The Beaconhurst Academy


A twisted little writer
Nat submitted a new role play:

The Beaconhurst Academy - Just a private boarding school out in the country.... Or is it? And trouble is brewing....

In an alternative universe, not too different from the one you live in now, there's people, who are not quite like you. You see, there are a couple of people, who are different. As children, they learn how to hide away and not be noticed by the humans who are ignorant to this world, and as teenagers, they are further educated in their own abilities, and in normal subjects.

These teenagers, are the ones who will shape the future of the whole world.

Their choices, will change everything.

They attend a boarding school, a bit far away from the city, hidden inside of a forest, with a protective shield around it.

There are a couple of humans who attend the school, though they are far outnumbered. They are not quite as... Represented as the rest, nor are they liked by everyone else.

Far inside the school, someone is building forces, gathering those likeminded. Someone, is planning to change the whole society. Someone, is planning on making the humans be the ones below the others.

They are tired of humans deciding that the supernaturals are to hide their abilities.

They want to show just who holds the true power.

The school is devided into what one can call houses, each to strenghten the characters of the students.

During their first year at the school, they are sorted to different "houses" as to call it. Not of what they themself chose, but based of their personalities and values.

What sort of specie, or race they are also holds an affect on this.

((It will include elements from multiple fandoms))


The available races to play are at the bottom of this page.

Everyone wear the same uniform, though, depending on your house, you wear another colour on your blazer and tie.

The uniform are

For girls:

A black skirt no short than middle of tights.

Knee height socks either black or white (Can wear thights if prefered)

black dressing shoes

A white button up shirt

Blazer (colour by their house)

Tie (Colour by their house)

for boys:

Black trousers

Button up shirt, white.

Tie (colour by their house)

Blazer (colour by their house)

Black dressing shoes.


Definition- the act of renouncing or rejecting something; self-denial

Purpose/Beliefs- To value selflessness, discourage any action for that person’s own enjoyment

Clothing/Appearance- Females typically wear their hair in a simple bun and a watch is their only allowed adornment. Their ties and Blazers are grey.

Dormitories- This is the house that has it's dorms dorms in the south-west wings. The walls are white and floors are white carpets. In their commonroom they have a fireplace, and a bookshelf, but other than that it is one of the more clean rooms. It has multiple chairs, and 2 big couches that are of white fabric. They share room with one other person, and the beds are singles, with a wooden frame. Seperated by gender


Definition- Having or showing great knowledge or learning

Purpose/Beliefs- the Erudite primarily serve as teachers and researchers. Values knowledge because a lack of knowledge could lead to ignorance.

Clothing/Appearance- They believe that the color blue is calming, which eases the attainment of new information. Blazer and Tie are blue.

Dormitories- This dorm is in the south-east wing. The walls are blue and the floors are white. Instead of a wooden door in they have a glassdoor, but a complicated code to enter their common room and then their dorms. Their commonroom has 3 big bookcases, and multiple desks for those who should wish to be on their computers, or work on homework. There's plants in each corner of this commonroom.They are two in each room, but they have doublebeds each. Around their beds they have high frames, and on the side that goes out in the room they have a curtain, either in blue, white or green.

Seperated by gender


Definition- Frankness; the quality of being open and honest

Purpose/Beliefs- Value honesty. Blame deceitfulness for the world’s problems.

Clothing/Appearance- Members of this faction where black and white as a reflection of their belief that the truth is black and white. White and black striped tie, white blazer with black linings.

Dormitory: Placed in the north-east wingThis commonroom does not have any locks or anything similar on its doors, as they believe everyone should be honest enough to go to their own dorms. The walls and floors are white, but they have black couches, and a big flat-screen. The dormrooms are for 3 people each, the beds all being waterbeds. No one would destroy their beds as then they would have to come clean of it.

Seperated by gender.


Definition- Friendship; especially in regards to friendly relations between nations

Purpose/Beliefs- They value peace and friendship, and believe the world’s problems can be resolved by simply learning to understand your fellow citizens. They blame aggression for the problems in the world.

Clothing/Appearance- Students of the Amity house are known for wearing quite relaxed clothes when not in their uniform. While in uniform their tie is yellow and red striped, while their blazers are red with yellow linings.

Dormitories- The dorms of Amity is in the north-west wing, the closest to the gardens and greenhouse. the entrance to this dormroom is a big teddybear that you have to hug, but the trick with it is that it has to recognise your smell otherwise you will not be able to enter. A famous elf that was an amity once upon a time is the one who put this enchantment there. Their commonroom is made up by red and yellow, the floors red as lava, while the walls are yellow as the sun. On the walls you can see shelves made out of branches and such. They also have 4 couches placed in a square, and they have a pit to have fire in.

Their dormrooms are made for 5 people each, and the beds are hammocks in different heights depending on what the student wants. There's also two rooms with normal beds for those who prefer this.

Co-ed dorms.


Definition- Fearless, undaunted; inclined to rush towards danger rather than away from it.

Purpose/Beliefs- Value being tough, both physically and mentally, and courageous. The Dauntless don’t hesitate or fear, and blame cowardice for the problems in the world.

Clothing/Appearance- Known for dressing in daring and thight-sitting clothes when out of uniform, often in black. Black tie, and Black blazer.

Dormitories: These daredevils have their dorms in the dungeons, under the rest. Their commonroom has leathercouches, and is sort of decorated in a dark theme. The walls are black, and the floor decorated to look as magma. their dormrooms has the beds built in the wall at different heights, and some beds swinging in the middle of the air, for those who dare that. as this is a house that doesn't hold things back. Co-ed.

In case of extreme situations, the Dauntless have extra rooms connected to the dorm, with just room for one bed. To get entrance to these, you will need to have permission and key from a teacher. Needed to apply for these rooms as it is usually only used in cases such as fights between students.

The races


- Explains itself really. Often called Mundanes by shadowhunters, or mortals by demigods, and muggles by the witches and wizards.

-Commonly found in both Amity and Abnegation, even though they are found in all factions. Very rarely in dauntless. (only open for 5 human characters in the beginning. May increase later on. No more dauntless humans from now.)

Shadowhunter/Nephilim -

Was created by humans drinking blood of an angel. Has to be the child of a shadowhunter and a human, or of two shadowhunters.

Can draw runes, and are often skilled fighters.

-Often found in Dauntless


Humans infected with a demon disease.

Due to the enhanced predatory nature of vampires, their abilities tend to be the same as humans but multiplied. Their most prominent ability is their superhuman physical strength which allows them to subdue any mundane prey with little effort. Allegedly, their strengths increase and grow stronger as they grow older. They have the ability to sheath and unsheath their fangs on command (though with younger vampires this is harder to master).

They are vulnerable to daylight and holy symbols (of whatever their religion was before Turning). They are also somewhat vulnerable to fire, as they catch it easily. They can be killed by sticking a wooden stake through their heart, cutting off their head and setting it on fire, letting the sun burn them to death, or bleeding them dry.

-Erudite and Dauntless


Humans infected with a demon disease.

There are three kinds of werewolf:

~ The kind that are born werewolves, with werewolf parents

~ The kind that are infected with lycanthropy through a bite

~ The kind that chooses to become one through a spell.

Werewolves have the ability to transform into their wolf form at will. When shape-shifted, they look like normal wolves and tend to look relatively like their human selves.

In human form, they look fairly normal as well, albeit a little dirty as they don't bother cleaning up much. Werewolves also retain their enhanced speed and strength while in human form.

Werewolves must belong to a pack, The Praetor Lupus makes sure that new Downworlders find their place. Each pack is lead by a leader, and any werewolf that kills that leader gains control of the pack. As werewolves, they follow the long held tradition of being mortal enemies of vampires. The demons that passed on the disease to humans that gave birth to vampires and werewolves were mortal enemies, and that prejudice was passed down through their races.

Werewolves are not generally born but are usually humans bitten by another werewolf. After the first transformation, it takes a werewolf some time to be able to resist the effect of the moon in different phases. Many train themselves to be impervious to the moon, but all are forced into wolf form during a full moon.

-Commonly found in Amity and Dauntless.


An extremely cunning race of Downworlders who have angel blood mixed with demon blood.

Most faeries avoid midday sunlight, for the devil has no power except in the dark.

The Fair Folk are also unable to lie. They might, however, tell what they believe is true, even if it is not. They may also expertly weave lies into sentences by using methods such as not telling the whole truth or letting others assume things, or not correcting the people with whom they're speaking.

Known types of Fae:


~Elves (8 inch tall fair folk with sharp teeth)

~Pixies (moth sized faeries with "cute" faces and sharp teeth)

~Kelpies (described as medium sized people with dark green hair, webbed fingers and shark teeth)

~Pucas (described as tall dark skinned folk with pointed ears)




~Satyrs (half-billy goat, half-human creatures)

-Often found as Candors as they cannot Lie


A proud and majestetic race. Often tall, slender, often very good looking and with pointy ears. They live forever, but can die in battle or waste away and lose the will to live and in that choose to die. It is unusual to fin an elf living alone away from other elves as they are very close to their family and loyal to their home and own kind Characteristic features:

- Pointy ears

- Tall

- Often smart

- Extreamly good vision and hearing

- Can move without a sound

- they do not need sleep, but can enter a meditative state while awake to regain strength

- Usually better in practises that require speed and precision rather than raw strength

- Are very good with their hands. Can make very delicate hand made things (jewelery/weapons/mechanisms)

- It falls naturally for the elves to look down on other "lesser species" and they can be perceived as self centered or stuck up. Can be cunning

The two different kindsof elves are wood elves andhigh elves. Wood elves are known as more dangerous in battle, as the high elves focus more on wisdom and knowledge. High elves are known to be able to learn/develope the ability to talk "mind to mind". The most important source of wisdom and energy/power for the elves are the stars, as they were the first and only light the elven race got to know.

-Wood elves are often found as dauntless, while the high elves are commonly found as Erudites.


*Normal RPNATION rules.'

*to show you read the rules, include a spot called "race" in the character sheet.

*Try to write at least a paragraph. By just giving one-liners you don't give the others you play with a lot to work with.

*You can have 2 characters

*Don't just run off with the rp. Let others have a chance to respond too.

*Stick to the races mentioned at the "maps" tab.
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@MotionlessLover @LittleWolfie @Queen of Disney @Kyant Shawdo @asrai

The headmaster looked out through the auditorium now filled with teenagers, while she herself stood at the small stage at the front of the large room. Her hair was braided backwards, with flowers decorating it for every inch. It looked more like she was a part of the nature, than her being like a human. This though, was only while she was at the school. When she had to go out amongst the normal humans, she knew how to work with glamour, making herself look human. Just like all these other students there knew, those who had appearances a bit too far stretched from how the normal human looked.

So there she stood, wearing a black dress that was put quite close to her body, with a blue blazer over. An Erudite she had been during the time she had been attending the school, under her aunts lead. As a fairy, she could most likely make anyone in the school believe she was just another teacher in their 20's, or possibly, if stretching it a little, she could be taken for being in her early 30's.

That was her job though. To stay young forever, to keep up with the advances of the human race, and change the school to keep up with the newest technology.

With soft blue eyes as the ocean, and the blonde hair out of her face, she looked out over the auditorium, every now and then used for classes such as history, looking at the face of every single student.

Some had arrived through the buss that drove them from the city and out to the school, while others had arrived through their own vehicles. How it was they arrived did not matter to her. That they did not leave school property was what mattered to her.

The walls in the room were coloured a soft gold, and the floor was made out of a lovely jaden green rug. It was just how she enjoyed it. And as she herself often had to teach there, she did not mind having it like that.

"Now, you are all gathered here" She started, her hands placed at the small table in front of her. "for the start of the new school year. I hope you're all ready for the start of a year that can, and will change your life. You will learn new things you have never heard of before, you'll meet new friends, or maybe meet those you know from before over again. You will live without your parens or guardians for a year, except for a week now and then where you all have your vacations."

Her eyes locked with those of a young boy who was busy playing with a cellphone, and her tone turned more... Controlled, less of that of a gentle and kind aunt. "And you are all to follow the rules of the school. These rules are as following...."

A list showed at the wall behind her, black against white as a projector had been turned on and was showing its information at the wall.

*No boys allowed in an all girls room

*No girls allowed in an all boys room

*No cellphones during lessons

*Everyone is to meet up to their classes.

*No alcohol or smoking allowed at campus grounds.

*No leaving school terretorry without a teachers signed permission, and having given the permission slip to either headmaster, or assisting headmaster

She turned towards the door that was the only exit from the room, and opened it up. "Now, go find your bedrooms, there's a list right outside of this room which holds what room you are to live in during this year, and what dorm, for those of you who's this is the first year of" The friendly tone was once again back, and she swiftly left the whole room, leaving the teens to themself, though there were teachers in the different classrooms all around.

For Candor

Asrai Irvine (Pluss two who for now are NPC)

For Dauntless

Danni Calloway

Kyant Shawdo

Blake Lively

For Amity

Clementine Saphire Lysprie And Adeline Rose


Luke River (And NPC)
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Danni, bolted out the door, she'd sat in the back corner for the whole speech as per usual. She really did hate this school most of the time to say the least, being practically the only human in a supernatural school wasn't fun at all. However she really had laughed at the rules, the dorms ones? Well they didn't apply to her dorm since they just had one massive one and the one about alcohol was always going to be broken, especially after a really bad day.

But forget that for now because at this moment in time she needed to claim her bunk again, the same one she'd always had in the back corner of the dorm and tucked in a slight alcove, for the most part, on it's own where no one noticed the lone human who was definitely out of place in the school's most dangerous house of supernaturals.
Luke listened with mild interest as the headmistress made her speech and went on about the rules. He had heard it all before. 'This year will be different' 'This year will change things' 'Follow the rules'. It was always the same to him, and nothing ever changed. The only difference was that he one year closer to being done.

As she gave her last words, he eased through the crowd and glanced with green eyes across the list, searching his name. It took him a split second to memorize the room number. With it ingrained in his head, he made his way to the south east wing. He was not looking forward to unpacking everything, but at least he was back. He didn't understand why the insisted on those who hated being home to go back. The entire summer was a nightmare, and that was saying something as he didn't sleep.

Apparently, Luke made it to the dorm faster than others, as he ran into almost no one in the common room. He was greeted with the familiarity of white and blue. The glass door opened with ease, as the passcode had yet to be set until everyone learned the new code. He slowed in the halls as he reached the general area of his number. He pushed open the door without hesitation. Two beds awaited him. White carpet, sea blue walls, aqua curtains, and plants in the corners. His bags lay on one side of the room, while someone else's lay on the other. His roommate had not yet arrived, which gave him a minute to relish being back home.


As the headmistress changed her tone and spoke of the rules, Blake glanced up from his phone, catching her eyes for a split second. He raised an eyebrow, deliberately clicked the Send button for his text, and put the phone in his pocket. He then crossed his arms and waited for the droning to be done with.

As students began to rise and leave, he took his time, not wanting to get caught up in the crowd. It didn't matter when he left. He was still faster than all of them. Blake waltzed his way to the list and found his room number. Wasting no time, he made his way to the dungeons, the magma floors still getting on his nerves.

He made his way to the room and looked around, few people there already. The top bed though, was still available. Not hesitating a moment, he hopped up and lay there, closing his eyes and getting used to the new sensations of being back.
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Adeline walked slowly over to the list, taking her time. She wasnt looking forward to meeting her roommates, honestly, she was almost nervous. Even though she was Amity, she found that most people in Amity were very annoying, never giving you space and always trying to control your emotions. But despite that she did love her house, and it was where she belonged.

Her eyes ran down the list, finding her own name quickly. She read off the room number and headed toward the North-West wing, hugging the teddy bear and walking into the dorms. She picked a hammock that was set high off the ground, leaning her table-top easel against the wall and placing her books on the shelf over her hammock. She climbed in, exaggusted. Staring up at the ceiling she thought about her family. Did the miss her, what were they doing?
Saphire was slower with going out the door than the others. Though she was related to the headmaster, she wouldn't get any special treatment. It was more like her aunt -Not exactly her aunt, but still, her relative who she called an aunt- would be stricter with her. A girl from the Lysprie family tree had to do everything perfect after all.

Though, as she waited for others to leave the room, she wondered what this year would lead to. Maybe she would find her prince from the stories? Maybe she would get to dance until sunset and never having to take a break? It sounded like a dream come through did you ask her.

Just looking barely at the list, she already knew what house she belonged in, it was just what roomnumber she was going to have she wondered about. Roomie with Adeline. This would be... Amusing. What she knew of the girl was that she didn't exactly try to befriend everyone. This could be... interesting.

She opened the door to the dorm and walked right over to the hammock that was free, and jumped up in it. "Hello Adeline" She smiled friendly to the girl, as she settled down in the hammock for a while.
"Hi" Adeline said, somewhat quietly. Ever since she was little she found that it was hard for her to talk to peopleshe hasn't talked to before. It wasn't that she didn't like people, or that she was antisocial or shy, infact, she was pretty bravre baout anything exept making friends. She suspected the reason is because she had to hide as a child, she didn't make friends because she was afraid they would discover her secret. Now that she was here she didn't have to worry about hiding anymore, but for some reason she couldn't let go of the flighty feeling she had when she was forced to talk to someone new.

She told herself she had to suck it up, this girl is going to be your roommate, so she might as well make friends with the girl. Saphire seemed like a nice enough girl. From what Adeline had seen of her, she was the perfect type, the one who did her work, was kind, pretty, but stood up for herself when she needed to, but Adeline knew that no one was perfect, she just had to get to know her. Adeline racked her brain, trying to think of something to say.

"So, uhhh, how was your summer?" She asked, wincing at her pathetic attempt at a conversation.
Izzy's worn black combat boots made loud clanks against the hallways as she made her way to the Dauntless dorms. She had checked the list before she had left the auditorium. Her hands were dug into the pockets of her high rise shorts which had her black tank top tucked into it a bit messily. Izzy's straight brown hair was up in a ponytail, and her locks were wind-whipped naturally from all of the running she had done. Once her steps had neared the Dauntless dorm, the small majority of humans in the room quieted as she walked in. Stepping about halfway into the room, she raised a hand, her tattooed forearm raising at them.

"Hey." She greeted simply, a wide smirk curling onto her features as the people of her race jogged up to her. A few, about two people demanded rematches from their fights, races, or even arm wrestling contests. Others tried to make conversation. She had been born a Dauntless, and knew these humans for years. 'Faction before blood', they said, but this was her blood. This was her family, and faction. Soon the small group of about five had calmed, leaving on good notes, and she had settled with a few boys and girls to talk with.
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Asrai walked towards the Candor dorm. She found her room without a problem, and entered it. The people in the Candor dorm were very quiet, and she knew she probably wouldn't have to worry about rowdy neighbors. Asrai set down her bags on a bed that she deemed suitable.
"My summer?" That hadn't been very special. The same as always. Reading, dreaming about the perfect boy, and having to listen to her parents talk about a foreign group of faries who wanted to get near their group. Same old, same old. Only difference had been that her aunt had let her stay there for some weeks, but how could she say that to someone she didn't really know?

"It was nice enough, I traveled a little but mainly stayed at home. Mom and dad had a bit of work to do" she explained simply and found a brush from her bag, brushing through her hair with trained movements. "How about yours? Did you travel somewhere?" She looked at the other girl, and though there was times when she would dislike the nephilim, she couldn't exactly dislike her roommate.

Adeline smiled softly "Oh, nothing much". That was a lie, this had been the most eventful summer of her life. She had gone to England with her parents to stay at the Insitute in London, where there had been a conflict threating the balance of power between the downworlders and the Shadowhunters. She had trained a bunch, learning almost every rune in the book, and now, he parents were finally letting her handle her own missions. Something else had happened too, but she decided not to think about it, there was no point. "So, I guess we're roommates now, uhhh, do you have any pet peeves I should know about? Cause last year my roommate almost attacked me because I talk a bit in my sleep, but that has gotten better, so you don't have to worrry about that." She shut her mouth, realising she was rambling, she turned away to unpack her easle and paints.
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This place was something completely new for me, so many other unique people to see and meet, for the first time in a very long time i wasn't alone. Over there are some faeries, and there are others like me, this place was a wonder and nothing like the reservation, here i wasn't treated special, because i wasn't... "I am normal" I thought to myself as a stood there. It wasn't until the entire room was near empty that i realized that i was standing there like a dolt. As i found my room I passed so many different people in the halls that i had no idea what they were, were some of them even normal people? The door to my room was plain, as was the inside, for no one had yet to arrive. I laid my things on the ground and pushed them under the bed, after hanging up my dream catcher i just simply laid down and looked out the open door waiting for my roommate to happen by... thats if I even had one.
"Only that I tend to stay up all night and read, that I usually sleep in the fairy form, and that I talk about fictional guys in my sleep" The girl grinned and jumped down from her bed, landing firmly on the ground on her feet. "Feel like heading to the cafeteria? I'm starving and feel like eating some fruit" Clementine looked up at the other girl, not really feeling shy. She knew she looked different, there was no way she could easily blend into the human society, but she knew how to use glamour around unknowing humans.
"Don't worry, I dream about fictional characters too, but I don't talk in my sleep, well, at least nothing more than a mumble" Adeline said, opening up a bit. Now that the worst part was over, the introduction, she was happy to talk. "Sure, I'm starving too, lets go" She had a couple runes on her neck that were barely visble, and there were a few on her arm. Sometimes she felt self-concious about them, but she had grown used to it, plus people at this school knew what they were.
Danni was fed up of all the looks she was getting in the dorm. She supposed she should be used to it by now after all this time but somehow she felt she never would be. Pushing through the crowds of people now amassed in the massive dorm, Danni headed towards the cafeteria to find some food, or at least something which was better than the hell of her dorm.

After sitting there a while i started to become rather hungry, as i sat up from my bed i realized i forgot to put my necklace on. My prize necklace of vampire fangs, these fangs were those of my ancestors and were collected. As a dawned my necklace i thought about what kind of things my ancestors did, warriors, priests, chieftains, it seems like there should be so many stories... Yet there are none. Taking my mind off of puzzles i went to the cafeteria to see what I could find. Getting close to the cafeteria i noticed something... there was a normal person here. I hadn't been able to sense it earlier but now that i wasn't bogged down by new smells i could follow it. Passing people of all kinds i eventually found what i was looking for, or at least what i thought i was looking for. She had blonde hair and had a tattoo on her arm. "would it be inappropriate to go up to her and ask her what she is doing here?" i thought to myself as i drew closer to her. From what i know most humans wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this... yet here she is just walking around with no cares in the world. As i drew along side her i looked over and asked her "If you dont mind may I ask you a question?" a ever so slight look of confusion on my face.
Luckily for her, the cafeteria was practically empty, most people were in the halls outside it heading to their dorms to settle in. Well at least she wasn't going to be looked at like the scum of the earth in here then because that was such a pain in the ass she had to say.

She stopped thinking quickly however when someone spoke, her head whipping round to see who had spoken. "Who me?" Danni asked unsurely as she tried to deduce what race she was dealing with this time. Vampire. She'd learnt enough about them since her family didn't exactly get on with vampires but there we go.

"Yes you" i said as i came up beside her. "If i'm not mistaken you're human" i paused a moment to look around "and you being here might classify as a bit strange" If she has had any other experience with vampires she might even be the daughter of a hunter or something to that extent. trying not to offend someone on the first day i threw my hands up a little "Don't worry about me i'm not going to eat you or anything, just curios"
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"Nah **** sherlock" Danni replied "And strange doesn't begin to cover it but I go here nonetheless." she shrugged. Just when she thought she'd gotten away from the awkward it seemed to follow her. "Also, if I'm not mistaken, you're a vampire" she pointed out just for the damn hel of it, if he could point out what she was then she would damn well do the same.

"I didn't mean any offense" I think she just might be a bit touchy, I wonder why that is? "and yes I am a vampire." I wondered why she went to this school of all places to go. Now here i go offending people on the first day, and how am i suppose to make friends here in the first place? an inner debate now plays in my head to stay or go. "I wasn't meaning to talk down to you I was just curious... seeing as I have never been around anyone other then normal people, and now I am surrounded by people that are like me. The funny thing is that's where the similarities end"
"Of course not" she replied cynically. Why the hell did she have to go to school here, couldn't she have just gone to boarding school with humans? It wouldn't have been that hard, just pack her off to her mother's family and hey presto. But no. No instead they sent her to school with her brothers because it was easier for them. Even more people to hate her like. "So basically you're as much of an outsider as I am mentally." Danni commented. Just not so physically, she added in her head.
"Yes, Exactly" i said. "So I thought I would come over and introduce myself, there is strength in numbers... that and no one wants to be alone" I thought this was a good way of going about things, trying to be friendly I ask her "So what is it that brought you here?" I wanted to know why so far the only normal person here was here, or was she really normal?
"I dunno, loneliness seems to be normal for me" Danni muttered before adding in her head, Just like being the punching bag for the supernatural. "What brings me here?" she repeated with a slightly sour tone "That would be my stupid family refusing to let me go somewhere different to my brothers when I happen to be the only human kid in my family" Danni scowled

Wait what did she just say? did she just say she is the only person in her family that isn't supernatural? My mind races through what on earth she could be akin to, and after a second i snap back to reality "So if your the only "normal" kid in your family what exactly are, or were, you supposed to be? That is if you don't mind me asking" This girl was interesting to say the least
She paused. Should she tell this guy, this random guy she might add, how screwed up her life was? "Technically....." Danni started, decided to just get it over with, he'd find out soon enough since the rest of the school already knew and freshmen find out within the first day. "I'm supposed to be a werewolf"

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