The Beaconhurst Academy

She was about to retort when a voice behind her made her go silent. “Danni Calloway what on earth do you think you’re doing?!” It called as she turned around to find the youngest of her brothers standing there.

“Jack…” Danni started but he cut her off. “Don’t ‘Jack’ me toy” he snapped at her “Now why haven’t you apologised to this guy for making him drop his food and for being rude yet?!” She stumbled over what to say as some of his mates came and backed him up. With a shake of his head her reached round and grabbed a handful of her hair from the back of her head before using it to spin her back round. “Now apologise” he said harshly right into her ear “Sorry” Danni stumbled in a whisper before there was yank on her hair prompting her to be louder and seemingly better “I’m sorry for making you drop your food and for being rude” she said clearly, her hands clenched at her sides.

“See there’s a good girl” Jack said softly as her let go of her hair and smoothed it back down. “By the way, a couple of the Candor boys want to see you later Danni, don’t be late this time” he added as he walked away leaving Danni stood there in silence, ignoring the pain in her head like always along with all the looks from a lot of people in the room who had pretty much all registered who was in the room now, their little toy. Dammit Jack.

"yeah i'm new here and she is the first person i have meet. So why is it of all the people here that you would come and talk to me?" I hope she would play nice and not be too snippy. I then turned my gaze back to Danni and saw the last of what just happened. I stood up promtly and nodded "another time then blake?" i said to him as I ran over to Danni. "Hey there are you alright Danni" I asked as i came up to her
Luke was dumbstruck by the whole ordeal that took place. It was simply idiotic . Not to mention picking on someone half your size. A great anger over took him as he stared after the man who mistreated this lady. No, he wasn't a man, he was a petulant boy. His eyes narrowed as he looked back to the girl. He didn't show any pity, as she would most likely be insulted by it.

As another came running up, he lowered his voice as to only let her hear. "I may not know you, hell, I don't even know your name, but that was unacceptable. I will not stand for that. And I can promise you, he will get what is coming to him. I will make sure of it."


Blake nodded as Dominic ran off after his human friend. "Yeah..." he muttered. "Another time..."

Why was it so hard to get back in the swing of things? He was only gone a year. It shouldn't be this difficult. Yet people questioned his motives for simply talking to them. They didn't when he was human... Maybe people didn't trust him now as a newbie. Sure he still struggled, but so did every vampire.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he tossed his untouched food and left the room.
Adeline smiled and nodded, taking Clementine's hand. " Yeah, I need something to eat" She jumped down and landed gracefully on her toes, letting go of the girl's hand and striding toward the door.
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Danni ran her fingers through her hair, fixing how she wanted it, loose and imperfect. "I'm fine okay?!" she snapped at them "And he's fine as well so you can leave Jack be" her voice cut like a blade as she spoke but she didn't care right now. "He's fine, I'm fine and that? That's the way things work around here and always have so just get the hell over it because I can handle myself and my brother"

"I'm sorry Danni" I said looking down at the ground. Her own brother would do this to her? who did he think he was? "but I wont let you handle this on your own" As i spoke i looked back up to her and meet her eyes, and at that moment my anger swelled and i clinched my fists. My first friend and this is how she is treated daily? this i just wouldn't stand for "your my first friend that i have had and I wont just stand back and watch you get hurt day after day" If I had to fight back... Then that's what I have to do, but nobody is going to treat my friend like this "and if you don't like it tough shit. I never give up, and I'm not going to give up on you"
"Let's run? or are you ok with me taking the form of a fairy?" Clementine asked, almost dancing out the doors. They would be heading out to see people in the cafeteria! People! Fuuun! Maybe she could meet prince charming here now? Hmm... Maybe she could. That would be rather fun though. Especially if he was the same race as her! Her parents couldn't possiby deny her to be with him then. Could they? No, no! that they couldn't. No, not at all.

Cleeeem! SNAP OUT OF IT! She yelled at herself inside of her head, even though she didn't show it at all.
"I don't mind at all" She said, watching the girl. She could tell that Clementine was lost in her thoughts, but though she was really good at reading people, Clementine was hard to read. She smiled to herself and raised her eyebrows. She was nervous about seeing everybody again, she hadn't seen them for a while, since she had been gone last year, she wasn't even sure if most of them would remember her. But Clementine remember her, so surely not all of them could have forgotten.
She growled at him. "Look I know you're trying to be nice and all but you're new here, very clear. You need to learn how things work and that you can't just change a status quo which has been in place since the school began jeez." Danni was pissed at him slightly, why couldn't he just leave it. "I'm fine with it and it's part of a deal I have with 1 the school and 2 the rest of the student body so will you back out of it!!"

"Fine" I said as I turned away "its obvious you don't car about anyone else, or want them ta care about you". I walked out of the cafeteria in a huff angry that she is so content with being abused all that time

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"1, not true and 2? Don't act like you understand me, you haven't even been here or known me like five minutes" Danni flung her words after him like daggers as she turned the other way, not wanting to watch him disappear. As she turned she got beckoned over by a group of wolves to which she duly headed over, plastering a smile on her face as she sat down.

This wasn't the end. I kept walking as she spoke. I wouldn't let this just die here without fighting for it. I glanced back as saw her sit down with some wolves. This is far from over.

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