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Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High

As she arrived to the huge party, Victoria Knight was instantly reminded of why she never attended to the parties the popular students threw. The house didn't look like one that belonged in a school as recognized and prestigious as Grandview High, it didn't even look like a normal house anymore! There were wild, drunk and high teenagers doing the stupidest things possible pretty much everywhere, she could barely hear anything other than the extremely loud music coming out of the speakers and she didn't want to know what the couples who very eagerly entered the bedrooms were doing.

She quickly sat down on one of the bar stools in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of beer from the counter and took a few sips. She had always hated alcohol and knew she wasn't supposed to be drinking until she turned 21 but everyone else was doing it and she didn't want to seem more boring than she already was. Oddly enough, she had never cared about what others thought about her until she made making new friends and coming out of her comfort zone one of her goals for her last year in Grandview. However, she decided to wait for her other friends before she tried to speak to anyone who wasn't her friend or an artist. She quickly took out her phone and texted her friends so they knew where she was and patiently waited for someone else to arrive.
Irene sat on the couch checking her phone completely ignoring everything that was happening around her. attempting to avoid the PDA on her right side and the drunk boy who was flirting with her on her left. she could've been home studying, practicing her saxophone and violin, reciting her speech, reading new post on tumblr, but instead she was here. In all honesty the only reason she came was because she was invited personally by the host and thought it would be rude to not go. Also her father insisted that she should go. Her dad wasn't the best role model for her due to his playboy lifestyle but she was fine with what she had.

she didn't want to drink anything since she didn't know if anyone spiked the punch or something and she didn't feel like socializing with the people around since clearly they all looked like idiots. so she would scan the room to see if there was anyone to talk to before going back to her phone once again. she was surprised that the police didn't come yet but it will happen sooner or later.

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Gwen knowing the cook she is she decided not to go to the party and instead study all about this recipe her mom was talking about on the phone. "Hmm, what was it called?" She said while flipping through her cookbook. She got a text from her friend, Victoria Knight, but she ignored it because she was so amazed by the book. There were recipes from all over the world. Japan, Europe, everywhere! While flipping the book front to back she finally found it. "Oh! It 's called the Eggs Benedict.." Hours and hours of Gwen studying how to cook it, she checked her phone for the time and said surprisingly, "Oh, it's only been 2 minutes." She decided to try to cook an Eggs Benedict, but she was too tired. She almost spilled the boiling water over her arm so she insisted that she should go take a nap trying to fade away the loud music from the party.
Jessica had dragged her best friend Lyle to this huge party the popular kids were throwing. While Lyle was a popular kid, he wasn't one for parties. He didn't like the loud music and the touchy people. But Jessica insisted that to keep up his reputation, and his social life, he had to go to this party. Once at the party, the two had found a corner where they could sip on their drinks and people watch. Jessica pointed out random girls to Lyle.

"Her?" Lyle shook his head

"Nah, talked to her and all she could talk about was shoes."


"No! She yelled at me because I'm not a vegetarian." Jessica rolled her eyes. She gasped upon seeing one particularly hot girl


"Oh yeah she's kinda cute...."

"Oh my god Lyle Cute?! That girl is smokin! If you wont I will." Lyle rolled his eyes

"Go for it Jess." Jessica giggled and took a sip of her drink

"Nah, I'd probably just end up blubbering until I said 'Pretty' and run off" Lyle laughed and shook his head. As much as he hated Jessica for dragging him here, he loved hanging out with her and he loved scoping out girls with her. The two were platonic soulmates.
Austin slipped into the living, is previous position being the bathroom. He may have been doing a few drugs, but no one needed to know that but the people he was doing them with. Austin wasn't really that drunk or high, deciding to stay clean to make sure one of his parent's house didn't go to waste. But by the looks of it, he wasn't really doing his job well. Oh well, at least it's one of the less expensive houses his parents own. Grinning, Austin made his way to a table in the corner, ready to get a little more drunk than he already was. What was the point of watching out anymore if the place was already pretty trashed? By the table, he spotted to people, a boy and a girl, who seemed to be close friends. He didn't know what they were doing, but they seemed pretty interested in it. Austin didn't usually pick up girls, but this was a party and it was time for him to let loose. "Hey," he said to the girl, the grin still on his face, "I'm Austin." He was sure she knew him, but he decided to tell his name anyway. He completely ignored the boy, hoping the girl would answer.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70119ad2_image(3).jpg.052630c9c27a6ec96a73f1e6b716ba7a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70119ad2_image(3).jpg.052630c9c27a6ec96a73f1e6b716ba7a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.a8f4d1d6716f94eee5f1a01398d13a69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.a8f4d1d6716f94eee5f1a01398d13a69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

There they stood, Hog and Soso, the best of friends. In their hands were red solo cups, filled to the rim with alcohol, grins wide and wild on their faces as they faced each other and leaned against the wall. "Listen, I'm tellin' ya.." Hog muttered, shaking his head; green mohawk brighter and earthy. "It's not just a break. You and her broke up like.. I dunno, six months ago? Let it go, Elsa." He rose his cup, sipped, and watched as Soso took a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. She shrugged as she lit one up and took a nice, long puff. "Listen, maybe she's just not.. ready," the denial crept up on the both of them, a look of disappointment washing over Hog's face. "Not ready? Dude, she's dating and banging Nina Scrawminger," Hog nearly choked on his drink as he snickered a bit at Soso's feat of complete denial. "I didn't think you'd be this... attached to someone, kid," he spoke again, watching as Soso began to chug - crushing her plastic cup afterward. "Yeah? I didn't either, but it fuckin' happened, eh? Whatever.. Relationships aren't my thing anyways."

Hog rose a brow at her, intrigued by her actions. To him, it was obvious that she was a bit heart broken as her demeanor changed quite a bit. "
Mhm. Well, why don't you get yourself a man or woman. Whatever your heart chooses, anyways.."

You think it's that easy, bub? Ha.. no," she paused for a moment, looking around at the crowd in the house, "plus, like I said.. Relationships are donzo one hundred percent from now on." Interesting. Hog had never seen his friend in such a state, he'd been conditioned to be used to seeing her so uplifting and happy. Crazy, rowdy, ready to mosh at any time, but this.. This was out of character, but maybe, just maybe, this was a side she'd been hiding from everyone around her. She did, after all, hate showing any sign of weakness. "Well, you ready to trash this joint? Seems like you need to loosen up a bit."

Soso looked at him, puzzled. "
You serious? What kind of question is that?"

I just-"

She interrupted him, a smiling growing, "
fuck yeah, I do!" Soso shouted with enthusiasm, shoving herself off of the wall they were just on. "Let's wreck some shit!" The girl jumped up, her guitar pick necklace clicking.

( This is the best I can do at the moment. I'm a bit jumbled, what with writing a song and stuff. )



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Irene decided to be social since she was stuck there for a while so she walked to the kitchen where she spotted Victoria taking sips of beer but looking disgusted as she tried to hold it down, she approached her and leaned on the table with a grin. "I see your satisfied with the refreshments." She said sarcastically."I suggest you take it easy before you end up, barfing it up in the bathroom." Irene decided to take a bottle of water from the fringe before going back to her old position taking a sip."so you're liking the party?"

A bit startled and suddenly self-aware of what she was doing because of the girl's comments, Victoria immediately put down the bottle of beer and wiped her mouth with her hand. "Thanks for the advice" She told the girl, a bit nervously since she was talking to a stranger but glad she hadn't been the one to start the conversation. "Well, it's not exactly my cup of tea" She replied. "Victoria Knight, pleasure to meet you"

Kiara Reign

Where: One of the Popular's Party | Time: Nighttime somewhere between 9-12 | Scenario: A little lost? | With: @ERRQR


To say she was lost was an understatement, she was given an invitation to the party one of the popular's were throwing before school was beginning, however, it never crossed her mind to ask if her friends were coming along since she literally had no time to have a refresher before getting dragged away. She had just arrived on campus when she received an e-invite through her phone and low and behold, push came to shove and she ended up in the midst of a group of people going to the entrance of where the party was being held. Her small frame was literally whisked away with the many bodies that were pushing and shoving to get into the lot of the house and building. So, even if she wanted to get out from where was, she couldn't since well . . the ones she was whisked away with were too drunk and gone for them to notice that she didn't know who they were and vice versa. Soon, they made it towards the door of the house and the crowd finally dispersed from her side. Taking a deep breathe, Kiara found herself able to breathe and relax, stretching her arms out before even taking another step further towards the doorway. Looking up towards the nightsky, Kiara inhaled and exhaled the fresh air before being plagued by all of the smoke, body odors, and different scents she'll be greeted with by walking into the house. She never liked being enclosed in small spaces, especially parties in which everyone was all over each other and she'll practically be touching someone elses bodies. Who knows where their hands or who's touched them, especially since a lot of viruses and whatnot can spread around. However, she never liked thinking about that, especially knowing she wasn't really afraid of germs, but just the thought of germs spreading made her stomach churn.

"Hey! You coming in or what!" Some guy screamed across at her since she seemed to be the only one standing out of the line that was beginning to form. Jumping slightly, the sun-kissed, golden blonde-haired girl whipped her head around so quickly, blood rushed through her head. Realizing she was standing there like an idiot, Kiara quickly nodded her head as she almost tripped over her feet. Feeling a brush creep on her face, she lowered her head as she entered the house, whispering a soft, "Thank you," before whisking away into the midst of the crowd. Why she was invited? She didn't know, but she did know she looked like a fool talking to herself. Nevertheless, the social hierarchy of the school didn't matter to her, as long as her friends weren't being bullied, she didn't stick her nose in anyone's business. Hearing the bass drop made her heart beta quicken as she felt something in the pit of her stomach. The music echoed through her ears, almost bursting her eardrums, but even so, she didn't mind the loud noise echoing through the halls of the house. But, the stench of alcohol made it to her nose and her gag reflex eventually caught up to her. Shaking her head, Kiara didn't focus on the smell of the alcohol and instead touched her back pocket to get her phone. However, she never felt the bulge or shape of her phone. At that moment, she panicked slightly, frantically touching her body, feeling if she can find her phone or not. But, because she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, she ended up bumping into two people.

Losing her balance, she took a step back, feeling liquid pouring down her shirt as she looked from her wet shirt towards to the two people she had bumped into. She gasped loudly, staring at the two people. Titling her head slightly, she had saw them around campus before, but never did she talk to them. Kiara couldn't help but smile sheeplishly at them as she ruffled her shirt, trying to dry it out. But, feeling quite clumsy and being the one to cause the two to lose their drinks, she felt a tad embarassed. It would be her to be the one to cause trouble. But, nevertheless, Kiara spoke up, slightly nervous as she raised her voice slightly over the music. Even though, she wasn't sure they could hear her through the loud music, Kiara spoke up as loud as she could so the two people she bumped into could hear her,
"I am so so sorry! I wasn't looking to where I was walking and I bumped into you. Are you guys okay?" She asked the male and the female, frantically, trying to explain herself quickly before they got angry. "Do you need a napkin? I'll go get you one. I'm such a klutz! It's my fault." She exclaimed, freaking out about bumping into them, hoping and wishing they weren't mad at her, more or less. Kiara looked up and down at them and all around, no in a "disgusting" way, but rather, her expression showed one of concern and remorse for what she had done. "Please, let me pay you back? I'll get you another drink, or we can wash off?" She asked, tilting her head slightly, rubbing her thumbs together. "But that would mean. . leaving the party . . and that doesn't sound like a good idea if y'all are having fun . ." Kiara ended up rambling on due to her nervousness, "I can always bring it to you two, of course . . I mean . . if you need clothes since there's stains. . " First day, or rather night back, and you're already causing trouble. . Kiara, just great! And at a party, no less! For a designer, she sure was clumsy. . .
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Irene grinned "Irene Dean, kind of new to the school. I'm still surprised I was invited." Well she wasn't really. She looked around at looking at everyone who was acting a fool but seemed like they were having a good time. She took another sip of her water, looking kind of bored all of a sudden.

Jessica turned upon hearing someone speaking to her. She smiled at Austin. She knew of this guy but had never formally met him. She held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jess." The motioned to Lyle "This is my best friend Lyle." She leaned a little closer to him "He's not one for parties so I literally had to drag him here." Lyle rolled his eyes

"Jess you're terrible at whispering." Jessica looked back at Lyle.

"I wasn't trying to whisper~!" She said with a coy smile. She turned back to Austin while taking a sip of her drink. "So whats up with you?"

Lyle could tell what was happening but of course Jessica couldn't. This poor guy was flirting with one of the most gay women in the whole school. Lyle felt bad for the dude. But he couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he found out and when Jessica figured out what he was doing.

Austin nodded, his grin expanding a bit at her. He was a bit surprised that the girl actually talked to him, usually the ones who weren't shallow thought he was only looking for a girl to pick-up for the night(which he was doing tonight actually, but usually he'd be looking for something a little longer than a one night stand) and they shrugged him off, going to find someone who was more in their 'league', but this girl seemed to open up quick. He nodded quickly to the other boy, Lyle, and turned back to her. "Oh, Jess, pretty name for a pretty girl." Probably the most over-used pick-up line ever, but it seemed to work for most girls, so he didn't really need to change.
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Jessica giggled at Austin's comment.

"Well thanks...." She said. She took a sip of her drink. "You enjoying the party?" She asked. Lyle watched the two carefully. He wanted to make sure the dude didn't pull anything stupid and he wanted to make sure Jessica didn't say anything stupid.
Willow Carson

Willow looked at her watch. The party at the popular's house was in full swing but she was still walking there, hey, sleeping is fun. "Nyah... Man, I'm way too late." She muttered, walking up the steps.

This house was probably the biggest amongst them all, I mean, her house wasn't bad, but this looked more fitting to be a mansion than school property. "Hopefully someone in here's bearable. Some of the popular idiots make me feel like puking." She grumbled, swinging open the door to see exactly what she expected. People grinding on each other, booze and smoke filled the room.

"Sweet lord why." Her eyes darted around the room to find someone she knew, absolutely anyone would be fine right now. She spotted quite a few people, some were what she would call friends, but they seemed to have situations on their hands so she'd rather not interfere. "Guess getting drunk's the only solution." She chuckled, walking over to an open fridge and snatching an unopened beer can. "I hate this brand..." She sighed, opening it and taking a sip, her legs walking towards a red beanbag chair as she sunk into it.

Just then, Willow spotted Lyle standing next to Jessica and another dude... What was his name... Uhh... She couldn't remember. "Jealous?" She asked, popping up behind him, her signature devilish smirk found its' way to her face. Man, she loved teasing people, it was fun, and no harm would be done... Unless the person couldn't tell it was teasing, in that case, their stupid.

@Jess Buck
Lyle looked down at Willow and chuckled. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"That guy Austin is flirting with Jess but she can't tell. Poor dude doesn't know she's gay and I want to see the look on both of their faces when they figure each other out." Lyle gave Willow a wink and straighten himself out. He looked back over at Jessica who was still yapping away to this random guy. Lyle could never understand how Jessica could have a conversation so easily with other people.
Willow Carson

"Man, you are mean... I like it." Willow said, her eyes glinting with mischief as she took a sip of her drink. Austin... Where has she heard that name from? Oh wait... It's the so called "king" of school. Yeah, she didn't like him too much.

Wait what time was it now? holy balls, it's almost midnight. Don't they have school tomorrow? Eh, not like anyone that was here cared. Willow's eyes scanned the room out of sheer boredom butball she saw were the bodies of dancing people... Sexual dancing if I might add. Well, waiting for Jess's conversation to take a turn might be fun.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7086433c_image(3).jpg.8c0dd0450030a03733e856fa3a9145ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7086433c_image(3).jpg.8c0dd0450030a03733e856fa3a9145ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.c37aadd269764660f2ef378c3d86bf4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.c37aadd269764660f2ef378c3d86bf4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The two were having the time of their lives, the temporary happiness filling the air as they danced and had their laughs. However, that all came to an abrupt stop. Cold liquid covered their garments, filled their boots. Hog and Soso looked around, finding the culprit who had the face of an innocent child. Hog rose a brow, holding an arm out to keep So-ra from lashing out. Her apologies filled their ears and it was apparent that she, as a person, probably had this happen a lot. "Alright, shush," Hog snickered, a small smile on his face; his tone filled with understanding. "It's fine. You don't.. have to do much but maybe hang with us away from this joint. There isn't much to do anyways."

What? Why the fuck would we-"

Soso's words came to a halt, Hog raising a finger up, "
chill. It was an accident, kid." He turned his attention back to the girl. "It's cool. Don't let her get to 'ya," Kenny (Hog) pointed to So-Ra, her face crumpled in distress. Tonight was not the best time for such a thing to happen, but Soso also understood that it could really have been an accident. "If she's gonna hang, I'm out." Her tone was vicious, rough. This behavior annoyed Kenny to no end. "Then go. Flirt. Do something, but don't lash out on some chick who didn't mean to do jackshit."

The girl was taken aback by Hog's words. He seemed much more serious than usual. From Hog to the girl, Soso's gaze softened. With a hushed tone, Soso replied, "
ha.. Fine." She shook her head, crossed her arms and turned away.




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Black denim hugged the long tan legs of Charlotte Winslet. Hanging low on her hips, the two dimples on her lower back showed perfectly. To finish framing her precious beauty marks, a tight, long sleeved crop top wrapped around her small under bust. To accent her tan skin, a small silver ring dangled from her navel. Charlotte’s long, caramel hair was curled in loose waves, and her makeup was done with sheer perfection.

The clicking of stilettos echoed through the complex as Char approached the front door of the party. With a two six of Ciroc in each of her hands, she pressed her waist to the door. The party wasn’t completely bumping yet, but people she knew where there. Most of the football team was already trying to pursue other girls, while the cheerleaders where doing their best to act like they didn’t care.

Charlotte walked through the small crowd, when a familiar silhouette caught her eye. Austin, the man most of the female population clawed after was talking to a duo she did not recognize. Swaying her hips as she walked, Charlotte approached the trio. After placing her bottles on a nearby table, Char faced the group. Her sharp, pink lacquered nails ran along Austin’s arm before resting it on his shoulder.

Well, well. Look who we have here. Why if it isn’t King Austin himself.” Her devilish smile was charming, but deceitful. Her body language didn’t change as she tuned to the other two. “Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. Did I interrupt?” She took a quick breath, before extending her hand softly. “Charlotte Winslet, nice to meet you.”

@Jess Buck @SomatoToup123

Kiara Reign

Where: One of the Popular's Party | Time: Nighttime somewhere between 9-12 | Scenario: List of things to accomplish: Made someone mad, already? Check! (Though. . that's not really on her to-do list. . ) | With: @ERRQR


Kiara's heart beat was quickening as she felt slightly faint, hearing the music in the background, drumming in her ears. She really messed up big this time, seeing the expressions on the female's face she had bumped into. Her cheeks reddened as she heard the male tell her to "hush", though his tone didn't seem spiteful, but rather more amused and understanding. "That's different. . usually people would definitely ask for another shirt or so . . but to hang out. . really? " She asked, quite elated yet confused and shocked at his response. He wasn't mad at her? Kiara was definitely relieved, however, the female's voice drifted into her ears and she looked more than just displeased. However, before the female could actually start lashing on her, the male held her back, telling Kiara to not worry too much about her. Kiara smiled sheeplishly at the girl, nodding towards the boy. But, as her luck would have it, the girl didn't want anything to do with her and seeing her reaction. Kiara felt extremely guilty, because next thing she knew, she felt as if she caused some sort of rift or argument between the two that usually never happened before. The girl left as the boy instructed her to so since she didn't want to have anything to do with her. As the girl left, Kiara was about to say something, but decided against it since it would just bring more fire to the fuel. She just hoped their friendship wasn't strained because of her foolishness.

Turning her attention towards the male, Kiara slipped a finger through her hair slightly nervous,
"I'm sorry I caused such trouble. . and I know I should stop apologizing, but I feel . . . bad and. . horrible. . " She said genuinely, looking at the male in front of her. "Maybe. . when things cool down . . I can go and talk to her. . ? Would that be okay?" Kiara really hated causing trouble, especially if it meant that she had someone get mad and dislike her for it. Through it all, Kiara never liked having "beef" or "fighting" with anyone. She would rather stay on good terms with her classmates than enemies. This time, she took a closer look at the boy, seeing his dyed lime green mohawked hair, though his sides were naturally brown. Observing him a bit more, Kiara found herself staring at his arm, more specifically his tattoo. She blinked slightly, wondering what the image of the tattoo on his arm was. However, Kiara realized she had been staring too much and her cheeks tinted even more. "Ah, I'm Kiara!" She smiled widely, extending her hand, for a handshake, "It's nice to meet you!" Kiara greeted, but not before looking around to see if the female decided to come back or not. "If you want to get out of here, I know the perfect place to hide from this 'joint'. But, it depends if you like stars." She said.
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Willow Carson

As Willow stood behind Lyle, her height doference was way too obvious. She was at least a few centimeters taller than him, oh god why. Just as she was contemplating ways to make herself seem shorter, a girl, well, more of a slut, but a girl... Walked up to the Austin dude.

As whats-her-face turned to talk to Jess and Lyle, she realized that she wasn't noticed and decided to just keep it that way, who knows, some information might pop-up that would serve handy in the future. Willow backed away a bit, taking a sip of her drink as the girl introduced herself as Charlotte Winslet. She sounded like a farmer girl to be honest with the name and all, totally didn't look like one though. Willow's eyebrows raised a bit when Charlotte's smile... It looked like her smirk, just softer in a way.

@Jess Buck @SomatoToup123 @Keyana Veronica
First off, she had no idea what she was doing here. Second, this wheat tea had the alcohol content of her big toe. Three, the perfectly dressed, perfectly makeup'd girl who just entered was the only person whose name she really knew, which Sora was not proud of. Barely there a week, she had been spending her time learning where rhe hell she was going when she ended up with tanned and shapely.

Passing the whest tea to some kid who had none, she dug a small flask out and slipped through the crowd. She approached Charlotte and rested beside her.

"...Hi, Charlotte." She said softly, unscrewing her cap. She fell silent, mostly avoiding eye contact with everyone else as she took a swig.

There. Some real alcohol.
Austin turned and looked at Charlotte, the grin wedged on his face turning very flirty as he saw her. Oh, Austin knew about Charlotte, she was pretty well talked about among the other boys. Aus couldn't even lie and say he hadn't thought about her before, especially with the rumors the other guys' spread. Giving her a wink, he chuckled. "Yeah, it's me. The King." Suddenly, saying the King made him feel as if he had some actually power over them. This alcohol is really doing shit to him.

He turned and looked at the other girl, drinking her whole appearance in for the first time that night. Now he could see why she was well known. "No, you're not interrupting anything. I'm actually glad you came." Austin took another sip from his cup, watching Jess and Lyle to see how they would react to Charlotte. They seemed friendly enough, nothing should go wrong.
Willow Carson

Willow felt like gagging at the smile on pretty boy number 301's face. Her small mischievous smirk changed into a cringe when she was how flirty his face had turned. Wow, farmer girl must be really popular. Her eyes scanned the party to see if she had an escape... Or maybe someone to talk to, a party was to socialize right? But when she realized that there was no one, a loud sigh broke out. Not like it could be heard anyways, the music was earth shaking.

Willow's lips touched the beer can as she tilted her head back, the bitter but cold liquid hitting the back of her throat. Why did she even come to this party? She could be working on some new choreography. Ah, well there was these people to talk to, not like she was on bad terms with any of the populars. "Ahem..." She cleared her throat, walking towards further into the crooked circle that they were standing in, her smirk reappearing on her face.

"Yeah I have no clue how to start a freakin' conversation, so hi. I'm Willow. And I've been standing at the back there like Slender man for the past say... 8 minutes?" She said, the awkward girl cue always worked, it made the situation seem less awkward by being awkward somehow. Willow gave a glance to Charlotte, Austin and the new girl that had appeared behind Charlotte. Who was that? She looked real cute.

@SomatoToup123 @Jess Buck @Keyana Veronica @Xion136
(I didn't realize we started ;- ;)

Kurt stood against the wall, he was smoking a joint and examining the room. He was honestly looking around for his best friend, Eva. She was no where to be found so he continued to slump against the wall. Hoping something interesting would happen soon. He saw plenty of people from his school, he's kind of friends with them but he didn't really feel like associating with them so he just kept still and waited for someone to come to him.


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