The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)


Aiden stepped out the double doors of the county jail running his fingers through his ounce long now shorter blond hair. He decided to get it cut while inside. On the outside it made him rebelious, on the inside it made hime a target. He opened the bag with his possessions he came in with, and pulled out his wallet and a pack of cigarettes. It felt good to be out of the stagnant unmoving air of the inside and feel the sun and the soft wind on his skin again. The birds sounded better than constant banging of worn down poker cards on metal tables. He walked to the payphone and put in a quarter, hoping his mother or one of his brothers would answer and not his father. Ring...ring... "Yeah?", a man's voice answered with a hint of belligerence. No such luck. "Dad, I'm out, could you ask ma or maybe Bobby or Terry pick me up?" He knew better than to ask his father. "Walk home, *click*" was the response Aiden got. He pulled cigarette from the pack and lit it. "F**king stale..." he snuffed the smoke out beneath his chuck taylor crushed the pack and tossed it. "Should quite anyways." He said to himself as he began to walk home.

When he finally made it home he let himself in. "Aiden!", his mother called out. His father chimed in "I see you cut your hair. It's about godd*mn time." Aiden said with sarcasim "Good to be back." His father stood up "What!? You want a parade er something? You got yourself locked up, and for what? That nancy down the street!?" Aiden spat back "I can count on Kyouu. Can't say the same about you!" His father socks him knocking him down and busting his lip open. Aiden stood up not even looking towards his father, "I'm out of here." Hi s mother dashed forward, "Aiden, wait." His father extended his arm into his mother's path holding her back, "Don't worry he'll come back. How many times does he run off? I wish he'd stay gone one of these times."

Aiden walked to a place he and Kyouu used to play as children and sat down and staired into the distance trying to cool down, lip still bleeding. This spot remained important to him over the years. Its where they came to be alone sometimes. Even if Kyouu wasn't there it made him think of him. It helped him relax.
(How long was he in jail for about?)

Kyouu seemed to constantly recall the recent and dramatic event that occurred. If it weren't for his friend he'd surely have a broken arm at the least by now. Aiden. That guy saved from a group of dumb drunk@ss b*tches from tearing him apart back not too long ago. He saved him, yet his consequence ended up sending him to jail. That's just retarded! He freaking saved his butt and resulted in being punished for that. Kyouu couldn't help but blame himself but it wasn't his fault either way you looked at it. It wasn't Aiden's fault either. Just police regulations.

He stuffed his hands deep into his jean pockets as he stepped out the front door of his place. "I'm gonna talk a walk mom!" He called back to his mother without waiting around to here her response, he took off into the chilly evening. The day was quiet besides the gentle breeze that slipped past and the quiet sound of his slightly squeaky sneakers on the dry pavement. Walks were something he always seemed to feel comfortable doing by myself; gave himself plenty of time to think and simply relax. was rather lonely. Sometimes he'd remember when Aiden would tag along and keep him company. "Aiden...he's been in jail for a pretty long time now..." His feet seemed to bring him straight to the city's luscious green park grounds. That's where the two close friends always ran off to. It was peaceful since hardly anyone ever visited, so it was perfect.
Aiden looked back and noticed Kyouu approaching. He had been hoping he would come along. He was excited, but he walked casually towards his friend. "Ey Kyouu! Do believe its been a month! That's the longest we've been apart. The judge wanted to give me assault and put me away for three months. My lawyer tried to get me off saying I was defending a citizen but the judge said I went beyond defense and gave me reckless endangerment. If those d*ckheads were not sloppy drunk they would a prolly been the ones locked up. Whatever." He was so anxious to speak to his friend again he had neglected to wipe his lip. "So how is everything, anything new?" He asked trying to act as nonchalant as possible fighting back a smile, though Kyouu pro ally could notice he was okay with it he supposed. Nothing wrong about being happy to see friend right?
Kyouu nearly jumped when he heard his name out of nowhere. It heart rate returned to normal when he recognized that voice. He sped up his pace to reach his friend sooner. "Aiden!" He pulled his friend into a quick hug as soon as he reached him, not too long so it wouldn't come off as awkward. "Really? Only a month. Felt longer than that to be honest." His decently messy black hair had slipped down infront of his face when he rushed to catch up to him sooner. He took his time brushing it back into his place behind his ear as his also listened quietly to Aiden's words. Sure did appear glad to get out of that dull clanky jail. He would have too.

"New? Hmm.....not really. Not that I can think of." Kyouu shrugged at his question. "It was quiet around the neighborhood while you were gone." He'd at least admit to that.
"Yea I figured. I gotta get a job. I don't wanna live at home no more. Me and my brothers always leaned on eachother. Robby moved out awhile ago as you know, but i guess Terry moved out while I was gone. Can't have all of pops focus on me..." Looking at Kyouu he decided to just let go for a second and let a big smile out, and pulled Kyouu in for another hug. "I missed you Kyouu." He let the hug linger awhile. He been alone for what seemed like an eternity, and now he just wanted to close to Kyouu if only for little awhile. Pulled away "So, yea..."
The second hug caused the rounds of Kyouu's cheeks to glow a light pink. He smiled though, he always seemed to blush easily, that was one of his many qwerks. "Well I'm glad I was missed. Sure it sounds all sappy but I actually felt rather lonely without ya around." Absentmindly he brought one of his hands up to tussle with his shorter hair. "No wonder I hadn't recognized you at first. Did you cut your hair?"
"Yeah. Long hair was getting to be a pain, that's all." Aiden thought it was cute when Kyouu blushed, but when Kyouu stated to play with his hair he thought he might blush himself. He didn't want anyone to think of as the blushing type. In attempt to shift the attention from himself he sudden spoke, "Come walk with me." Aiden grabbed Kyouu's other hand and pulled him along.
Kyouu followed along without complaint. "'re not going to live your old place with your folks anymore?" He questioned. His voice sounded hesitant, worried if what he said might make Aiden upset for talking about his parents. Actually his mother seemed like a fine sweet lady. His father.....not so much. Always drinking and just plain terrible. Not even worthy to be called a father. Not that it was any of his business, still, he did care about these things. "I wouldn't blame ya if you didn't."
"I'll find someplace here in town. Got to stay there for now though. Gotta make some cash. I'll be fine as long as I stay out his way. No one gave you any trouble while I was away right?" Aiden asked unconsciously tightening his grip on Kyouu's hand. "Oh sorry." Loosened his grip. He realized now he hadn't let go of Kyouu's hand after leading him to walk. He didn't let go after loosening his grip though. He wanted to let Kyouu know he could feel safe while he was around.
"Um...i-it only happened once or twice. Some jerks from the highschool kept harassing me because...well you know. Because I'm a homo. Still, I'm not an alien." Kyouu's eyes shifted in direction to look down at the ground as they walked along. "I dunno why anyone would think it's funny. B-B-But yeah, it wasn't as bad as that one time." At least he didn't try to lie about it. That would make him feel even worse. Their hands clamped together was the next thing he chose to take a turn at staring at. He bit down on his bottom lip lightly.
A familiar voice rang out as a guy the went to highschool with ran front of them "Hey Aiden! Finally ou..." he stopped suddenly. "Why are you holding hands with Kyouu? Are you guys like... boyfriends?"

Aiden opened his mouth to speak an excuse but instead closed his mouth and paused for a moment. He was trying to portray himself as a secure confident young man all the time but he was hiding. "No we're not I should be so lucky. And yes were holding hands alright. Why don't you calm yourself down?"

The young man responded a little nervously, "Yea you got it Aiden. Just never knew is all it's cool. Alright see you guys." He walked off.
Kyouu pulled his hand away only to stuff it back into his pockets again after the other guy left. He suddenly felt a rush of awkwardness, his feelings for Aiden were still unknown to anyone, especially Aiden himself. If he really cared for that guy, why did it make him so embarrassed when they portrayed the two as a couple? Ah well, he did have some strange moments often.
"What's wrong?" Came from Aiden's mouth when Kyouu pulled his hand away. He thought for a moment. "I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking. Just because I feel a certain way doesn't make me weak. And f*ck all of them if they think it does. I just took a chance is all... I shouldn't have made you part of it."
"You don't need to apologize. I'm not upset, it's just...I dunno what I going to say." Kyouu shrugged and tried to smile at least a small grin. After all he didn't feel upset like he said. "Okay, now that you're back we need to make plans to spend a lot of missed time together. I don't care what it is, he\\ with it, we could chug down a couple of beers or whatever. Just something."
"Yea that sound good. I'll give Robby a call he can get us some beer." Aiden was relieved that he hadn't upset Kyouu too bad. Even more so he was glad that Kyouu had managed to act as if nothing had happened. "We should watch a bunch of movies while we catch up, get some snacks, it'll be great." He staired at Kyouu's hand in his pocket for a second. Wishing he could still hold that hand. Shaking off the thought he started walking again.
"No, no! I was only joking about the beer!" Kyouu quickly added in. "Have you ever seen me drunk? It's not a pretty sight. I stole some from the back of my mother's cupboard once and...well, I just act weird when I'm drunk, okay? But like you said, a bunch of movies sound great." He tapped his chin with his index finger as he tried to come up with an idea on what types of shows he'd be interesting in watching.
Aiden started laughing at the thought of Kyouu drunk, "I can only imagine. You proallly can't keep your hands to yourself!" Aiden teases. "Oh I got it, you prolly turn ten feet tall and picks fights is that it?" He laughed all little more then nudged Kyouu with his elbow jokingly. "Well no beer for sure. As for movies we should half new ones half old favorites! Should we go to your place? I haven't seen your folks in awhile I hope they don't think I'm scum for getting locked up. Or we could see Terry's new place. What do you think?"
Kyouu rolled his eyes and only smirked when he was nudged. "You wish," he childishly stuck his tongue out at him. Like as expected from Aiden's guess, alcohol and beer resulted in make him rather touchy-pervy; not at all his normal behavior. "Hey now. You know my parents don't hate you. Actually my mother considers you part of the family in a weird way. After all I think it would be fun at my house. We finally replaced our junkie TV with a new one."
"New TV ey? You should let your folks know in advance to DVR anything they want to watch tonight because we're holding the TV hostage. We're not too far off, maybe you should call them. Ormaybe we should just surprise them. I think that sounds more fun."
"Let's surprise them! Don't be too shocked if Mother comes rushing to pull you into her arms. I still need to teach her about personal space." Kyouu removed his hands from his pockets even though it was a bit chilly outside. The cool autumn weather always sent a breeze along to force people into grabbing their coats and scarfs. Of course he had decided to wear a Tshirt that day. "We should hurry. I'm freezing my @ss off." He shivered slightly.
"Well we can't have that happening. Much too cute to be freezing off." He laughed a little. They were nearing Kyouu's house, when Aiden without warning asked "Hey Kyouu, do you like anyone?"
Kyouu joined in with a light chuckle. "Beware, if you perhaps call me cute again, I might the wrong impression." When they finally reached his house Aiden suddenly hit him with a rather dramatic question. Well, dramatic for him anyways. "What kind of a question is that? Geez, you're so random sometimes." He hopped up the doorsteps as he also pulled a spare house key out from under the welcome mat. Obviously he was just avoiding from answering that question.
"May seem a little random I guess. But it's been on my mind for some time. We've never asked each other. Seems like a normal enough question. I think that I may like someone is all. That's why I ask. I Also figured I prolly wouldn't get answer. Your too damn shy Kyouu."
"I can't help it with being shy. That's just who I am." Kyouu almost began pouting again but the door clicked unlocked before he could start. As he walked inside, he called back over his shoulder, "I'll admit that I have had my eye on a certain somebody for quite a while now. Doubt he's interested though. Mom! I'm home! And I've brought somebody too!"

Just as he announced his arrival, his mother peeked her head out from the door of the kitchen. "Welcome home honey...oh my gosh. Aiden~" She left the pile of dishes she was about to begin cleaning to greet that boy with a nice warm hug like an excited grandmother. "Nice to see you too."
"Nice to see you! Now, I demand asylum! and this new television, it requires my immediate inspection, as does your food pantry!" Aiden said goofing around. "But seriously, it's been much too long forgive me if I've upset you." Turning to Kyouu "Well, what are we waiting for, we must begin preparations. We must get comfy as possible and indulge in visual stimulation, you hear me, we must!" He smiled at his companion.

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