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Fantasy the between. [archive]


Just another face.
main thread || ooc || character archive
CHARACTER ARCHIVE This is where all the accepted characters will be posted. Below, you will find the profile skeleton. The information must be completed and sent in as a private message to me to check for acceptance. You may label your message however you wish, so long as it includes the RP title (the between.) So long as you do not change the base format, you are free to add colors and/or fonts to your profile.

When creating your profile, please use anime representations of them (no hand-drawn). Their age must be between 20-30, and make sure you fill out all the information in the profile and be as specific as possible. The maximum characters accepted will be 5 and we will start when the role play has at least 3 completed profiles.

Current Players: 4/5

[side=right]AGE: xx




HAIR: xx

EYE: xx[/side]

[Fieldset=CHILD MEMORIES][Justify]How their life was as they were growing up, their family and relationships,
 anything that affected them heavily.[/Justify][/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=LIVELIHOOD][Justify]What they do for a living & to make money, and how they feel about it.[/Justify][/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=PREFERRED ACTIVITIES]What they enjoy doing in their free time.[/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=OCCASIONAL THOUGHTS][Justify]What crossed their mind on a regular basis, what they spent a lot of time thinking about.[/Justify][/Fieldset]

[Fieldset=THE GOOD][Justify]What traits they appreciate in themselves.[/Justify][/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=THE BAD][Justify]Worst parts of their personality that make them hate themselves.[/Justify][/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=HOW OTHERS FEEL][Justify]Describe them from a friend's perspective, and an enemy's. What other people see them as, how they're labeled.[/Justify][/Fieldset]

[Tab=Under the Skin]
[Fieldset=MY FIRST LOVE][Justify]Who they first fell in love with, how it went, what the person was like.[/Justify][/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=MY WORST FEARS][Justify]What shakes them to the core and makes them want to curl into a ball to hide away from the world?[/Justify][/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=CAN'T LIVE WITHOUTS][Justify]What did they need during their life in order to survive? What -- if lost --
 would cause them to end it all?[/Justify][/Fieldset]

[Fieldset=MY BELIEFS][Justify]What they believed would happen in the end, where they would go.[/Justify][/Fieldset]
[Fieldset=HOW I DIED][Justify]Self-explanatory. Be specific. If they were murdered, by whom and with what weapon?
 Where? Why? If they died of an accident, what killed them? A car? What did the car look like? Specifics.[/Justify][/Fieldset]
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AGE: 26



HEIGHT: 5'11"

HAIR: Blonde

EYE: Orange

  • CHILD MEMORIES Aurik was raised in a middle class family, with two other siblings. He had a younger and older sister. His father was deceased, leaving him to be the only boy in the family. Even their pet cat was a girl... just his luck. From how he was raised, one would expect Aurik to be very sensitive or feminine-like. Surprisingly, that wasn't the case.

    Aurik played Fußball (soccer/football) from grade school through higher education, and liked to be very reserved of his emotions. To some extent it drove the females in his home insane that he never communicated his feelings properly, but they also appreciate his ability to be the solid rock in the family. Both his older and younger sister often leaned on him for emotional support when they were going through life. His relationship with his mother was never really close. She tended to avoid him, saying to his older sister that it was difficult because he looked so much like his father.

    Of the man Aurik never really knew, there was longing. His father had been in the military, only home for short periods of time. He can remember small instances of a sitting in a man's lap and being read to, or resting on top of his shoulders as the man raced across a field, but the face in the photographs his mother had were unfamiliar to him.
    LIVELIHOOD Once merely a hobby from high school, dancing became his life after university. It wasn't intended, though. He had a degree in Business and danced with street groups on the side. But after a friend called in a favor and Aurik filled in, his employers liked him so much they talked about him joining a professional team. From there, he traveled the world. In some cases, his degree helped him while in others he felt it had been a waste of time. Not being one to dwell on regret, he moved forward with his head held high.

    Aurik performed in different groups, sometimes a lead and other times a background dancer. It was his life and he loved it, training his body to be faster and stronger. In this newfound dream of his, he didn't see his family as often, being quite a workaholic. His relationship with his family crumbled because of this, his sisters being hurt that he brushed them off so often or canceled plans. They could no longer depend on the person they had vented all their troubles into.
    PREFERRED ACTIVITIES When he's not dancing, he's running. Aurik spends a lot of time running and prefers to do so in a park or mountain than on a tredmill. When he's off the clock, he'll often look up popular places to go for a walk and choose that as his new destination. He even has a habit of jogging through a city to get a feel for what it's like.

    Besides running, Aurik enjoys listening to music at a cafe or concert and losing himself in the sound. Sometimes he'll sing along, but he's more a dancer than a singer... So doesn't do so if anyone could hear him. Other than those two habits, his life is dedicated to his work. Not even his family could deter him from his career.

    OCCASIONAL THOUGHTS Most of the time, he's thinking about the people he passes on his runs. Something they do makes his mind lock in on the thought of them and put himself in their shoes to further contemplate their life. At other times, his mind will slip to his family and his mother. He wonders why she never seemed to like him, why she couldn't get over his similarity to his father. Those thoughts lead to thinking about the man in his memories, the wonderful father he was for the short time he was in Aurik's life.

AGE: 21

GENDER: Female




HAIR: Bleached White || Originally a brunette

EYE: Grey


  • BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Vici lived a generally normal childhood. Her parents loved her and gave her everything she needed.
    She wasn't abused nor was she bullied as a child. In fact, she was a social butterfly jumping from group to group and fitting in just fine.
    Which was why she didn't know why she was depressed. Unable to get up in the morning or just outright refusing to. Unable to find the right amount of joy in all the things she used to love. If you asked her why she was this way, she wouldn't be able to give you an answer even if you gave her a month. Which made her a very private person because all throughout her childhood, she was just trying to figure out where everything went wrong.
    LIVELIHOOD V lead two jobs not because she needed the money but because she wanted to keep herself as busy as she possible. In the morning, she'd be a hired hacker. She both did cyber attacks and defense as long as she could learn and enjoy it. At night,
    she'd play with her band members. She would switch between bass, singer, and drums. Being a lover of music, she also did her best to learn different instruments to play. V would like to say that she continued to do these things because she loved them with all her heart but in reality, she just wanted anything at all to stop her from being alone with her thoughts.
    PREFERRED ACTIVITIES Coding and music was all that really occupied her time. Every so often, she understood that she needs a break, so when she could muster up enough energy, she'd gather her band members and take them away on a vacation. She preferred places away from civilization where it can be just them. Going out into the mountains and spending time around the campfire on a cool night or taking a dip in the ocean or a lake.

    OCCASIONAL THOUGHTS If there was ever a time that Vici allowed herself to even think was when it was either raining or late at night. Being a nyctophiliac and a pluviophile, rain and darkness relaxed her enough to not be terrified of being alone with the demons in her head. To her, moments like these make her feel like there were warm invisible arms cocooning around her and protecting her from the world. The rain masked every other sound and made you focus on the nearby pitter patter, while darkness usually meant that everyone was asleep. No one would be around to judge her for her actions. With how much she's scared of being lonely, it was a surprised how much she really loved being alone.
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AGE: 21

GENDER: Cis Male

NATIONALITY: French-American

HEIGHT: 5'3''

HAIR: Dark Brown, Shaved at the back, no bangs and short sides normally under a beanie

EYE: Dark Brown with feminine eyelashes and groomed eyebrows hidden behind glasses

  • CHILD MEMORIES Apollo was born of French, British, Irish, Polish and Japanese ancestry. His parents met during a protest where Apollo's mother threw a sign at her future husband. He arrested her and once her family bailed her out, she gave her number to Apollo's father. Long story short, he called her and they married a few years later. His childhood up until the age of 9 was okay. He went to school had friends and seemed like a very normal kid with a florist and a police officer for parents. When he was 9 his Mom, Bela, was diagnosed by two different doctors with the same condition. She had Terminal Cancer. The family, him his sister, Jade, and their Dad, Christoph, took it hard. They had no idea what to do. She passed away 10 months later, a few weeks after Apollo had turned 10, on the 19th of June. His sister ran away a few days later, not knowing how to deal with grief at the young age of 6. She never came back. His Dad later abused him blaming Apollo for both his mother passing and his sister running away. He wished he could run away like his sister but he had no where to go.
    LIVELIHOOD Apollo graduated high school early, top of his class at just 17 years old. He spent near enough all of his time at school so he could graduate and get a free scholarship at a college, so he'd never have to see his alcoholic abusive father's face again. He did that and went to college for 3 years, graduating a few days before his 20 birthday, getting a degree in IT. It was a stable career choice and one he was content with. He was hired by an important company as a Tech Guy and he just helped them with extremely easy to fix problems that he could do in his sleep. This job was an okay one overall. He got a decent pay check which helped him get an apartment he was happy with. Happiness couldn't last though. His depressive thoughts back from all those years of abuse still got to him. He just had to try and keep his head up which was difficult when he felt as if he were one in a sea of many all struggling to stay afloat but was dragged back down whenever one felt sad.
    PREFERRED ACTIVITIES Music is Apollo's blood. If it wasn't for music, he was certain he would be dead before he turned 14. He learned piano drums and guitar in his free time and wanted to become a musician. Life soon drained the dream from him though. He'd have to put that on pause for a while. Instead he had to spend all his time working. He needed to do something with his life that would mean something and so that he'd survived.

    OCCASIONAL THOUGHTS Being abused as a child left a lot of bad thoughts in Apollo's head. He has often thought about ending it all but he never did. He was too stubborn. He has thought and has actually cut before though. Never on his arms, only on his thighs and each only contained about ten scars which was better than some. He has thought about running away from society and the problems that face it but he has never known how or even wanted to really for that matter. He thinks a lot in all honesty. That's because he has no friends.
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AGE: 24



HEIGHT: 6 ft 1 in.

HAIR: Brown

EYE: Brown

  • CHILD MEMORIES Morgan grew up in Ontario with just his father, who worked at the local hospital as a surgeon. Living in this kind of household was mostly beneficial for Morgan as he aged. His father, Rick Michaels, always tried his best to raise his son to think with rationality and logic since he was a man of science. One could say that worked rather too well; Morgan was introverted through elementary and most of middle school. He was that kid everyone wanted to leave alone, especially since he was reading most of the time.

    When 8th grade came around, Rick gave his son "the talk"; but, he made sure to explain more than just the jargon of that sort of thing. It was here Morgan truly
    started to understand the concepts of loneliness and building lasting relationships. Afterwards, he started to leave the books alone more often and began to make friends; even had high school girlfriend (which didn't last particularly long). Despite all this, times alone were still appreciated by Morgan; books and internet consuming these periods of time.
    LIVELIHOOD Come freshman year of college, technology had advanced relatively amazingly (to Morgan). 3D printing, prototype exosuits, prototype jetpacks were being developed around the world. It was rather overwhelming to the point Morgan changed his career choice drastically, switching from business to bionics and engineering. It was more his cup of tea anyway with his usual thought processes.

    At his college, Morgan worked in the science wing many teachers doing various internship experiments and the like. Down the road was a hospital, which Morgan worked at as a janitor thanks to some recommendations by his father. The work was tedious, but never to the point of complete boredom; although, he much preferred working on projects and conducting research at school.
    PREFERRED ACTIVITIES In his free time, Morgan usually reads fiction and watches various films in his collection, sometimes the occasional video game, as well. Morgan will also surf the internet on any news of new tech he catches wind of; combined with observing and working with the science teachers at his, Morgan always had tech on the mind.

    OCCASIONAL THOUGHTS Morgan focused his mind mostly on doing as good as he could at whatever he needed to do; school,, his job, external life. There would be moments of daydreaming though, Morgan will drift off to thinking what he could invent to change the world; he wanted to make something unique that could change people's lives for the better,.




HAIR: Dirty Blond


  • CHILD MEMORIES When she was younger Fuyuki was one of the baddest delinquents in her town. Getting into fights almost everyday the reason being she had no choice. Her hair made her seem like such despite only being a by product of her parents. Despite her trying to convince others of the fact all would always assume she was a delinquent. Sick of being picked on Fuyuki began to fight back being taller than most she found a natural advantage in it. It wasn’t long before she also began to develop a liking to fighting. Not listening to her parents no matter what until one day her father had enough. He went to the house of each kid she had fought before and apologized to their families. Of course he was chewed out by each family.

    Fuyuki at the first house thought her father was a coward for what he was doing. By the last house she was apologizing with him finding a certain respect for her father. It was thanks to him she gave up on fighting all together. Fuyuki became closer to her father so when he passed away due to heart problems she was hurt. That was when he mother stepped in and Fuyuki grew closer with her. Again it seemed just as she was learning to love her mother she too passed. This time overwork despite nobody being there for Fuyuki she didn’t waver. By now she had learned to take care of herself and take care of herself she did.
    LIVELIHOOD After her father passed she took over his bakery. While hating baking at first she grew to love the act. Even if her bakery is not open Fuyuki can be found baking in her home practicing new recipes. Her bakery is very popular in her town with business never seeming to be low.
    PREFERRED ACTIVITIES When Fuyuki isn’t working in the bakery she is trying out new recipes. She also visits a gym to do boxing on the side, even though she has given up fighting. While not amazing at boxing she also isn't bad she certainly could hold her own in a fight. Her baking skills are where she shines since it is what she likes spending most of her time on. She only began getting good at it after her mother lent her all her father's cook books after he passed. Each book made her feel closer to him and so Fuyuki couldn't help but get lost reading them. By the time she finished them she found most of the info had just stuck with her. After her mother ate the first muffin Fuyuki had made and said how good it was Fuyuki found she truly loved making others happy.
    OCCASIONAL THOUGHTS After her parents were gone Fuyuki would often think about having a family herself. She’d imagine her children running around the bakery. Her husband helping her bake before the bakery opened. When she didn’t think of that it was of her younger years and how if anything she wished she had changed sooner. Thinking of how she never got a chance to show her dad how good she had gotten at baking.

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