The Beaconhurst Academy


"Well I wouldn't have guessed a werewolf" as the words came out of my mouth i realized something... "Im sorry i must seem rude, My names Dominic, and its nice to meet you?" As i made my introduction I realized I had forgot to get her name as well. I seem to be out of it today.
Danni raised an eyebrow "Well what did you guess then?" she asked, trying her best not to be snappy but her tone still had it hidden under a few layers. "Dominic" she nodded "I'm Danni, resident supernatural punching bag/play toy"

I looked her up and down for a moment before adding "I don't think you would make a good punching bag, you don't seem to be the person to let people walk all over you." She might not be one of "us" but she has a never back down attitude about her. Thinking about it I am surprised she hasn't just flipped me the bird and walked off by now
She sighed "Well I'm not but it's part of a survival deal I have here so I kinda have to just go with being their little play thing" Danni explained before pausing and adding "Which technically makes you a part of that deal since you're supernatural"

"I don't know about you... but i don't need a plaything, but i wouldn't mind having a friend" if thats how she has been treated here then I might be able to bring her some peace of mind, that and a friend. Of all the people i would meet today it just so happened that i meet some one who might need a friend as much as i do.
There was a long pause. "Hmmm.... Well I don't know if I'll be any good at being a friend but I can try?" Danni suggested. This boy was definitely weird, especially for a vampire and seemed to be handling the wolf thing very well.

"So what is there to do around here?" I asked her as I looked around "Because so far all I've found here is my room and the food hall." taking my mind off of our conversation i began to think about what all of this place was going to be like. I never had a formal education, for I was mostly taught by my father, so I had no idea how classes even worked. From what i gathered from movies school was where teachers talked at you a lot and expected you to know things, so this might be harder then i thought.
"Well..." Danni started "There's the library, the common rooms, the gym and the grounds but the fun you have all depends on the people you know" she winked at him

well i don't know anybody except her so it was only logical what the nest question was. "So what is it that you do for fun then?" I asked her, i didn't really know her other then a she has a wolf family, and I pray that I don't have to meet them that might get awkward. So as my only friend in the world right now I might as well get to know her.
She thought for a moment "Mainly I end up training in the gym, I may be a toy around here but the supernatural seem to like their toys to be more like action figures than puppets" Danni said, trying to make it a bit funny at least "Other than that, the dauntless often throw a game of capture the flag and if you're lucky you get invited"

I realized that I had no idea what house she was. i didn't mind workouts or training, but i rather liked to talk then fight "Well after lunch do you want to go to the gym then?" I asked her as i motioned towards the lunchroom. "Oh and what house are you?" i piped in at the last second
"I don't mind, is that your sort of thing?" she asked heading into the cafeteria. "And as odd as being a human in a supernatural school is, it's even odder for said human to be in dauntless but that's where I seem to be. What about you?"

"Yeah i like workouts and such, but most of my talents are elsewhere i am in Amity house" as we came into the room i looked around and found that they had sweets here. I loves sweets. I Got my cup of blood and a plate and got a bunch of sweet things like cake and pudding and doughnuts. "So what foods do you like to eat?"
"Ah" Danni nodded, the house all the explanation she needed. It explained the whole 'nice vampire' thing this guy had going on, it explained it a lot. "Well I like lots of things." she answered "Chips, chips and gravy is good but also chocolate, that stuff is amazing"

well the thing is that normal people food makes vampires really sick" i then looking down at my food smiled "but its so damn good i cant help myself sometimes" as i sat down at the table i looked around to see people in groups eating at other tables, vampires, wolves, fey creatures (pixies and the like), elves, and most of them were in groups of their own kind.
"I know it does, I'm not stupid you know" Danni scowled slightly, getting automatically defensive. As they walked, she felt a lot of eyes on them. She got it, she was the toy and they wanted to see who was playing with her, especially since it was in what they deemed an unusual way because she was apparently underneath them
Luke frowned as he made his way to the cafeteria. His roommate was less than thrilling, being only of average intelligence. It annoyed him when he was constantly surrounded by idiotic people. And he couldn't stand vampires. That would also pose a problem. Nevertheless, he would deal with it.

Coming through the doors, he took in the plethora of people there. As he was uninterested in them, he grabbed a small plate and selected a few fruits and vegetables. Not one for meat, he skipped those altogether. Taking a seat on his own, he began to munch on his food.


Blake smirked as he entered the cafeteria. His appetite called for something more specific, but he could wait for that. The different scents from everyone overwhelmed him, but he did his best not to let it show. All that did was a minor flinch. He grabbed blindly at the food, distracted by all the noise that was intensified. Taking his plate, he scanned the room for a place to sit. Various little groups were scattered around, but none of his previous friends were to be seen.

His eyes landed on a pair, a girl and a guy. The man was obviously a vampire, while the girl, he wasn't sure. She smelled human, but there was something else underlying it. He stared curiously, not noticing just how much he stared at the two.

As I sat down I noticed she was a little tense "Hey you alright" I asked as i sipped on my drink. "you know if you want we can eat somewhere else if you want"
Her head shook "No it's fine, I'm used to it these days" she shrugged "Anyone who's been here before knows who I am and they often like to make sure I don't step out of line. I get picked up by one my scent and two my tattoo" Danni explained, tapping her warrior band lightly. "Excuse me while I get some food if you will"

"alright" I said as she went off to get her own food. There was this guy that was staring at us and i knew he was staring but i didn't look at him for too long. I sat back sipping on my drink as she was gone, so far so good for my first day. The other people around the room were all eating a myriad of things and most of them didn't look too good to me but i like sweets so i guess that explains things.
Luke looked down at his plate, all of a sudden not wanting anything he had picked. With a sigh, he tossed he barely touched food and made his way to grab an apple. Picking the fruit, a small smile touched his lips. He turned rather quickly, intent on going back to his room. Fate, it seemed had other plans.

Luke collided with another body. His food was dropped to the floor as he reached to grab the person, catching them before they hit the floor. He was greeted by bright blue eyes and head full of blonde hair. After a moment, he stood her upright. "Are you alright?"


After the girl left, Blake was shook from his daze. He grinned and quickly sat down across from the guy who was left. He held out a hand, smiling still. "Hey there. The name's Blake, House Dauntless."

It wasn't as if he were trying to be creepy or anything. In his absence, most of his friends were gone, and he needed to make some new ones.
"Oh, I start blabbering" Clementine spoke gently and shook her head, some golden glitter falling from her hair. "I'm hungry, I really want some plums. Or maybe raspberries" An amused look appeared on her face as she corrected her uniform, and held out a hand to the girl up in th other bed. "Would you want to join me to the cafeteria?"

@Queen of Disney
Danni turned and collided headlong into someone blindly. But as she fell they caught her and righted her, that was weird in itself... For her, the main explanation was that they hadn't registered who she was yet which made sense if they had just thought fast. Stepping back, she immediately assessed the guy, noticing his features and determining the race so as to work out how much general threat he posed. Hmmm... Danni was thinking elf which meant he wasn't too much of a threat. She shook herself off "Yeah I'm fine" she said with a slight snap

As I took my eyes off Her I noticed this guy coming to the table and as he sat down he told me his name. This was the second person i meet today and i didn't want to seem rude "Dominic, Amity house" I told him in response. As i looked around I saw Danni talking to an Elf, either this was good or bad.
Luke took a step back, thinking over what he could do with this situation. On one hand, he could be just as rude back. It wasn't as if he had done it on purpose. And he could have simply let her fall. He was rather good at dishing out what he was served.

Then again, her marks indicated a Hunter, meaning she was a simple human. This place most likely intimidated her, causing her to lash out. Or it embarrassed her. Either which way, it would not do for him to make enemies here.

He inclined his head in a small nod. "I am terribly sorry. I did not mean to run you over like that...."


"Dominic. Nice to meet ya." Blake looked behind him, following the other vampire's gaze. A girl, the human he was with, and another guy, assumedly some sort of fae. "Friend of yours? I wouldn't be too worried. The most that guy could do is talk her ear off with his smarts..."

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