wouldn't be there to share in the hassle because by going to the Empire State I could very much deny your existence and put this whole thing to rest."

He left home feeling the weight of guilt that came with abandoning his family for the sake of a voice that may or may not be a fabrication of his mind. It was a chore and he'd usually just set it aside, but something compelled him to make this journey. Like an outside force that was pestering him to go, oh right, that outside force was something called Usere. He had no reason, except that he was annoyed, that he even came. The voice kept talking about making the world warm again, most likely a longing for a world that only existed in books.

Raphael could see the Empire State Building now, he had finally broken through the earlier snowblind. Ahead of him there seemed a group of people together. He moved in closer and found that they were all locked in conversation with each other.

Raphael, do you believe now? Believe that I can bring warmth back to the Earth? I told you there would be people here.

"This proves nothing. They could all just be a random group of humans." He whispered back as he moved closer.

When he was finally within. at least talking distance, and could hear the conversations, he dropped a greeting of his own to the crowd. A small fortune says he'd look like an idiot when he introduces himself and would most likely get weird stares from the crowd.

"Hello, I'm Raphael Adachi, just call me Rafy, and uhh this umm thing here, Usere, told me I should be here. So yeah, here I am."
The icy snow whipped about, lashing against Minna's rosy cheeks as she pumped her legs, swinging back and forth on the swing set of the deserted playground. Her ringlet pigtails bounced about, held in place by white lacey bows on either side of her head. She held a card in her hand, looking it over and sighing quietly to herself as she pulled her scarf up so it was covering her mouth and nose more. Her fluffy coat was doing a decent job of keeping her warm, but her cheeks were still getting the brunt of the weathers force. They were the only part that weren't covered besides her head. Minna refused to wear hats. They murdered her gorgeous hair after all, making it seem limp and lifeless.

Perhaps we should get going. A silent voice stated, making her freeze, halting her leg pumps and making the swing she was sitting on slow down until it had stopped moving and she was just sitting there. This would be the last time for a while, that she would see this place. Ironic that this would be the place she choose to return to... It was after all, where she had first met Dios, God of Air.

"Bittersweet..." She mumbled quietly, before sighing heavily, as if she were annoyed, and hopping up from the swing. She pushed her mitten covered hands deep into her coat pockets, and clenched her eyes shut. "BITTERSWEET!" She yelled out, as if anyone were around to listen besides Dios. She didn't wait for a response, as Dios rarely gave one, something she was going accustomed to, before walking off in the direction of the next town, heading to New York to meet up with the other owners of the cards that were similar to her own. She hadn't even bothered to pack anything besides a couple snacks. She only had one of her dresses left anyways since the orphanage had started selling them off. No use telling them she was leaving either. It might not look good, letting a fourteen year old disappear on her own for Gods knows how long.

After a few hours of walking, Minna's knee high baby pink shoes clapping against the sidewalk with each step, she grew thirsty. She pulled a small juice box from her lace trimmed purse, popping the little straw provided inside of it and taking a big gulp. She regretted it immediately after, as the cold liquid froze her lungs as it went down, causing her to gasp and cough repeatedly. Her lungs had never really stood up against the cold very well, and she'd been walking for so long, too long for her liking. She must have looked pretty silly in her baby doll dress, tights, knee high boots, and coat, coughing up a lung on the side of the road in front of a tall building she had yet to notice.

We have made it. The airy voice called. Minna could have sworn there was a hint of contentment in Dios's voice, probably the most emotion he had displayed since they had met. Minna looked up, her eyes watering a tad from all of the coughing, and confirmed his statement, her eyes brightening as she gasped again, this time from excitement, and made a mad dash for the building, noticing a few people standing around outside. She giggled as she ran past them, waving as she passed, heading straight into the tall Empire State Building.

"MINNA'S HERE~!!" She exclaimed loudly as she halted in the buildings main hall. Dios remained quiet, but she got a sense he was mentally shaking his head at her, embarassed. She couldn't have cared less, pulling her mittens off one by one and shoving them into her pockets as she looked around the giant hall, her eyes wide with amazement. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen a place so huge!
Stop using your powers, Asusone commanded Wendy, and the girl cocked her to head to the side in confusion. Yes, Wendy, the goddess sighed, you have powers. If you actually learned to use them, you wouldn't of made the police station try and find an unknown car crash! You were just too busy playing sick.

Wendy's eyes widened at the last part of what Asusone said. It felt like a dagger had gone through her heart. She thought Asusone was her friend, the one person that wouldn't treat her different. But, no Asusone is just like the rest of them. She was mean and only saw her as a pathetic little girl.

"I'm fine," she told the boy, not even listening to what Asusone had to say about him or his partner. She stood up, brushing off the thick snow from her jeans and brown jacket before trudging her way into the Empire State building. She wanted out more than anything now. All she wanted was to go home and get the treatment she needed. She didn't need - nor want a goddess in her mind.
Virtues ran a hand through her hair with a shy laugh,

"I guess when I saw you fall I didn't watch where I was going and fell as well, I just happened to crash into you. I'm so sorry." She bowed her head politely as she apologized before looking up blinking her wide ocean blue eyes from behind her glasses. She shoved her mitten covered hands back in her pockets burying half her face into the cream scarf she wore around her neck.

"Nice to meet you, Elissa and Nesa." She stated her tone laced with happiness, and grinned from under the scarf as she watched the two goddess greet eachother.

"To be honest I didn't know If I would even make it here, I got lost threes times trying to find my way to this empire state building, and I even had a map." She put a hand behind her head and laughed.

"This place is so much busier and louder than my small town back in England." She mumbled, her being from England explained her thick English accent.
"This place is about as busy as London." Elissa shrugged, her eyes darting back towards Aki as Nesa continued conversing with her siblings about who knows what. She rubbed her newly bruised chin and let out a whine of pain...Nesa didn't take any time at all to removed the bruise.

"Thanks..." Elissa sighed at the goddess as she leaned back on a building.

She couldn't stop thinking about Maya as her words sort of trailed off. This wasn't all. How was she supposed to avoid confrontation without making a scene? She couldn't. Nesa nudged her and whispered, Stop dwelling on it, Elissa. I won't let anything happen to you.

The girl nodded and rubbed her nose, which was pink from the cold. She tucked her long, silver hair beneath her hat in hopes to sort of disguise herself, though her amber eyes weren't exactly good for blending in.

"I had no problem with the location of this place, it was just getting here..." Elissa sighed with a small smile.

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