The Barren Mother

i have to go to the library to print things off and they charge one of the very very very very many accounts i have as an adult now

and not to mention i can't even get to the stinking textbook because the world is stupid and BLARGH

Don't mind me venting.

Everything after seven in the afternoon makes me angry.

starting with a wing meeting that i didn't know we were having and making an old acquaintance made friend as of yesterday angry because we were going to meet for dinner and grrrrRRRR

this is why i have morning classes


eight in the morning morning classes

XP Sounds like this isn't your day Pine...

Man, I'd probably still be sleeping if I could...

On a completely random note, I can barely sit down and climb the stairs without aching like crazy.

I had an intense volleyball practice today, but I feel proud of myself....
Haha, I had a nightmare about being late to class.

I was doomed from the start!

and also my room was super untidy

whereas my room is really only slightly untidy and that stressed me out too lol

tomorrow is another day though of actually learning and the only textbooks i have are for my tuesday/thursday classes and the online thing that i can't get to orz

Ohh, volleyball, fun times!

That was how I felt moving day... haha...

I feel like I bounced back remarkably well from an entire summer of just laying in my bed. lol
Geez Pine, you need to give yourself a break!

Yup! That's unfortunate, oh dear.

I'm not the best though, but I try my best! :3 You're either born with or without it. Haha! JK, work is what gets you there (talent, talent too)


You know what, I'm actually starting to feel it now. (Kinda)
I feel like it's kind of a universal thing with all universities. xD

especially since this one is p huge

One of my classes is held in the auditorium.


I have 500 classmates.

When I found this out, I wanted to cry.

classes haven't even started yet lol

i'm doomed orz

But on a serious note, I'm going to take a syllabus quiz (literally why is this a thing?) and go to bed...

then wake up naturally at four in the morning because that's how i operate now apparently

Bruh, effort wins any day of the week, sincerely.

Well, I mean, you have to have at least some degree of competence, but then +effort and you'll be fantastic.

Like seventh grade when I randomly decided I actually wanted to do well in band.

rather i decided that i didn't like other people doing better than me haha

and i liked being first chair
Well I'm awkward, hah! :3

Mhmm, bed does sound good. (Problem is I can never fall asleep as well anymore.)

Interesting, I tend to wake earliest at five or six. I suddenly have this internal clock.


Yep, it all pays off in the end~

XP Sounds similar. I've been playing flute since the fourth grade, so yah, plus first chair is always nice... :3 
Also, I think my toes are bruised (crazy attempt at trying to save this ball)
Yeah, I think I had my internal clock going on and off during the summer.

I think it's because one of the people I'm role playing with is in England and gets on at anywhere between four and five in the morning, so... LOL

there's one aspect in life that role play is helping me??

My roommate started playing in fourth grade, too, if I remember correctly, but I started playing sixth grade.

Which just reminded me of a sort of kind of music appreciation class I was in today.

A tuba player just so happened to sit next to me, and when I said I played flute, he was just like, "Yeah... I don't know if we can get along anymore."

It took me a moment to realize that he was trying to fit me into the stereotype, which I am anything but, minus the occasional airheadedness (which can also be attributed to me being blonde). xD

That must suck though, let's be real here.
Haha, true!

Although if I'm really tired my clock turns off and I sleep until ten heh

Interesting... My friend started in six grade playing the trumpet! :3

Ah, I've heard that. I take flute very seriously, like beyond serious. My band friends think I worry too much, haha

It does, but I've faced worse. I think I hit the ball too hard in volleyball, I have some bruises. (I really have to work on that)
My instrument is the pencil
I have yet to actually be woken up by my alarm clock, since I'm already awake, so... lol

Yeah, generally is someone is a flute player and they actually care... then they're cool.

except for one of my freshman who didn't but she's cool regardless in spite of loving one direction way too much sobs

Is mayonnaise an instrument?
no pi mayonaise is not a instrument

horseradish isnt an instrument either
I feel so lied to.

ughh i want to go down for lunch because cereal is tricky and like it makes you think you're full but then you're starving in the next hour and just ugh

but the line is probably long

and why do i feel obligated to do online things atm lol?
sorry but i cant let you go on believing those things are instruments

idk exactly what you're talking about but food is good you should eat food
im playing sapphire and im so disappointed i googled if i could get misdreavus bcuz i didn't know and i cANT what a let down
Okay, I'll take that in account the next time I find one in my jeans...

*pats the let down Ghost on the back*

Sorry, buddy, that sucks...

(Reminds me of the the time I did that different Pokemon and game, though)

I don't think I've ever really used misdreavus.

Maybe mismagius a couple of times in the game and on showdown, but otherwise...
i wouldnt eat anything in my pockets that didnt have a wrapper

but then again mine arent vry clean

whats even the point of playing if i cant get my favorite pokemons??

i had a misdreavus that i leveled up a lot and evolved into a mismagus in one of my games but i ended up trading it for something legendary but i regret it so muCH SOBS SO MUCH IM SUCH A BAD TRAINER I MISS YOU

pie look [media]

oooo artists

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