[The Black Watch] OOC Thread GO!

Homework day today, work tonight, open the shop tomorrow morning, will get replies up tomorrow afternoon, :)
So I got into a talk about the probabilities of the roll/keep system with exploding dice. In the end we figured that it'd just be easier to do the a million rolls and take the average. And instead of trying to write the formula I just googled it and got this

I thought as much, I printed out a copy for myself so I could have at least an idea what type of raises are not suicidal. I didn't think they'd be quite the way they broke down but it's not quite as clear cut as DnD rolls or even White Wolf dice rolls.

One of the guys I live with can do most dice statistics in his head. I was trying to explain L5R rules to him and it devolved into a long discusion into how to figure the average rolls and how some of the other dice systems worked.
Raises were always my biggest issue as well. A TN of 15 or 20 on 3 kept dice I usually feel confident about, but, taking raises quickly caps that. Also, I'd like to point out, take advantage of switching postures in combat. Despite leaving himself open, the kakita duelist rocketed himself up to 8k5+2 with his school tech, a Center, followed by Full attack, and I essentially made him a starting character with no special advantages beyond a rank 1 of his school. Skills end up paying off at higher levels as well, because any dice rolled over 10 transform into kept dice, and, if both are at 10, all kept dice become +5 and every two rolled dice become +5. That's where most of your harder hitting stuff will come from, using stances, techniques, skills, etc. to get a bunch of stacking bonuses
+5? Are we houseruling that one? I think they changed it for 4th...

(This is what happens when you have several people who know previous editions well and one or two who only started with the current edition...)
In 4th ed, once you reach 10k10, any extra rolled or kept dice translate to a +2 bonus to the result of the roll at a rate of 1 bonus per die of either type.

So 12k10 becomes 10k10 +4, 10k12 also becomes 10k10 +4, 12k12 becomes 10k10 +8, and so on.
My mistake, it is +2 now, no matter the die type...must've been remembering that from either 2nd or 3rd ed
Sorry bout the lack of posting...spring break is here, and I'm taking advantage to do some much needing spring cleaning and packing
Put up a nice reference thread, if anyone has some cool japanese tidbits to throw in, please, by all means, link them
Haven't seen him on AIM either, and sent a PM...so, tomorrow I'm gonna roll his initiative and get this rolling again
Sorry for the delay folks, through half of next week is Exams, but, then I am FREE. So, everyone get your game faces on, this shit's gonna get real.

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