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Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Emilia Knight

New Member

Profile Template!~




Appearance: [Picture or description is optional. I personally do both, but I am good with whatever]

*Hair Colour:

*Eye Colour:



*[More Appearance based 'stuff']

Class: [Mage/Warrior/Rogue]

Subclass: [Mage: fire/wind/darkness/thunder. Etc..]

Alignment: [What kingdom is your person from/supportive of]


Romantic Status: [in a relationship: yes/no]

Weapon(s) of Choice:

Reason for Joining Shepards:





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Name: Luc

Age: 16

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.37e4195d719d80247fb070e2b76b1c3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.37e4195d719d80247fb070e2b76b1c3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(I actually used my avatar from the game. " ^_^ )

Other features: Eye patch.

Class: Grandmaster.

Alignment: He hails from a different realm where the word peace is never said.

Sexuality: heterosexual

Relationship: None

Weapons: A soothing sword and a Archfire.

Reason of Joining Shepherds: So others won't have to see the same things I did back at my realm.

Personality: Kind of lazy but very dependable, into gothic clothing, very defendant about his pride.

Likes: Gothic clothing, doing peaceful things, relaxing, the colour black

Dislikes: Whiny people, being told what to do, fighting.

Backstory: Back at his realm the world 'apocalypse was just an understatement. People everywhere... dying but not by Grima, humanity as a whole finally snapped and all went down to hell from there. Luc's parents were killed when he fled from the realm never to return.



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Name: Joey

age: 15



Class: Mage

Alignment: he's with the sheperds

Sexuality: heterosexual

Relationship: N/A

Weapons: arch ligthning/ fire and a silver sword

Reason of Joining Shepherds: He did came from the same future from chroms daughter and he watch his parents get killed right in front of him by his evil self (like your evil self when you fight grima) and he want's to stop people from hurting others

Personality: he's shy but once you get to know him he is not shy any more he's a bookworm.

Likes: books magic swords friends

Dislikes: death and bully's

Backstory: He knows chroms daughter because she is his friend from childhood until one day grima attacks the sheperds castle and he killed Joey's parents in front of him so he followed lucenia (forgot how to spell her name) and now he is with her and the other sheperds to protect the present.
Name: Pru

Age: 18

Gender: Female



Darker skinned a scar running down her left eye and left lip

*Hair Colour: Blonde

*Eye Colour: brown

*Height: 5ft 9in

*Weight: 55kg

Class: Rogue

Subclass: Archer

Alignment: Pregia, Shepards

Sexuality: bisexual

Relationship: None (open to suggestions though)

Weapons: Longbow and family sword

Reasons for joining the shepards: Only hope to save her county, plus only place she could put her skill to use.

Personality: Quite stoic and reserved, keeping a professional air about her with others. She troubled and depressed though due to her experiences and might catch her crying when she is on her own. Sometimes though if you are lucky or sufficiently got yourself under skin, you might find a hidden cheeky, humorous and fun loving girl.

*Likes: Books, hunting, cooking, fashion

*Dislikes: Magic, bullies, state of her home


Trouble Comes in Two:

Name: Elise Kalie Mallen

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female


Hair Colour: Elise's hair is an auburn colour and cut in a short fashion that reaches just to her shoulders. Her bangs are also cut so that they are just out of her eyes.

Eye Colour: They're eye colour is a green olive colour to them.

Height: 5'2''

Weight: 120 lbs

Class: Mage

Subclass: Uses mostly fire tombs

Alignment: Elise is faithful to Ylisse and the Shepards

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Romantic Status: Not in a relationship.

Weapon(s) of Choice: Fire tomb, and a simple steel sword

Reason for Joining Shepards: She thought that she would be able to help people who couldn't help themselves.

Personality: Elise is a very strict person when it comes to training. She is always trying to be the best that she can be, and she isn't going to let anyone get in her way. While some may see her as stuck up, she is just trying to get by herself. She will try her best to help others, though she isn't a very sympathetic person if they only bare excuses. She will respect anyone who puts effort behind trying to make themselves better.

Name: Yorren Jace Mallen

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male


Hair Colour: Yorren has a very similar hair colour compared to his sister. However his is a little darker, and cut much a fair bit shorter than what hers is. His hair a a little more 'flat' compared to his sisters more 'fluffy' hair however.

Eye Colour: They're eye colour is a green olive colour to them. However, Yorren's is more green than "olive" colour.

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 129.5 lbs

Class: Rogue with some magic use

Subclass: Archer, however he will also use a wind tomb if he dose not have access to a bow

Alignment: Much like his sister, Yorren is very pro-Ylisse. However he will try and help anyone who needs it, no matter what their lineage.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Romantic Status: Not in a relationship currently

Weapon(s) of Choice: Blessed Bow, or Wind tomb

Reason for Joining Shepards: To make sure that his sister would be safe, and so that he would be able to protect those in need.

Personality: Unlike his sister, Yorren is a very easy going person. He is easy to talk to, and can talk for hours if given the chance. He likes to make people feel welcomed, and will often help his sister out with her 'people skills' when it is needed. He thinks quickly on his feet if he is in a tight situation, and is a very on the fly sort of strategist. If he is making a plan, then he has to be able to see the situation, he cannot just guess. However, as said before, he will be able to make a plan on the spot once he is able to assess the situation.

Backstory: The twins never had an easy life. Their mother had left when they were young and their father had left for the war that was over in Plegia. They were never really sure of their lineage, however they never really cared. Elise held a sort of resentment towards their mother, where as Yorren grew a sort of soft spot for other who were thrown into their position, not really caring about his parents.

The two worked hard to keep their home, a small house that was owned by a humble farmer, his wife and their young son. The two worked in the fields like the other children, and were always grateful to the people who took them in. They worked both on the farm and also in the small village, working as different things. Yorren had become the 'mailman' of the town, and also kept to the small library that they had in the town square. Whereas Elise was more of the store keepers assistant. She would help carry the stuff into the small shop and sometimes would work with the money if the owner was away.

It was a pretty good life for the two.

That is until the night that raiders came and attacked. Ever since they were young, the two had taken lessons in fighting tactics and skills, and this was their final test. In the end, the two were able to save most of the villagers, by helping them slip past the bandits. Though they did have help from Chrom, Elissa, Fredrick, the others and Elise who distracted and helped fight the bandits as Yorren helped guide the people to safety. It was shortly after that, that the two joined up with the Shepards. They felt the need to help others, as others had helped them.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/21karkn.jpg.7efa46f455ea1beb6cb6b6bff074356b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/21karkn.jpg.7efa46f455ea1beb6cb6b6bff074356b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Matthias Corvinus

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 195 lbs


Matthias is not as serious as his face appears, rather, he was born with a rather unfortunately large forehead and strong brow, which gives him the appearance of constantly glaring.

Class: Cavalier

Alignment: Valmese Noble

Sexuality: Bisexual

Romantic Status: None

Reason for Joining Shepherds: To win favor and fame


Matthias was raised as a proper Valmese noble, schooled in the violin, singing, dancing, politics, and an odd new game of strategy a defamed noble had brought back from Ylisse, the blue-haired noble had dubbed it "Chess". He also dubbed himself "The Archest of Tacticians" but that was beside the point. As he was raised to be a noble, he has a tendency to look down his nose at people, usually not speaking much until he has passed judgement on them. While he might often wear a serious expression, he is most often more capricious than anything else, wanting to play up his own theatrical role as a mysterious foreign noble. His dramatic flare is mostly to cover up that he doesn't do much interesting with his time, and has trouble making friends. His best friend is his horse, Meredith, and he's easily found around the stables talking with her and sleeping beside her when his isolation gets to him and the he needs the hay to hide his sobs.

Likes: Horses, Acting, Reading, Being Dramatic

Dislikes: Quiet, Boring People, Seriousness


Matthias lived a rather uneventful life as a son of a unmarried woman and a dead noble in Valm, he and his mother served largely as accessories to the court of larger nobles, perhaps to one day to be used as fodder for a lesser marriage to a merchant's daughter or some such political move. Matthias was the only child in the castle most of the time, as such he sometimes would act out to gain attention, this eventually evolved into a habit of melodrama. When the Conquerer took over the domain and the lord of the castle fled, the courtiers scrambled for a suitable heir to the throne amongst themselves. Finding none they settled on the youngest and most charismatic. Matthias was given power over a small domain of farmers and craftsmen after a defamed noble had his dominion broken up when Valm was restored by Ylisse's campaign against the conquerer Walhart. Prior to that he had been a minor courtier, and so he was highly inexperienced in running a fiefdom. As such he left the power in the hands of his Mother and left into the world to game fame and favor of other nobles to strengthen his own standing, and to become a little wiser in the ways of the world. He was directed to Ylisse by a rumor that there was an excess of eligible young women, many skilled warriors, who had fought for Valm and may be looking to return.



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