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Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High

Lyle looked the infamous Charlotte Winset up and down. She was very attractive yes, but he wasn't sure he wanted to go anywhere near that. He was looking for true love, not a one night stand. Jessica smiled at her though. The girl, in her stilettos was a good foot taller than Jessica who stood at four foot ten inches tall. She held out her hands to her.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jess." Lyle chuckled softly to himself and took another sip of his drink. When Willow spoke up it took all he had not to bust out laughing. This girl was something else.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72f1769c_image(3).jpg.5721a587ebb0f8c8af231fe394cd8314.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72f1769c_image(3).jpg.5721a587ebb0f8c8af231fe394cd8314.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The girl seemed awkward, unable to really fathom any thoughts that made sense. To apologize and go up to Soso and try to talk to her was going to be hard, especially since the young woman was short-tempered and usually angry. "Yeah.. I don't think so. She's kinda goin' through something right now, and what happened didn't really help. Unless you want to get punched in that pretty face of yours, it's best to stay away.. for now." Kenny looked around and behind him, "don't sweat it. You didn't mean it, that'll get through her head soon." Soso was definitely out of sight and it was apparent that she rushed herself out of there. And, with the girl's voice interrupting his short moment, Kenneth blasted his attention back onto her. He didn't remember asking her about her name, in fact, he normally wouldn't care. But since she'd already introduced herself, there was no getting out of it. So, he smiled, shook her hand, and spoke - raspy voice, Colombian accent and all, "er.. Hog. They call me Hog." The young punk looked at her for a few seconds, examining her discreetly; body language, posture, it seemed like she was usually... well, awkward in a sense. "It's, uh, nice to meet you, too," Hog's smile came back slowly. Then, he saw her speak again. Encouraging the idea of getting out of the place, "I do, in fact, want to get the hell out of here. Stars sound nice. Hella nice." At the moment, he couldn't decide whether or not his friendliness was artificial or genuine, but it was refreshing nonetheless.

@crucialstar )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.f462a3cd02218f165bd2446b1d0a3a73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99920" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.f462a3cd02218f165bd2446b1d0a3a73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

There she was, walking away with anger drifting on her face. She was drenched, cold, and irritated with the fact that her best friend didn't back her up. Her head spun, the look on her face scaring people away. And, yet again, she was on her own. She hated it, always have, always will and she didn't sense any change in that. As time progresses, the more annoyed she got with everything and everyone around her. Some tried to speak to her, but she would ignore them. All she could think about was the "betrayal" of her friend and her break up that happened so long ago. With her bout of upset feelings, she drowned out everyone; putting in her earphones, blasting her

, and shoving the people she didn't give two shits about out of her way. It was apparent to most, however, so they moved out of her way, aware of her past actions. For now, everyone was on her "shitlist." This was to ensure that whenever she had something against someone, she'd be able to keep track, and damn were there a lot of people. So-Ra began to stare people down, gaze so cold you'd get frostbite. More people moved out of her way as she got out the house, lounging around outside. No one tried to speak to her, not even the other people she considered friends. Maybe they were scared, but that was the cost of being proclaimed some kind of bully.



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Evangeline finally arrived at the party, late but she didn't care. Hell she didn't even want to be there. Walking inside without a word to anyone, she made a point to avoid pretty much any stuck up rich kids. Looking around, she decided to grab a drink before she finally laid eyes on Kurt. She instantly looked down at her outfit as if it was out of pure instinct before smiling a bit and walking over to him. "You know drugs aren't good for you, no matter what kind," she told him with a smile before taking a sip of her drink. "You look lonely," she added jokingly, shrugging her shoulders.

Holly May

Holly walked through the door of the party, Lillian was away for the weekend so she had to come alone but she had a good feeling about tonight. She didn't have a lot of friends other than Lilly but ,god, did she know how to have fun. She walked to the bathroom, popped open some Xanax and felt even better about tonight. After leaving the bathroom a guy approached her with two drinks, offering her one. Holly smiles a friendly, heartfelt smile. One that secretly said, "Poor guy.." She knew him from one of her classes but didn't even know his name. Looking at him with pupils the size of flying saucers she took her drink and downed every last drop, throwing the cup behind her and smiled at him, taking his drink out of his hand and chugging that one also, putting the empty cup back in his hand. Classic Holly. "Thank you." She said with pouty lips, touching his shoulder and walking away.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_20-0-32.png.84e181db14da33b39abd0c8923edf6d8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_20-0-32.png.84e181db14da33b39abd0c8923edf6d8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kurt poured at her, and then smiled. "Alcohol isn't either." He nodded towards her cup, "of course I'm lonely, I was waiting for you sweetcheeks." He said the last part in a joking manor and gave Eva a wink. This whole party thing was so boring to him, he wanted to just hang with his pals and cause some trouble. But no. They're stuck here, watching people get high off their ass and do some stupid shit that they're going to later regret. He gave Eva another smile, "See anyone we know? I've been looking for you all night so I haven't been paying much attention."


Kiara Reign

Where: Outside | Time: Nighttime somewhere between 9-12 | Scenario: To the Stars | With: @ERRQR


Kiara was definitely out of her element, especially since the first thing she did at the party was bump into two strangers and then pissing one of them off to the point it made her plain awkward in every which way, not sure whether to feel happy for being invited to hang out with a potential new friend or horrible for causing a fight between. Usually, she wasn't like this, spaced out, fumbling on her words, and nervous as if she was getting pricked by a needle. However, her attention was brought back to the male as he explained how the girl he was with wasn't in the best of moods, and her spilling her drink only added fuel to a fire. Nevertheless, Kiara couldn't do anything about it now and just decided to wait until the fire died down since well . . she sure didn't want to get punched in the face, though she felt like she had when the girl practically looked like she wanted to kill her. Smiling, Kiara was relieved that the male before her had introduced himself, she liked knowing the names of people she talks to, so she doesn't call them "that guy" or "boy". "Hog?" She tilted her head, finding it to be a strange nickname, "Why do they call you Hog?" He didn't look like a "hog" to her since well. . hogs are similar to pigs, in a way, but they have fur and aren't pink, nevertheless, she was confuddled by such an nickname. Her eyes lit up when Hog agreed to go with her and see the stars, "Really?" She exclaimed, practically bouncing on her toes, feeling more excited then ever. "Come, on, come on!" Kiara enthused as she signaled Hog to follow her, hoping her favorite spot in the fields were still open, secluded, and that no one found that spot of hers.

Soon, she was in a crowd with people dancing on top of each other, grinding, or some were just standing around, doing goodness knows what. However, every now and then, Kiara looked behind her to see if Hog was following her, not wanting to lose him in the masses of bodies surrounding them. Bouncing her toes, Kiara had made it safely out the front door of the house, taking in the fresh scent of the outside air as she closed her eyes, stretching up to the sky.
"Aaaaahh. . !" She ended up sounding out as she stretched, feeling the breeze flow through her hair, as tiny goosebumps appeared on her skin from the cold. "This is so much better than being stuck in a room full of drunks!" She exclaimed, loving being out in the openness. Turning around, Kiara smiled when she saw Hog as she nodded her head over to the woods near the open field where they had football games and whatnot. "There's a beautiful meadow inside, it's not too far from the fields/civilization. We just need to follow this path . . I made. So . . you don't have to worry about being napped or killed in the woods like. . some people." She teased, referencing some movies she watched when teenagers would go inside the wood and end up getting killed.
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Evangeline smiled sweetly as she took another sip of her drink. "But I'm not constantly drinking," she said with a wide grin, trying her best not to blush when he called her sweetcheeks. She glanced around and frowned ever so slightly, shaking her head a bit. "I just got here but I don't. And I'm flattered that I took up all of your attention," she said with a small laugh. "Honestly, I'm about ready to leave. It smells like sex, booze, and snotty rich kids. Care to join?" She asked curiously, running a hand through her hair and pushed herself off the wall. "We could go get some real food or something," she suggested with a small a smile. "Whether you want to join or not, I'm taking my own party somewhere else."

Kurt smirked, "Darn, and it was just getting exciting." He said in a rather noticeable sarcastic tone. He put out his joint and put what little bit was left into his cigarette pack. He wanted nothing more that to leave. This whole place was disgusting to him, he looked around. Seeing a lot of familiar faces but only really caring about the one that stood in front of him. He smiled down at Eva, "Let's do it, man. I'm down for whatever." He gave her a slight smirk as he ran his fingers through his messy locks.


Eva laughed a bit and shrugged her shoulder. "I mean it is if you're into cliche pop music and being fake just to fit in," she told him as she finished off her drink, quickly grabbing another before instinctively grabbing his hand and pulling him outside with a smile. "Oh and just for future reference, I'm clearly not a man," she said with a laugh before pulling him to her 2011 black Dodge Challenger. "Get in, I know a place we can go," she said with a smile as she slid into the driver's side.

Kurt smiled as Eva grabbed his hand, "Clearly, you're not a man." He said the first part in a flirty tone, just trying to get a laugh out of her. They quickly made their way to her car and he slid into the passengers side, "sooooo, where are we going? Hopefully somewhere that smells less like sex and underage drinking." He smiled at her as he leaned back in his seat, making himself comfy.




Wes exhaled the smoke from his lips, a grin playing on them. She had been here for a while and nothing exciting had really happened except for body shots, which she absolutely loved. She threw down her cigarette and smirked, watching as a tall, slightly built guy came her way, a grin dancing on his face as he approached her. "Hello, beautiful. I can see you're a bit lonely." Wes chuckled lightly, running a hand through her hair and looking at the guy. "I'm perfectly fine, really. Just need a dance partner for the night." The guy took a quick sip of his drink from his red cup, sitting it down on the table and grabbing Wes's hand, pulling her gently towards the dancing bodies. Wes instantly began dancing on the random dude, her hips swaying to the music, although it being shitty, was a good beat.


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Eva laughed a bit at his flirty tone as she revved up the car and downed her drink. Okay, no she shouldn't be driving, but she was only slightly buzzed. "It smells a lot less like sex and underage drinking. It smells a lot like great burgers and fries," she said with a wide grin. Pulling out of the driveway, she turned up the rock station of the radio, Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless blaring, and spun her wheels and sped off, not really caring about speed limits. Thank heavens there wasn't a cop out. She expertly belted out each song she heard that she knew, having no problem showcasing her voice. She finally slowed down and pulled into Five Guys. It wasn't really bit, but it was amazing. "Get out," she said as she turned the car off.

Holly was in the kitchen smoking a joint with a were random guys and girls when she saw a familiar face. So-ra, with her inevitable look a disgust. "Ssoo, I'm going to catch up with you guys later, right?" She claimed wearing a charismatic smile but in reality, Holly never planned on speaking to those people again if she could help it. She walked over to So-ra, offering the stranger's joint to her and never losing her charismatic smile. She says, "You seem like you could use a party favor and possibly a little more." Holly and So-ra had never been great friends but there was potential. They had lived in the same housing unit but Holly was hardly ever there, they also shared a few classes but So-ra was rarely spotted in class. "This party feels like it was thrown by five year olds."

Kurts smile widened, "Hell yes, this is much better than underage drinking." He got out of the car and the smell of greasy burgers and fries wafted through the air, making his stomach growl. He shut his door and made his way over to Eva's, he opened it for her and smiled as he did so. "M'lady." Kurt had clearly been flirting since he saw her tonight, but he didn't really care. They were best friends, it wasn't really unexpected for them to be silly and flirty towards each other. Its just how they are.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7320f135_image(3).jpg.3ba500efaed7b31ecd2c8eeebf9e672a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7320f135_image(3).jpg.3ba500efaed7b31ecd2c8eeebf9e672a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hog snickered, bringing his hand to the back of his neck, "well. You see. It's 'cause I have a tattoo of a hog on my buttcheek." He wasn't afraid to admit it, in fact he was proud and it was sometimes an excuse to show people his pale ass - the young man did enjoy mooning people after all. After he answered and agreed to go with her, he was taken aback by her sudden enthusiasm. No one was actually happy to be hanging out with him, but whatever. Things were how they were and it wasn't like anything was really going to change the fate he'd been granted. He watched her as she bounced and slithered past the drunken crowd, a grin so wide that it almost touched from ear to ear. "Slow down, princess," he snickered, following along. Admittedly, it was hard to catch up. She was a small girl in a crowd of so many people who stumbled and fell. They were too drunk to even process the fact that people were coming through. Like L7 said, the masses are asses indeed. The exist was closer and closer and he could just feel the refreshing tide of cool air and fresh breezes hit his skin. It was enlightening. The cramped space was too much, but he always ignored it, trying to convince himself that it was pure euphoria. Wrong. Being free from sweaty people was the best feeling ever and when he and Kiara finally made it out, Hog felt nothing other than happiness and relief that nearly drowned him. With every word she spoke, he agreed, and they carried on with their journey into the openness. His eyes looked over to a clearing in the hills, the sky complementing the scene. She spoke again, trying to reassure him of her actions and where she was taking him. And in that moment, the awkwardness had subsided. He liked this kid already, they seemed like a free spirit. "I'm sure I can handle a scary monster," he gasped, tucking his hands in his pockets, "what if one was directly on your path? Would.. Would we run?" Hog spoke with a sarcastic, humorous tone, hoping that it was enough to make her smile. He got her references, which gave him an idea. Hog planned to spook her and hopefully, she wouldn't hate him after.




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Eva watched as he got out and went over to her door, opening it for her. "Thank you, but..." She trailed off, closing the door and rolling down the window. "I want to change so I can get this gross smell off me," se told him as she climbed into her backseat. "Guard the windows but no peaking," she said as she smiled a bit. Once she was sure he wasn't looking, she quickly pulled her shoes and shorts off, and found her bag of clothes that she always kept in the backseat. Slipping on her black leggings, switched her tank top for a fitted Nirvana crop top before tying a flannel around her waist, shamelessly showing off her midsection, dawning a batman naval piercing. Quickly running a hand through her hair and sliding her combat boots on, she finally climbed back into the front seat and touched up her makeup before climbing out of the car with her keys. "Done."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.ef2b72553af9b0d7eb690a98f4a5fe2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.ef2b72553af9b0d7eb690a98f4a5fe2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

So-Ra was occupied with her music, tapping her fingers along to the harsh beat. Grungy and raw was her preference and it always had been. At the time, she'd blocked out all the people at the party and they did the same. She was a ghost and it was relaxing, Soso was still angry, but not so much to where she'd fight anyone in her sight. When the playlist ended, Soso huffed, looking up and around her. Drunken fools every, kids higher than kites. The atmosphere was hyped up, but chill. Her attention was caught by one of her female counterparts. They looked familiar, but she couldn't put a name on the face. Soso rose a brow, taking out one of her earbuds as she was gallantly passed a blunt. "Hell yeah, I do. These fuckers ruin my time," So-Ra responded coldly, annoyance still lingering as she slowly took the joint and inhaled from it. "It's 'cause they think booze and some other stupid shit's gonna make the party of the century. Everything is planned out like a kid's birthday party and there's no room for actual chaos and fun," she spoke again, handing the joint back to her. "My best friend and I were supposed to turn this whole place upside down and go wild, but he left with some chick who spilled my shit on me," Soso leaned back in her seat, running her hands through her hair. Then, there came a realization. No person approached her unless they needed something done. She thought about it, the idea eating away at her before he finally spoke again, "so, what the fuck do you want?"

@Moss On Trees



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_21-56-6.png.e69546d90f7dd299f8537fa57810715d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_21-56-6.png.e69546d90f7dd299f8537fa57810715d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Holly laughed at So-Ra's cold response, she was pretty buzzed so she took nothing to heart.
"Well that's lame and a little fucked up. Why didn't you go with? Y'all could have had some freaky messed up orgy." Holly suggests, half joking. She took the joint from the girl's hands, taking a puff with pouted lips then hands it back. Holly watched the girl run her fingers through her hair and decided to do the same and runs her fingers through So-Ra's hair while talking as if they'd been childhood friends, "I don't want fucking anything other than a little fun. And you seem to be doing the opposite of that so I figured we could maybe turn this whole place upside down?" She suggested. "It's not like that's very hard to do, plus I think this Weekday Warriors need a few new role models."




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.5950aaefdadf1c978581fca63132901f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/junoup.jpg.5950aaefdadf1c978581fca63132901f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As Holly pulled her fingers through Soso's hair, the young woman glared, unable to really comprehend why she did that just now. It was odd, she was the only person who dared to do that, but it was possible that the girl was completely and utterly drunk. What was really dumbfounding was the fact that she didn't want anything but pure, reckless fun. With a brow arched, Soso reached into the inner pocket of her vest. She searched and searched until she finally dug out her phone. "You sure you don't want anything?" Her voice was filled with doubt as she showed Holly her contact list. "Shroom Guy, Drgzzz, etc." All these names for different people that she associated with, even her friendly trailerpark, hillbilly Frank Bow.
But.. maybe she didn't want drugs? Soso was scrambled, confused, and still holding her phone up to her counterpart's face.

@Moss On Trees



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Holly picked up on Soso's glare but ignored completely. She threw her head back laughing when the girl read off her contact list, "I don't need your drug hookups, Silly. I have everything I need. Promise." Holly claimed, holding out her pinky to imply a pinky promise. "Except, that is, something money cannot buy and that is a partner in crime, you see." When Soso flashed her phone to Holly, she fearlessly took it and entered her own number. "Maybe you'll be the one who needs my contacts some day." Holly said nodding with a smile. "Now, what are you trying to accomplish by pouting?" Holly asked

Willow Carson

After introducing herself, Willow sighed and looked back at the party, her face looking bored and uninterested. "Oi, Lyle, Jess, I'm leaving. I gotta go... Touch up on my dance or some ish." She said, her mouth pulling into another grin, and soon, the brunette stalked away.

She set her half full beer can on a table that was littered with Nachos and (probably spiked) punch. Willow then walked towards the front door of the house, and pulled open the door, letting the street lamps' light shine in a little. As she stepped out, she noted that it smelled fresher than in that stuffy house and smiled to herself. "Guess I better run if I wanna get back faster." She muttered, her feet picking up the pace as she jogged towards her house, maintaining a steady beat of 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. Soons he reached her destination, by now she was sweating slightly, her hair a tad bit tusseled.

"Alright... Time to practice..." She said, drumming her fingers on her bedside table, where she kept her iPod and speakers. Willow skimmed through the page of songs she had, her expression turning into a small frown with each passing title. "I need to ask Eva to record a cover for me tomorrow..." She sighed, picking a random song and standing at the big-ish empty space in her room, her hand lightly hitting her thigh to the first set of notes, and soon after, she started her freestyle dance, the movement of her body in sync with the beat of the song and a small smirk on her face.
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Kiara Reign

Where: Outside | Time: Nighttime somewhere between 9-12 | Scenario: Woods, Meadow, Night Sky| With: @ERRQR


Kiara blinked, as Hog explained the reason for his nickname. However, it came to her as a shock to why he wanted such a tattoo, especially on his butt! Then again, when does she ever understand men. But, nevertheless, as curious as she was, she asked anyways, "A hog on your butt? Did you want to do that? Wait. . why on the buttcheek?" She asked before she skipped next to him, patting his arm as she pointed towards the woods. "We should get going before the sun rises!" Kiara exclaimed, ending up pulling on Hog's arm to go with her in the same direction. However, her ears perked when he called her princess, teasingly. Looking towards him she stuck her tongue at him, feeling quite comfortable speaking to him, although they just met. Maybe it was just some sort of connection she felt that radiated off of him that they could get along so well. "If I'm the princess. . are you . . the knight? the prince? the. . butler?" She grinned, laughing lightly, wondering which position he'll take, "Oh! Or are you a shoemaker, the chef, the pet?" Kiara teased him, hoping he won't take her joking too seriously or that she hadn't offended him in any way. Soon they crossed the football fields and came upon the forest. "Watch your step and follow my carefully, okay?" She told him, knowing she'll get lose if she every strays off the path she made. However, hearing Hog's question, she pondered about it, glad he got her movie references. "Hmmm. . . I would definitely run, but run to a place where I know I can have many escape outlets. . like don't go running into a dead end or going to a place where we know best, that way we have advanatage of territories! Right? How about you?" She asked, slowing making her way around branches and leaves. Howling can be heard in the trees as the wind picked up slightly, letting the leaves flow around like a small little dance. Her eyes watched the leaves in awe as she continued her path to the meadows. As soon as they made it to the clearing, a wide open meadow could be seen as the grasses flowed with the wind. Turning around, Kiara looked at Hog, "We're here!" She giggled, running into the center as she twirled around before gently sitting on the floor.
Aaron Harper


Aaron nervously clutched the red cup of beer that had been handed to him by his friend. His friend that had disappeared. Now he was left alone, as always, awkwardly standing by the couch. He took a sip of his cup, those light colored hues of his scanning the room for any kind of friendly face. He wasn't really one to attend these kinds of things unless he was with friends that made him feel comfortable. To be honest, a lot of these kids..well...scared him. Glancing down at the phone in his hand, he quickly sent a message to his buddy that was nowhere to be found: Where the hell are you? I'm standing by the couch like an idiot.

With a soft sigh, he downed the rest of the cup. Well, if he was going to be stuck here, he may as well get a nice buzz going. Opportunities for booze and parties were rare for him. Besides, this would force him to go off in search of more booze instead of just standing around by himself. Or he could head back to his room. However, he had made it a goal of his to be more social this school year and dammit, he was going to stick to it. Besides, what if his friend was wandering around somewhere, just as lost as Aaron? He would feel like a dick for leaving him behind to the clutches of the popular kids. Like he did to me, Aaron thought to himself, with a slight smirk on his face.
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Kurt rolled his eyes and smirked, he leaned against the car and waited patiently. He looked over slightly so he could see into the car, only seeing her take off her shirt. He looked away quickly, he whistled at her and laughed. "Hurry up, loser!" Before he knew it, she was out of the car and in front of him. He looked her up and down and gave her an accepting smile. "Nice. Shall we go inside now?"


Evangeline rolled her eyes and playfully pushed him before turning and locking her car. "I'm not a loser," she said as she headed into the building, smiling a bit at the aromas that immediately hit her nose. She took no time finding a booth near a window and sliding in easily. Beginning to look through the menu, her mouth started watering slightly as she realized she hadn't eaten all day aside from a small apple that morning. "I'm starving," she said softly, unsure of what she wanted.


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