The Barren Mother

@SkyGinge also for reference this is a common thing in america 
OHHH oooooh!!! My second character battle is here!!! 
also, mr golden sun @Sunflakes, r we gonna get a post soon one of our other rp members says she is curious (\( * w *

no rush tough!!
I should have a roleplay up sometime. I'm currently in the middle of an OOvOO call. :P And there's nothing special to be curious about, haha.
Alright ( 0 u 0

it just we're so excited to rp
nah nah goldy its okay

any posts at all are great, no matter how late!

Hi Pine, heard this was accepting and I am intrigued..... Can I still join, or at least reserve for the moment? You know how long it takes for moi to make a character... :3 I basically just found out this moment............
@Circus pie said she's waiting for sky to post, but mostly cuz shes busy with college and stuff

so i guess there's a chance pie might post first?

and we're doing post order based off the first times we post, so right now its pi-ghost-chaos-goldy (since thats how we ended up posting)

and you and sky can post whenever you want i think

Yep yep ~

I'll put you down.

What sort of position role thing were you interested with?

we still have the girl available /waggles eyebrows


Pretty much what Goats said.

I was waiting on Sky (and you because I had been missing out on notifications and didn't see you mentioning that you would wait ahaha), but I might see about posting later today, but I also need to get ahead on studying/quizzes/getting clickers (because apparently that's a thing), and probably a nap, too, because my first class is at 7:30 in the morning sob.

Yaaaay! :3

Sorry, might have to decline, hehe...:tongue:

I sort of already started on his skelly because it takes me forever....

At least Im almost dooooone! :3

My charrie may or may not be gay, but already has a boyfriend.... (Haha, yeah he's homo)

He's like any other guy, not stereotypical....

Anyways, expect to have him soon and a minor character, his boyfriend, if it's okay! :3
No, it's okay.

I think I'll just have to force the next person who wants to join to be the female heeee.

& bruh, bruh, that's totally fine.

I know there are people out there who can role play different sexualities competently. xD

but yaaaaaay for a minor character /spins
Okay, good, otherwise I'd feel very bad....

Hahaha! I knew ittttt, but feel free. This is your roleplay~ (Course they could still deny it, but anyways)

Cool, cool, sounds good!

Haha! Yep, guess I'm one of
those people!

Yippee! I'd probably create more, but all in due time....
(You will seeee)

Dang, I need breakfast, Imma go get some, well make some I'm not wearing pants haha. (Sorry tmi)
well if they do that

they ain't gettin' in mah role play

THOSE people



ohhh looking forward to it

idk if i'll use even half of these minor characters but anyway


it's okay i'm not wearing pants either

no jk i am because i'm waiting outside my lab atm lol

but i wish i wasn't

just to say i wasn't haha
Haha, classic Pine~


Yeah, true, trueee~

I gotta make his BF, though, otherwise saying he has a boyfriend and never seeing him makes no point.

I see~

Yeah, being at home rocks, school starts soon for me, though. Dang, summer went by so quickly....
school is coming closer and closer

and im having more trouble falling asleep the closer it comes ugh

if i had to think of something to compare school to, it would have to be azkaban
As I have learned, college makes me so moody. xD

One moment I'm like ~*~*~ WOW COLLEGE IS GR9 I LOVE LIVING ON A CAMPUS ~*~*~ then there are those moments when I get super stressed out over small things like I don't know BLACKBOARD? BUYING TEXTBOOKS? ONLINE TEXTBOOKS BECAUSE APPARENTLY I HAVE THE WRONG PASSWORD AND THE SITE CRASHES ALL THE TIME??

/screams into pillow
It's okay.

It's just this technology age...

Like, I live on my laptop, but I would much rather keep all my school things on pen and paper.

but online textbooks are so much cheaper

why am i so cheap lol
you can buy the online textbooks

and print the important papers?

if you're okay with wasting paper, that is

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